Mrs. J. H. days of this week & Durham. • *.• Mrs. R. E. Pickatt and Mrs. Radar were Goidsboro visitors Monday. • • • Mrs. D. R. Morgan left Saturday on a business trip to New York City. • • • Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Johnson are visiting relatives in Jacksonville, Fla. -• • • • Mrs. George Monk is visiting friends and relatives in New York City. Jimmie Borum, of Portsmouth, Va., is spending several days with Howard Harris. • • • Milton Williamson, student at Wake Forest, spent the week end at his home here. • * • Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lewis and Mrs. P. K. Ewell were in Greenville, Wednesday. • • • Rev. E. S. Coates is attending a Seminary meeting in Richnyjnd, Va., this week. • • • Mrs. Bill Williams, of Greenville, spent Thursday with the G. S. Wil liams family. • • • ... Mrs. Dunbar Lamarr is. visiting Mrs. Elwood Vaughan in Richmond. Va., this week. • a • Mrs. Melvin Rollins and son, Jack, are visiting relatives in Wash ington, D. C. mm* Mr. and Mrs. Bennett R. Fields re turned, Tuesday, from a visit to Washington, D. C. Friends will be glad to learn that Herbert E. Hart is recuperating aft er a recent illness. • • • Mrs. T. Herman Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rouse were Rocky Mount visitors, Wednesday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monk and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Sr., were Richmond, Va., visitors, Thursday. • • • Mrs. Wayne A. Mitchell, Jr., and Mrs. John T. Thome were Rocky Mount visitors Tuesday. ■ a • Mrs. Jesse Smith returned Sunday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Hart in New York City. • a a | Mrs. E. C. Beaman and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver spent Sunday with relatives in Snow Hill. • • • Friends will be glad to learn that Zeb Whitehurst III is able to be out again after a recent illness. a a a Mrs. W. A. McAdams spent the week end with Mr.' and Mrs. W. G. McAdams in Washington, D. C. m m m Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Carr, of Ayden, spent Wednesday with- Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Dupree, Jr. • a • Late reports on the condition of B. O. Turn age, Postmaster, state that his condition remains unchanged. • • • Mrs. Lang Davis and daughter, Miss Lucille, left Thursday for a visit with relatives in Atlanta, Ga. a a a Mrs. J. I. Baker returned Sunday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Clifton and family in Kinston. a a a Mrs. Joe Butts and children, Lo rain e, Carol and Joan, spent the week end with Mrs. J. P. Butts, in Walston burg. • • • Mrs. F. G. Dupree, Sr., is leaving today to spend several months with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shackletford in Atlanta, Ga. • George Allen left this week for a visit of several weeks with rela tive* and friends in Dixon Springs, • • • Mrs. B. S. Smith, Mrs. Robert Lee Smith, Mrs. T. W. Lang and Mm M. V. Horton were Rocky Mount visitor* Tuesday. *. Mrs. J. JL, ItA. Vm, Mrs. Albert and Mrs. Grimes Lewis and Miss An nie Laurie Joyner spent Wednesday in Raleigh. • • • . Mrs. L. T. Pierce and son, Robert, and Mrs. R. T. Thornton and son, Dickie, spent the weekend in Rich mond, Va. Mrs. Harvey Winstend, Mrs. Albert Bell, Mis. Bill Hardy and Mrs. Mai com Hawfy were Raleigh visitors, • • • Pvt. Jack Montgomery, Who hai been visiting Us sister, Mn.EE PWkett, retained Saturday to CSami Chaffee, Alt «* '•*,• • • • Mr. and Mrs. James Edward spent the week end in Washingtoi with Mr. Edwards' parents, Mr. Mrs. Joe Edwards. • • * Vasaar Fields, MOMM 3/c of tfe U. S. 8. Demeter, has returned from the Pacific and is spending a ten da: with his parents, Mr. an Bennett R. Fields. - — . •CALENDAR• it- • 3:80 ?. M.—Circle 4, Methodist Woman's Society mMfta at the home of Mrs. J. H. Hank with Mrs. Edgar Barrett aa Joint 8:00 P. M.—Wesleyaa Guild meet* with Mrs. C. H. Flanagan. 7:00 P. M.—Kiwanis Club. TMaday, U 3:00 P. M—Ballaids Home Dem onstration Club. 3:46 P. M.—Marry Matrons mast with Mrs. B. & Smith. 6:80 P. M.—Rotary Club. 6:90 P. M.—Junior hostesses leave for dance at Seymour Johnson Field. 8:00 P. M.