Mr*. T. E. Johnson is visiting her parents in Woodruff, & C. • • • Mrs. R. A. Parker and son, Martin, will spend the week end in Benson. 9 • • C. G. Rollins of Raleigh paid a brief visit to relatives here on Monday. • • • Mrs. Thomas S. Ryon and son, Shipley, were Gofafeboro visitors, Thursday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brock, Jr., are now making their home at 309 West Church St. • • • ' John Parker of Chapel Hill will arrive Sunday for a week's visit with his family here. • • « • Mrs. Mattie R. Swain of .Plymouth spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Rollins. Mrs. Alex Bynum of Charlotte visited Mrs. G. M. Holden and other friends here, Tuesday. m m m Mrs. J. R. Shearin, Mrs. R. T. Martin smd Mrs. L. B. Nutter were Goldsboro visitors, Monday. 9 • m Miss Helen Willis of Edenton spent last week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis. • • • J. Lt. R. O. Lang spent Monday and Tuesday at hie home here, returning to his post in Louisiana. • * • Mrs. R. T. Scott, who has been confined to her bed during recent weeks is able to be up again. • » • Mr. and Mrs. George Monk and children, Diana and George, are visiting relatives in Ithaca, N. Y. • • • Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Guiganus of Norfolk will spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gaynor. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooke of Stantonsburg spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Field?. • • • Mrs. Marlowe Hall Jackson, Jr. is expected to arrive Friday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Mary Russell. • • • Mrs. James Monk, Mrs. Bob Fiser, Mrs. Coy Monk and Mr*. B. O. Turoage were Raleigh shoppers, Wednesday. • • • Little Miss Carol Hagan of Faimville is spending some time with her ' aunt, Mrs. Ray Braxton, at Creedmoor. • • • Master Wayne Thomas Sugg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Sugg is recuperating from a recent tonsil operation. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Max McLeod and daughter, Maxine, of Raleigh, spent a few days of this week with relatives here. • • • Mian Ins Dupree attended the Junior-Senior Dances at Chapel Hill and Duke-Carolina Game during the week end. m • • Mrs. Mabel Joyner and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Joyner and son, Bill, of Wilson were Sunday guests of Mrs. C. E. Moore. • a • Mrs. Gene Hart is of Charlotte and Mrs. C. S. Eagles of Saratoga spent Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Henrietta Williamson. * * * Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pierce and Mrs. W. Leslie Smith left Thursday for Rti-hmnmH where Mr. Pierce will have a physical checkup. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Keel, of New York, spent the week end with relatives here, staying in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M E. Dixon. * m m • CALENDAR• 330 P. M.—Executive Board, P. T, A. 8:80 P. M.—Garden Club mesta with Mrs. R. W. Rader. 8:30 P. M.—The Woman's Society of Christian Service, Methodist, will observe Week of Prayer. All members are urged to at7:00 P. M.—The Womw'a Missionary Society at the Baptist Church will have its Miarfon Study Class in the Church with the Y. W. A.'s and the Business Women's Circle joining in the Study. Mrs. Ford Bums, of Raleigh will teach the hook, "So This Is Africa," by Anderson. 8:00 P. M.—Worker's Council, Methodist, will meet with Miss Margaret Lewis and Miss Effie Lewis at their home. Tuesday, 36 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. — Red Cross Workroom Open. 3:30 P. M.—Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. 7:00 P. M.—Rotarians entertain Rotary Anns and Teachers for annual dinner party at the Country Club. 8:00 P. M.—Junior Order. 8:00 P. M.—Boy Scouts. 2:00 to 5:OofT- Red Cross Workroom Open. 3:00 P. M.—New Deal Club meets with Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr. 3:00 P. M.—Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. Robert Lee Smith. Thursday, 28 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. — Red Cross Workroom Open. 3:30 P. M.—Parents-Teachers Association. 4:00 P. M—Pioneers meet with Miss Viola Smith. 7:30 P. M.—Masons. Friday, 29 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. — Red Cross Workroom Open. 8:00 P. M. — Woodmen of the World. 8:30 to 10:00 P. M.—Red Cross Workroom Open. Saturday, SO 10:00 A M.—Bird Club. TONIGHT 7:45 P. M.—The members of the Lamrad Club will entertain their huswnds for a supper party at Bonnie's. 8:15 P. M.—Miss Vivian Scott will stttertain a number of friends for a 'Kid Party" at her home. TO ATTEND FORMAL DANCE TONIGHT The Young Ladies of Farmville will don their loveliest evening clothes and attend the formal dance to be held at Seymour Johnson Raid Service Center, this evening. The Army bus will be on hand at the City Drag Co.'s store at 6:80. _ ■* Twenty-four from FarmvilTe and four from Snow Hill attested the Tuesday informal dance in a group, when Miss Jane Greene, of Farmville, was invited to lead the Grand March. Mrs. B. O. Turnage, Mrs. ST G. Gardner, Mrs. M. Y. Self, Mrs. J. M. Christman and Mrs. J. T. Thottto attended a District Zone meeting of Societies of Christian Service in Wilson, Tuesday. • ■ • Mrs. L. B. Nutter arrived from Wilmington during the week and for a visit with her sister, Mrs. R. T. Martin. Mr. Martin sad Mm Nutter left Tuesday for a visit of several days with relatives in Blackstone, Va. CHANGE OF ADDRESSES CpL James R.. Jones is now at Barksdaie Field, Shreveport, La. , Pfc. Ray E. Braxton, Jr„ 38887604, Hg. Co. 3rd Bn., 801 infantry, / VO H, c/o Postmaster, Nashville, T*». Cpl. Edward Tyson Mosingo hac seen transferred. His address is now: 84th Fighter Bomber Gp., 488 Fighter Bomber Sq., Hsrdfeg FieAd, Baton" Rouge, La. BRUNSWICK STEW The Home Demonstration Club will jerve a Brunswick Stow Supper, Wednesday, October 27th from six to eight P. 1L, in the Club house on the Fountain Highway. Tickets at rixty cents per plate, are now on ■ale at Lottie's Beauty Shop. They nay also be obtained by calling Mn. 1. R. Lewis or any Home Demonstration Club member. NOTE OF THANKS • I wish to thank everyone that was so thoughtful of me during my illness. I appreciated every visit, every telephone call, every letter, card and especially the most beautiful flowers. Mrs. {S.pL Mosingoi. NOTE OF THANKS I wish to thank my msny friends for the lovely flowers sad cards they Bent me, and for the cheerful letters received, while I was sick in the hospital and since I have been out of hospital. Mn. Blanche Paschall. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The Christian Endeavor will hold its regulsr meeting: Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clock in the Christian Church. All the members are urged to attend ss plans will be discussed concerning the Youth Banquet to be held in Kinston on November 10th. There is a special request for all officers to be present MRS. M. H. POTTER Snow Hill.—Funeral services for Mrs. M. H. Potter, who died Wednesr dsy morning at a Wilson hospital after a brief illness, were held Thursday afternoon from the home. Burial followed in St. Boniface cemetery. Surviving' are two sons, Herbert Potter of Snow Hill and James Potter of Raleigh; a sister, Mn. J. W. Parker of Esrmville; three brothers, C. H., E. J., and Frank Harper, all of Snow Hill. FARMYILLE BONDED WAREHOUSE HAS FIRE Reports late Thursday stated that! the fire which started in the last compartment of the Farmville Bonded Warehouse around ten o'clock, Wednesday morning, is still burning but is thought to be under control. There is no total loss, however, 600 bales of ootton which are damaged from scorching are being moved out MRS. JES8E MOYE ELECTED PRESIDENT OF 15th DISTRICT Mm. J. M. Hobgood, Mr*. J. B. Joyner, Mrs. Jaaae Moye and Ms Kate Reynold* attended the Fifteenth District Meeting: of the N. C. Federation of Woman's Clubs which met in