Allied Headquarters, Leyte, Philippines, Not. 23.—U, a fighter planes and motor torpedo boats, attacking Japanese supply lines to small*coastal Teasels and 64 barges, DW at them carrying troops and «uppOes, it was announced today. Gen. Douglas MacArthurt daily war boOttin also reported that t)M Japanese commander on Leyte, Lt CoL Tomoyuki Yamashita, had drawn heavily en hamediatw lasirras to bolster Us Baas along the 20-mile Ormae corridor menaced by American forces attacking from the north Frwl dispatches said that the small- seals attempts to niafome the stay of some 36,000 men holding the Ormoc corridor, or "Yamashita" line. Daylight Raids. MasAitliui announced that fighter i' prowling the Camotee Sea Mates Lsyte and the aanyheid Wand of Cebu to the wast severely damaged four small freightbarges in dayfcht attacks Tuesday. More than 40 other beiges 'on the beaches south of the. Japanese stronghold port of Ormoc, at the southern and at the Ormoc corridor, were destroyed by strafing attacks. It was bettered those barges were being assd for moving Japanese troops along the west coast of Lsyte. Motor torpedo hosts, in a series of Sunday night attacks, sank two Japsneae luggers and four troop barges off Ormoc and damaged other small craft. There was no eetimate at the number at troops they were carrying. MneArthur said that 32nd Division troops attacking the Japansse bastion at Limon were continuing to apply pressure on that northern an- j chor of the enemy line, "where the enemy has apparently elected to make his principal stand in the defense at the Ormoc corridor . he ha* drawn heavily on his immediate isaerres to thia iim» of resistance" Dispatches said that almost the entire oombat strength at the Japaaction along the fringe of the Ormoc line. • " American artillery continued battering the limoD area, and troope to the iwUmit in the Pinamapoan and Capooc&n sectors of the north cos at of Leyte are rooming op scattered enemy groups seeking to infiltrate oar Uses. Jay Cralaer Destroyed. An enrfler supplemental bulletin announsed that American heavy bomben had blown up a Japanese light cruiser and damaged another warship fax the third raid la four I days en the enemy nscral base at Brunei Bay, in northwestern Bar Hatvan; Bitter Battle Raging I n Western Latvia J5R81 London, No*. 23.—Red Army twoja yeeterday throat to within 18 mflfl of the Danube River north «f Bod *<< pert in a drive designed to iaolato catga-be of Peat, tike Roaaians bypaaaed northern outiktiU of the capital and brought the vital Budapest-Hatvan railroad and highway under artillery firs. Berlin also admitted the lose of Tokaj In north 2 tisssm • r j 1&1bk 'i m Reverses Previous Action On Crop Insurance Bill Washington, Vov. 22^-Reversing a IMS stand, the house today puMd a federal insuranee program to protect the nation's fanners from future crop By a reti call vet* of 2M to II the house stat to the senate a endowed by both major political parties providing immedisto iiunuv ance for wheat, cotton and flax crops. Eventually its terms will be extended to protect practically aU grain, fruit aqd The bill itself contains no financing and sponsors said they eouldnt estimate the cost of the program. The house killed a limited crop insurance program last year members said it was too oostly. Since then crop guarantees have been pledged by both major party platforms and, as Bap. Coo ley, (DMC) told the house:, , | | is our flat opportunity to, the pledges ot the paign." —Without estimating the total cost, federal insurance against the loss of wheat, cotton and flar crop* il* carries provisions that eventaally will extend 1fee coverage to cally anything a farmer plants i harveeta. Opposition to the measure — marked by the administration for age before congress quits next t found itself ev«r*fhelmed on tho only test vote y Rep. Tarver, (D-Gs) offered an amendment which would have killed •L-**s?aa The Mil would protect jng farmers against crop to drought, flood, halt, w T«t. infestation- ifH* plant ditoW the house no t«n application 1m the ANNUAL UNION Wm THANKSGIVING Detroit and Washington Tysons-Mays To vSjHn nJL ami unc lufKaj Rev. E. a CoatesTo Deliver Address at Christian Church; Picnic Dinner Follows _ Descendants of the Tyson and May f&tr0H «Q1 assemble at the Christian Church here today, Friday, No▼ember 24, at 10:18 A. M„ for the 34th annual meeting of the Tyaons and Maya, which mprtmmU one of the me* rifo*WB reunion organisations in the State. John & Lewis is program chairman; Andrew Joof Greensboro, is President, a* Mm. Edward May, secretary. Rev. Edwin S. CM** will deliver the addreas and Mrs. G. Alex Boose will hare charge of the nw. Miss Tahltha M. DeViaconti will give the genealogy report Members at the two families are requested to brine with them Information regarding the military farriee of thoee of their own immediate family circles in order tiwt > ownytato and peace, let us not forget the battle still to be won right her* at home. Tuberculosis, like the enemies of democracy, strikes without warning, destroying or crippling thousand* of live* annually. "From first cause of death in the United States in 1#00 to seventh today; from orer 200 deaths annually par 100,000 population then to about 40 now; from generally lata diagnosis at ttnui to increaahuriy early dis" ,s4™. :■! ■ • TL-; w " ■ ' 1 w ■ ■ Technician Fifth Grade Joeeph a Wffliford, Jr., of tiha FMd Artillery, United State* Army, son «f Mm. Martha R. Ruaaell, Fmremlle Rt 1, hat been awarded a medal, tlie citation for which i# "for hemic achieve meet in connection with military operation* against the enemy la New Guinea during the period * Jxflj to 12 July, '44. Am a member of a for they have Is their effort to protect the industrial Ruhr from the Americas First and Ninth anttiea. Alone » 400-mile front, Allied armies wet* piling 19 saccaaees at an tmpeafac rato and official eoor 3 fidnoe was exptaieed that if the pace ie continued in this greatest drive ever mounted in Europe, the British

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