—Junior Older. 8:80 P. M.—Altar Guild meets with Mr*. W. R. Burnett®. Wednesday, 12 3:00 P. M.—Wednesday Afternoon Club mfets with Mrs. R. V. Fiser. 3:30 P. M.—Presbyterian Juniors. Thursday, 18 • , 3:00 P. M.—Farmville Home Dem onstration Club. 3:30 P. M.—Girl Scouts. 7:30 P. M.—Masons. Friday. 14 3:80 P. M —B. A B. Club meets with Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr. 7:30 P. M.—Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M.—New Deal Club meets with Mrs. Henrietta M. William son. Saturday, 15 10:00 A. M.—Bird Chib. Mr. and Mrs. Wave Holston moved Friday of last week into the residence formerly occupied by Mrs. J. H. Dar den cm Pine St. • • • Mrs. J. W. Joyner, Mrs. R. A. Fields, Mrs. W. Leslie Smith and Mrs. G. M. Holden were Wilson visitors, Wednesday. * • • • Mr. and Mrs. Claude Petitt and Mrs. Sam Jenkins, of Rocky Mount, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Lewis, Sunday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. Albritton attended the Army-Navy game Saturday, De cember 1, in Philadelphia. ■ • • Miss Peggy Barden, of Stantons burg, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis F&gas, of Wilson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fields, Sunday. * ■ ■ ■ Mrs. Eve Tompkins spent several days last week m Charlotte on a busi ness trip. Mrs. Tompkins was ac companied by Mrs. Bill Hardy. • •• ' Mr. and Mrs. Melton Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Allen, Mrs. Charlie Mo zingo, Sr. and Mrs. J. C. Brock, Ji were Rocky Mount visitors, Tuesday, • • • Miss Mary Thome Tyson left Fri day for New York City to assume her duties as Production Illustrator with the Austin' Company of thai city. • • • Mrs. W. Jesse Moye, Mrs. Matey Pollard, Mrs. Carl Blackwood, Mrs. Carroll D. Ogiesby and Mrs. J. M Carraway were Raleigh visitor! Monday. ' •» • • • Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ray Allen, ol Raleigh, spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Melton Allen. Mr. Horaci Allen was recently discharged from the Navy. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Carey Upchureh and son, Carey, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs Webb Allen and daughter, Judy, oi Raleigh, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carr. Hiss Hazel Skinner, of Greenville Mitt Nancy Lucas, of Wilson ant T. C. Rollins, Jr., of the Metehanl Marine, spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs. Bennett R. Fields. • id « Mrs. J. H. Darden and sodk, Jamei and Jade Darden, moved this weeJ intoy their home on Pine street, whicl baa been occupied for past severa years by the Meal Howard family. 9 » • Cheater Outland left this week foi Lexington, N. C., where he Win opei business. Mrs. Outland and son Chester, Jr., will join Mr. Outlam the first of the year and will reskV there. • • • Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barrett an daughter, Miu Dora Mat* Mrs. J. H Bynum Mid Mrs. Pred Carr attendei the memorial service held for Ro; Barrett in the Greenville Prtabyteriai Church, Sunday afternoon. • * • Mr. and Mii^Otla Taylor returns Monday from New Bam to their bom on North Main Street Mr. Tayloi who has been employed in the o£Oc of the Navy Supply at Cherry Potel for the past several yean, will agai be associated in business with J. A in the Earmville Moto mm Doris Owr: i on Tuesday afemoon at a lovely tea honoring Mr*. Frank T. Carr and Mil William Qarr Dar Tha receiving Una, composed the hostesssa. the honeraes i Mrs. Frank G. Dupree, Jr., of Mrs. Fsank T. Out, waa intro duced by Mn. J. T. Hardy. Mrs. J. B. FrisaaUa received in the living room and directed gueets to the register, over which Mn. Jt H. Coward presided. Miss Nannie Darden received in tiie dining room. The Dardan home was decorated throughout with artistic arrange ments of chrysanthemums and glad ioli The dining room table was covered with an Italian cutwork cloth and ceuteied with a silver bowl of white carnations flanked by white tapers in silver holders. Tea was poured by Mrs. W. A. Darden, Jr., and Mrs.'J. Frank Har per. Missaa Billie Wood, Ann Har dy, Jean Moye, Etta Frances Har