YOU? BUSINESS WANTED ! MAKE FARMVHJLK YOUR if VOLl To W ? *1 I Citizens Needing Addi tional Help Asked To Give Secretary Bandy All The Pacts Sam D. Buady, secretary Earm -Chamber of Commerce, announ today that his office plane to work hanl-in-haad with the Employment Service Commission: Hie Chamber of Commerce will not try to place the workers, bat will accept orders for workers of any type business sod will turn these orders over to the Employment Service Commission. || Stores and busfeieas firms, farmers and housewives, warehousemen and factory owners, and any person who needs labor can place an order with Sam D. Bandy at the Chamber of Commerce office and these will be turned over to the representative who comes to Farmville on Thurs day of each week. Such orders, may be turned in personally or may be phoned in by dialing: 4900. The or der must contain such information as the name and address of the em ployer, the type of worker needed and type of work involved, the hours , of work and the rate of pay. Other information can be added. The Chamber of Commerce is of fering: this service due to complaints arising from the fact that labor can not be obtained wh;,a at the same time a large number of persons are receiving unemployment compensa tion. The officials of the Employe ment Service advise that orders must be obtained and then, if the ap plicants for unemployment com pensation will not accept these jobs, then they can cut off the unemploy ment compensation being paid to those who refuse to work. If you need help, contact Sam D. Bundy at the Chamber of Commerce or Call phone 4900. Your orders will be placed in the proper hands and possibly many job placements can be made. TO JOIN ENTERPRISE STAFF AS AD MANAGER Junes B. Hockaday, now on term inal leave from the Navy, is associa ted with THE ENTERPRISE as Ad vertising Manager and as a NEWS EDITOR He is in' Faimville at present, planning to establish permanent res idence, and is looking for a house, an apartment or a suite of rooms, to which he can bring his wifev the for mer Miss Dorothy Terrell, of Wen dell and Chapel Hill, a native of Kin ston, and his four-year-old daugh ter, Georgia Toll, who are residing in LUBngton, his home town. A son of Mrs. W. F, Hockaday, of 1 illiagton, and the late Mr. Hocka day, ha waa graduated from UNO in the class of 1986. Ha waa afterwards associated with The News in Llllkigton for a period of six years, prior to volunteering tot military service in August, 1942.: Ha served 84 months in. the Paci fic theatre; on the USB Whitney, a destroyer tender, and later aa Navi gator and Executive Officer on the USS Scania, a cargo attack vessel. He returned from Japan in Mai of this year. RE-ENLISTMENT BENEFITS CLARIFIED BY RECRUITER To clear up misunderstandings of * in Grade, G At The Rotary Club Ways of bridging the gap ] prospective employers who ditional workers and unemployed who register with the United States Employment Service in aesnk o' work or compensation benefit* wen discussed Tuesday night by the Ro tary Club which went into an ovg* time session obtaining an over-all picture of the situation. T leading interesting discuss ion, which was in the form of open forum with msny questions! coming from tibe floor, was r&M Brooks of Greenvflle, of the United States Employment Service, who was introduced by Paul EwelL * . Since the matter was of deep con cern to the entire community, spe cial guests were invited and intro duced by Ewell, who hadl_charge of the evening's program. These were C. S. Hotchltiss, president of the Kiwanis Club; Lewis Alien, pres-l dent of the Merchants Association; -Sam D. Btmdy, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, guests were J. T. Lewie, by his brother, 'John Lewis, James B. Hockaday, presented by Alex Rouse. The former baa beep living in California for several years and has recently returned to Pitt county to make his home. Hie lat ter is a new member of The Enter prise staff. Brooks, whose talk clarified- many questions relating to the activities of the employment and compensation agencies, explained that his aggncy and the North .Carolina Unemploy ment Compensation Commission are distinct organizations; yet, he add-, ed, the two work together and co operate whenever problems arise. The financial statement for the pe riod from January 1 to June 30 was presented and explained by John Stansill, treasurer. His report show ed the club was sound ft-hfially, as is to be expc .