. .. it . r? ."???; ^ '?? .V :;v;.*J-. \..y . y', jY.^'vT. ?;;'-:.i:'r ,-f; "v'~ ?-:';v-V"'-- - ^ t *1^ V**7"^ 'f'"'1?-.'-v-'-". v':V5i-.ArtVV^-^V ? .;-? ? ??? .??. ? t $ 4? 4* 4 4 4 4$ 4* 4 4 4 4 4*4'4*4|iW??^*' ? V ;- -,3f- -'J^7> * ? '? ? ? \- '-v - T;^ ? ..?? ^ ?i?3MBiM}v?gfi^/-iMP^j?g>3M L1^l?#-.!lLi'<>w-?*;r;'" .^i/y-'j.. S- J '"!--- - -? - .'^l^*^WM<**'*f?,^1>>?iw.i;i-1 y*^WM?#J?|i?^?yi'*^w^*.,>- . VTAVTtira W||||1mi| ???j, I mi*4ii^4'w ? fLB-MiMi ? j- I I ? irgi hi ?* v sv tttMwv Mt^AfeAVi '? ? ' . ' ? , i . - ? ?? ? ?,:; .? , _OOU?iTT, A* v ?' V NUMBER SIXTEEN . 1^ \^m - ??? AVMnMflR I'ViiMi. nnn i/p ?- v% #^1 VI B m Till ?B ~-, Ur M B ^L * '; 'B ? ? T-'',.-*' *''^^?1 K^vV ^BL Ie. ' ~ ? wj^t Bv H j-jp _. M I Bidding Coatwws ? Stroar On Fanmtflle I Tobacco Market; All ? Day Sales At Wate I hnilflffl anil XMF SflMS xlvUUJVD ^ I ing of Baskets Very Satisfactory^ I The four FarmviHe WBrehoaaes are ? daily paying the higher averages in M years to fernerf from ?T score of coaatkft, who sell on. this market, ac cording1 to B. A. Fields, sales saper I visor. A comparison of figures reveal I that a total of 2^80,420 pownd* were I sold last season at around $17, and a total of 3?89,988 pounds sold for the same number of days this season at around $27. The advance in the pries range, ? which marked sales on opening day, I has held strong throughout these I ancceeding days, and farmers are I well phased with their a^les. Sur-H I veys in the warehouses show very jl few tags being turned. A large amount of common tips I I showed up in offerings of this week, I I but the quality of tobacco in general I I was legaided as fair with some rope- I I rior grades on the-floors each day. ? M The new sales system inaugural- I ed this season, which makes it poesi- I hie for both warehouse firms- to have I a first ssle beginning at nine o'clock I and continuing throughout the day I I every day, bee proven very success- I I tul, giving as it does to the grower, I I the assursnce of a sale at either I house on the day he brings his tobac- I co to market. Sales breese along at a satisfac- I tory dip too now that the wider I ? spacing of baskets has been put into I I operation bare; a space of 20 inches I I is left between each row and 10 inch- I es between baskets in the row. This I I was done for the purpose of giving fl buyers a better opportunity to see I and inspect each basket before it is I ? sold, sad farmerB as well as tobacco- I I nists believe that it is the moat sat- I I iafactory of any floor plan devised I I for obtaining better prices for every I M grade. ? I I CRISIS COMING? I Singapore, Sept. 3.?A fully motor- I ised and equipped Indian army jpoar I tingent arrived at Singapore today I to bolster. Britain Malayan foreea on I I an alert basis under a warning by I I Governor Sir Shenton Thomas that I I a crisis was coining. I Rushed from India on several fl I transports, the contingent included I seasoned Moslem riflemen, veterans I of the Northwest frontier campaigns, I I Indian signalmen and a British artil- ? I lary unit equipped with tractor- I I drawn guns. I Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert I I Brooke-Popham, commander of Brit- I iah Par Eastern forces, saw tike troops debarks, ready to go into ae- I ? tk>n. They added te the Singapore I army already swollen by frequent I I arrivals of Australian troops. Sir Shenton warned that "Japan! I is coming steadily nearer" and said I British officials (fid not Ibaow how ? I much longer the war cound behaptM I from the Par East I Clink For Cripples jfl I To Be Held FridayH I The State Ozthopedis dmic will be! I hdd Friday in Greenvfile frm 12:8(H| I to 4 p. m. ? This chnie takes sll types I ?ny*i not required; that patients be H w9 w pDJyKHw ~ yT M* Wvk j ' ni ,v a? F W Ijr UJ9 COuiMn OI I | ^ ^ ~ tt I I ,? _V x? - r JiAU -.JCvlwJ ? dHMMi iFltfll flrnflf {h)QfiUc$'' 7, ' ^|ui ititei far Muna I Wiffiam S. fficks Jr, Yale Stadent, Was Guest Speaker At Wednesday Morning The F&naville graded school open ed Wednesday with an enrollment of Ss S to Superintendent J. H. Moore, which showed an lutJi* in the high school end a slight The receipt is for 221-^ bushefcrof j fair quality wheat and was issued to j Jfn. R. C. Crandall, by W R. WHch ard, fsiifcer of L. R. Whidiarf. The receipt jto rigaad by Jolnu|fag, as sessor, third tax district? 0# North Carolina. It is dated- October 19,| 1864. * | The receipt explains that the goy-J emment was entitled to the levy ml accordance with a* act ?to lay for the common defense and carry on* the government of the GonflriSate The forai has-a column to lM ttel 'ttbTfe? W ^^hy Age of the document, addttra to whea^^te j hun^^red dollsra for I !