m # m ■■ Mrs. David Hani. visited relative. • mm Letoy Ban and James WheJess were in Raleigh, Monday. , . ••• Mrs. C. E. Moor, toft Thursday to vend wml day* in Wilson. • • • Mrs. E. L. Barrett and Mrs. Egtfar Barrett .pent Thursday fa Greenville. , • • • ** Mra. Maggie Jackson of Aydan waa a guest at Mm Albert Jones, Sunday. • • • Mrs. J. F. Spsark of Greenville ▼inted Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Newton, Tuesday. • a a Mra. Jasper Jones and Mrs. Lionel Jones were viators in Greenville, Tuesday. • e • Mr. and Mrs. L B. Johnson are spending several days fa Washington, D. C. • * * Mr. and Mn. Archie Gayton and Mrs. Walter Gay were Wilson visitors, Wednesday. • • • Mr. and Mra. W. L. Smith and Mis. S. A. Roebuck were Rocky Mount visitors, Monday. - _jr* • Miss Lee Canraway, of Fayetteville, spent the week aid before last at her home hem • • •' Mm George Wilkerson of Greenville spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. S. G. Gardner. Mrs. G. M. Holden wss a guest at an afternoon bridge party fa Snow Hill on Wednuday. -% m m Mrs. Fmnk Dale of Ayden spent Wednesday fa Farmville, the guest of Mrs. Albert Jones. • Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Satterfield of Wilson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis, Sunday. • • • Mrs. David Qufan, Mrs. Jasper Jones sad Mrs. Lionel Jones were Wilson visitors, Thursday. • • a Friertds will be glad to learn that Mrs. Dora H. Keel is able to be up again after a recent illness. * • • • Mrs. C. W. Blackwood, Mrs. Jesse Move and Mrs. M. E. Pollard were Greenville visitors, Wednesday. • • • - ' Mrs. F. M. Smith and Mr. and Mra. Ned Smith of Bell Arthur spent the week end with Mrs. Walter Gay. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Turaage and Misa Jane Turnage will spend the week end with relatives in Bel haven. » » » Mrs. Walter Gay and daughter, Mae Gay, and Mr. apd Mrs. Ned Smith were Kinston visitors, MondJJ'. • • • Mr*. Hal Turaage, of Videwater, Va., left Thursday after a visit at nararal days with Mrs. W. J. Turn• • • • Mrs. Lytnan Baaa and Mr. and Mn. M. O. Mingea of Greenville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. J. W. • • • Mr. and Mn. Dalton Williams, Mr. "and Mra. Jasper Jones and Mrs. Lionel Jones were Kinston shoppers, Wednesday. Mr. and Mis. W. B. Waddill and family of Wilson will spend Sunday wfth Mr. and Mra. George Monk and familyt • • •. Lt. Billie Ogiesby of Selma Alabama waa operated on Wednesday for appendicitis. He is reported as doing nicely. • • • Mrs. F. G. Dupree, Sr., Mn. M."E. Pollard and Miss Minnie Overstreet visited relatives in Whitakers, Friday of last .week. • ■ m Mrs. K. R. Newton, Jr., of Norfolk, Vs., attended the ftmsral of her brother, Robert Edward Hardy, in SnoW Hill, Tuesday. » • • Mr. and Mrs. Jews Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Cayton of Greenville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cayton. • • • 3:46 P. M.—Literary Club meets in the home of Ifm G. M. Holden with Mrs. B. S. Sheppard as hostess. * Thursday, M p/ 8:80 P. M. — American Legion Auxiliary meets in flUi Legion Hall with Mm I. H. Bynum, Mm B. F. Weaver and Mrs. J. L. Creech as hostess*«. .* - p| Mise Janet StansiU. 10:00 A. M.—Bind Club. -J TONIGHT1 6:80 P. M.—Girls leave fen- Formkl Dance at Seymoor Johnson Field. TODAY—8:30 P. M.—Woman's Club meets in thehome at Mm M Y. Self. TOMORROW—«?00 P. M.—D. A. R. meets at the Country Club. Mm P, M. Murphrey will be program leader. Miss Venetia Cox of Winterville and Mm George V. Monk, former residents at China will assist in presenting * program on China Mrs. F. M. Davis, Jr., Mm John Pollard, Mm Henrietta Williamson and Mm J. H. Payior were Goldsboro visitors, Thursday. » • • Miss Helen Willis and Miss Kathryn Brown Of Eden ton spent the week end with Miss Willis' parents/ Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis. • • *4! Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wonley of Reeky Mount and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Williams at Greenville spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Williams. " • • • R. A. Joyner, Haywood Smith and' Curtis Flanagan attended a- Fire Chiefs meeting: in Salisbury, Wednesday and Thursday of this week 1ft*. E. F.. Wilaon returned Tuesday to her home in Colombia, S. C., after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mra.T. B. Borne. ijj • • • Miss Nell Whitehurst of Snow HOI was-a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Leslie Smith during A/C Emerson Smith's recent visit home. * * ' Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Chamblee, Mr. and Mm. Elbert Holmes end Mrs. Ernest- Barrett attended the Amend of Mrs. A. B. Walter in Monbead, Wednesday. Mrs. EUeaoTLsggett and daughter, Mavis, and Mr. and Mis. Thomas Murphy and son, Bobbie, at Washington , were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. G. Gay. 4r-':' J-.,:'■ /V -UjHS•**.fjgragNSjjfe: Cpl. Ella Middleton, of Norfolk, Va., is spending a furlough with her parents, Mr. and Ml*. Eugene Hobgood. Cpl. Middleton was recently awarded the Army Good Conduct medal. • • • Little Mitt Marfan*Pickett who has RED CROSS WORKROOM RE-OPENS NEXT WEEK Un. W. M. Willis announces that the local Red Ohm Workroom will re-open Friday, March 17, and resume folding* dressings. In a newt letter, from County Headquarters, the Farmville women were congratulated on their splendid work in folding surgical dressings. Since Christmas, 5,227 dressings (4 by 8) and 4300 (2 by 2) hgve been prepared in the local workroom. A window display will be arranged here next week, illustrating this wo*. s Pvt. Joseph H. Bynum, Jr., A. 8. N., 84867641, 910 T. G., Pit. 783-A, A.4. F.T.C. No. 1, Miami Beach, Florida. Bill Carr, A. a, U.&N.R., Boom 326, Hartly Hall, Columbia, University, New York City 27, N. Y. PI. Sgt. Joseph D. Joyner, U.S.M.G., U. a N. Hospital, Building 222-10, San Diego, Calif. Lt. B. L. Bonae, U.S.M.C.R., VMJ, 968 M. P. A. W. C., Oamp Kerney, N. A. A. a, San Diego 3», Calif. ' T/Sgt, Cart J. Greene 34464780, Co. K. 409th Inf., A. P. 0. No. 470, Camp Hows*, Texaa. " S/Sgt Charles T. Greene 841783311 Co. a 149th Inf., A. P. 0. No. 88, e/o Postmaster, San Frandaoo, Calif. CpL Wilbur M. Greeny 84178784, Co. A 24th Amy Eng. Bn., A P. O, No. 264, e/o Postmaster, New York, ert Hart, guest speaker, who gave a splendid review of the book, "Russians Dou't Surrender.1' la the business session, each one was Mired to briar *> the next two meetings a bundle of usable discarded clothing which will be distributed when and when most needed. Committees reported that ao satisfactory arrangements for filling in the playground lot have been mada. - ^ X Ike Clubwoman's Collect given in uniaon closed the meeting. The hostess served plum pudding topped with cream, followed by coffee, nuts and home-made cookies. Napkins were in the St Patrick Day motif. Mrs. Hart and His. C. C. Hedgepeth were special guests. BRIDGK CLUBS MEET The Contract Club met on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. W. S. Royster who had m special guests, Mrs, W. R. Burke, who won the guest high award of Defense Stamps, and Mrs. R. A. Parker, who retained the floating prise given for the hand without a face card. This was a crystal cake Mre. Marvin Jones won the high scow prism a heart-shaped crystal bon-feon dish. Following play, a dessert course of cake and gelatine topped with cream Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt entertained the New Deal Club on Wednesday afternoon, when four tables were at play. Mrs. R. A. Parker compiled high score among members, receiving a Fostoria vase. Mrs. R. 0. Lang, high among guests was awarded a milkwhite vase edged in blue. Table prices, tiny vases filled with flowers, went to Mrs. Lath Morriss, Mrs. L. E. Walston, Mm. Lang and Mrs. Parker. W& Tallies and napkins followed the St Patrick theme and refreshments were angel food cake, topped with fruit and cream, salted nuts and coffee.'? 