might be Nicholas that they follow up assault on Army heavy and tinning said. ingr S day was communique" left tar situation on time. The nevy had urday that as the tered its Japanese split into three These groups Harbor, at the the island; Chiehogof lies southwest of the north side which lies still the east of the valley. emy the bleak north lost heavily vived the chagof harbor for their comrades in A navy communique yesterday which told of the heavy weather encountered early this week, atoo boosted considerably the acore of American figtorfSlaaea.iB their engagement with a flight of 16 Japanese twin engine bomber* which attempted to get through to American M The sive to dfcfve Italy out at, the «v i wreck ta full awing Bojial Aii' " Pore* bombe i taraf1 the Italian "H*"* invasion stsppog Sicily add ) Jj|, mKmmmtmf ' -M crimbli% on the bleak Island at Attu in tl» Aleutians. The Navy announces that one of ti»e last three; pockets of,enMJss&tss ether now is cmder way. Fighting is spreading on the long Ressian front"" The Russians report a Aacks by the Nazis repelled, in the Bonsto and Kuban sectors to the soath while the Germans report fierce Pnasisn attacks on the north-1 ern end qf the front, especially around Veiflde Luki. Greece's sea gurxillaa axe harassing Axis ccjatwide shipping and doing their part in pavihg the way for a hoped-for Allied- invasion. Korean epekeeman .who predicted the Pearl Harbor attack trill Congressmen dud Japan proposes to offer peace in China this yftar and also has chosen the commanders to lead an attempt to invade the United States. STATEMENT Washington, May 26. — President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill are shaping a brief joint statement touchcing on the nature of their more than two weeks of war talks, the White House, disclosed todxy. It was not forecast, however, when j the statement would be released. The two landers already have made plain that plans for an accelerated Pacific offensive have commanded much of their attention. Bat they also have left no doubt that stronger measures gainst the Japanese do not mean abaa donment of the basic Allied -strategy—liquidation of the Axis in Europe first. In the ligLit of Churchill^ remarks at a joint: press conference with the President Tuesday, the most immediate goal at the AlHee seems to be forcing,Italy, the Axis wedk'(Aster, oat of the war by inciting revolt, bombing the country heavily or by invading it. Perhaps a combination of all three will be resorted to. , — -'.4 Movie Actress iFim Constance Bennett AittoffraDhs $173,000 of Bonds At / Greenville, May 88.—Pitt County bought $173,000 worth a£ war bonds at a rally here today, featured by the pretence of Coatanca Bennett, Hollywood screen star. M. 0. Minger L I, i ijt»j|i iM'n ; '»ULmU| * "ifit ffiif1'"1 'ifi wi 11 anf jiiii i r in strength up too two battalians and midnight communique said, but were repulsed with heavy losses. Northeast of ■ • the communique said, Bnwrinn artillerymen destroyed f*» German antitank guns, three a**tm and seven supply trades. r FfaiWI Attack. -y German broadcasts ^ported that the Russians continued to regroup their men m the Kuban and again predicted that a big attack would come soon. t A broadcast by the official German agency DNB reported that Russian shock tnwps had penetrated the German lines southwest of Velikie Loki, whero the Red Army holds a line ahdnt 80 miles from' Latvia, ted in the Saraya Russa sector on the Lake Ilmen front south at Leningrad. Both penetrations wen "sealed," the broadcast said * recorded here, hot it was added that the Russians were in grant numerical superiority around Velikie Luki. (A long Berlin radio review ' of the front, heard in Ne* York, said that in the 1 . sttiwk the Germans crossed the Donets, "cleared" hundreds of yatds of Russian trenches, mopped up Rmrtnui in 4 fortified group of houses and returned to their afcfe «f the river. .^Beaeribiag the Velikie Luki attack* by the Russians, Berlin said that the Russians tried te dent a German bridgehead, and the- German troops had ot yield because of Red Anny superiority in numbers. This Tension; however, was that though the RnHstans took, a town, the Germans regained ifc i (The Russians penetrated the GerRussa, Berlin said, "but the dent was 8etf, and Rev. C. * Mashbum litrodoced Re*. Haney who spoke on "Coai»#6 To Pace The Future,'' which "fcr that quality trf mind and heart which abaoltitaly is mdi#pehaaL1a # ****** ,„Vn I . UI oie ior yofpwno nave t» tomorrow. Xet me gather that quality inter one command—Forward March! —to face outward and march outward with great courage to possess this dream of • world wide kingdom which will briny peace and righteousness to ail -peoples. You will need -y.,., .■ || tlfl, fc, hi.ttil _ „ ,t,I > Jii rui*- n4 courage to Duiia s new wonci our. ^ the nrina of the world .of tods! ft must be dreamed, it must be planned, preparations afcwt be made to realize & M preparations of hand, head and heart.'.You wfll need courage to possess it and make the dreams of a worid ozder where a durable peace, justice and goodwill can prevail^ come true. Pefrhaps you will deed courage most of all to believe that all this il possible. Arrange your faith in the fundamental baste upon which a n«# world order can bebu6t that you m*y believe in them and have courage to pcrsae them." - Special music wan ' tendered by Miss Nellie Butler and Elbert Holmes who site*, "Hold Thou My Hand, Dear Lord,- and by the other membees of the choir, composed of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, Mrs, M. V. Jones, Mrs. G. Ale* Rouse, Mrs. Mary Jerome Simons, Wfo* ^Margaret Qm{4L m,- t-fIk nrrtiifn^i IClM oniiin, Mrs. jacK fr uilionij. nil. Lath Morriss, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Bfiucom and BilHe Morton, singing an anthM»<"Blessed Are They." On Weofipday evening splendid addresses were given by Miss Marie Lataine Gregory, Salutatoriair and Mia* Evelyn l»is Jones, Valedictorian. 'Irrin Morgan, jr, introduced Prof. Deal who spoke on "Worid Changea," fit the realm, of transportation, medicine, science and religion, saying that, "ever since the beg# mng of time there have always UM. movements and changes—the #>rtd has ntrrar stood still. You are graduating under conditions nO other graduation rlasnrr of former yean in the entire worid have ever seen or conceived. You will assume great responsi di l ity. riRtioiui dttiftr p9* frees or,fall backward. They never stand stflL l charge you to never be satisfied with conditions as they f, M ^ ■■A ' A ^ J- -. ■ J. t. A. 4 t, 1mii> ■ i ■■ i ■ ■ il wit to do your duty to impfOfB on everything we now have. . The twenty-nine seniors, robed in cap and grown, received their diplomas from Dr. P«ul E. J cues, Chairman of the School Bdardg Mathematics, formeriy given b" Mrs. good 0rlU^ C-t .f'lUfcL Twenty-seven British bombers failed to return from this erasure attack which was regarded as a quick step strafrgy of pounding the Axis behind ita fortified walla until the enemy's war plants falter in their efforts to supply Axis armies which must face fully-equipped Allied land ipg on Sardinia the prev* without offering much op the Mberay threw up an anti-aircraft and right®- defs - *" - -• « > s-\ jneasum ywwwiy. une groi Fortresses was Jumped - by man Tighten before ,k reach $oa and shot down 12 of ti without losing i Ibmher. Q One American pilot, strati futility of the Axis defer clared "if they had a thouaan ere, we stffl wooid have