. Squads of soldiers, who had not slept Utnt* Sunday, wearily worked tor lamp life to find the bodies V rwidwla af Uue Andean city which was awliujuj by an ea*«frqaake Saturday night. More than 1,500 persons were known to have been killed and more than 3,000 severely injured. It is estimated that when the last corpse is burned the dead will number nearly 3,000. Snrvivorg evacuated -from the remains of the city are living' in rude shelters, railroad cars and in the open. Bufageea throng the roads. Only 60 buildings, were left standing and they will be demolished because they are not safe. The work of demolition was aided by a aeries of tremblers which caused many wails to tumble, en dangering rescue workers. Outside of the city the Government is preparing seven temporary camps wilieh will serve aa living quarters for 11,000 persona. Inside, rescue workers worked feverishly for fear still living persons might be entombed in the rains of large buildings. Tuesday afternoon soldiers rescued a man from the ruins of the Church of the Concepcion who was unharmed physically but was a raving maniac. He had been entombed with 60 corpses nearly three days. A woman seized the body of her little daughter off of a {Hie of bodies about to be cremated sad rushed off in an automobile toward Menoza. A doctor gazed at the body of his wife, then shot himself. A woman went insane believing her four-yearold daughter had been killed and then did not recognize the child when she wandered back unharmedOne old woman frantically tore at the ruins ot her house convinced her baby granddaughter was still alive. Her hands were raw and bleeding, but she moved heavy concrete blocks she never would have budged under ordinary circumstances. She found the baby scared but unhurt in a small crib formed by the stones and timbers. Moat of the injured have been removed from tbe city. One thousand were taken to Mendoza. Vaccination of all survivors is pro%s rapidly aa possible. Chiland Uruguayan doctors and side by sU» with the most adverse and eften without the aid the Onlaaai was described by one Argentine official as "incalculable." "We dent know what we haws dene without them," he "They have saved dozens of Argentine He*." Paster* and mum are Hving^far Z*. of S2n have given up their bed* to the heawlsai and rick as |" no time to use them any to the city whsn they are perv The city is without electricity and is dependent on neighboring towns for—■— •> mm I PIGSKIN r'y^ MAY COME StX)N S«nu5uf£ new type at combat i*x>t far ytMfrmentB of to conventional type, plus a falling off in imparts of hide®, may bring on pigskin shoes for civilyPBVm ' **1». ^. ^ r. w ■ The War Production Board (WPB) discloses that under the plans now being considered, Pigakin would be used for the uppers of certain types of civilian shoes in conjunction with synthetic rvbber soles and haste. Pitt County Benefits From March of Danes Greenville. — The Pitt Comity chapter of the National Foundation to fight infantile paralysis is proud of the fact that it has in the bank f!447.22. The local chapter realizes that some time in the tetnre.it will be called upon to purchase some expensive equipment for children who have been attacked by this dread disease, and when that time comes, it hopes to be ready to meet the needIt is meeting the needs as they arise from year to year; and daring the past year has spent for the benefit of infantile paralysis victims, white and colored, the sum of 1280.74. The local chapter is working in close cooperation with the County Health and Wdfare officers and is accepting their recommendations. All the expenditures from the fund this year have been made upon the recommendation of Mr. Futrell and Dr. Ennett. The sum of |75 was used for Robert Wardell Jackson, a white man victim to provide him with nursing service* Be is hepeless st present and has been committed to a state institution. A total of $85 was used for a Negro child, Hattie Moore, of the Ayden community. This was paid to the Orthopedic Hospital at Gastonia. for her benefit; $72.75 to a teacher to tutor a white child victim, who was several years behind in his school work. That child is n"** in a regular school room, doing normal work. Total disbursements for the year were JP 10.95. The balance of $1,147.22, now in the* bank and 50 per cent of the money raised this year will remain in Pitt County for the benefit of infantile paralysis victims in this county, and the local chapter of the National Foundation requests information regarding the case of any victim of this Hisa—f needing financial aid. A U.JSL 15th Air Force Bomber Station in Italy, Jan. 19,-Araeriean bombers hare cut all the TtSmyt carrying the balk of supplies into Home from the north, »ir force ex parts said today' after wramlnfrg Of fl» three major lines down the, Italian peninsula, only one is open' at present. This is tfee east coast line from Anoena to tackn, vUth A fTkiwe SOUvflu Tww were drelin* . Carolines Isle Hit. Lapd-heped Nary bombers have itreck at Knaaie in the firak Americu raid on Japan's