aoMa nld: . £ >■ t "You may mail applications direct to the Center at Charlotte, addressing your application to the Mcdtcftl Officer in charge. fojpid Treatment Center, Eev«sith and Church Streets, Charlotte. "Patients to be admitted to the Charlotte Hospital will be of ^following category: "L Whita aad colored females will be adailNled. No males will be admitted to Charlotte but will be admitted to Durham,* where ammgements are under way for the opening of another Rapid Treatment Center. "2. Syphilitic patients with primary, secondary or latent syphilis (if under SO years of age) will be admitted. If over SO years of age, patients 'will be admitted if there io a de mite history of onset at untreated or nadequateiy treated syphilis wfthia two years previously. "3. Patients with gonorrhea, if treatment resistant or if point number 4 is involved, will be admitted. Patients with treatment resistant gonorrhea will be admitted to "Dorham only. "4. Preference fir admission will be given patients who am prostitutes, transients, uncooperative, or who for other reasons caimot be satisfactorily ti«uatud in local clinics. "5. Patients with other venereal diseases, or who have syphilis or gonorrhea and do not fulfill above cri-teria, may be admitted by special permission of Medical Directors of the quarantine hospitals. "6. Syphilitic patients sent to Charlotte will be given five-day treatment, unless other treatment schedule is indicated. "7. Patients with gonorrhea, alone, will be admitted to Charlotte unless gonorrhea has poven to be treatment resistant. " "8. Syphilitic patients sent to Durham will be given ten-week treatment, unless other treatment schedule fa indicated. ;" j "There facilities an> for use by your department and we would appreciate your helping us to build the centres to its maximum ss soon as it it pssribfe to do ao. Possibly this will relieve your clinic of much of its present load sad we feel that you Consumer STATE CC ANSWE PAW# JUESTION: How IMi can I m4 i and hariey? -r ANSWER: Extenafan agronomists say that oats may b* seeded until October 26 la the Piedmont and until November 15 in the Coastal Plain. Barley may be seeded safely until jjevember 1 fa the Piedmont and until November 15 fa the Coasts Plain. Delay in seeding train means lower yields. Hessian fly-free dates should be observed. QUESTION; Bow cm I keep galvanized roofing- from rusting ? » ANSWER: David S. Weaver, fa charge of Agricultural Engineering at State College, says that the galvanized roofing should be pointed with a metalic zinc paint at the first sign of nut or when the root shows a dark discoloration. He suggests that the roof be pot fa good physical shape, with all gotten and low ptariey being cleaned ai fallen leaves and dirt, before die paint is applied. If the roof has been painted with iny ldnd of paint previously, all. loose and scaly puts should be removed with a wire brush. He suggest* rinsing the roof with water, after which it should be allowed to thoroughly dry. QUESTION: How'can I reduce power oosts in cutting ensilage? ANSWER: "It is good pnctioe to change knives after each four hours of continuous operation because dull knives an power hog*," says J. D. Blickle, Extension T^yimvor at State College. The knife adjustment to the sheer plate should be held at * minimum clearance for dean catting. Blickle suggests that whan the shear plate edges become rounded, due to wear, the plate should be fawned or replaced. He advises that the speed of the chopper should ndt ex -J 1.1 .X Ml a, - I, M - M ^ - i * . ^ ' , ■ J .11|. |,| I, M ■ ■ ceeo init necoflmty TO iwmw Uttiivi/ of the material through the blower pipe. Excessive speeds waste power and result fa the separation of the eoaree and fine chopped material in The d 1943-44 at abou I the sup, a allocated to cMlD FARM W Maximum Price Regulation 8M. ABUT NBSOS DOCTORS To couttnne the standaid of the U. S. Amur as tine healthiest army in the world, 7,600 additional physicians die coming three months, and an |dditional 2,500 by January 1, IMC Major General Norman T. Kirk, Surgeon General, says: "The casualty rate in the Amy to dale haa been very low ,aad one of the nain reasons has been the availability of trained surgeons on Hie battlefields and is hoapitala behind the lines to give our wounded men quick, efficient, and expert cam," 1 . FOOD PRICES DOWN N "Retail food prices as a group— representing about two-fifths at total living costs — declined by 2.0 percent." Secretary of Labor Itwii Perkins said recently in diseuasing changes in the cost of living from June IS to Jhity IB. "Clothing oasts rose 0.6 percent Other costs, including house furnishings, utility rates and services, were stable or increased moderately." With mast prices cot back by OPA and vegetables seasonally lower, the ooat of living for dty workers dropped 0.8 percent. TO USE NYA EQUIPMENT •• Vocational schools which were *, y.v*.U\ v.. iug National Tooth "^ministration equipment or buikUac* on June 30 hare been advised by Paul V. McNutt, Chairman, War Manpower Commissi on, to f|h applications before October IS with the regional office* at the r/walmiient Division, Treasury Department, tf they wtah to continue uain* these building*, tools, and Willi— for training students dniar the war. *" " SOT ASIOS DRIED FRUITS Dried fruit packers mutt set aside for government procurement their entire holdings of raisins, prunes, apples, apticots, peaches, pen, and cuhisnta during the 1948-44 season under a continuation last y««r** program, the WPA Mid rarently. Last year wm than 284,900 tens of dried prunes tad iwUm were released far civilian consumption. TO KEEP RUNXpjB America'* 90,000,000 motorists have been assured by WPR that auffident new and rwiMjUHensd pacts will be made available to keep the nation essential care rolling through lM4...;Even the country** 6,000,000 vehicles ton yan eld or more will be key* on the rend By neeeaaary reOWWR PURL NOW With War Price and IsWnnHig Boards rapidly completing the tasi of ration, OPA is to place order inmediatety «**• both oonaanen and (Mm ptatjr of time daring wmrm weather to gat a supply at heating oil hi home stor aVIUANS TO GET 80TA PRODUCTS To stmigthen-U. & wartime diata nutritional, more thaaa 12 timaa the quantity of soy* products available laat year has ban allocated to chrfllans far the ytaur ending June 30, 1944, by W£A. Ovilfcm will get 87 ant of every hundred pounds of tfeybean flour, ftahea, and grits ail, a total of Mtj600,000 It ia eatimatad that 80 mitttM were used domestically laat SPUED LIMIT SAVES TIRES Tires wear ottt about to as f aat at 65 miles an hoar as at 86 miles an hoar and speed ia the nost rate of tire wear, according to a recant report by the I ligation. Strict obaerrance of Mat "SLAP Tit* JAPS WITH m 'SISfsil

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