4 #'% Additional guests included Mrs. Marvin Jones, Mis. Zeb Whitehurst, Mrs. George Monk, Mrs. R. 0. Lang, lire. Lath Morriss, Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs. L. T. Pierce and Mrs. Wesley R. WiUis. The WedneedaM Afternoon Club met with Mr*. R. V. PSser, who had The Circles of the Presbyterian Auxiliary had as their devotional topic, "Paul, the Great Apostle To The Gentiles" and for their program subject, "My Stewardship." Circle 1 met in the afternoon with Mrs. Gary Bergeron. Eleven members were present. Mm Leroy Parker «ave the devotional and ' Mm. George Beckman, the program. A social hour followed the devotional and business meeting during which ice cream and caLe was served., Circle 2 met in the evening with Miss Margaret Smith at the horn* of Mm Cherry Easley. Mrs. Easley conducted the devotional and Mrs. Charles Bwvcom presented the program. Eleven members were-present. In the social period, cake topped with whipped cream was served with «**«• iN:i" _____ The Woman's Society of Christian Service met in the Methodist Church. Mrs. R. A. Fields conducted the devotional opening the meeting with the hymn, "A Charge To Keep I Have," and using for the scripture Psalm 187:1-4. Mm. M. V. Self pave the program, "New Voices," continuing the year's study 'Ifceme, "The Lord's Song In A Strange Land." A special offering for the Orphan's box was taken at this time. The Episcopal Auxiliary met In the home of Mm. Will Jones, Jr., ooc, timing their special Lenten devotional study. Mm. John 0. Dixon spoke on "Man and Government." In a brief bushwas session, the group decided to make gifts of linen fox. the Good Shepherd Hospital In New Bern and to present • monetary gift to Earl Artts, negro, of Farmrill*, who was ordained at services in Kinston last Friday, to aid him J& Tfce Pioneer, of the Presbyterian Church met on Friday afternoon of last week with Mi* Nancy La Moon. Miss Moore pnaented the program on "What It The Church?" and Mi*. Viola Smith, the devotional, "I Was A Stranger." In the social period, coca-colas, note cake, and picklesjarere served. Circle Meets The Annie PfcJtina Circl« Baptist, met in th? home at Mm J. A Gregory, Tieeday evening, following the samv course 'at study used by Woman's Missionary Society on Monday. Mi*. A B. Tyson assisted by Mrs. Jimmie Meade gave the program and Mm Paul Vaughan, the devotional. In the social period, the hoste«s served ice cream and cake. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, March 12, is Youth Sunday at the Baptist Church. Rev. Dick Hownrton at Raleigh, who is Baptist Student Secretary for college groups throughout North Carolina, will be the guest speaker. Mr. Howerton is a young man and is in touch with student problems of high schools as well as oollegea. Also as a part of this Youth Sunday observance, sixteen college girls from E. C. T. C., will be promt At the morning service, special music will be rendered by their trio and in the evening at 7:30 the entire group, under the direction of Miss Mary Lee Ernest, student secretary for Baptist Students at E. C. T. C., will present a play, "The Road To Jericho." The people of Fannville j nd vicinity are cordially invited to attend. The Baptist Training Union of the local Church will sponsor a Study Course on Stewardship, beginning March 20 and continuing through March 23. Books to be studied are: Adult*—"Living Abundantly"; Young People H (17-£»)-«jjistn>ants In Christian Living"; (13-16)—"No# YttfHppg (9-U)—"Living For " who haw been spending the past few summers working in this capacity for the State B. T. U. .department in Raleigh. Ito comW will be opto to *11 in the community who desire to attend. _ * '' > BIRTHDAY DINNER In honor of Mis. David Qukin. Mr. Quinn and Mr*. Jasper Jcam wen host and host see at a surprise birthday dinner, Sunday evening, In the home of Ma. Jones. out with Japonfea and Jonquils and the dining room carried a color scheme of pink and yellow. The table eenter-pieee was a birthday cake with yellow candles and surrounded with pink flowesa. Tall pink tapera-feei* used on sash ad rf Guests included, lis. R. Jones, Mr. and M Mi«s Evelyn Gold Gay and David | Jones. — i ADVANCE NOTICE 1 The regular March 28rd meeting at the Parent-Teacher urill be an evening meeti. it 8K)0 P. Mi;, at which tional movies will be It's the folly of folita :>unds the wisdom of the

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