Welfare Departments Carrying Out State Recreation Program By Harold t). Meyer, Director N. C. Recreation Commission Recreation as a state-spcmsored activity is a new practice in America developed in the past few months as another "North Carolina first" since the 1946 General Assembly set up the North Carolina Recreation Com-; Already the work is moving for ward in various communities through the intense interest of local groups and of the county departments of public welfare. There is an excel lent opportunity in each of the 100 counties to provide recreation for all ages and all groups because much of the 'possibilities have not as yet been touched. Especially notable is the coopera tion developed between the Recrea tion Commission and county welfare departments in Pender, Person, Ma con, Onslow, Yadkin and Yancey counties. Yancey has developed a county-wide plan of recreation while in other localities the interest of civic groups has been aroused in support of planned recreation. Model ordinances giving a legal basis to local recreation commissions have been set up in which it ih re quired that one member of the local board of recreation be selected from the county welfare agency, another from the county health department, and another from the school system. The law setting forth the duties of county superintendents of public welfare calls on them to cooperate with existing agencies in the de velopment of wholesome recreation facilities in the community. Thus county welfare workers are doubly interested in the program since they are professionally interested in the betterment of community life and facilities. The Recreation Commission al ready is beginning to work with state institutions in the development of programs for the leisure activities of inmates. Notable in this respect is the work now going on at the State School for the Deaf at Mor gan ton. Considerable possibilities still remain in institutional recrea tion through the establishment of more effective contacts with all state institutions including all the prison campe. -:)H The object of recreation under the North Carolina program is to pro vide leisure-time activities not only for adults but for all children in a community, especially the under privileged ones. The best develop ment will be through a program operated as a separate unit of local governmental service. The scope of the service is too large to be includ ed as a direct duty of any other I county official and actual direction | of recreation should be the responsi bility of a separate local staff. Church recreation possibilities are opening up, a factor' which is es pecially valuable in rural areas where the rural churches can. be made centers of general community activities. This will not only be service to the people of a rural com- j munity but will increase their in terest and attraction toward the! specifically religious programs ofj the church. A great need in North Carolina is a well-directed program of re , creation in hospitals of all types? public hospitals for physical ail NOTICE OF ELECTION Pursuant to an Order of the Clerk of Superior Court,, notice is hereby given that an election-will be held on Monday, August 12, 1946, to elect three (3) persons to serve as Board of Commissioners for the Pitt County Drainagje District No. 1, their terms of office to begin on October 1, 1946. This election necessary to replace the vacancy of John T. Thorne, Chairman, who died on June 14th and R. A. Joyner and B. S. Lewis, whose terms have ex pired. Each person owning land in the district has one (1) vote for each acre of land owned. Polls to be opened at the Town Hall in Town of Farmville, North Carolina, from 7. A. M. to 7 P. M. on Monday, August, 12, 1946. R. A. JOYNER, Acting Chairman. John B. Lewis, Secretary. 7-19-4t ments as well as grovBramant-operat ed institutions for mentally and physically handicapped cWau. This will come about as the interest of tha people in each community awakens to the value of supplying- supervised leisure-time activities for all reai dents. "* School building* during the sum mer months and at night during the week, present another local resource in development of community recrea tion. Most of these facilities have playground or gymnasium equip ment and all of them have auditori um facilities where the more cul tural aspects of recreation can be provided. Wider use of these plants depends on the awakening of local determination to provide this ser-1 vice. The State Recreation Commission does not attempt to interfere with any program already operated by I another agency; its pufpoee is to move in where its aid is asked in development of local programs. The Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Commissioner of Public Welfare, director of the Depart ment