Wilson visitors Monday. Traet* Lang of King's Business College ml Brnton Taylor of U. N. C., spent the wttk end St their respective homes here. Harold Bailej and Cameron West were inducted in service at Port Bragg, Friday. .■ •" » •• j Mrs Jason Shirley and lira. Kelvin Gay were Wilson visiters Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Julian Worthington and Mrs. A. D. McLatvhorn of Winterville visited relatives here Sunday . QUESTION: How long does it take to pot beef cattle on full feed? ANSWER: Cattle should be put on full feed as rapidly as possible, says L. I. Case, Extension animal husbandman of N. C. State College. As a general rule three to four weeks is ample time to get cattle rt^er 15, ^ II H II ■■■■ M ... ■»■■■■ >./ ■! II I I ll ■ ■ I ■! ■■ * ,. following groups 01 iooq proaucts. fee, ivpr, cooking and salad oils, wniMfl rccrtahlfis. AM fruit, lard, rice, hydrogeneted shortenings md will result in "slightly higher prices" for consumers, was taken to relieve pressure on whnla—lw» sad retaflers caught beween March quotations under the general regulation and the amounts they most pay producers. Mr. Headman said the groups of food a£fecMd lopta—il about — IS percent of all food purchased in the 0timi 676,000 food stores. Mr. Henderson said American Isissii wives should check the prices of food brought under Price Control last weak by making a list of the prices paid from September 28 to October 2 for the various items of the same quantity and quality. Civilian Supply, r- nm War Production Board cut the production of. flashlight batteries 60 percent and other types of dry cell batteries 10 pereent from last year levels. The Board snneonced that construction using non-metallic materials and equipment to insulate buildings so that fuel can be saved may be undertaken without specific authorisation. The order will not apply tp- construction begun prior to January 1, 1943. No heavy forged hand tools, such as ban, hammers, picks, tongs, etc., which do not conform, to the pise? type, grade, finish, weight" and qaality established by WPB, may be produced except on approval of the Board. The WPB ruled that plastic tubes are not acceptable aa turn-ins Tor new tubes of toothpaste and shaving cream, and cut the percentage of tin which may be used in toothpaste tubes and shaving cream tubes. . ] War CMMnmkKtiom. The Board of War Communications | ordered long dieance telephone' calls' relating: to the War effort and public safety he given priority over all other calls, effective November L Calls concerning moving armed forces during combat operations, urgent orders for the aimed forces, immediate dangers due to presence of the enemy, disasters materially affecting the war effort or public security, will get fhvt priority. Operators will give precedence to priority calls at all times. S-V. W^r Crime. - iljl . President Roosevelt- stated "The Barbaric crimes being committed by the enemy against civilian population* hi occupied Count riM"-are continuing, and "I now declare itjbhe the intention of the:Government that the successful close of the war shall include provision for the surrender to the United Natienfc of war criminals. . . . The perpetmton of these crimes Bball answer for them before courts of lsfw." NOTICE OF SALE STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY Of PTTT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County at Pitt, Plaintiff, - vs Peoples Bank 4 Trust Company, Adam Mills, Maggie Mills, M. F. Cox, Mtgee, W. P. Ward, and A. D. Ward, and B. A. Hoft, Assignee. Under and by virtue of the judgment made and entered in the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of Pitt Otxmty, dated April 7th, 1941, and September 24, 1942, the under' signed Ceaotniesiemr, will, on the fHh day Ot November, 1942, between the hours of 12:00 o'clock NOON and 1:00 o'clock P. M., at the courthouse door of Pttt Comity in Greenville, North Carolina, offer toe sale, and sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cask, subject to the confirmation ot the cosrt, the property hereinafter described, located in the County of Pitt, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as foUema: All that certain tract or pared at land lying and being situated in Chicod Townshp, Pitt County, North Carolina, containing 180 acres, more or isas, known as Cannon lands and being the lands whereon Aram Mills and wife now live. This the 8th day of October, 1942. v ROBERT BOOTH, 0-9-4wka. Commissioner. POULTRY WANTED — FRYKKS and Old Hem wanted. Top Pricefar mum. Modfiaa Market and Ptoduce Co., C. K. Modlin, Famrille, N. C. O-2-Up HAVE TOU LOOKED OVER OUR SPORTING GOODS? WE CARRY NEARLY A COMPLETE LINE. Western auto assso. store. FOR RENT: DESIRABLE APART WANTED AT THE rar OFFICE FOR USE OF FAMILY, the dAiatim burning cook store. If repairs and can be reps call anyway. Husband rick, unaMe to work a ®r >'V c :• ' - . ■ • * : ■:_ • * '- y a m r^B ii m I MM r 1 •*• 1 # ■iMnHHBaKMnaBM! j&