per and Nannie Herring assisted in serving salted nuts, mints, cheese straws and cookies. Goodbyes were said to Mn. Lewis Herring. BIBTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John E. King an nounce the birth at a son, John Ed win King, IV, on Monday, December 3, at the Carolina General Hospital, Wilson. GIRL SCOOTS The Giri Scouts and leaden, Mrs. Walter B. Jones, Mrs. John M. Mew born and Mrs. R. T. Williams, met Thursday afternoon in the American Legion hall. A majority of the girls, haying completed a Red Cross course with Mrs. Mewborn as instruc tor, received their First Aid Badges at this time. Miss Mamie Davis, a Scout coun sellor, was a special guest and as sisted the piris in beginning some Arts and 'Craft work connected with the making of Christmas gifts. SMITH-HARRINGTON Miss Doris Harrington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Harrington of Greenville, R. F. D. and Pvt. James L. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith of Greenville, R. F. D., were married in the Christian Church Par sonage in Farmville, Saturday eve ning, December 8, at 8:30 o'clock. Rev. C. B. Mashburn officiated FAMILY DINNER Mrs. Louise D. Harris entertained relatives at a lovely dhmer party, Tuesday evening. Covert were laid for fourteen gueats. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proctor and daughter, Hannah, of Granville, and Mre. C. T. Dixon and daughter, Miss Daisy Earnhardt, and Edward Dixon, of Wilson. BIRD NOTES At the Bird Club meeting Satur day Harry Albritton read an article entitled "Dinner for Your Bird Neighbors." '' Birds at arm's length on a feed ing tray outside your window make an interesting picture of motion and color to every member of the family, and winter is really the time to be gin to get acquainted with them, though their colors are duller and there are fewer to be identified. Their food, is scarcer during this sea son, especially the insects that fur nish the rich fuel to keep them warn so they are more easily coaxed-tar the yard or window and can with pati ence be brought to your hand by means ef Mts of food. Feed the birds regularly and do not get impatient Give them time to find the feeding boxes. During severe weather feeding beneath pro tected bushes or brash piles will help the ground feeding bink. Water should be provided too, oven in the coldest weather. Feed your birds regularly and well and yon will have plenty of them*as dinner guests. Iky out different kinds of food and see with which you have the most suc " Putting out food for the winter birds is fun -for you, but often it is a matter of life or death for the birds durhmg cold maps and sleet; weather when the need for foot* the gresftsft. The comradeship and fun is enough to pay for the bill oi fare, even if our wOd birds weren't so important in keeping insect pesti is Saw* F« l»r A FARMVILLE COOK BOOK Favorite A Valuable and Mrs. Alex Allan and Mrs. J. Wftonafewste hostesses to the Ju nior Woman's Club Ttttalli''-eve ning «t the Ma. R. T. Williams, presided, and I*** * activities of the Girt zation. Mm. WilHams the giris hi badges and I in the Arte and Skills Craft H teresting report from the North Oar lina Clubwoman, a from the life of of Hie Juniors, Mi*. and she also vepo< ville Juniors had able writeup in the Miss Mar-tan* chairman, preMfttsd Mrs. Cherry Easier, gueat speaker, who gave an inspiring Christmas feature. Members warn invited into the din ing room where refreshments odf in dividual cocoeant cakaa topped with nuts and from a beautifully appointed table, centered with a fruit arrangement and can dles. Mrs. Williams poured coffee. |Mrs. William Garner and Mrs. £. C. Coatee, sponsor, wars special guests of the Literary CM> Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. J. H. Harris delightfully entertained the Literary Club at her home on Wilson Street Potted plants, decorations and attractive plate favors created a Christmas atmosphere. Upon 1 rival, the members and guests were served delicious refreshments con sisting of ambrosia, fruit cake, tarts, cookies, candies and hot coffees Mrs. W. M. Willis, president, pre sided, and after * - short