ly 10,000 ponnds lactation period. Far* BM 4 MM Walstaabwrg School New.. The Third Grade of the Wslatonburg School presented a very impresshre program on "The Stars and Stripes." The program opened by Mas Josie Galloway leading the aadlenee in singing "America." Doro- j thy Boone Gay led the devotional. AI talk was given by Boaa Lee Manning expressing an American's pride at the sight of "The Stars and Stripea." Following this six children sang "Our Flag" by Arthur E. Johnstone. The poem "Oar Flag," by Henry Wada-d wort* Longfellow, was recited and dramatised by Geraldine Home and Isaac Boos* A historical sketch of Betsy Ross making the first American flag was presented by Alice F*jre Parker. Some correct ways to display the flag were stained by Edgar Ray Beamon® Eighteen children told special days that the flag should be displayed. A musical flag salute was then given by the Third Grade. The principal, B. L. Da,vis, presented a new flag to the school. The school is especially proud of this flag since It was purchased with money made by selling scrap metals and a contribution from the ParentTeacher Association. ' ? After the presentation the audience read "The American's CSeed." The progrsm ended by singing the National Anthem. • ||j Duafcw the present nation-wide ra^'a'totall^of lim? i; Iter tecs m red and swolles from crying. They war# not over U. "I need help," the soldiar told t!>« Bed Op field dlreetor at the dett. «Aad I need it tut.* The RM Crosa field director smiled, but Uii «oldler did not return it "All right, soldier, tefs see what's the trouble." -II I don't get help rm coins orer the ho," he Mailed. Tm oh alert *ow —das' to more oat almost any minute. But Pm not going—and leave my wtte with no ptooe to stay^ further conversation developed that the young bride was as expectant mother. She was unable to jo borne becauss af her stepfather. Hrfgbusband had jd relaUres wtth whoa the could stay. And the allotment ha had made to Ms wtte had not yet come through. Two hours later—after much con versation and planning — the soldier was shafcteg the hand ot the Red Cross field director. ' The Bed Cross man had arranged that the soldier's wtte spend the night at the Army camp guest house. Pre* trationgSAnd been completed with a nearby Bed Cross Chapter tor heir transportation back home. The Bed Cross chapter in the gift's home town had agreed to see that aha had proper care until the baby wag born. By that time the allotment would be coming tfuwigk ^ C. Hn every United States military aatabltshmcnt, at home aad abroad, the American Bad Cross maintains a ftsld ilracjor aad staff to bslp Uncle Bkm'a lighting men work out such personal Mora than 1.00MM service men pasaed through the oScea of the Bed Cross field directors last year. Their problems oovered all pbasee of —— Farmers Urged To Save For Post-War Reserves , , , ,t i ■ To avoid the disastrous results of both inflation and deflation, a threepoint investment program has been suggested to North Carolina iaimem by the Secretary of the Treasury, in » recent* communication to -Dr. L O. Schaub, director of the Agricultural Extension Service at State College. The Secretary pointed out that this Nation is looking to Its farmers for more than the production of food for freedom, and more than the reduction of debts to a safe and sound basis. Farm families have sent their men and boys into the armed forces, but along with the maximum pcododaon of «MUtial crops and a reduction of wIfoWed'to v"WBO ***"** '*****' they- in solved. The Red Croat field db-ector la ready to tarnish information, cornel, and aasitUnce as needed tc men o( the eeahty S the Dotted Stetw^hrough local Red Cross chapters, these workin and local home service chairmen act on behalf of the men of the armd forces and their families ta matters affecting the welfare of either or ha*. in addition to the servicemen aide# by leM director* more than 600.000 families oI men to the service received help branche^^Tf^WIWHH^ v IJ „ Contributions of the American people to the Red Cross during the S1U. 000,000 War rand sppeal bow-to progress wUl help te keep and these services, to the nation's men. Sp<3 4 . Varied and often nnnsnal are the other demsnds made of feed Cross 8eM directors. Held Director William Fluharty. Buttoned In a remote i» traltan area, traveled down to a rail road Junction to bring back (.000 pounds of American magatines fortroops to trhfch he was assigned. R» tanking on » train, he was asked to] h«lp deliver > baby tor • native woman, belatedly en route to a hospital. Bed Cross Meld Director Albert «. Campbell and two assistants. David 8 Oman andJoha J. Clancy, Jr. distributed clothes, cigarettes, soap, rasort, tooth' brashes, pitying cards and articles to American fighters ' of the tooet tariout ~ Whatever the welfare «nd personal probleme of American flghtere at home or abroad, the Held director, backed sp by «.7» Red Croat chapters and 6.000 branches, is the -*>rvtoemaft*B best trlood to Ume of need. ■■ .... ADMINISTRATRIX* NOTICE TO CREDITORS undersigned at Ffermvitte, North Carolina, or her Attorney at Greenville, North Caroling on '« before the 18th day of February, 1944, or Hds^wtiee will be pleaded hi bar of j to Mid estate will . mediate payment. TMe the 18th day of M i^yy. SpST A. of the estate of A. P. f^jHamlin, derswri. Wm. J. Bandy, Atty. F-lMt 1 I ""J ■ "