xn. e. a relatives fa AaheviU®. ' * .i* • * AMtm Mary Jerme Thursday in &aMgk Vs> % V*'- • V • .• • • '" Mr. and Hn. E. L. Barrett Gohbboro visitors, Wednesday. • • • Mr. and Mrs C. L. Ivey business trip to Itoeford, Friday. p>9K • • • Mrs.J. D. Gates has returned from I a visit to relatives in Noij^lk, Miss Ida Cowaa, of Durham, L. visiting' her sister, Mr*. J. H. Harden. • • • Mrs. Bertha 1. Gardner spent the week end with relatives in Greenville. • • • Janet Tyson, of Saratoga, is the guest of Willie Rae Harper this week. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Surrett, of New Bern, are spending the week end here. • • • Pvt. J. C. Brock, Jr. of Gamp Stow-1 art, Ga., spent Sunday with his family ban.. . • • • Miss Mary Ethel Craft has return-! ed from a visit to relatives in Golds-1 boro.' Mrs. A. B. Tyson and daughter, Miss Elvira, spent Monday in Greenville* 1 • • • Mac Carraway, of New Bern, isl spending the week end here with his] family. . Miss Betsy Morris has returned from a visit to relatives near Walstonburg. • _ < " * * * Miss Ruth Minshew returned Wednesday from a visit to Wrighteville I Beach. Mrs. Nannie Moye Humphrey spent the week aid in Falkland with friends. • • %r Miss Athlene Turnag-e, of Ay den, spent the week end with Mrs. Robert D. Rouse. • • • Mrs. John Hardy has returned from a visit to her husband at Monterey, California. • • • Mrs. T. T. Moore is visiting her sister, Miss Mable Barrett, in Georgetown, S. C. • • • . Mrs. Emily Everett, of Norfolk,Va., is spending several days with Mrs. Ellen Beam an. » • • Sgt. George M. Allen has returned to Focatello, Idaho, after a. visit to relatives here. • • • Bill Carr has returned to summer school at State College, after a visit to his home here. • • • Harry Albritton will return during the week end from Camp Ocgal-1' lalla, Goldsboro. |J * • • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alex and Miss Mary Ethel Craft were Green villi visitors, Friday. • » * Mr. and Mro. Ted L. AlbritUn and daughter, Theodora, were Goldsboro visitors, Sunday. \ • » < Jensus Harper and Joe Gregory 1 Saturday to be on the tobacco marl at Blackshear, Ga. Mrs. C. H. Mozingo, Mrs. Allen and Mr*. John Hardy Kinstos Visitors Wednesday. • * • ;3b_ r D. R. and H. A. Branham, of Rocky Mount, «ent Sunday with their sis-. i-t ®d 4n Murfreesboito with her huswnd, who has a position there. ^ • • 4 Mr .and Mrs. Ows. F. Baucom and ions, Frank and Donald, left today or a visit to relatives in Ellerbe. \ .,*5S. v? • • • ' - -'1^? £ Warren Palmer RTSC, who is stationed at New River, spent the week rod at the home of C. Hubert Joyner. • * • . Mrs. B. H. Knott and daughter, iiss Mae, and J. I. Morgan, Sr., and r.,* were Norfolk visitors this week. Mrs. P. L. Loving has retained to tfeSraand, Va., after a visit to her idwMt, and to Mrs. H. H. Bradham. • • m Mrs. Win. C. Murray, of Washingon, D. C., arrived this week for a isit to he* -mother, Mrs. Dora H. Led. «i* *** - • « • Mrs. Hattie Bailey, of Robersonille and Norfolk, Va., spent the week nd with Mr. and Mm A. Q. Roeode. • • • Miss Daisy Bernhardt Dixon, of Wilson, spent several dmjt^ reek with her aunt, Mrs. Lodfse D. [arris. e • • '"v Albert Roebupk, who has been atmding summer school at Max ton 'resbyterian Junior College, has reamed. • » • Mrs. Margaret Britt and son, of Lyden, spent the week end 'with Mrs. 