The progress of any town is the •fruit of Its labor. Farmville is a gnat town, a progressive town, and one by which many others of tie good State of North Carolina set their From Farmville payed roads wind out in every direction, trains and buses whiz through, the smoke from various plants curls into clouds as constantly it got* onward building more hopes, more plants, more stores, more everything thai is indicative of the progress of a town. As a very concrete evidence of the progress of Farmville is the tobacco edition which the Farmville buaina— men send out just prior to the market opening in a concerted effort to bring the Farmville Tobacco Market, its achievement and progress, before the people, and to give notice of special values which they have as market opening specials. For weeks the merchants here have been planning this event and their stores are full of lovely new fall goods, practical merchandise of every sort and of dependable quality at prices that will astonish their customers, prices far under their actual value. The weeks pass quickly, the summer is about spent, the harvest nearly over and with the first chill breezes and falling leaves come the 'thoughts of fall improvements for the home, the far 1 and the family Wardrobes. Farmville merchants have anticipated these desires for improvements at this season and are requesting that farmers and citizens read their advertisements in this issue, and make first selections from their large stocks of featured prices, which thrifty buyers cannot afford to overlook. Family wardrobes can be fiHed out smartly with well tailored suits, coats, dresses, hats and shoes at the general and department stores, homes can be modernized with new furnishings, pantry and farm supplies can be purchased at real savings, the old car may be repaired, or a new one purchased,- the gas tank filled, your insurance premiums paid, beauty service enjoyed, prescriptions refilled, clothes cleaned, etc., etc., etc. tfonTt exceptional values wUl mark their fall business. jfll Firms oooperating is presenting the tobacco market to Um public in this ijftfal edition, and cheerfully giving their support to the warehousemen of their fcustomers-and prospects with a special message Just prior to the opening an listed below. j|ggf§9| In return for their interest widenced in this way, the editor wishes to urge that the individual advertisements of these