I A - r w W *%*+. * , Jack Paylor, student at State O lege, spent the week end at his hone m mm Hams nere. • • • Mrs. C. E. Moore spent seversi days of this «reek with relatives in! Wilson. I Mm Alice Watson, of Lake Land ins, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. -C. Gibba. ••• . Mr. and Mn. R. LeRoy Rollins and Mia. B. R. Fields wen Greenville visitors, Tuesday. • » Mr. and Mrs. George W. Windham spent Su< day in Wilson with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dixon, Jr. • • • Mrs. Marguerite Britt and son, Sidney, of Ayden, spent the week epd with Mis. Agnes Blount. • • • Mra. Leland Day left Tuesday for a visit to her husband, ^Jvo is stationed at Morehead City. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen, of Portsmouth, Vs., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Blaney Heath. • • • Rev. C. B. Mashburn will attend I the Ministers Retreat scheduled to be j held at Bayview, February 4-6. • • • Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Oglesby, ofj Kinston, were here during the week | end, visiting relatives and friends. • • • Friends will be glad to learn that I T. W. Lang is recuperating from a recent illness and is able to be up. • * • George Moye, a member of the Farmville school faculty, sj>ent the week end with friends in Greenville. • * • Mrs. S. P. Willis, of Morehead I City, spent several days of this week I with her sister, Mrs. Julia Walter. • • * Miss Emily Gayle, teacher in the 'Saratoga school, spent the week end with her brother, Charles J. B. Gayle. • • •' Mrs. Fitz McKeel has returned to Portsmouth, Va., after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blaney Heaths • • • Mrs. C. B. Davies, of Raleigh, is spending the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Newton. • • • Mrs. Agnes Blount and Miss Agnes Virginia Quinerly paid Greenville and A yd en a business trip, Saturday. Mrs. Sidney Deans returned to Daytona Beach, Fla., Monday, after a visit to her niece, Mrs. C. L. Beaman. • • • Mrs. H. E. Shaw, of Cary, and Mrs. A. B. Lloyd, of Raleigh, spent the week end with Mrs. J. Frank' Harper. * • • Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Can-away moved recently from the Gates apartment on Pine street to 302 East Grimmersburg street. • • • Friends will be glad to lean that Mrs. Wesley R. Willis is recuperating from a recent illness and is able to be up again. Mrs. E. F. Gaynor, Mrs. H. L. Mann and Mrs. George . Windham visited relatives in the Kings Cross Roads section, Tuesday. • • • Robert Fields, who has been on the Knoxville, Tenn., market was among Farmville tobacconists returning here this week. • • • Frinds will be glad to learn, that Hit C. Hubert Joyner is recupereting after an illness of several weeks and is able to be up again. • • • Miss Axme Jones and Miss Nancy Kinney, of Greenville, Term., students at Salem College, arrived Thursday and are spending several days, at Miss Jones' home here. Friends will regret to eiarn that R. R. Newton, Jr., H. A. 2/e is in a United States Naval Hospital on Treasure Island, Calif., and wOt undergo a minor operation. ' m • • Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. C. B. Mashhora, who has been ill with flu in Pitt General Hospital, Greenville, returned Wednesday and is reported as recuperating. . v • « * > Mr* Charles Marwkn Duke, for BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Munden announce the birth of & daughter, Bettie Jane, on Saturday, January 28, at Woodand-Herring Hospital, Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Hunt, of Fountain, announce the birth of a son, James Milton, on Sunday, January 24, at Woodard-Herring, Hospital, Wilson. SEWING ROOM SCRAPS Red Cross sewing: room activities are at--present centering- about the making of hospital slippers and service kite,, according to Mrs. W. M. Willis, who reports the sending of 25 pairs of slippers to Greenville this week for shipment to headquarters. Mrs. Willis, co-chairman of Production with Mrs. W. C. Holston, announced today that new materials were expected to arrive this week, and that while response to the recent call for workere had been encouraging, there is plenty of work to be done and that some service awaitrf every woman who will give a part of her time to this cause. PARENT-TEACHER The Farmville Parent-Teacher Association met in the high school auditorium, Thursday, at 3:30 o'clock. The unusually large attendance added new enthusiasm to the meeting, which was presided over by Mrs. Ted L. Albritton. The attendance prize was won by the 10th grade, Mrs. Robert T. Monk, teacher. A splendid program of patriotic and soul stirring selections was presented by the High School Band under the direction of John Tyson, Jr. The program opened with the rendition of "The Marine Hymn" and closed witth "The Star Spangled Banner." HELPS THE BOYS A card of appreciation for "the help it gives the boys in service" was received by The Enterprise this week from C. B. Mashbum, Jr., Ship Fitter, First Class, Batt 57 Co. B., Plat. 6, N. C. T. C., Davisville, Rhode Is Oftentimes, when ads an difficult to obtain, when our subscribers forget as when paying their current hills or when some lady cusses us oet for omitting her name from a list of "those present," we threw up our hands and say, "Oh, what's the use, well just suspend the paper for a time and take a vacation." Just about that time, having made up our minds fully in this regard, along conies some such thing as the above that strikes a soft spot in oar hearts V>d we resolve to "keep on keeping WANTED: MAGAZINES SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, February J. 7:80 P. M.—Young Woman's Circle, of the Christian Woman'* Society, meets with Mr*. CUun£ enee Prescott. Tuesday, 2. 3:00 P. M.—Contract Club meets with Mrs. W. Leslie Smith. 6:30 P. M.—Rotary Ciub. 8:00 P. M.—Junior Onto. Thursday, 4. 8:80 P. M—The Junior Woman's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. John ButterfteM with Mrs. C.S. Hotchkiss as joint hostess. Friday, 5. 3:00 P. M.—Lamrad Ciub meets with Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr. frOO P. M—American Legion. 7:80 P. M.—Boy Scouts. 8a00 P. M. — Woodmen of the World. Saturday, C. 10:00 A. M.—Bird Club. 2:00 P. M—Mrs. 3. W. Parker will be hostess at a joint meeting of the U. D. C and the Col. .Alexander McAllister Chapter, D. A. R., with Mrs. McKee, expresident of the State U. D. C., as guest speaker. [^IjjtittCemente of red carnations and narcissus added a note of gay color to the Morgan home, and together with table appointments, carried effectively the Valentine suggestion. The place of the boner guest was marked with a corsage. Altar guests hfcd arrived fruit sundaes were served with cocoanut cake and salted nuts. "v' Mrs. L. E. Waleton wad awarded a red pottery vase as hjgfc score prise at the conclusion of uV progressions. Mrs. Rouse was presented with a vase at red glass by the hostess and a .shower