heavily fortified Islands. Kuaaie is the easternmost of this iwistling array of miniature Gibraltaps in the tnid-Pacific. American ' Hphiblous forces in the centre! tad Pacific are operation . an the flanks ui the Carolines. Kasaie Use midway between Tn*. strong central point of the Careinea, ud TMm, major United States air baaa is the Gilbert fe- , lanfe It ia 790 mUaa from Tr«k »nd jteO from Pooape, another majer fortress of the msndsted islands. Admiral Chester W. NimlU, com- 1 mander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet, innounced yeeterday that ahoro f*-fi :ilities were bombed M Koaaie, i jrobably hiclading coastal defenses ' pins, the strike was the tioaest ap- ; Broach to Trak from the east, and nay have been intended to divert ittention from the Marshall WtiiiHh While Navy Liberators were-1 combine Kusaie Monday, Army planes wow raiding MQi, most frecently attacked atoll of the Marihalls. * ■ All planM returned from both flights. Hie Jyaueea made their ' nutomary retaliatory raid on Ta»*» at twilight the «wie day, bat mused no damage. Southeast Asia Allied headquar- j iera reported I# Japanese plane* *-ere shot down in a battle over Burma Saturday and all planes re- 1 ;urned from extensive raids during * 1.1- >t ltM | 1 iiBj_ Jf ^»»» ' 1 cue Hpxi vwv Qftys.; On the weeteni end of New Brit- ] dn» the Maifaw who t-ntmrl1 HI1 MO last Mby thwarted an enemy gffort to get it heck. The Japanese, xmnier-attAckad at 4 a. m. Moadav. t>ut bed to retire, leaving M dead 1 on the fielkL Japanese deed since the Marines invaded that area last December 26, exceeded 8,000. ' - ■ $& Loan Drive, in ill* City Hell, Wednes*** c^led by the chairman, **h W. Muaden, the 90 local employees in attendance pledged themselves to aril a minimum of $200 each, of Parmville'g quota, $216,000:00. 1 IS'! Speakers at the meeting were the chairman, L. EJ. Walston, assistant wmnty ehairtnan, who spoke en plans in connection with Ok campaign, and - » w.' f i1 w 1 ■ 11> i m " > " Meyer George W. Deris, who emph&sixed the neri tor sacrifice and the necessity for Christian attitude En the planning of a lasting peace. The meeting was opened with prayer, offered by Bev. M, Y. Self. Chairman Ifgnden stated that eerafkatee o# award would be presentid each and every one who so# his luota, and that the firm, whose employees reached s 100 per cent goal, would be presented an award also. iSmployeee unable to attend the ^fcnd desiring to sign up, are} mmsj ml to contact either chairman tfunden, at Belk-Tyler*s, or Prank ■Vniiams, at William*' Gravery. Mr. Mnnden stated yesterday that : nembers of the organisation were < dready getting busy sad t&at seveaU luadred dollars worth of bonds bad ms^ sold. It is expected that other smployees will Join in this cooperaive movwaeat gs the drive pro^«<* .■ Ct t Wffft On Differentials Washington, Jin. 1#. — <1rff>r*'"* ^almar (D-SC) of the Hmm Agri:ulture Committee announced today he wtiViiiimiit of a Joint Senate md House committee to receive evilence and make recommendation* regarding price ceiling differential for Ine-eim* tobacco. J As House membws of the tobacco committee Fulmer named himself md Bap*. Awe (D-Ga.), Flanagan D-Va.) and Cooiey (D-NC). He laid Chairman Smith (B-SC) of 111 Senate Agricalture Committee ;j>*NC) a meeting to itimM IftginlatArM Aiwi tfl NMI Ww w ry npNMtttaihH at mii the? diacaaeed toe MBit OPA ceilings - London, Jan. 20.—la m all-««t offensive to free Imlngaad completelj from two and one-half jrwt at ■tag* the Rod Army wnartied 11 —— il — — -f . — ,J ■ , M l _ -■ ' — ~ ^ La. storm two *»y fortress tow* and blasting through an iatrieate man of atari and couoata fortificatkms before running ay against a second line of eqaatly itraag permanent defenses ringing the city** suburba. , A aaeond drive, cioaely ceordinated with the first, ripped 19 miles across three strategic railways in tlbe Volkhov Sivar-Laka Ilmaa arte 76 to 100 miles south of Leningrad in a broad outflanking aevemmt. Reporting that 1% Leningrad throat had captnrad ths fortreasas of Krasaoye and ftopaha and in five days had killed 20,000 Gar- 1 mans, tike Ssrfat communique dwett at langth on the Qerman fortifications. Soviet infantrysten, tanks aad mobile artfflery, is sa'd, "broke through heavily-fortified permanent German defenaea made up at rain- an forced concrete pillboxes, armored domes, blockhouses aad intercommunication tmnehaa covered by minenfielda, barbed-wire JntangieMtta and anti-task obstacles. WAS IN BRIEF Reds smash 12 miles through outskirts of besieged Leningrad, seize wo key fortresses and rip 19 miles tcross three strategic fronts, killing !0,000 Nazis since Saturday. Russia silent on the Pmvada 'peace" story and Britidi denial. Rome isolated from north as 15th Ur Force cuts all rail connections. British gain three bridgeheads acmes jiarigliana River. Allied infantry, wo miles from Cassino, pounds Gernan defenses. '' Navy bombers strike Japan's leavily fortified Caroline Islands at iusaie, midway Tarinqa and Trak. Vrmy planes raid Mfli in lfarshalls.