Mrs. W. J. TW is Waiting relative* in Gohbfaoro. * * * Miss W Carraway spent ' with friends « Fayetteville. • • . Mrs. Jack Horton, 30 P. M.—Baptist. Missionary Society meets in the Church. 3:80 P. M.—Woman's Society of ChristiA Service, Methodist, meets In the Cburch. 8:00 P. M.—Circle No. 2, Presby* terian Auxiliary, meets with Mrs. Robby Smith. ;?■. Toeeday, I 3:00 P. M.—Contract Club meets with Mrs. M. V. Jones. 6:30 P. M.—Rotary Clufct 8:00 P. M.—Junior Order. 3:30 P. Mi—Literary Club meets at the home of Mrs. G. M. Holden with Mrs. J. H. Harris as hostess. Thursday, 5 v 8:30 P. M.—Junior Woman's Club. Friday, 6 8:00 P. M.—Lamrad Club meets with Mrs. Ted L. Albritton. 3:30 P. M.—United Daughters of the Confederacy meet with Mrs. P. E. Jones. 7:00 P. M.—American Legion. 7:30 P. M.—Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M. — Woodmen of the World. Saturday, T 10:00 A. M.—Bird Club. Mrs. Charles Marsden Duke,, who has been with her husband, Major Duke, at Camp Gordon, Augusta, Ga., and at Camp Hood, at Temple, Texas, since her marriage in Junei has returned to her home here. •• r • Friends will be glad to leam tfaftt Mis. J. W. Holmes has returned from Park View Hospital, Rocky Mount, where she had been undergoing treatment for several days, and 'ia Reported as recuperating rapidly. " • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith and son, Bobbie, of Robersonville, Mr. and Mis. Liiywood Joyner and son, Larry, of Norfolk, Va., Sgt. Francis Cchank and Pvt. Charles -A. Joyner of Fort Bragg, were guests of Mrs. Carrie Belle Joyner, Sunday. ♦♦ • * Miss Letha Lauretta Hollomen, student nurse at Grace Hospital in Richmond, Va., Mrs. Floyd Andrews, of Mt. Olive, St. Sgt. William Alfred Flanagan, of Nashville, Temu, and Mis. Flanagan, of Norfolk, Va., and Mrs. Kennit Tsmni, of Wilson, were at the bedside of lbs. W. A. Pollard, Jr., for several days prior to her death and are visiting relatives here now. HENRY SKINNER AT HOMlT Henry Skinner, of the United States Navy with headquarters in Norfolk, Va., is spending several days with his mother, Mrs. J. B. Skinner. Corporal James Archie Parker, of the U. S. Army, with headquarters at Camp Shelby, Miss., arrived Wednesday for a visit to his mother, Mrs. Senie% Parker. ATTENDING DISTRICT CLUB MEETING Mrs. Jesse Moye, Mrs. John B. Joyner, Mrs. John T. Thome and Miss Tabitha DeVisconti attended the annual meeting' of the Fifteenth Disarict of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Chibs, as representatives from local organizations. ENSIGN JOYNER LEFT TODAY FOE CHARLESTON W*: Ensign T. Eli Joyner, Jivwho received his commission as Ensign re" cently. at the U. S. Naval Reserve School at Columbia University, left today for Charleston, S. C., after spending a furlough of ten .ifeqre at N M . pon hcrysanthemums for the effecIn the progressive games of the afternoon, Mn. Prank K. Allen was num n fl A lilf.lwm ? I ^ bB I ni mm m — . .. awaraep a nanapaintea tray lor bootlag high, Mn. H. Neal Howard retained the floating prise, a doable deck of card*, and lin.' Bear Hodges received aM consoMEion a set of pot holders. Awards in the evening iritafc to Mrs. Billy Burke, who racsfosd bridge card? for compiling high score; to Mrs. L. E. Walston, who kept the potted plant for befog the last player to make a •game in diamonds, and to Mrs. Frann Davis, Jr., who received pot holders as consolation. Delicious ice cream fudge cake was served on both occasions, followed by cheese straws, Hallowe'en candies and coffee. Jack olanterns were used as centerpieces for the tables at refreshment time. Mrs. C. E. Moore and Mrs. T. C. Tumage, Sr., were invited in for the refreshment hour in the afternoon. Garden Club. Miss Tabitha DeVisoonti and Hrs. B. S. Sheppard wen gracious hostesses this week, entertaining members of