• The old man who now gfrea good advice is the one who ok set such a bad example. There's do doubt about the scarcity I of doctors. Yoa as tell that by all] the bellyaching around. Simple Susie says she's an old j maid became she did not marry before she had enough sense not to. One wan was enough for faithful old grandma but grand daughter wants to play safe and has a spare. Uncle Mose: Ole Kastue say be] caint pay his fust wife's alimony. He secon' wife ctects he wedges and j hoi's out on him. Women are not supposed to be master mathematicians but a wife can extract the squar , root of her husband's salary in a jiffy. Men's hats serve them in several ways. They can be worn, they can be thrown into the political ring and can be used to talk through when the man don't know what they are talking about. Beef Cattle Need Several Pastures Disease Control Co Ida and chicken pox are tw o of the digeases that commonly Strike flocks daring the fall and winter, warn Poultry Specialists at State College. 11;M •;< ; Jp^« Control of colds depends to a gnat extent upon removing the nuaes before the diaeaae has a chance to get Good pastures, both permanent and temporary, are the basis for economical beef production in North Carolina, says L. I. Case, Extension animal husbandman at State College, in his new bulletin on raising beef cattle. He points out that there should be several pastures for the proper handling of a herd of cattle because it is advisable to segregate animals of various ages and sexes at certain times. He notes that good permanent pastures are found only on soils which are heavy plied with moisture. especially important for and Case recommends that soil be made to determine what fertilsera should be applied. For average Coastal Plain soils a mixture of 10 pounds of Dal lis gnus, 4 pounds of redtop, 15 pounds of lespedesa and 1 to 2 pounds of white clover is recommended. Under average conditions, Case recommends that the inexperienced grower begin with native or grade females headed by a good bull. As to the breed, he suggests that the grower determine which breed suits him best and is best for his conditions. The breedng and raising of registered cattle is a specialised business and that Only a small percentage of those entering it make a*. success. A free copy of Caaet bulletin, Extension Circular No. 268, mey be obtained by writing the Agricultural Editor, State College, Balrfgh. , ROOK WEEK la being celebrated D in oar community November 14-Jto, keynoted by the national theme, "Build the Future with Books." Ob this twenty-fifth annireraary of BOOK WEEK, tt la fitting that we should consider the importance of children's booka la the world today. The observations of experts in the library, edncatlonal and publishing fields, who support the project thla year, help to crystalUae oar own thoughts and stimulate public discussion. Nora Beast, V. ft Office of Education, suggests: "It may be revealing to pause and inquire whoee children's future is be built with books, for an'inventory of the present mast necessarily precede any planning for the future. What, for •sample, is being done within each household to make booka live for the young members? What books are there for children of the less pri t1leged members of the group, to ensouses their dreams of the future sad give them a vision of the good Utef Irene Smith. Brooklyn Public Library, states: Tor those who know and tore children's books there is eacouragemeat hi them which never fails Us m even our darkest today. We have, unalterably, the wonderful book* and tree young reader* among our heartening realities. Both reflect .oar whole past and present, so the future too is theirs Inseparably. Children will need more than ever before to read widely and welt Everything we want for them In spiritual growth and enriching human experience is said at its best in their books, whose friendliness, wisdom, universality is aa American treasure." Jessie McEwen, Thomas Nelson 4b Sons, reflects the ideals of children's book editors: "Young people today need books that have 'far horisons.' If, through books, American boys and girls can realise that In Africa, Burma, Britain, Russia, China— everywhere in the world—there are boys and girls aa like them is bo pea, ambition and desire to be good citizens, then hooka will have achieved swathing so great that it cannot ha measured, bat will endure forever." Our local libraries, both public and educational, are Joining with the hook industry in this national