V( Mem always to b» looking backward to food timet or forward to good times. People may forgive one's shortcomings bat they much prefer hie long absences. Probably it ia called free verse because the author has to give it away to get it p^Hrtsd After a visit to the beautician, femgle hair usually looks ss hard and permanent as east iron. " Land booms come about every 26 years. It takes that long to produce a new crop of darned fools. But if one soldier "earns" the Purple Heart by getting a scratch, the same decoration seems cheap to one who laees an arm. When our men return from the front, we ought to have some War Bonds in storage to prove that we hustled and saved when they were fightibg. The indispensable men today in business are the lawyers and accountants. And it looks as though they may become even more indispensable. METHODIST CHURCH The Carillonic Bells at the Methodist Church will be dedicated at the eleven o'clock service on Sunday, July 9th. Dr. Coeten J. Harrell, pastor of the West End Method* Church, Nashville, Tenn., was elected Bishop at the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference of the Methodist Church which met in Atlanta, G*., June 2226th. Dr. Harrell waa assigned to the Birmingham, Ala., Area and Cuba. A native of Gates Comity, ha was reared in the village of Sunbury, N. C., and in the village Church, "Philadelphia." He has one brother, T. C. Harrell, who is trainees manager of Greensboro Collge and one sister, Mrs. M. Y. Self, of Farmville. ALTAR GUILD ~ The Episcopal Altar Guild met on Monday evening fat the home at Mis. Tommie Ryon, opening with a devotional. Ia the business period, Mrs John D. Dixon, dliecMaaa, announced that the sopar-frontal and pulpit ha agings of green brocade have been ordered; and plana for a benefit brunswick stew supper in the early fall wans discussed. Mrs. C. S HotaUdsa has been elected Guild Sec rotary. ' -1SPI: It I • If ST SELUNS LAXATIVE sll AMf fhe foiitf '• WW^i <~i ^', CmNm. Um Oalv M DfeM#^> H' ' wmmmmmmOmmAmmimSSl 9mmwv[mm Mekj Mount, N. C. S J21-*c - ■ COME IN AND SB OUR LINE wt Straiten, Play Pa»a, Car WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORK. 1 -■ ■ ' 11 MJD FOR SALE—DRY PINE and UM mlx«L Split regular tatacw U eighteen MMtfca. We • Alee Ckvft tkw UmOMiW New way ier Fifty 4wta. WESTERN AUTO ASSG. STORE PLENTY OF ICE CREAM far all aeeria .abaoat aayday. Far large days in adraace/'piirta ta ftt yaw refrigerator. HOSE'S fi-19-25c STORK Fannville, N. O tf wm "Back Ife Attack—With War Boafe" — i—. OF CONSTRUCTION AS FOLLOWS: 7 HOUSEHOLD GOODS HAVE INCREASED 48% IN COOT SINCE 1932. ',«L In order that yen may not suffer a penalty In case of loss, increase Your insurance at once regardless of whose client you may be! GOODSON * FLANAGAN, hc^-Grwwrill* GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY—Gr***TiU» M08LEY BROS. hwv-Grwwrilk ' J. B» OAKLET * SON—Gramrille H. A. WHITE * SONS—GrMBTill* HOME INSURANCE AGENCY—Ajrten I. W. ROOK—Baikal ; a U MAYO—Battel EAMn^^^SlSSi AGCY.—GmmtUW AYDKN LOAN A INS. CO^-Aydn PITT COUNTY INS. AGENCY—Ramrille