of Conservation and Develop ment are ex officio members of the Recreation Commission and tie in with its work any activities which are the responsibility of their re spective agencies. Thus in developing a complete program of recreation in all North Caro/ina communities the combined efforts of numerous agencies and groups will be required. Particular ly fitted for this cooperative effort are the county welfare agencies from which many suggestions can come for future development. Workers on these staffs, in constant contact with the less privileged of the com munity, can funnel to local recrea tion commissions or to the state commission suggestions for improve ments and can call attention to par ticular needs. We look forward to each week-end, expecting to do a whale of a lot of work, but seldom accomplish much. NOTICE OF SALE ! Under and by virtue of the powers contained in Section No. 44-2, of the General Statue of North Carolina, the undersigned, Farmville Motor Company, will on the 20th day of July, 1946, in the garage of the Farm ville Motor Company, at 12 o'clock, Noon, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described person al property: One 1934, four door Plymouth Se dan Automobile, Motor No. PF.71952, Registered in the name of Albert Gay. This June 17th, 1946. By B. O. Taylor, Partner. FARMVILLE MOTOR COMPANY, R. T. Martin, Atty. 6-21-3wkS NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Pitt county, made in the Ex-Parte pro ceeding entitled "In the matter of An nie Earldene Evans, and husband G. L. Evans, and Johnnie Edmond Ed wards, Jr., a minor by J. M. Horton, next friend," the undersigned com missioner will on Saturday the 10th day of August 1946 at. 12 o'clock Noon, at the courthouse door in Greenville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land ly ing and being in the Town of Fountain, Pitt County, North Caro lina, and more fully described as follows: Beginning, at the intersection of Smith and Jefferson Streets and running in a Northerly direction 123 feet to Frank Lewis line; thence with said Frank Lewis line in a Westerly direction 160 feet to Jobff" Bell line, thence in a Southerly di rection with the said John Bell's line 123 feet to Smith Street, thence | in an Easterly direction with the said Smith Street 150 feet to the beginning. The same being the | identical land oortVeyed to L. E. Fountain by G. W. Jefferson and oth ers, by deed recorded March 17th 1919 in Pitt County Registry. Be ing the identical tract of land con veyed by L. E. Fountain to J. A. Edwards, by deed dated September 10th 1924 duly recorded in' Regis try of Pitt County. . ' This the 9th day of July 1946. . JOHN HILL PAYLOR, Commissioner. 7-12 4. wks MiU TUN A MILLION OWNERS More than a million friends: R. A. PARKER MOTOR CO., Inc. ?giflippM 120 East Wilson St. FARMVILLE, N. C. Outboard Motor Boat Races At New Bern New Bern, July IS?Sputtering outboard motor* will awaken the calm of beautiful Trent River Sun day, July Slat, as outboard motor enthusiasts inaugurate the first race* since the war in this historic old up river landing place. Outboard motor boater* from Richmond and the Norfolk Penin sular in Virginia; from Washing ton, D. C.; and from all the 200 mile coast of North Carolina, will make up an entry list which will crowd the Trent at the Trent Pines Club race course. About $700 in prises will be awarded in the several classes to be run throughout the day. Before the war the broad, placid reaches of -the Trent along the shores of the old Sloan Summer home which has become the smart Trent Pines Club was a favorite show grounds of mil kinds of river ?craft. This first postwar show al ready has attracted many of the fastest and best-known drivers, as well as North Carolina deeignem who have new models ready for com petitive trials. The New Bern Racing Association plane to hold its annual series of Sanction Races as soon as the Nat ional Association assigns classes and times for the year around events. Chamber of Commerce Secretary George P. Arlington is handling pre liminary arrangements for the July events and for all forthcoming trials. Buy "Savings Bonds" Havel Hold! Garriss Peanuts Be Dusted I Leafspot diseases have already appeared in the peanut crepe of Eaatern Carolina and Howard Gar rias, Extension plant pathologist at Statp College, has recommended that dusting with copper-sulphur dust mixtures begin at once. "I should like to encourage "pea nut growers to start dusting as soon as possible, even though the plants are small," Gerries said. Copper sulphur dust mixtures give better leafspot control than either copper or'sulphur dusts alone. The mixture should contain four to six per cent copper, by weight "Since the plants are small new 12 to 16 pounds of dust per acre will be sufficient for