campaign to bring young people good books together. Grownas well as boys and girls, And much to stimulate and inspire them it they.visit our local book ewtarfc EGGS It is estimated that nearly 9,000,000 eggs will become inedible in North Carolina this year because of improper production, handling and storing:—enough eggs for 24,660 soldiers for a year. Everyone is entitled to his opinion about the war but he is foolish to express it BEES A ten-pound colony of beef jiieeda 60 pounds of honey and 4 or 5 combs of pollen stored in the hive to carry it through the winter. A soldier eats six times his weight of food during the winter, also. The boy is father unto the man and does not always have cause to be proud of it Pulpwood Trees Going To War I THEATRE 1 . FARMYILLB, N. C. THE HOME OF BETTER ENTERTAINMENT I Week of Nov. 19 FRIDAY _ ONLY George Raft and Bread "BACKGROUND TO DANGER" Champions Training Champions— Brevity. Red Hot Riding Hood—Cartoon. . SATURDAY Wild Bin EUiatt—in "BORDERTOWN GUNFIGHTERS" Chapter No. 8 of "SECRET SERVICE IN DARKEST AFRICA" Kiaa and Wake Up—Comedy. SUNBAY-MONDAY Jean Arthur and John Wayne—ki "A LADY TAKES A CHANCE" "The More the Merrier" Girl in the more the merrier .picture . . . you will die with laughter at the clowning of these two. Nm qpthe Day. Football Thrills ef 1942. SheepMi Wolf—Cartoon. TUESDAY Lalle Belle and Scott y—im "SWING YOUR PARTNER" with Vera Vague. More fun than a barrel of monkeys in this hill-billy swing jamboree. Who's Superstitious—Passing " Parade. Suggestion Box—Defense. Trout—Sport Short. WEDNESDAY , —DOUBLE FEATURE DAT-* John Warns—hi "NEATH ARIZONA SKIES" Cedl Kellaway spd Hairy Walker—im "GOOD FELLOWS" Chapter No. 7 of >£• "SECRET CODE" THURSDAY-FRIDAY THANKSGIVING SPECIAL 1 Bex Office Opens at 1:00 P. M. - Mickey Rooney and Jady Garland—in "GIRL CRAZY" Have your turkey dinner at home and then celebrate this great occasion with us. We have a grand program worked up for you with this latest musical comedy with your two best stars. News of the Day. > Yankee Doodle Mmmr fTtntrn ■ ' ' - ————— • CHURCHES SUNDAY % BAPTIST CHURCH Worship. 10:00 A. M.—Sunday School. J. O. Pollard, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship. 7:00 P. M.—Christian Endeavc.-. 7:80 P. M—Evening Services. METHODIST CHURCH Bev. M. T. Self, PatUr 10:00 A. M.—Sunday School. R. A. Joyner, Superintendent. 114)0 A. M.—Morning Worship. 7:00 P. M. — Youth Fellowship Group. 7:30 P. M.—Evening Seiviees. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Edwin S. Coatee, Pastor 9:46 A. M.—Sunday SchooL C. P. Baucom, Superintendent. 51:00 A. M.—Morning Worship. Thursday Evening*—Youth Meeting. EPISCOPAL CHURCH . Rev. J. R. Roontree^ Rector 10:00 A. M.—Sunday SchooL J. W. Joyner, Superintendent. i 11 K)0 A. M.—-Morning Worship on First and Third Sundays. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 1. B. Roberts, Pastor 11:00 A. M.-—Morning Worship on Second Sundays. CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Arthur J. Racette 7:80 A. M.—Holy Mass—Each Sat■f urday morning. RpgSlft GIVE SEVERAL THIS YEAR # •p • Y ' Compiled and Sold by The Episcopal Woman's Auxiliary FOR SALE—SCREENED IN KIDDIE COOP—See or phone Mm Gus Roebuck, FanariUe, N. G, Phone 325-1. Nlt-ltp C0M8 IN AND LOOK AT OUR TOOLS. WX CARRY A COMPLETE LINK OF GARDEN AND YARD TOOLS. WESTERN AUTO ASSSO. STORE. WANTED—IMMEDIATELY — 5 or! « Real House m Farmrille. Noti-] tj Rouse* ReCapping ft Vulcanizing Sbep, Wilson St. Nll-Ste! , FOUND — Men's Sterling Silver Ineotificotkn Brocelett, i—eribed "Louie A. ViHard*—Owner euy reclaim me by paying for tUe ad. WANTED — PRACTICAL NURSE, Male or female, colored or white. Call day or night, phone 246-1, or write Ml Gruamerati.-irg St. ltp LOST—BLACK PERSIAN KITTL ,, 4 mos. old... If fg«i please retorn to Mm O. G. Spell, Sr. Reword io offend. ltp FOR CHRISTMAS—LADIES' AND MEN'S Tailored-to-Measure Suites, Top Coats—Duwotic sad 1st ported Woolens. W. E. Joyner, Call XM-i. ' 015-tfc WANTED! SHELLED PECANS or WALNUTS. . Gat the fall benefit of yew pecM or wmfcnt crap thta year by aellJng tha* to aa. Bring or *hip uy quntity. Hifheot cadi prices paid. MRS. MORTON'S CAKE SHOP, Grec*Til)e, N. C. 01-9tc THOMAS BRANTLEY —DISTRIBUTOR— ESSO PRODUCTS AT TOUR SERVICE Box 127 — Phone 296-1 Farmville Retail Lumber Yard LUMBER, ROUGH AND DRESSED. Windows, Doora, Roofing. Gypsum Product*, Oiotex Wal Board and Ceiling. — Phone 301-1 — Laaatad Naar Norfolk Soathera 2 Depot — Parat Title. N. C. "Back The Al