-ted ? from an or ganization that is sound in so many other ways. Bill Duke, president, presided ;vs.' Ihurch Merge Seems Likely Episcopalians, Presby byterians Agree On Formula Philadelphia, July 8?Merger the Presbyterian Church in A. and the Protestant Church in the U. S. A.?a i will unite about 4,1%,000 . spiritually?was a step closer ? to roAlizAtioxi tflrtliy I A document embodying the pro posed basis of union of the two churches was released by spokesmen of the groups in a joint statement. Dr. William Barrow Pugh, Phila delphia, stated clerk of the ref AePras! Assembly of the Presbyterian and Dr. Alexander Zabrislcie, andria, Va., secretary of the Com mission on Approaches, to Unity of the Ep?*?nl Church, said, merit provides a formula recognition of orders and of authority of _the clergy of bot^ communions." They said the < metnt 'does not provide details of the organisation of the proposed united ciple that ministers who have PASSES At WOODRUFF, S. C. m mmm- I day night, Fannville's Bawd of Commissioners coouMad Dims for the solo of 1890,000 worth of bonds recently imvnl '|#:' voter* Phased ordinmeee which are requir* Passed ed before the State Load Govenv JTuT i Within the coming months, the town will vend $880,000 on provnmenta to itiwli /nd the water system. This total is sub-divided follows: $42,000 on water system, $$,000 on sewer system end $230,000 on. streets and sidewalks. Only $230,000 in bonds will be sold now, however, as tt'is anticipated the ad ditional $60,060 will be made avail able by property owners paying their Street sew?matte, The bonds will be aerial bonds, fa denominations of $1,000, and will be steggered so as to be repaid over a period of 80 years, with the first ones maturing- in 1948 and the last in 1968., Throughout the lean, depression years, Fhnnville met Ha obligations without default. Because at this ex cellent record, members of the Board believe these bonds will sell at very low interest rates. Other towns, whose records are nothing like i good as. Farm vine's,. have been bor rowing money recently ah 8 per cent and less. Since- the only way of judging the fixture is by the pastv it is reasonable to assume that the forthcoming issue will bring attract ive interest rates. Also within the negt year the toga wijl spend $186,000 on its light plfnt. These bonds have been ap proved and will be ready for sale whenever the money is needed. Since much of the machinery hap not yet been manufactured, it is estimated thpt the funds will not be required before winter. , Present for Monday's session were Vayor J. W. Joyner and. ban W. A. Allen, Manly Like, C. H. Flanagan, J. M. Stancill and W. C. Woo ten. At present the town's bonded debt totals $166^000. The total val uation is $3,?0M0* md the tax rate for 194*47 will be *1.10. Zoned For Map Showing Boundaries Four Districts, Will Be Ported la r.. Conspicuous Ptaee, ^;] The task of laying off the Town of Farmville into four building zones was officially completed Tues the builder, hi his structure does not conform, to specifications required bf the recently adopted ordinance, may be forced, to tear down the building or use it tor a purpose oth er then originally intended. Defined U Residence A, Residence B^Bpapess and Jmfcstriqk the four zones have been designated on a spe cial map which Clerk R. A. Joyner wflC port in ? conspicuous place as som as possible. In the meantime, those who have any questions on the ?ging are referred to him at his offife in the Municipal s,"saru>xj8 terprise will make no attempt to with Farmville Greenville* July %-W. F. Owens, Lodge No. Mi A. F. end A. M. & his address of 400 Mttona, Greenville-ar ia honor of W. J. Bundy. Mart Ngmhlyful Grand Master of the Giandpedge of N. C., tru|y this tribute had come to of humor, wi hie.fellow man. had to all Masons thai knew htm; whose fMflity to the priacipUe of " ry and whose labors within the Or der, had strengthened the ties among the members. fflMriMIMP The response was piade by W. L. Mclver of Sanford, Grand Secreting of the Grand Lodge of N. C. | | The following Grand Officers and their wives were present and were recognized by B. B. Sugg, master of ceremonies; Past Grand Master Wat son Sherrod and Mrs. Shenrad f En field; Post Grand Master J. C. Hobbs of Wilmington; Grand Secretary W. t,-Mclver and Mrs. Mclver; Grand Marshall W. H. White and wife, San ford,- Grand Steward Robert Pugh and Mrs. Pugh -of New Bent; Grand Lecturer G. A. Farrior and Mrs. Far rior of New Bern; Grand Chaplain Rev. Robt S. Boyd and Mrs. Boyd of Greenville; Assistant Grand Chaplain Rev. W. C. FraneeS, Edenton; Grand Orator Rpv. Harold