Mrs. T. S. Williams and Mrs. Theodore'Moot® were Wilson visitors, Wednesday. • * • :i VV '7 W. G. Gay, who waa taken to a Wilson hospital for treatment Monday, is very HI. a • • Miss Caiiey Anne Johnson left Thursday to enter Atlantic Christian College in Wilson. • • • W. R. Dixon, ST(M) 3/e, of Bainbridge,.Md., spent tiie week end with his family here. 0 • • Mrs. A, W. Bobbitt has returned from a visit to relatives in Columbia, S. C., and Alabama. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Wheleas, Jr., and Mrs. J. W. Bass were Raleigh visitors, Wednesday. ■ • a Pvt. L. B. Johnson, of Fort Jackson, Columbia, S. C., is spending this week at his home here. • • f Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Williams, of Wilson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Sunday. • a a Miss Brightsie Savage, of Battlebo ro, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nash Warren. ■ • • Mrs. Frank Allen left Thursday for an extended visit to relatives and friends in Kansa* and Ohio. » • • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Modlin and daughter will visit relatives here for the Labor Day week end. • • • Miss Margaret Smith return Sunday from a two weeks visit in Washington and Kinston. Mrs. Louise Harris day from a viait to Mrs. Hartman in Winston- Saiam. • • • Mrs. W. J. Rasberry returned Tuesday from Cary where she ed relatives for several days. • • • Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Barrett family will, hold a reunion dinner the Municipal Park, Sunday. Mrs. A. A. A. A., ed Mrs. L. George ville Rev. Miss Fume Gray left Monday for Williamston to resuma bar duties as teacher in the Martin County schools. '' • * *'j """■ Mrs. Malette G. Dodaon, of New Bern, visited her parents, Mr. sad 8:00 P. M.—Contract Club meete with. Mrs. Lath Morriss. ItOO V. M.—Rotary Club. 8:00 P. It—Business Woman's Cirri® will meat at the home of Mrs. J. A. Gregory, with Mrs. Gregory and Mrs. Dorothy Gay 3:00 P. M.—New Deal Club meets with Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt. 3:00 P. ML—Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. George Moore, Jr. Thursday, 9 10:00 A. M.—Hit and Miss Club, Country Club. 3:00 P. M.—Progressive Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Jack Smith. 3:00 P. M.—Farmville Home Demonstration Club. ' Friday, 10 3:30 P. M.—Woman's Club meets st the home of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood with Mrs. B. S. Sheppard, Mrs. C. H. Mozingo, Miss Tabitha DeVisconti and Miss Annie Perkins as hostesses. Rev. E. C. Chamblee will address the club on the subject of "Youth." 8:00 P. M. — Woodmen of the World. Saturday, 11 10:00 A. M —Bird Club. Mm. Frank Davis, Jr., Miss Agnes Virginia Quinerly and Miss Franks Howard - were Goldsboro visitors, Tuesday. • • • . Miss Mary Thome Tyson of Langley Field, Va., spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mr*. C. A. Tyson. • • • Miss Violet Meredith of Chase City, Va., in visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss and Mn. Corinne Stilley. • • • Mrs. Wm. C. Murray and daughter, Miss Novella Hortcn Capps, will arrive Friday for a visit to Mrs. Dora H. Keel. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gase and small son, have moved to the home of Mr. and Mn. C. A. Lilly, for the tobacco season. * • * Ronald Nichols, of' Plymouth, will spend the week ted here with las wife, in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. CL L. Ivey. • • • Mrs. Layne Dail and Miss Jan* Dail have returned from a visit to Mrs. Dail's daughter, Mrs. Marvin Hurst hi Durham. < m-m Mr. and MrsT deorge Windham and Mrs. W. R. Dixon and daughter, Barbara Am, spent Tuesday with relatives in Wendell. P}K{.:' ^ ^ v• * •-' 3| Miss Yvonne Smith, vho graduated from Peace College in June, is at present employed in the office of A. C. Monk A Co., Inc. , 111 1 ffllCl! - ?i + + • li- • „'.v 4 " - S'i Mrs. Grimes Lewis, who has-been spending some time with her parents in Oriental, visited, relatives here during the week and. • • • Lt and Mrs. Dwigkt Slaytle and D. C., spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Maahbum. • some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nash W«m pl?fPI| ^ W. D. Morton, SP \/c of the Naval Training' Reserve School, Bainbridgft, M«L, was at home last week end. His next assignment will he at the University of Wisconsin. "-^p -■& •> • • 'r-i'-i. %$?