[A, FKIDAT, AUGUST It 1M2 , ■ THE pPILLETOBACCOMARKETPREPARED Merchants And Warehousemen Re • Againi Partners In Effort To Bring Patrons Money Adopt Slog®* "Make The Farmville Market Your Market"} Steadiest In The State. -;-v. The fall of 1942 marks the 38th anniversary of the funding of the Farmville Tobacco Marked, which is Farmville's moat important enterprise and tive townjMd com inanity's pride and joy. The story „ of the progress of the market is one of ex traordinary happenings. Frym the year of its birth, there hps been a growing demand for larger warehouse space, the employment of more men and the supplying of more of the varied fadlitea adequate to care for an increased volume of sales. Realizing that a superior quality of tobacco was being raised in this immediate section sad that it was being grown in greater quantities each year, a group of enterprising and energetic business men Md a meeting in the spring of 1904 and discussed the possibilities of a tobacco sales market for Farmville. The idea was broadcast and grew in favor by leaps and bounds until a few weeks later a company of local people was formed for the masterful undertaking, the contract for two wooden structures was let and the ring of the hammer was aoon heard on the opposite corner* of Wilson and Fields streets, the sites of the first warehouses. This market has steadily grown from that season and tnssad of two small houses, capable -of handling only a few thonsand pounds of tobacco, the modern tobacco town of Fannville is now a model of compel, tnaau, convenience and efficiency, brought into a rtal existence about twenty - three yean ago, when the preaent group of gigantic brick buildings rose out of the ashes of the old wooden houses used daring the years following its establishment. Now five commodious and modern leaf sales houses have replaced the cradles that rocked tht infant, market, and each one of the 87 yean that has intervened has been a stepping stone to a' new Neord of achievement, bringing a justified pride to the warehousemen and citizens of this eommumtjr, and giving it the attention of the tabasco world. The tobacco sales season in frarmville is starting with a gnat show of virility agate this year with the two tobacco leaf Hales firms running two how* each aa lint season. Monk's Warehouse, composed of J. The "V Per VICTORY" carried on as a symbol of concerted effort and the fight for Democracy. schedule of 36< piles an hour will give each warehouse a sale of 1300 piles a day. Thus the Farmville warehousemen are putting forth every effort and adopting every feasible plan to make this tobacco season the most suceesful in its hisotry. This concerted effort and the expanding patrona,of the Farmville market, based on confidence and satisfaction, create an unpit cedented opportunity for the market to smash all records this fall, and the warehousemen are facing the challenge of having a good crop at' I their very doors, squarely and cou| rageously, in a fused purpose and a unified effort to increase the prestige of the Farmville market and to guarantee its continued greatness and prominence. ' ' K. A. fields has been chosen again as Sales Supervisor and Publicity Director of the Farmville market. To efficiently handle the. enormous amount of work connected with (his important job, a capable, energetic and zealous worker is required, and Mr. Fields has proved his ability to meet these qualifications in former years. He has a wide circle of friends in this area and having beat a successful grower of the weed, has the farmer's point of view as to what he arould like in the supervision of sales on any market As a consequence, Roscoe strives tx> please both the Tobacco Board of Trade and farmer friends in the performance of his duties as Sales Supervisor. A tremendous volume of favorable publicity comes from the farmers themselves each year, which is a prime factor iq the progress of this market and ,3** remarkable growth may be traced to the fact that its services meet patron needs in a way, patrons like. Scrupulous caret is given to the securing of every facility and convenience, which may render a service to the warehouse force and the patron in handling his product and the warehousemen demand a personnel, whose efficiency in serving the pain>ns has been proved by abilEach of the warehouses has larger sales forces than ever before sad has pledged its individual workers this year to offer an unexcelled type of service in the handling and sale of the weed when it oomes on. the floor and to extend patron every courtesy and every facility, which may be employed in bringing the high Half "Holiday" Over The half holiday period, observed by business firms her* on Wednesdays during the nawr months for several years, has come to a dose sod doors will be open with "business as usual" next Wednesday afternoon. Business will doubtless be better than usual as Wednesday, August 26. is the day after the Market Opening and everybody will bo shopping. All Out For Victory Order Heeded By Fannville Citizens 4 ____________ Victory Program Being Met With Enthusiasm and Given Heartiest -Support . » y Not only in these tobacco belts are people preparing for a new seapan, bat m all America citizens are preparing for s season of grim war as events in the history of this world cast their changing shadow. America prepares to send its children back to school, those who have had vacations, back to work, and renews its business pace at high gear, with the arrival of fall. This/ is. no casual "life as usual" front now; there is great concern over the victory program that has swept the nation in one concerted move toward the protection of American ideals by mobilization of all this nation's mental, physical and spiritual energies. There