the Garden Chab and additional friends at the monthly meeting of this group in the D. A. R, Chapter House. With a study of roses featuring the program of the afternoon, the hostesses made an effective setting for the discussion of this subject by the use of quantities of handsome specimens in bowls and vases. Magnolia leave* were arranged on the mantles. Mrs. E. F. Gaynor presided and announced that the District meeting of the Garden Clubs would not be held this year. Reports were made at this time by Mn. J. M. Christman, the treasurer, and by Miss Bettle Joyner of the Park oommittee. Mayor George W. Davis, whose rose garden is one of the show places here, was a special gwest at this time and presented the speaker, Mr. Casey, a Golds bo ro nurseryman, who addressed the Clyb on "The Care of Roses." At the conclusion of the program, the hostesses served cookies, candies in pumpkin design, salted nuts and Russian tea. Special guests were;. Mrs. Casey, Mayor and Mrs. George D. Davis, Mrs. F. M. Davis, Miss Elizabeth Davis, Mrs. J. H. Darden, Mrs. David T. Harris, Mm. C. S. Hotchkiss, Mrs. A. C. Monk, Mrs. Jesse Mo ye, Mrs. J. W. Parker, Mrs. Jack Smith, Miss Ada Wood, Mrs. Wesley R. Willis and Mi*. M. Y. Self. Merry Matrons. The Merry Matrons fceld a delightful meeting at the home of Mrs. G." M. Holden, Tuesday^, vicith Wtn. R. A. Fields presiding and Mrs. J. L Morgan giving a splendid review of one of the current accounts of army life, "See Here, Private Hargrove.". During the pleasant social hour the hostess served ice box cake, followed by cheese straws, pinwheel cookies and coffee. Yellow and pink roses were used with artistic effect in the Hotden home : ■ Observes Birthday. A delightful affair of the week was tte surprise birthday party given by Mrs. Herman Voss and Mrs. J. Leroy .Parker in compliment to Mn. C. 8. Hotchkise on Saturday afternoon at the home of the former, to which lovely fall flowers added a color note of yellow. v / Invited at an hour set later than that of the other guests, Mrs. Hotchkiss was greeted as she arrived with the Happy Birthday song and-presented a knitting basket filled with accessories as a gift from the group, j Guests were invited into the dining Highly Esteemed Young Farmville Illness of Several ponthi»f^ Final rites for Mn. Lacy Anne Flanagan Pollard, 85, wife of W. APollard, Jr., a well known and highly esteemed FVurmville woman, were conducted from the home at a brother-in-law, J. O. Pollard, Wednesday morning at eleven o'clock, by Bev. C. B, Mashburn, pastor of the Christian Church. Favorite hymns were rendered by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holmes, Miss Nellie Butler. w Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt and J. R. Shesrin, and interment was made in Forest HiH cemetesy, beneath a large arid handsome floral offering. Mm. Pollard succumbed Tuesday morning at six o'clock to an illness of several months duration. She had been in a critical condition for three weeks at tile home of her brother-inlaw, since returning from Duke Hospital, and her death was not unexpected. ' She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Flanagan and had sjfeot her entire life in this community, being reared sifter her mother's death, la the heme of a devoted aunt tad uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Belcher. She had been a loyal member of the Christian Church since childhood and was Superintendent of the Primary Department at the Sunday School for nUny years, and until ill health made it neoessary for her to give up this work so close to her heart. / ' Surviving1 are her husband, two sons, William Robert, age 9, years, and James Albert, age 11 months, a sister, Mrs. Floyd Andrews, of Mt. Olive, and a brother, St Sgt. William Alfred Flanagan, at the United States Army, stationed at