£■ Mr. and Mrs. Cheater (Jutland of Norfolk, Va., visited relatives here daring the week end. Mr. mod Mrs. T. «. Nichols, parents at Mrs. Outland, returned with than for * visit. §iy w Warren Lupton joined Mrs. Lupton, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Turnage, here for the week end. They returned to their home in BeDtavsn, Sunday. Hias Eatelle Pittman of Roanoke Rapids is visitingMiss Lee Carraway. Miss Pittman and Mica Camway accompanied by Ma. W. F. Carraway were Washington visitor*, Tuesday. .* m • Mrs. Neal Howard, Miss Prances Howard, Mrs. Ted AJbritton, Mrs. H. H. Bradham, Mm James Lang and Miss A^iee Virginia Quintrly were Rocky Mount visitors, Thursday. • • • Mis. George Kirk,and son, John Philip, arrived Monday /rem Madison; Ind., to join Mr. Kirk, who is on the Farmville' Tobacco Market They are rending in the home of Mrs. W. J. Ted. • • • First Lb and Mrs. P. W. Weeks spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs, Carrie Bell Joyner, enroute from Camp Davis, N. C., to Fort Benning, Ga., where Lt. Weeks has been kt^sfermL Mrs. J. H. Bynum, Mrs. B. F. Weaver, Mrs. Bennett Fields, Mrs. J. R. Lewis, Mn. Herman Baker and Mrs. Robert Fields attended a special Home Demonstation .Meeting in Greenville, Tuesday. Miss Vera Robinett, Mies Mable Barrett and Tommy Seala of Georgetown, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Starmount of Virginia' Beach, Va., will be guests of Mr., and Mrs. Theodore Moore this week end. • • • Miss Martha Lewis has returned from Williamsburg, Va., and has accepted a position in the office of R. L. and W. H. Smith in Greenville. She is now spending some time with her mother, Mre. J. R, Lewis. • -m m Marie Wesley Joyner of Newport News, Va., visited his mother, Mrs. Bob Joyner, last week end. Mrs. M. W. Joyner and their small daughter, Pat, who have been visiting here, returned with him. IP• • • •. ■ Bob Paylw and Leslie Yelverton -have retarood from Chapel Hill where they attended Boys' State. They were chosen to attend and sponsored by the Farmvflle Rotary Club and American Legion, respectively. ? f|w|a • • • Mrs. Margaret Sugg of Greene County, has accepted a position as stenographer and bookkeeper in the office at the Town of Fannville, taking the place of Miss Frances Winstead who resigned, as of September 1st 1 • • • / | Mrs. C. C. Hedgepeth and children, Winston sad Don-eita, arrived Saturday from Knoxville, Term., to join Mr. Hedgepeth who is associate with A. C Monk k Co., Inc., here. They are making their home in the Lovelace apartments. * * * Pvt. ifec Bowling, of the U. 8. Army, ]»• returned to Charleston, S. C., after a visit to relatives ham Pvt. Bowling aaw duty in North Africa, following behind the invasion forces and serving with the mit dele(in .. | i ,1 4rt. I-.--.-, 0 f-a-i A.*L — m »■■■ m •— jmiTirn jratea to guaming trie prisoners. Cpl. Robert G. Barret, Jr., at the U. S. Marine Corps arrived THiesday from Guanatuma, Bay, Cubs fo» a ten day visit: with his parents, his first visit in the States for the past KECEPTION FOR TEACHERS TO BE HELD AT BAPTIST CHURCH FRIDAY EVENING An informal "Victory Reception" will be given at the kx^l Baptist Church Friday evening of this week for all Public School teachers, the local School Board, and their wive* or husbands as the case* may be. All members of the Church are urged to be present by eight o'clock or soon thereafter in order to greet the teacher? and keep the meeting within the hour. Teachers and Board Members are asked to come to the front of the Church on East Wilson Street and they will be directed where to go. '*■ — *—s—- ■ s: % PROMOTED TO CAPTAIN First Lieutenant Merwin J. Gregg, of the Veterinary Corps, U. S. Amy, "has been promoted to Captain effective August JO, 1943. Captain Gregg, before being called to active military duty practiced his profession in Fsrmville for four years. He has recently, been transferred from the Air Corps Technical Training Command in Chicago to the Army Air Transport Command, Fairfield Army Air base, Fairfield, California. Mrs. Gregg and their small daughter, Jo Anne, accompanied him to California. . LITERARY CLUB The Literary Club held its opening meeting of the year on Wednesday afternoon, when Mis. J. Hi Darden was a gracious hostess at -the home of Mrs. 6. M. Holrisn. Early fall roses were in artful decoration, in the living and dining rooms. Miss Annie Perkins, chairman of the book committee, announced that many of the new dub books have