Mrs. J. C. Manning of Williamston, are rietta M. Williamson. • • • Vernon L. Edwards, of Newport News, Va., is spending several days with &is family her*. • *v* * Mrs. Milton Eason, Jr., of Newport News, Va., left Monday following a visit to relatives, here. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Wa-ren Lnpton of Belhaven spent the week aid with Mr. and Mrs. B. O. m port News with their M. Willis. Mr. the tivea in Mrs. W. R. again after being Baptist hospital in two weeks. Was Adelaide DaD left Saturday fir Tarboro, where aba has actapUd a position with the Weetern Union TalagtaphCo. After a Urn days visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. NorviUe, Leo T. NanriUa has returned to his home in Chicago, Illinois. ^ Private and Ma. Cadi Leo Tyner of Fort Brass and Sanford spent the waak and with Mrs. Tyaafs parents, Mr. and Mrs. a- 0. SpaU. •• -iaarj • »..*• - - • Mia. Nonie Barrett, who haa been Confined to ft Wflton Ivwftn? for aevn ,.,1 Mla -1. — »i—» » .1 4-/v Lu, tijuM n V nfnn ' ermi wecu, iqi^pn w> u» nome nere Friday and is recuperating. J-0. • Mrs. j| A. Pollard, Km P. dtee Garclner a» joint host ^flawi& Ihr 1 w> 3 KM) 'R'-Hi jTfiiirwtd Club with Mrs. Alex Alfcn. 3:30 P. M.—Rebefiii WM> ^ Chapter, U. D. C. meets. 7 .-00 P. M.—American Legic tiKr-P. M.—Boy Scouts, f 8:00 P. M. — Woodmen of World. - Saturday, May X 10:00 A. M.—Bird Club. NOTE OF THANKS period of two Week*, « §2 I I li I. .. . • -I. . . COUNTRY CLUB DINNER A large number enjoyed the delici I ATTENDING STATE FEDERATION best man. The'Junior bridesmaids mn Miss Nancy Gates, of Kinston, who won « dress of yellow silk jersey, and Miss Seleta Tucker, cousin of the bride, Who Wore a dress of pink silk jersey. Their bats were fashioned of 1«» material and trimmed with net ia pastel shades. They carrier' arm bouquets of blue and yellow dutch iris. Ushers were William Earl Rasberry oz Farmvt ue, Drotftw 01 to® Lewi* Smith, Tom Galbnatb Mod A. L. Hob good, of Kinston. , The bride's mother wore * heavenly blue crepe dress with matching accessories and a corsage of red roses. The groom's mother wore a#eUew and print crepe drasa with blending accessories and ft corsage of yellow races. Mrs. Grady, a young woman of great personal charm, is the daughter of Mrs. -Lucy Rasberry and the late Charles Heirfy Rasberry. She received her, educatiei in the F&rmville school, is a graduate of Meredith College, in Raleigh, took a post-graduate course at William and Mary College in Richmond, Vft. During the summer of 1M0 she was Unit Leader for Girl Scouts at Camp Cateechee, Brevard. Fo* the past year and a half she has been engaged in Social Service work in Kinston. Mr. Gr«d]r if the ton 06 Mr. and Mrs, James Daniel Grady, Sr.,