*2ncnAt*f!!ltlAft ? , 2 p fliilvilyi luUvll I * C3n RUuCMwS Presi M. "?' r\ WW 4* j ?. ? w"J^? ww BP-' - - '^tvIlltlllttCC Ti|fi fllimlti s ^K. ? jfeyw Mil -' ItlTIl^ sociation of American Railroads, es that ww enough equipment to move ?from six to eight million barrels of ? Pelley appeared at the commit-j bility of using tank cars to help] increase the flow of oil to the East, ?supplies since water-route deliveries I were curtailed after the transfer of la number of sea-going tankers to I The railroad man said that de-l ?spite the general increase in the ?transportation of 63 production, the! ?use of rail tank cars for that pur-1 IpoM had declined in recent years,] land hence a surplus of care wasl Pelley said that information as toj ?the number of tank cars available ] could have beea} produced earlier had | anyone indicated'that it was needed] In this connection, he expressed] ?surprise at the testimony of Bahjhl ?k. Davies, acting petroleum eoordi Inator, who told the committee last nite information I have continual; I Pelley said he had never received I any request from Davies for any II linformation, although he told Davies H in June that he would be glad to I cooperate in furnishing such date. I I Before Pelley submitted his state- I ?scribed the enforced curtailment of I "glaring example of bureaucratic committee to find "some rational ?plan to assure fbel oil and gasoline I ?to northeasternere this Winter. ' ' ? ' ? It wont be long now before con servative newspapers, in this coon- I Bring to the Hon. Joseph Stalin. I pariey.??:- ~ 5 ? j- > .'??ins i^a I P' W* R I .assesses' nay awes w , s I^TiL rui lyi* " t-tJr ' 1116 ^.y ? ? Ivfftffcfft 1I r IT w|Wir511 m w vm I i lunditm fno I red. There-we the reports that the] lewe^lend supjjes to compete with o^ trad^ The idea hdilhd l?j to create suspicio^between the Unit-l ed SUt^^ Grea^Britata. Jome! Lin" * fashion that hardly permita 'i^l | futation through aetual facta wttton|I| reva^v informatiott that may be | Anyway, the people of this country J might as well uwfcwtimd the nature | I of the propaganda campaign now un I derway to discredit an aid to the na tions fighting against ag^^i^o^| ling an effective arsenal of democra-l I when we go further and point out! I that, the" declared policy of the Unit-I ed States, as approved by Congress) and, the Chief Executive in an effort to avoid actual, participation in al shooting war, is being undermined by | a determined faction' that does not J IISSZ seek internal division of lour people in the face of a terrible J danger that may later engulf thia I hemisp I It is one thing for the opponents 1 of the President's foreign policy to Rlambast it when it is in the formula tive stagej or before it lp* been ap-1 I proved-by Congress, but it' is quite al | different proposition for Americans I to undermine the prestige aT Jtlufr j I with foreign affairs. I Obviously, the President, under] the Constitution, is entitled to dir&t I our foreign affairs. His course has the approval of a majority of Con I gress and, we feel sure, a majority ? of the people of I A ruthless mwority, whether ritfrtj or wrong, sincere or not, d&s not) I h^ve the righ^to ilodc tha right^tftl the'majority to rule and to represent! the natton k, Nation with otto na <""aL I jnakm and bad" feeling ag?il?t powers ler and his German regime. Never-' I theleas, loyal Ame^ns at?mv *rr?e nmw A i ARMY AHIp LHlJVAt:'?'>. ~.sr.f,^1 CALLS JA* AIV o MqBIMIJjw:yfc-r. Announcement that an American 1 | ^ leave. ^^^^1 , , tn .MniS Mihrfance to I , vcfOllUHwOXl yw, JWJllUy* llijpHiewi' 1 ' i. *>g ?yt+f ?? l4ni /ff '* I ? / | - M V?. I I L wi' - ??.lPr?.'? * r.?. ? -t'\., iril-j- 'l-v/l. ??- i f il I Kaff. i^-'ri i >i j )L'i" >& ^ jgg:yi-U*%B ih^V fi5tiffiijg ?fr^jr'^T; J*X"J - * $&%&?**? '& ?*? xt^-r" -'yr^ Sftvs Eitippc'pnpv TfP" I I ?j ^ " '? ;vi^jT^V_ . fI I 4?.; i^Si A 3s5fi *, " ? '<&' '< I 4 iPifityfti WTAIII! : ' gr? h iwralts at the' "approaches" to beseig- I I ed Leningrad, where a &vtat ?tt*k I I under personal command ot Marshal ? I Klementi Vorqshilov was said to hare ? hurled the Nazis back three miles. ? The battle for Russia's second city I I and magnificent former Czarist capi- I smashing ba? ?of the struggle under way every- ? B^?e|dong the key sectors of the ? d ra I tanks, 20 trucks and many other I I vehicles. . ? :>53( vr.---: .!%>? 1 ^ "Th^^roriS&iBiiitoS' ^^fcetribcd1'' an 1 ooTtin