already bean selected. Mrs. Neal Howard, President, presided and stressed War Bofcd Buying, urging every member to buy and sell as many of each as possible before September 15th. Mrs. J. B. Joyner was unanimously elected to attend the Council of the N. C. Federation, which meets in Raleigh the 16th and 17th. Program Chairman, Mrs. J. W. Joyner, introduced the dub Program, "Conflict of Political Ideas" which will be developed throughout the year, and Mrs. Henrietta Williamson presented the first paper on this subject, "Free Men and Democracy." Dainty sandwiches and tea follow ed with sweets, were served during the social hour. |L , ■ BAPTIST MINISTER BEGINS SEUBS OP SERMONS ON "WHAT BAPTISTS BELIEVE" The local Baptist minister, Edwand C. Chamblee, is begtaiinf a series of four sermons Sunday evening at this week, running consecutively for xth» next four Sunday (tings on the theme: "What ~ Believe." The subjects in order as follows: Sept. 6, "Why Necessary To Believe?"; "The Authority Far Our c ■* . * . Secretary, Mrs. Tony ton; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Fr»nk Willftuns; Social Chairman. Misa Nellie Butler; Personal Service Chairman, Mis. E. C. Chamblee. Mrs. Henry Johnson is teacher of the Miss Elvira Tyson oonducted an inspiration*! devotional, maiing as her subject, "Puttme Christ Pin*.". During an enjoyable social hour, the hostess served tasty sandwiches, sweet cookies and pkkles with iced cocarccw Mrs. Hadley Bryan and Mrs. Harvey Winstead gave the program at the meeting of Group 4, Christian Missionary Society, on Monday evening, at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Bryan. Seven members were present. Arrangements otf colorful zinnias and marigolds decorated the home. According to a new plan, hostesses make a monetary gift to the treasury instead of providing refreshments, and all meetings are being held at the home of the chairman. Hoeteasea last' month were: Mm David Harris and Mrs. Ted Albritton. > * THtf METHODIST CHURCH Evening worship will be resumed on next Sunday, at the Methodist Church. The Youth Fellowship Group will meet at 7:30 o^clock, with Miss Betsy Morriss as program reader. The preaching service wMl be at 8:00 o'clock. ■ The Children's and Young People's Choirs will resume regular practice «n Sunday afternoon at 2:60 o'clock, Mrs. Haywood Smith directing. Pap rents will please cooperate and have their children at the Church promptly at the hour for practice. L ——^ ■■ J H BIRD f^UB NOTES George Manning1 read an article on the Cuckoo at Saturday's Bird Club meeting. Birds of the Cuckoo family are long-tailed; mostly arboreal, but sometimes terrestial and groundscratching. The toes are armqgvd In pairs, two pointing forward and two backward. There are eight to ten feathers in the taO. The young are hatched naked. The nest is of very rude construction, the eggs are extremely variable as to coloration and number and are usually deposited at interpals so that eggs and young are ofUn found in the nest at the same time. . As a rule the Cuckoos are birds of dull plumage, * more or lees plain _. i- m_ig — —» in, — ,AA1 graywi Drown or partly rufous coloration prevailing. Both the yellowbilled and black Wiled species are known as the "Rain Crow" because «f the belief—especially among farmers—that their gutteral cry predicts rain. His preferred menu of tent caterpillars, of which he destroys great numbers, places him in the category of highly useful bulls. After the program a hike to the country tfas taken. When Diogines failed to find an honest man it was not the fault of A. C, Monk. S to 12 A. M. Mm. J™** Lewis, : 3 P. M. Mrs. C. S. HotchkiM, l| WHEAT The domestic wheat supply for the 1948-44 marketing year to no*- indicated at tVnl 1,400 million bushels, which is 213 million bushels below the record supply hi 1MMS. : BOGS M'A " The Wjir Meat Board Is urging growers to market their hogs early. The spring pig crop was 32 percent larger than last year. - It is reported that the^Harry HopIdas' will move out of the White House this fall and that the Rsosevelte wont to rtmw their tame which expires neoct year. 5 : —— 1 wish to announce that Barter rrices nave not been changed recently. — OUR PRICES ARE: — | HAIR CUTS 50c. - — SHAVES 30c. bs Wf' Other Services in Proportion. ' I am also glad to inform my many friends and customers that I now have a fuU set of ready to give you prompt service. — COME IN TO SEE US — Wilson Street