is an awareness of the importance of being, living, actingf"thir;king and performing duties as Americans. Victory is the keynote of the times and every public spirited individual, organisation and business institution has a valued part to play in supporting this nation as it goes "ALL OUT FOR VICTORY." Activities on a community-wide scale were started in Farmviile immediately following- the declaration of war on Japan and the Axis partners. Mayor George W. Davis, acting as Director of Civilian Defense for Farmviile, met with the Board of Commissioners and heads of the muncipal departments, and organized a Defense Council, which set about making plans for acquainting the citizenship with the necessity for meetng any emergency with an adequate and prepared force of civilians. Seven committees were appointed later for the following services: Fire Fighting, Police, Medical, Public Works, Utilities, Maintenance and Vital, Public Relations and Education. These committees then organised the citizenship, pitting them into some branch of service so that everyone in case ot an emergency would know his specific duty in Defense of the home front, just as well as do the many young men who have been sent from tills community to the battle front ggg|; j. Guards were KMT over public works and utilities, sad alertness to air raids demonstrated by the American Legion to the setting up of an Carrying high the torch of freedon for all the men of America are Liberty** defenders of the land, of the Ma, of the air. We aalate them today aa they strive for the cause of Liberty, Freedom arid Tolerance. minute La France Combination Pumper and Hose Truck, which top teat delivered 1108 gallons of water per minute and a SOO-gallon per minute Seal and Trailer Pumper, which on test delivered $99 gallons of water per minute. This new equipment produces nine streams of water, whereas previous equipment produced only three. Cost of equipment was $9,000. - ': . Chief Haywood Smith, R. A. Joyner, A. J. Melton, Ed Nash Warren and M. W.' Rollins attended the Fire College and Drill School held in Asheville in June. First Aid classes for white ami colored, under the Red Cross program, were swiftly and efficiently gotten under way with Dr. R. T. Wfl* liams, Dr. J. M. Mewborn, W. H. uke, 8. A,'. Garris, Walter B. Jones, Bryan Gaddy, John B. Lewis and C. S. Hotchkiss as instructors. Two hundred men and women received certificates in this work. The Victory Book Campaign, the Navy Relief Drive, the USO Campaign, the. China Relief Fund, Scrap and other drives put on by the National Committees have had hearty support here. At present the Salvage campaign is under way and is receiving much publicity and interest under the direction of John B. Lewis. j&*t A blackout teet was arranged in cooperation * with the county plan some weeks ago and rceived 100 per cent cooperation from the citizens. The Mayor issued a proclamation ordering the town offices to adopt the Daylight War Saving Time, directed by the President, and* requesting voluntary action by all persona, firms and institutions of the town, which was readily accepted by the people. War Bonds and Stamps have been purchased regularly and in large quantities. ' v Registration of selectees and rationing of sugar and gsasolLne have received all of the voluntary assistance necessary to carry them over SMlBBpy.; Victory Gardens are being grown to help meet economic needs, Two First Aid and Casualty Stations have been established; No. 1 is located at the Farmville school gym, and No. 2 at the Farmville eolored school, with First Aid squads, ambulance, transportation squads and nurses' unite organised. Women are playing a prominent role in the AIl-Out-For-Victory program. and Farmville women step, pad right THREE MORE DAYS Three mn days before the opening of the Bright Leof Belt! Bring your tobacco to the Farmrille Market, where the higheat prices prevail, and hay.fhrai and home auppliea and peraunal requirements from the Faratville Tobacconists and merchant* are waiting to serve yon at either end of the line. Chamber of Commerce is Zealous Promoter Here Ada 7e In Promotion of Market And Business Interests Year Hound. While its reputation for dependar bility and "top*" in prices has bean 1 widespread and Ha marketing advantages have brought thousands of people to Farmville each season in a steadily expanding patronage, the warehousemen and merchants of the town realize that having them remain as patrons of the market and customers of the business establishments, depends upon the maonqr in1 which they are received and the treatment accorded them. The importance of courtesy, hospitality, quality of goods, good food and comfortable accommodations is recognised by warehouseman and business men alike, and they vie with each other in providing these essentials and in employing ' assistants, whose friendly interest and efficient service will win visitors as steady customers in the future. Business men learned the lessons of the former world conflict wellThen "curtail" was the key word, now it is "Fitll Speed Ahead." And so the merchants of FVarmville ham laid in a full and varied ateek of merchandise; the buyers for the stores handling* food supplies, feedstuff s, furniture, implements, clothing and hardware have stocked their shelves and warehouses with goods, which for quality and diversity cannot be surpassed in the State; the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker and dealers in every other type of merchandise in Farmville have on display an array of values in their special line, and other establishments such as filling stations and grooming salons, which resxfcr their customers varied services are awaiting their opportunity to serve. avenue for a unified program and to provide the