? finfl, TfpQnjn oft wprtft yfhlpff iu^i ^ _ _'_ _ . ; | t V I ~ ^ ? ' ...J PqP -j --' STbTT^>,000 tima of ^ steel ie 1942. While soma woridpssi will low their jobs, defense officials ? they <*y find employ "fPI Semtor of ^Iste^iSf has served notice that when the priee s?fag bill readies the Senate, he trill \ demand that any ceiling on Jam products be tied directly fo*tite price ;* index on wages and labor, and that both, of these be figyfMo and geareed! to the coat of living." ONE OUT OF BIGHT . Leon Henderson* Price Adnunistza-1 tor,? says that the nation is producing I forty-five per cent more than In 1929, but that only one hour out ?f every . eight is given to defense. Hitler, he ?- says, is using five out of every right hours for military purposes ? . i I . ... NATIONAL INCOME The national inhume ffcr 1941 is estimated at ninety-three or ninety KiUvm dollars, by Leon Henderson, Price AdmuBBtndnf, who aays that this compares with fJSftOO,000,000 in 1949 and $70,000,009,000 in 1989. ^ I . " STEEL The production-of steel will be ex- I ponded by 10,000,000 tone a year at a cost of $1,000,000,000, under a re cent bill increasing the borrowing and lending power of the KFCX f v I RUBBER r I The Rubber Reserve Company, an organisation set up by the Govern ment to aecuxe adequate rubber sup plies for the nation's defense effort, had 166?14 tons on hand on October 11. 135,323 tons afloat and 145,664 tons awaiting shipment in foreign I porta. 1 ?ifFICJAMT Transportation facilities will be taxed in their utmost during the Christmas holidays and it is expected . * that soldiers on furfangh will have a preferred status in securing trans' portation. With 1,600,000 in Army camps there wiB be a mans exodus to get home for tha holidays. ' ^IsPriwmW '' as tv* ?-i.- j> j - ^ , mmmV i/ttDQiMMni tot aeiense porpo# 000,000?eighteen. per cent -higher OCJT " 2TT^' I their resources. ( A. s"cescil2T "* fUrwf come" for the nation fe reported by tfe Commerce Department, which* raH ^^ ^ | stiroz^t &x*2xis I x I Bcwntry This .dktt|(6 wss brou^iit j i 4Y7\[TS^ iajwl- tt'OjJ . lT\|Y'f>OfjftT*T7 1 i- I 1Vffiiihai 'tfc i If , ..I ttfck #.A . '? nf ,' J11 .v^SMk'* ?QT ?*; -I ^, |fct jj^.JX^j-. T> nj Lj.^m 1 ___ .1 ? I yflMflhl- ? ? v I " ? ? % i wwtA?/] Ift'^i?|t|A?}t (iy?i .,w^N * ' - ?"* : ??_y*^ .'^ "'' ?*' *.3Hr-? - ~'"Tt ItMB INI M?al! J" %_' . ' I.'.? ' t , ? . .? ? . ? m ' I I "yV" 4 **1%.T*^ fuut "A jfcsv ^7* long way toward decreaai^ bills this winter, Indications are that J more com silage was pot up ^ in its latest release, estimates the ' I ? . i i p 4 Pnrrtli'no Jp-n nliJli'll' 1 PMd^w for lunch *t the Walrttalmrg hinwi Doris Blalock, Iris Dsvis and toririj^h hon?tai school dis *^5tfc? Doris B^and tta scmor S^rirS s?m^xir'-s^wo^ t tifaftt which has flnabtod j(ts older j Perim^^'9^7 It Maally k- yflTI\TpQ O pp|7ji PTlfMl '"fftfr n l7?"."*"i -7 1*pHpf [ V' ?? - ^ : '?.. {Jm't irj iji. '? ?*"--- ."?"*-> VCirv-^.' iJ-iL ?. -w ' - ?, - ,v TT|i-f niiV *^11 f HMt '*?WfkijhfJi?c"'^:jLciktiij8^:'' ^1* K^~' :;.'-( . -. -i . . ' ? ' r MBBBr7r?i9 -'? i MMHOHBHUI ^ 0 ^^ ^ ?wwnw?p?r r ?- ?.,.. ??..??? r.?.v.r,r- -. .v r_*it*ii^!r^rii-;s^m^jsj^rs^v - ' - r-'.V- -??