business period the program was turned over to the chairman for tha afternoon, Mrs. Herbert E. Hart, who gave a splendid panoramic papar on "Peace Table Problems" basing her remarks on tha hook "Ilia Coming Struggle for Peace0 by Andre Visaon. In brief Mrs. Kurt reviewed the possibilities of Anglo-American dis cord yet pointed out this relationship waa the corner-stone for peace; the probable demands of Russia in search for security in Europe; the Polish boundary question; Finnish hopes for independence; the DeGaullist movement and France's future; the problems of Central and Southern Europe, as well as the Near East In the peace solutions she stated the major problems were European, Near East and Far East while neither of the four nmjor powers was strictly European. Special guests at this meeting were: Mrs. E. C. Beaman, Mrs. T. W. Lang, Mrs. Robert Lee Smith, Mrs. B. S. Smith, Mrs. M. V. Horton and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Contract Club Mrs. W. L. Smith was hostess on Tuesday to the Contract Club and special guests. Red berries and Christmas green ery were used effectively in deco ration for the meeting. Mrs. Arthur Joyner, club' top score compiler, was awarded a nov elty pitcher, and. high for visitors, Hi-Jacks, went to Mis. Pat Ruff in. Low score prixe, cocktail napkins, waa presented- lbs, L. E. Walston. Pins for the Christinas meeting were made at this, time and names were drawn for an exchange of gifts. r Coca colas were served upon ar rival of guests and fruit cake, top ped with cream, salted nuts and cof fee were served after play. Mr*. Pickett Ehtertains At Men** Party Mrs. R. E. Pickett vu gracious hostess on Thursday morning', in com pliment to her grandmother, Mrs. John S. Montgomery of Georgetown, Ky., at a coca-cola party. lira. Montgomery wu presented dusting powder by the hostess. crackers, pickles, olives, and brownies were served with the drinks. Sharing with the honored guest in the pleasures of the morning were. Mi*. Elsie Montgotoery, Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs. Louis Allen, Hn. Pat Ruffei, Mrs. S. A. Roebuck, Mrs. Arthur Joynsr, Mrs. 6. L. Gilchrist, Mrs. George Monk, Mrs. Charles Duke, Mrs. R. V. Fiser, Mrs. Nasi Howard, Mrs. Jack Gates awl Miss Lucille Davis. ; L. gam CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTE Rev. C. B. Maahbum will preach al the Sunday raomipg services at 11 o'clock. He has chosen "A Mission ary Message" far his subject t, . _ NOTICE D. A. R. MEMBERSp B. Bruce at the of the Major tar D. A R, to of the former, Saturday 3 o'clock. — *■ Vlrum eauc&iora* s * oj* d through the state ch&iima» *1.25 goes towards a hoepi Mrg. M. I. Flemin*, of Rocky Mount, of Cooper Btia, told ■bout the Cooper Bed being sup * WUaon Sanatorium by Thia project ia still con * fcahy as an endowm«it fond dm not been eaftahHrfwri for it as has been achieved in the support of the other two beda by this Auxiliary. It via decided to aand a gift to the occupant of the Cooper Beda and donations for thia purpose were made at tVfl timo, Mrs. Eric Bell, of Wilson, state president, was an honored gueet at thia meeting and d|acuaaed the ob jectivea of the .Auxiliary in the fol lowing order: 1—To extend the arma of the medi cal profeesion to other organisations interested in the promotion of health education; 2—To promote friendliness among the familiee of the medical profes sion: - ' ' - 3—Do such work as may be re quested from time to time by the medical society; 4—To cooperate with other auxili aries; (—To assist in the entertainment at the meetings of the State Medical Society. Plans were laid for seadinc gifts to hospitalised veterans, and helping with the Victory Loan campaign ' The foil owing new officers were elected at this timer Mrs. M. T. Friizelle, Ayden, president; Mrs. R. C. Smith, Ayden, vice president; pub licity and publication committee Mrs. Grady Dixon, Ayden, Mrs. D, I* Moore, Whiterville. Dusting peanuts "with sulpher gave L. C. Dilday of Ahoskie a gain of 661 pounds of nuts per acre. elry Store, friends and to call and of lovely gifts at ■ —

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