town of -Farmville with an added asurance of permanent progress, a group of forward looking citisens met three years ago and formed an organization of the business and professional man which marked a decided step in the direction of future development for the town. This organization is called the Farmville Chamber of Commote and Merchants Association. The. unusual conditions and difficulties) prevailing In the business v/orld during this period, have been met and dealt with collectively, the progress of the community being the ings during the y«u for conference* regarding emergency situation*, which arise, and to act aa a clearing house for aome special problem of the community. Since its organization, with George W. Davis as president, the Chamber has moved along rapidly and satisfactorily, having been fortunate hr the leadership of Fanurflle'* most active business men. lids year W. H. Fisher, who is interested in the promotion of any worthwhile movement for the betterment of the town heads the organisation and an advance in its activities is indicated. During the past year the organisation under the leadership of Frank Williams has played a leading role in a town program designed for progress, the results of which have b«ta most gratifying. The Chamber promoted a number of successful trade events, the outstanding one of which was Dollar Day. This group whs responsible for the beautiful Christmas decorations of streets* stores and homes during the Yuletide, sponsoring the plan and giving valuable prises in this connection. The organisation prints and distributes to its members a weekly bulletin of credit transactions in Pitt and Greene counties, which has proved to be A valuable reference sheet for the merchants. It regulates the business hours, acts as a Bureau of krfo.Tnatkm, wishes decisions ss to holiitV closing, investigates industrial proposals and assists new people in getting located and at times in finding jobs for dtisens who are unemployed. The Association in its progressive program, undertakes to present Fsrmvttle to the world as a town of opportunity with emphasis placed on the essential resources and advantages, which would attract industries and prospective lasidurts. As. A continuation of its publicity and advertising campaign, and as concrete evidence of its interest and prida in the Ftoqmlle Tobacco Market, the Chamber coopeoated in the issuance of this the Market Edition, and directed that a special space be allotted to it for a timely message to the farmers of this section of the State. This valiwble message will be found in these pages. Professional activities of recent months have also included; presentation of radio programs; the raising of an advertising fund for tfle market in conjunction with the warehousemen; effort to encourage a trade-at-home policy. Offices of the Chamber -of Commerce are in the Pitt County Insurance agency building, and are open not only to Farmville citizens tat visitor! from other towns aa well, who will always find the efficient executive and acting secand anxious to be of service and to offer the tion at the organization in providing by all business here in my i towards the town, county VfVWSPIVliPia^H -lltl - 'I ' I T PWfWNI'HpH 0 ' * rirtMNMAtt'MMKNvCafi ■ STv . mi iifjaiili" JmiTwF < \ \ / Opening Of Farmville's , Tobacco Market Pow- , erful Stimulant To All Activities Here; Civilian Population Join In Hearty Support The fighting- forces of our nation are either In the conflict now mging throughout the world or in training camps preparing to go into active service; administration heads are busy with the problems of a worldwide war program; the civilian pop-' ulation ia striving to contribute the greatest support to both forces by production and more production; tbt, marriage bureaus continue to work overtime; interest is keen in world and national affairs; buying and selling charts are upcur?ing fast; ail of which is news news, good and had, which, is presented to the people daily by the press and the radio, but the best news to people of this community at this time is that "The Farmville Tobacco Ifarket WiO Open Tuesday, August 25th, and PRICES ABE GOOD." A native weed to Carolina, tobacco ||j£j has been cultivated in. the State since the earliest colonial days and has been accorded a high place in its**' economic life and definitely established as the best money crop of this section, which owes its growth and development to this important industry that adds pleasure to the lives of millions. Signs point to a banner season and all predictions are that this will be one of the most prosperous in years. This will be due in part to the increased demand and to the guarantee of government price stabilisationk^&g which will result from the AAA 3year control referendum of 1940. So farmers, tobacconists and business men of Farm vile will await the dawn on Tuesday with uplifted faces and high hopes.. The opening of the market acts as a powerful stimulant to all activities in Farm vile. Something of this multiplex activity is reflected in the pages of this issue, which has been dedicated to the FararrOle Tobacco Market by the busbies men of the town. Fanners generally an; hopeful, tor statistics the first of August proved that the farm income for the United States is higher than last year, and that prospects of demand for farm products will continue to be kmry for some time. Prices for livestock, poultry and dairy products have been stimulated by the Food-for-Victory program, which keep the army moving on its act, and cotton and ties having will assume an imp preparqfbtfB of this Thus, instead of plowshares into swords, Carolina'farmers are using Piirs,'r^ - : make the United ! ■ ket and comfort an arsenal plant: Troop m almost last ment of of the