Nashville, Tenn. . - , ;t. Active pallbearers were; J. 0. and M. E. Pol! *nl, C. F. Baucom, Edward May, Floyd Andrews, at Mt. Olive, and Kermit Lamm, of Wilaon. Honorary hallbeerers wen; Dr.' C. E. Fitzgerald, Dr. W. M. Willis, Leroy Rollins, John Hill Paylor, R. D. Rouse, Eddie Carraway, Mack Carraway, Cart Greene, E. L. Barrett, M. V. Jones,, W. J. Ranberry, R. O. Lang, LeRoy Bass, J. W. Bass, Alton Bofebitt, J. L Morgan, Sr., J. I Morgan, Jr., C. M. Paylor, C. L. Beaman, J. T. Dixon, J. C. Gibbe, Hal "Winders, Zeb Whitehurst, G. Thome, Joe W. Moye, Howard Moye, Seth Barrow, Ed Naah War^n, R. G. Barrett, J. M. Stansill, Andy Martin, H E. Walston, Drank Davis, Jr., John D. Dixon, J. Y. Monk, Jr., T. E. Joyner, Sr., F. A. Williams, C. C. ■Simpson, James Lang, Robert Lee Smith, B. S. JSmith, Ted Albritton, Alex Allen, G. Beckman, H. H. Bradham, W. a Royster, Bex Rod gee, Hadley Bryan, E. C. Cart,, Archie Cayton, M. L. Eason, JuHan Edwards, John King, Arch Flanagan, Curtis Flanagan, L. E. Flowers, S. T. Lewis, Jr, David Harris, Garland Holden, R. H. Knott, Wave Holston, M. V. Horton, Alex Rouse, Arthur Joyner, Henry Johnson, J. H. Moore, Hubert Joyner, J. W. Joyner, B. A| &!T' C. MorftTj^Jotoi B." ££} George Monk, George Moore, Will I Moore, I*th Moraiss, W< R Burk^f W. A McAdams, J. L. Parker, Rev. J. B. Roberts, Rev. M Y. Self, S. A. Roebuck, W. M. Rollins, Fred Jtoore,! T°j^G. W„ Windham; C. T. Hicks,J W. A. POLLARD, JR p Itoi ii i wiiii fw '*mi ft i.'1 ■■vPVmMm ■■■■ > -.5V1.. j mH- M<*> TO BE IN ... ' 'I liW M »».?/; },b WMrQj. jTiur«fc - j j ■msIS team that Junes of Mr. and Mr*. Jack Portsmouth, Va., will week to be stationed at San Diego, Calif., with the United States Marine Corps. BIRD CLUB POSTPONED There will be no meeting of the Bird Club on Saturday of this week J die to the absence of the i Miss Tabitha DeVisconti, who win be I in Raleigh or Friday and Saturday] attending the State Bird Club ; tag. • ■' "If German boys can do it, why can't IT I don't consider them a bit better than I am" was the reason one young Southerner gave for joining the Army at the age of 18 reoently. Many others his age are a listing and choosing the branch of j service in which they wish to serve. LONNIE TYER LAID TO REST SUNDAY! Funeral services far Lonnie A.| Tyer, TO, well known FarmviUe citizen, were held from his home on Main street, Sunday afternoon, with Rev. C. B. Mashbnm, pastor of the, Christian Church, in charge. Interment was made in the family cemetery near Rarmville. Death resulted from a heart attack Saturday, | following a stroke of paralysis suffered < several days prior to his passrj lag. r Mr. Tyer, who waa a son of the late John E. and Elizabeth A Tyer, never married but resided here with a devoted sister, ^Mias Annie Tyer, who with a brother, R. B. Tyer, of this community, survive him. Actite apllbearers , were; Peyton Boyce, C. L. Ivey, Lester E. Tartage, T. B. King, G. W. Windham and Jesse Moye. . / "»"L m: •Mh, ' A, woman may not be willing to write her ago but if yon will look into her face you can read it between the lines. - ■'#.$ W ; •>' HOLD MISSION STUDY The Baptist Missionary - Sodty held an all-day minion study class, Wednesday, with Mn. Henry D. Johnson, Mwrim Study chairman, in charge of the devotions! exercises, and Mrs. J. C. Hough, of the Kennedy Home, Kinstso, as' the able leader of the inspirational study turned on Adlick's "Missionary Lessons From the Bible." ' ■ Mrs. Lang Davis was in charge of the luncheon. Mrs. J7 Sterling Gates, a former resident of Fannvffle ml » member of this group was a special guest. ~ PROMOTED TO CORPORAL "/V1 A late communication from Corporal Lowell F. Liles, who is stationed at the United States Air Base, with the 907 Engineers Topo Co., at Colorado Springs, Col., brings news of hi£ recent promotion. ■ « . -TT