Glen Cuthrell of Mamhalburg. J, J. Gilbert introduced the speak er of the .evening, Dr. Charles P. Eldridge of the Grand Lodge of N. C., who fat a very irteiaetmg and humorous speech, entertained his au dience. He eulogized the late C. K. Proctor, Supt. of Oxford Orphanage, who. would have been the speaker, dy of Farmville, parents of t*e , of hotter; his wife, Mrs. W. J. Ban dy; and his brother, Sam D. Bundy and Mrs; Bundy of Farmville. J. R. Tanner announced the musi cal part ?f the program, which was given by Mrs. Christine Smith, Mrs; Margaret James, Bill Evans and J. R. Pittnum. Grand Mutes www present: H?my Smith, Beaufort; H. A. Gam pen, Edenton; C. B. Shulcnberger, Ra leigh; Tom Slate, Fayetteville; A. R. WJUia, Wilmington; James W. Bra war. Greenville; H. M. Waggoner, SanW^^'V - '1 g - The chairman of the Banquet Committee, James W. Brewer, thank ed the various committees for their "jf ? iw npnir? cnairnuu* ox a ape cial committee, announced that u a token of affection and esteem, and also u the Grand Master's duties re quire a lot of traveling, the lodges hi the Fttth Masonic District were presenting the Gland Muter with a gift At this signs), the doors www op?*d in rolled a Many, new Chevrolet, driven by H. J. Saw yer. Hie other members of this were IC. IL Banpill, God Oakley and T. L. Moore. Bundy expressed his deep appre ciation of the honor accorded him and paid fitting tribute to any hon ors that might be given him, to bis parents and wifti .'?* - MENACE OP WREVIL IS NOW CRITICAL IN THIS STATE Governor Cherry Tar Heel tobecce farmers to got to tie poll* Friday and ce*, their ballots for a three-year extension of gov ernment atop controls. ta immSmiM MondftT mominff th6 1 "North Carolina, which atata pro duced about two-thirds of aU Msa bright leaf tobacco grown in the United States, has found growing to bacco under the quoin system has proven a sound system for produc ing. this important crop, Quotas un der which North . Carolina tobacco farmers have been growing allat ments will expire with the 1MB crop. The Congress of ilia United States is allowing an expression of opinion as to coiliberation of quotas in a vote that is scheduled for FM? dap, July 12, 1846. At that turns growers can express themselves in favor of the continuation of. for one year, three yean, < vote against quotas entirely. "As governor of a state in the tobacco crop haa a dollar val ue more than four times that of its nearest competitor among, the cash crops, I wish to take this occasion to emphasise the importance of this forthcoming election. "I am convinced that it is to the decided advantage of the State -and the citizens of the flue-cured to bacco counties to have an over whelming note favoring quotas for three years. If We do not record such a vote I fear that disastrous prices for this commodity will be inevita ble." Prior to the governor's statement G. Tom Scott, State Director of the Production and Marketing Adminis tration, announced that polls for the flue-cured tobacco referendum will open at 7 a m. and remain open all day. Scott said that all growers with an interest h> the 1946 crop, 4 4 ? M 1. , ,.L, ,M m ^ . L&DmtiZf Or 9ulF6CIT>pp?8% lit to vote in the referendum. World War 1 And 2 Will Be Honor ed Aug., 14 With Big Celebration ___ . .. ... _. ?*-' mm August 14 has been set aside as a celebration day for all veterans of World War I and World War4L The American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars with the cooperation of other organisations at Fttt coun ty are sponsoring this day to honor the veterans of the county. - *s Tentative plans have been made for an alLday celebration to be held in GreenviBek lite committee in charge has ar ranged a parade of veterans led by ?D4 or mom bands, One at than* bands will be from a military post near hem The Merchants Associa tion is cooperating" by having all tire business establishments 111 ant cafes ? im I I II ? |> ff ? . . and drug Stores dose before the pa rade and remain closed during day. jT A ceive L A the i If Control im. I ??