* far. . ' ■ Keep healthy—to save time ■ng^'dHl i No man wants to talk sense to a pretty giri. ''■ ■ - 1 This war is too big for even oar beet columnists to uaHiiirinnrt and manag* President Roosevelt, politically speaking, has switched from the left to the right. Maybe he's right. Our dimes and quarters and dol lars will help wis the war flf produc tion. Get Defense Bonds and today. These days if a man leaves the business for a week .he has to learn the business all over again when 1 returns. Tlie United States is today, as it always has been, theshest investment in the world. Defense Bonds and Stamps offer an opportunity tor each to buy a share m America. EQUIPMENT Growers should protect their farm machinery from the weather, .and check and adj-ist it for maximum ef ficiency, says David S. Weaver, in charge of Agricultural Engineering at State College. WOOD "Military equipment, supplies aa food must be prksgnri and shipped to our anniea and allies. This malms timber and fmlpweed just as import ant as food," saye R. W. Graeber, State College Forester. HERE FORDS Thirty-seven buyers from three states paid an average of >290 per head for 66 registered Hereford* from Watauga County at a recent sale at Boone, reports County Agent H. H. Hamilton, Jr. HOLSTHNS Cottomade Farm at Fayettevilie and Happy Hill Farms at Matthews purchased outstanding females at the Dunloggini sale nf Holstefcis m Mary land. Sale of 209 wimalg brought >883,700. • BIRO CLUB ■ h*-'-1 .mc Hj£said this than the robin and has aot bade and a dully with a short, brown tail. The Hermit Ifcrwh is a singar a# the porcst natural malody to 1 in tibia or, perhaps, soy land. He is called the "American n yMV l. 4. _jx ics contend that £T "pi? to Lily 3K ■MlMH Committee Deplores Lack, of Employment Control In Washing ton *! •/<" - Washington, Oct 18.—A congres - charged today that tome of the top personnel jobs in Washington "constitute a real bot tleneck" to tiie government's war sffoft. "Lie youthful executives lack "the Experience and tact" necessary in 'top-aetch management official*," ieclared the House CM Service Dof^mittee headed by Hep. Ramsperk of Georgia, the Democratic whip. Experienced executives "have been turned down completely or ignored iy these younger personnel officers" the report added _ ' -i ll Other findings in the committee's unfnished investigation of federal jobholders: Government workers are "blowing up" their own descriptions of their jobs and gating salary hikes MM Ing from $600 to $1,200 a year m doing practically the same work. Some administrators build up "personal machine*" of Mends on the payroll who move with them bom job to job, "their salaries usual ly being boosted on the doubtful ex cuse that their duties have beau in creased." * "Hie bald fact is — the uncoordi nated departments of the executive branch of the federal government lack an over-all, centralised authori ty with powers of management con trol," the committee said. "Until this situation is corrected the tax payers can expect a fimtinwanre of needless hiring and duplication oi effort." "It is too obvious to state that tht chief executive lades the time to give to general management. It simpiy would be humanly impossible even la peacetime. Improper management, therefore, cannot be laid at the door step of, the chief executive." The investigatocs centered then 2= in New Guinea. 