'rank Davis, Jr. and Mrs. Agnes Uoont. >, Mr. and lira. Hubert Ttrtrifcinft mall daughter of Wilson, spent Wedesday with Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hxon. , ■ • •• - • * , Friends will be glad to learn that "racy Johnson has returned fpofh a tocky Mount hospital and is irtiprovlg rapidly. ' V ••• M. G. Barrett and daughter, Emily, nd son, Mac Jr., have returned to visit to Mr. aad Mrs. E. Joyner. A ■% l^iss Lauretta Holloman, who is in raining at Grace Hospital, Richmond, Va., it~visiting Mr. and Mrs. L E. Belcher. • • • Mr. mi Mm. J. Edward Harris, f Newport News, -Va., spent several ays of this week With Mr. and Mrs. dm t', Dixon. « * * Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Jr., and mail son, and Mr. and Mn. Walter ones and children am at teach this week, • • • Mrs: R. A .Fields left ipend sevens! days with. J ira. R. A. Fields^*. adT Mr. Sr.; in Wilson. ■;•>>,/ ' *'"V> f * * kt Friends will ragrst to lire. J. W. Holmes left this ... Friends will' be (lad to learn that Hrs. y*f. H. Duke is recuperating 'rom a recent illness Mid is able to te out iHHHtii that to Hrs. J. W. Bass. i»J • • » McLeod and returned K> to Mr. and Mrs. -# r:m^-^r*iMiTiainy-Ti ' • reported Ml improving'. i^f^PVir* • • - VHikigm be glsd to learn that jme Parker, g»"»n daughter of *r. and Mrs. J. Leroy Parker, has returned from a Kinstori- Hospital and ia reported «s improving rapidly from a recent fliinjf^p ~ ' and Mrs. I. G. Greer of Thomasvilla, spent several days the' past week with Mr. and Mi*. J. W. Holmes. Dr. Greer is head of the Baptist Orphanage *t Thomaaville and president of the State Baptist Convention. • • • Mr. and Mra. Eddie Caraway, Mitt Marjorie > Caraway, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Batta and children, and Mra. Jimmie Lain*, of Wilson, and Mrs. G. I. Stearin, of Kcnly, had a cottage at Carolina Beach last weak. Mr. and Mm & t, Barrett, Jr. M Goldsboro, were guests of Mr. and Mn. E. L. Barrett, Mdnday. Miss Dora Mae Barrett accompanied them back to Gohhboro for a visit of several dan E. L. Jr., will, report for induction into the army at Fort Bragg,-Friday. . . . Mrs. E. L. Finch^-who has been living in New York for several months, has arrived to make her home" with her sister, Mrs. 8. F. Gainor while her husband, Lieutenant E. L. Finch of the Naval Medical Corps is in service. Mrs. finch has accepted the position of math teacher in &e Weidon schools and will assume h«r duties there SeptamMr L .Sff \UV — :: Friends will be glad to leani that Mrs. Graham McAdams, of Greenville, who h« been recuperating from a recent illness at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams,- is reported as improving rapidly. Friend* hen will be interested to learn that Graham har a position with the Naval Ordinance Laborate-y in Washington, D. C. carrying1 the green and white color scheme. The tallies were in nuptial motifs and favors emphasized the chosen oofor Bot^': X-t ' ^ — nn M> J - At. n WamWhaa wWii *» owdjo Hoo vOv jH^norvC greeted guests as they arrived and Mrs. McLeod, receiving at the living room door, directed them to places at seven tables bearing refreshment cloths and floral centerpieces, from which an ice eons* was served with mints and nuts prior to the games. The place at the honor guest wis marked by a lovely corsage erf rases. During the progressions an iced beverage was served. The high score prise, a red crystal bod rase, was won by Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., and the consolation, a set of ash trays, went to Miss Verona Lee Jo.rner4V-' "llr*. Bass was presented with an imported candy jar by the hostesses. ATTENDS CONVENTION p. .1 1 • 4 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The examination of J. Perry Bwdy and his children, James Earl, Richard Marvin, Gertfade, J. B. and Brcmell, here, today, revealed no evidence of tuberculosis. July 21, 1943. Signed; H. F. EASON, M. D„ Police Department, Fire Department, S P Other Expense, inc ,r Total General Debt Service Fund Notes Payable — Maturing Bonds __ % 48.7S8.91 i • »«. ,■* 12,000.00' 8,478.00 .« 7,810.00 16,086.92 > )