* 7' - At The Sfcaiki?0<* j mJ! ? out Itared ateiifc.. ? _ ^ sided over by Pmkimt Charlie HoAchkis?, wm an interesting talk ?o Mdw pilXktatf ddMna by K. T. Futtrell of Greenville, welfare an-' erintendent of Pitt county. W. A. Allen, dudnnan of the hnqville group at the North Car oltoa Farm Bureau, c&Hed the chib's attention to the referendum and out lined plans tor placing in the hands lof workers a list of landlords and tenants entitled to vote. Special Itr^a will be made to persuade red brjng in those who hare not cast I their ballots by late afternoon. PoUa I will be open mtfi 9 o'clock. I Supporting Allen's- remarks was I Cart T. Hicks of Walstonburg, chair man of the tobacco group of the North Carolina Ftm Bureau. Hicks, I who recalled that the vote in "the last referendum was 96.6 per cent' in favor of control, asked for a 100 per cent temmnt this time mid ur ged the members to carry out the |pl?n explained by Allen, adding thatfl lh? Greene county they were foilow ing tUa procedure. Htcki sounded a solemn note when he told the club ?that he and his fellow workers have been informed by Congressmen that the control program is in dire dan ger of being defeated rrfless a huge vote it rolled up in North Carolina to offset the opposition in I Which are clamoring for hi acreage. Tar Heel growers at preawit have SI par cent of the to tal quota. A dump in prices and glutted markets, harking back to the |<hf? of the unlan TE? 1 hi today's referen with a statement that he i Kiwanian and had Hint orae of the things he about were in line with the objectives and activities of the civic HI JV "offJthem were quite thoaght.prevoking. For T ?g ?dap this county; thh ?I nuUw.lfcS pert to vmht wtntre ... locked up before an interview IIBf i; *e t te State Corvl , P JF* stigma they' will carry through life; ?700 is paid I (By the AmocUU SdMor) IV satin living economy of - the incomes of of many sec ?f this state, and those of other la the referen to he held My 12. whentohec will vote on the contht of aHotraent quotas. who lived under the of accumulated the depression yeara, the threat of collapse which doorstep of the fenn aa a bi?r bad woli will recall Ae program, mapped out by the Agricultural Adjustment Admin h 1932, was a challenge to opinion that the farmers 1 will not organise. The first act of the program was the tobacco sign-up campaign, which was carried forward with great ra pidity and success in North Caro lina. This was an acknowledgment by the farmer, that his former ia isolation of action obsolete, that his frontiers were no longer confined by the ter ritorial bounds of his plantation, and that the power of Ids old ad versaries, droughts, deluges, furies of wtod and hail and disease in his storic bad been augmented by an in tangible foe?low prices for his pro- - dues?and of Ms inability to combat ' this one singlehanded. So, the farmer girded up his loins sad motivated at long teat by a willingness to fight for., the good of ail, even if it were accompanied by some misgivings, joined the rank and file of en army of. planters and . presented a solid front to the enemy Material prosperity was aa im mediate result The tobacco crop in 1932 in North Carolina sold for f82l?U>00; in 1988, the first year ot the control, it sold for <76,000, 000?concrete evidence of the policy of unification of purpose and effort during the first The farmer has experienced the serious situation that can be brought about by a surplusage of everything C he produced and the imminent dan- fe,. iter of being eliminated fritm the economic picture altogether, and he can. "tlugJc his lucky stars" that administration was brought to a of his woeful plight sad moved to intervention in his be half. Aa a consequence, the sur plus problem was overcome and a J, profitable agricultural system constructed and has been ed to the present day. Tbp farmer has a lity to face in the preservation of - this manifestation of faith and con fidence that the administration has g| demonstrated In a tangible and prac tical way. Each time he marches up to the polls gnt -votes for a con tinuance of the control program, he gives added assurance to the admin- . ~ iatratfcm that its confidence and al- '|,; moat super-human effort in this ven ture in his behalf was well placed. During four successive yean of prior to the control pro gram, the farmer impossibility of securing loans on seemingly 'Substantial;, collateral from his banker to meet maturing obligations. If quotas aro approved Friday, loans at 90 per cent of the parity value of his tobacco will be available, and since the government is not acting now in the capacity of -JUL. K in a real protection to grow against drastic price declines or looses. - Price auppotts, including loans of every kind, will not be avail able en the 1M7 crop if growers dis approve quotas. TV continuance of crop control will require a majority vote of 6C 2-S per cent, and it is being pointed out by tobacco authorities that there is dang* of C -

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