the first applica tion. Three or four applications put on at two-week intervals axe re quired. In the event of rain soon after a dusting, another should be put on as quickly aa possible. Later as the plants grow larger 16 to 20 pounds of dust must be used per acre. "The, dust may be applied at any time during the day. However many growers say best results are obtained if dusting is confined to early mor ning and late afternoon. A few far mers apply their dust on moonlight nights. "If the copper-sulphur mixture is put on the plants in the recommen ded amounts and at two-weeks inter vals leafspot diseases will cause lit tle damage to the peanut crop." Excessive dignity can be painful for those who must put up with it. LQ?K! ELECTRIC IRONS! A TtKklFIC VALUI $gJO Add 33* lor pottage a Cool, Ea.z/-Grip Handla.1 . ? Convenient Siz??weight 4V4 lb*. ? Complete with Detachable Cord. 1 ? Suitable for AllTypeaof Ironing. e Attractive, Durable Chroma Finiah. Send Money Order or Cheek (that waving CO.D. Charger) KAK SALES COMPANY 534 Pittsburgh life Bldg> "Dept G6" Pittsburgh 22, Pa. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT * MEMORIALIZING *** ! MB. JNO. T. THOknE WHEREAS: Mr. Jno. T. Thome has been called to his lasting re , ward, be it known that it is the ex ' desire of the Board Mrectora of The Bank of Farmville to extend to the family of Mr. Thome He sincereet sympathy and heartieit condolences on the occasion of their loss. Jno. Thome was for many years a faithful, competent and diligent member of our Board, serving efficiently and well in many capacities. His honesty, integrity, sterling character and genuine worth as a member of oar group will long be cherished and remem bered by those of as who were privi leged to serve with him. His under standing heart, his vibrant person ality, and-his high sense of justice and right, coupled with his many fine Christian attributes made Jijo one of opr most valuable members. He will be missed many times dur ing our futkire deliberations. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV ED: That this Board hereby pay this as a lasting tribute of respect to Jno. T. Thome. That said Board express to Mrs. Jno. T. Thome and Miss Mary Leah Thome its deepest sympathy and sorrow on this occa sion. That a copy of these resolu tions be mailed to the ftuhily of Mr. Thome, that a copy be mailed to the Farmville Enterprise, and that copy be spread upon the minutee of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Farmville. THE BANK OF FARMVILLE Resolutions Committee: JNO. B. LEWIS L. E. WALSTON IRVIN MORGAN 7-19-lt EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Rosa Smith Gay, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims ugainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of July, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to the scud estate will please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of July, 1946. JESSE GAY, Executor. 7-12-6t Frequently it's advisable not even to attempt an explanation. TM INT STAT , '/ VH1ISS TM'II I Gst aztra ?llwiy, serfst y end Nrrtei from a Goodysar'i mils sating trsad and its toughs* tirs body. Six# fo* sis*. Goodysar is ths boat '1S.M GOODYEAR U? OUR BUOOR HAN fnstevegr year for 31 yean/ FARMVILLE SERVICE STATION 123 E. Wilson St?Phone 267-1 L-U-M-B-E-R and Building Supplies ille Retail Lumber Yard PHONE 302-1 Next to Norfolk-Southern Depot F&rmville, N. C. * BELK-TYLER'S ? I I I m ?1 - bt arts TODAY! Oar Entire Slock of Fine Blankets at Last Years Prices! "CHATHAM" LAMSDOWN The beautiful top-quality blanket in the Chatham line. Extra fine wool. Colors Rose, Blue, Peach, Yellow and White. J.00% Virgin Wool, 72x90 inches, four and one half pounds. $15.95 "CHATHAM" SUTTON 25% wool, 25% cotton and 50% rayon, full 72x90 inches, a favorite everywhere. Colors Rose, Blue, Cedar, Green and Peach. $5.95 LADY PEPPERELL Lady Pepperell, 25% wool, 50% rayon and 25% cotton. Extra length, 72x90. Colors Bine, Green, Rose, Peach and Cedar. $5.95 "NASHUA? PURREY A beautiful extra length blanket in wool and rayon. Colors Blue, Green, Peach, Rose and Cedar. $6.45 RsK SraoimsBssflsg Chatham's outstanding popular price Virgin Wool Blanket, 72x90 inches. Colors Rose, Blue Cedar, Green and Peach. ~ *>.> ? - r - ? ? , Use Our LAY-A WAY PLAN! A Small Deposit Will Re serve Any Blanket For Thirty Days. BLANKETS Just 25 regulation Army Blankets for this Special event ? A $10.00 value.' 11^, \.^ v ^ . w \ ... CHATHAM'S ...A." BLANKET ^4h|(b3?*^ Luxurious for its delicate color, comfortable for its medium weight. Airloom is the kind of blanket that promises .good looks because it guarantees good ? * sleep. Colors Peach, Rose, Blue, Green and Cedar. Size 72x90 inches ? 75% wool, 25% cotton. ? J SS M&t'W "FARMVUXE'S SHOPPING CENTER":