w '-i' ttfej.2 Mr*. K. P. Brook. W. A. Marlowe of Mends U a tr*. Mi*. Bob Lewis Wednesday afternoon. The etw met at the door by Mrs. C. T. Hides and iatrodnced to the bride and her mother. Miss Clara Jenkins directed them to the i and Miss Jsnie Marlowe into the diaing room Erie Copslaad gracefully pre sided over the tea table. m pouring- and serving by ■ said Doris The goodbyes wen said by Traett Lane, About 86 called. Masic was fumiriied by Mrs. Carlos Walaten and Miss Mm Mr*. Charlie Letdiworth, Misses Fannie Km Smith and Juanita Red ick gave a shower for Mrs. Bob HriHips at the boo* ot Mrs. W. V. Met Saturday afternoon from four to six. Mr*. Letchworth met ttie guests at the front door and priamted them to the receiving line. Hey were then directed to the iBntnt room where Mrs. C. T. Hicks poured tea and Mieees Joyce Rouse, Jean Rediek and Doris Wheeler served. From the dining room the guests were invited to the register by Mrs. Truatt Lang. Mrs. Dobbs Dixon prodded at the music room door and from there they went into the gift room where Mrs. & W. Bailey and Mrs. Lee Jones showed the gifts. Womb's Club Meets The Walstoabnxg Womans Club held -its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. Fred Beamon hostess, Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 4. Sale of Christmas Seels - was dis cussed. . A ' contest was hieM. Mrs. Ed Taylor, Sr., was winner of prise. After the program the hostess served refreshments. L. R. Harrill, State Club Leader at State College, has announced that five girls and throe boys from the 4-H dobs have been awarded trips to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. A 4-H gW had 95 I L old, on FHday of last wtek. On Monday morning she had only 25 and W. wnat urown louna wm lift twiM her. lie feed was rfttfag an • floor and waa damaged from absorbing moisture. There ni a f of the chicks and poor ven in.the house. She was feed P all mash starting and gvowfcig, pins grain, whan she should have QUESTION: What is HL T' ANSWER: people, according to J. Y. Inssiter, ETUtMrion horticulturist at State College, Is the Stuart, because It la to scab and one of the most arer*. Yen should get from one of the South to QUESTION: for ANSWER: Good iWiM a pole biw for pruning where it is unsafe to climb, and ordinary saws f 2rjwT^^2 tin* should be done on a windy day and care gfcouid be taken not to a limb directly above you, juft) are taken to prevent it from falling on you. Cuttinr the underside of a limb first insure that It will fail free and you also can set a good, clean cot The more pay idea will get a big boost' when Congressmen vote to double their salaries, yl teas critical food short Food supplies produced the tills year are a fifth below prewar, says the BAE. America's prepared- ^ in the vast growing army of to defeat all who | ^ H - profit or . ■ *1 freely dr-j T. specialist at State College Then must be air inlet, and ootlete provided if tie air to ao aa to remove the fumes and ex* from the house. If not restored from the of the chicks will If the exceaa ipoisture in the air is not drained off from the house, the floor and litter will become damp and that condition often results in outbreaks of disease, The shad-roof brooder house fac Wm the south to May to build and pz. to rentilate. Brown suggests 1.1*1 i ■' in at the top. I be le house will be' u to pvavaut a' cold farft Aram reaching th*