MUsuSm, Thursday, October Slat. Mrs. Jaaae Moye who ia President of the Farmville Woman's Club waa President of the District for the next term. The Ayden Club invited the District to meet with them nest year. Mrs. Moye gave the report for the Local Woman's .Clubs and Mrs. J. B. Joyner gave a brief account at the activities of the literary Club which ia a member of the Th* Contract Club mat on Tuesday afternoon with 'Mrs. Zeb White1 1. , 1 , II ■ - f II 1 Hurst who attractively earned out th« Halloween and Pall motif in tallies, favors and floral decorations of marigolds, autumn leaves and lilliput «<»«<«« in shades. In the bridge gum, War Savings Stamp* were won by Mis C. H. Joyner who scored high far the Club and a pyrex casserole want to Mrs. S. A. Roebuck who was Ugh among guests. Other guests included Mrs. 1* E. Walston, Mrs. Henrietta Williamson, Mrs. R. G. Griffin and Mm W. R. Burke. In keeping with the Halloween holiday spirit, the hostess arranged several games of bingo. which Mis. M. V. Jones won linen handkerchiefs. Refreshments wee* oocoanut cake, coffee and nuts. Home Dew awatratten Club. The Farmville Home Demonstration Club held its October masting on Thursday afternoon, October the fourteenth in the Club house, with a large attendance,and with two new member* being added to the rolL In the business esssion. pises ware completed for a brunswick stow supper to be held on Wednesday, October 27th, with Mrs. B. M. Lewis as chairman, and for the luncheon and Achievement Day Program to be held in Greenville at the Woman's Club, Oct. 28th. * Assisted by Mi*. W. R. Hinaon, clothing leader, Mia* Verona Lee Joyner gave a very timely and instru> ti ve lesson stud demonstra.ikm of "The Care and Repair of Clothing." The hostesses, Mrs. A. C. Carmway and Mrs. C. B. Joyner, served delicious refreshments during the social hour. American Legion Auxiliary An enthusiastic meeting of the Americsn Legion Auxiliary was held in the bom* of Mi*. R. LeBoy Rollins on Thursday afternoon of this week. Mrs. Cari Tyson, for the devotional period, talked interestingly on "Christian Education." Miss Margaret Tyson gave a splendid account of Girls' State attended by her at Greensboro in June. In her remarks, she.outlined the development of the Democratic and Republican Parties from their beginningsMrs. Louise Harris, treasurer, reported «n the Auxiliary's part in the recent War Bond Drive — gift* of cigarettes for the soldiers hero that day and purchase of $600 Bond in the Rally. The Auxiliary has decided to giro |50 to the United War Fund and to purchase an additional 1600 War Bond. The report at the nominating committee was heard and unanimously adopted as follows: Vice President, Mrs. J. E. Bynum; Treasurer, Mrs.1 Louise Harris; Secretary, Mrs. Cari Tyson. . FARMYILLE BAPTISTS TO MAKE THEIR CHURCH DEBT-FREE BY DECEMBER Meuhers at the local Baptist Church recently voted to pay ocff tlie remainder of the debt on their build Circle No. 2 had the largest enrollment On Friday evening, refreshments were served during the social hour by Circle No. 2 of which Mr*. O. <3. Spell is chairman. They were, ssndwiches, punch, pickles—and carrot curls; On Monday evening, Circle No. 8 of which Mrs. W. M. Willie is chairman served doughnuts, pickles and nuts with coffee; and on Wednesday evening, Circle No. 4 of which Mrs. J. Frank Harper is chairman, was in charge, serving cookies, pickles, nuts and coffee. Baptist At the Vivian Noweil Circle meeting at the !">"'« of the -'■■■umiy Mrs. EL D. Johnson, on Monday afternoon, Mrs. James Wholes*, Jr. gave three chapters of the book concerning the life nf "Fannie E. S. Heck", which is a study of the hidden springs in a rarely useful and victorious life. Mias Beck, a great character and a gnat missionary, who spent most of her sariy life in Baleigh, served as Pnsiient of the N. C. Woman's Missionary Union for 29 years. Arrangements of daisy chrysanthemums snd marigolds decorated the home and the hostess served cocoanut