177 Jap aim* destroyed, 17,600 tow of *&pb __L J* |1. , I, , 1,,| , , M tans, inciaamg um aMr,/«v. Italy declare* war on Germany. U. a, Britain and Roam accept Italy m co-beiligerenk Allied troops ad t Voltnnv Una and i moon big battle a tabu taken and British Eighth Army captures Bed Amy breaks through to Meli topol in Ukraine, goto near Kiev in middle Dnieper sector and crashes to vicinity of Gomel In Whte Churchill sise among United Nations prolong the war, says bloodiest fight ing ahead. -Jfapaneee open threfr-pronged of fensive along Burma Road. Chinese aided by U. S. airmen, trying to hold them off. fire on the yosmg personnel execu tives and the "Mow up" method of boosting salaries. "As the result of the apparent Mfc ■■J* .Mil H.J of a college degree for pemonnel of ficers," ths report said, "numerous highly efficient men and wnaw hare bean lost to the war effort. The (investigating) staff has been told thai many of these would-be applicants have walked awny is de spair, a despair born of ths pernon nel Officer's lack of tact and un derstanding." As an. szrmple of napU advance ment the oomirutten^Joatttaed the case of "Miss B" who was a part time clerk fa n dime store five yours ago. She was graduated from col lege two yean ago and want to work for the OPA as n "junior classifica tion anaUst" at *1,320. Now she is associate personnel officer," mak "the rtnomnn^ denominator of a col lege degree and few years, if any, in practical business etpsrienee," the investigators saicf. CHICKENS : poultry-raising, the use of wirs .mesh floors has simplified the care of ekidcs, and for older birds, tha use of a deep, highly "absorbent lit ter savsa changing it so often. ... .. — until victory to achieved; "That the United Statea cooperate! with its coBunides-to-arms to "That the acting} through its jiirirr—rill Join with free mod sovereign in the ^ - ance of to preserve tile peace at the^odd* | Thoae who voted for Jthe reeolu Uo® «n« Senators Gomtetly, Geoege | (D-Ga), Bartdey :• doubt Republi cans, led by Vaadanberg, had forc ed some revisions to the origtoal Coimally dnaft of the rwaohition, which called for the oM ef eco nomic, military and naval sanc tions to enforce the peace if ar bitration and fcegotfctiou efforts ftdM, k -«r*. . \ ^ By _ N. C. Stat* g 4I&- H $gH& ■now and be] mm • g — k »„ r ■,»' * >; •*% • '-^•5 H '■<*' \ ■ ' ' ■•!-.. •«'.>» ,£!•>»••• • -V ' ?*"- V" / - ■ 'V n «r- *wv. "• >A. •'"« • • fJ V^'T. mi^.1 1 M.iV-. tftmKIfaMHV^' . r - d* ■' ' ' ' li m4 m- +g By the A* tfaft USO wfl km 2448 £oJb Tff m«te by Jac. T. little, Co*arty is bMed cm mi efmmM report ml him SUNDAY ^ i V BAPTIST CHURCH VX: Rot. Wwmrd C C^«wfcW, PmMt. 9:46 A. II.—Bible School. Geo. W. Davit, Saperiat*nd«nt - 11:00 Aj VL—Morning Wor&iip. 7:00 P. M.—B. T. U. lfcrjorie Parker, Director. 8:00 M.—Evangelistic Boor, rm^yrtAM CHURCH . Iter. C. R MMktam. Put* 10 AX) A. M.—Sunday School. J. 0. ner. mawm & »t<* A. *" M 9m. f. 10:00 A. 11:06 'Atii ■■ Pint and HU Solip. tmitimA ii.-oo RicW Scott mA Erdyta A Heroic Starr of On* of the Fi(ktta«wt Ships ia The Navy of Aewiea. '-"fra Now* of tU Doy. Mm Bu faiherm Cortowv. i . "''I "• a*4 radio . . . ta •rrr Cf • \ L '-NOTICE 09 SALE Undo- and by Tirtue of t*e of mt* contained in that i Kfcrtad by /• > wife, at ate, ["Hated JW*. nwry 10, M41, and recorded in Bosk U-28 pa«e 440 in Pitt County Regi. try, default having made in thi* of the by th« terma thereof (object to tan c'-wnra, the undesigned Truatee. will orfer for sale at public auction to the higfceet bidder, f«r caah, at the oourthouae door in Graanvfito, North Carolina, at noon on the 28 day of October, 1943, the lands deecribed in said deed of truat, rta: ltt 'JVact Bounded by the of R. M. Elk*, J. K Edward, and Cow Swwnp, con Zj^ff i be the of reoert in Pitt Count/?/ In Book M-12 page 408. Sad Tract Bang in the town of V Pitt Cowty, North £~ BASK scribed in eorajme of reoofd in [HpiSac^nr ia Beok 17 w. 22nd day of Sept IMS. A8THUF B. COREY, 01-4wka-pd. — W. E. Jeyner, Call ■ o»-tf« .. I IP Bra "f