cake, ham biscuits and cashew flakes with coffee. ' a . ' '• The Young Women's Sunday School Class met on Tuesday evening with Kiss Haael Baker fa the home of Mrs. J. W. Munden which was decorated with lovely cosmos snd chrysanthemums. Miss Elvira Tyson, president, presided and gave the devotional, "Putting Christ First." Each member contributed a Bible verse for the Scripture. In the business session Miss Elvira ryson was reelected president. New officers are: Vice President, Mrs. Cleveland Paylor; secretary-treasur»r, Mrs. F. A. Williams; sast. secretary, Mrs. Albert Lewis; Social chairman, Miss Nellie Butler; per Mrs. G. Alex Rouse gave an excellent talk on "Faith" at the Episcopal Auxiliary devotional meeting which was held fa the home of Mrs. C. H. Joyner on Monday afternoon. Mrs. W. R. Burnett, new President, took office at this time snd presided at the meeting. .; PARTIES FOR BRIDE-ELECT Fountain.—Mrs. Carey Gaynor mod Mrs. E. Bruce Bessley, Jr., were hostesses at a lovely party on Friday at the home of the latter to ooipplimant their sister, Mia Emily Smith, whose engagement to Ensign Fere bee Beesley has been announced. Mies Smith was pieeenttd a oorsage of talisman rosea. Arrangements of roses and dahlias used in decorating presented an attractive setting. Bridge was played at four tables and after several progressions, daring which coca-colas were served, it was found that Mrs. J. M. Horton had compiled high score. A double deck of cards wu given her, and Miss Smith was presented silver in her chosen pattern. A delicious frozen salad course in green and white was served by the hostesses assisted by MiSB Marjorie Smith. Mm. W. E. Smith, mother of the bride, Mrs. M. D. Yelvertom, Mm. J. W. Reddick, and Miss Nelle Owens came in for refreshments. On Wednesday afternoon at the home at Mrs. W. R. Harris, Mrs. R. A. Fountain, Sr., and Mrs. Harris entertained at bridge honoring Miss Emily Smith. Chrysanthemums and roses were most colorful .and attractive in their arrangement! The honoree was given a lovely oorsage. As guests arrived, iced coca-colas were served. Mrs. E. B. Beasley, Jr., was winner of high score prire, ,a double deck of cards. The hostesses presented Miss Smith silver in her pattern and Mrs. Jade Speight, a recent bride, with linen guest towels. A salad course was served in pink and white. Several, including the mother and sister of the bride, came m for refreshments. Mr. ted Mrs. G. E. Trevathan were hosts to the Couple Club on Wednesday evening at eight o'clock. The house was most inviting with its attractive arrangement of fsll flowers. Coca-colas were served during the game. High score pnzes, dusting powder and a tie, were won by Mrs. E. B, Beasley and Mr. J. N. Fountain, respectively. Following the bridge games, bingo was played and appropriate prizes awarded. Special guests included Miss Emily Smith ted Ensign Ferebee Beasley, bride and groom elect, to whom the hosts presented crystal in their chosen pattern, and Lt H. F. Owens, Jr., home on "a furlough, who was also remembered with a gift. An ice course was served. If you can deep well, you've got the world licked. METHODIST CHURCH In the regular Sunday evening1 Worship Service, the Woman's Society of Christian Service will observe Week of Prayer. .. ■ NOTIC* TO CREDITORS Having qualified as esecntor of the estate of R. E. Belcher, lata of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Farmville, N. C., on or before the 23rd day of October, 1M4, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make* immediate settlement This the l»th day of October, IMS. W. A. POLLARD, Jr., Executor, R. E. Estate. Mm B. Lewis, Atty. 022-6wks WANTED 25 MEN F« Into Straight Time, Rain or Shine. FLORENCE-MAYO NOWAY CO. Maury, N. C. - Farmville Retail Lumber Yard LUMBER, ROUGH AND DRESSED. Windows, Doors, Roofing, GrpsuBB Products, Cetotex Wan Board aad Ceffing. — Phone 302-1 — Depot — Farmville. N. C "Back The Attack—Buy Hem Beads" i ■ ■ , .1 ,u* . .. i n ■