S&.r3fe Miss Apm Moot* is spending the week Id Wilson. Gmr B. Moon spent the week end fa Clinton with Up parent*. Mrs. L. P, Lane, of Rocky Mt, is visiting Mrs H. H. F ~ Miss Vivian Scott from a visit to Mend* in Mr. and Mm. W. C. Holaton . several days of last week in Norfolk. J Mies Sadie Ma* Spain, of Green-' ville, is visiting Miss Stances Joyner. Milton Williamson, student at Wake Forest, spent Sunday at his horn* here. . , Miss Elisabeth Lang ^ returned Sunday from a visit to friends in La Grange. Mrs. J. C. Fleming, of Martinsville, Vs., is visiting her sister, Mr*. W. E. Joyner. Miss Aileen Flanagan spent the week end in Morehead (Sty with friends. Mrs. C. R. Dodson, of Asheboro, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. J. Greene. Mrs. Elbert Holmes and Mm. John B. Joyner were Raleigh visitors on Tuesday. E. C. Carr and son, E. C., Jr? were Goldsboro visitors, Tuesday morning. Mrs. George Vaughan, of Wash ington, spent Sunday with Miss Ber tha Lang. Mrs. H. L. Watson and daughters, of Wilson, are visiting relatives here this week. Tommy Willie, stadent at Wake Forest, spent the week end here with his parents. Mr. and Mm. B. .R. Hewitt, of Kinston, are visiting Mr. and Mm. M. L. Esson Mrs. Herbert Webb spent the week end in Wilson with her mother, Mrs. E. F. Holmes. Mrs. H. H. Bradham and house guest, Mrs. L. P. lane, spent Monday in Rocky Mount. Miss Sao Hunaocker, of Winter ville, will spend the week end with Miss Bertha Lang. R. Leroy Rollins, of the Lumberton tobacco market, spent the week end at his home hem. ? Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Rouse, Jr., were home for the week end from UNC, Chapel Hill. Mm. Archie L, Speight, Mm. Earl Bagby and Mrs. L. E. Walston spent ( Monday in Wilson. ; Mrr Lillie Cooke and Miss Clio | Langston'apent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fields. Mrs. J. E. Warren is spending some time with her brother, T. 8. Savage, in Leggetts. Jack Paylor and Rufus Butner, of Kinston, spent Tuesday and Wed nesday in Chapel Hill. Pvt. Norris Lee Eason has been transferred from Fort Bragg to Fort McClellan, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss and ? son are leaving Saturday to spend a week at Virginia Beach. Miss Mary Frances Joyner Miss Theodora Albritton returned Sunday from Camp Leach. Mrs. J. D. Holmes toft Wednesday for Princeton, N. J. She will ac company her husband home. ? Friends will be gjad to team that ] B. A. Joyner is reported as recuper ating afterdflMhtot ilkiess. Mrs. W. fi^Ktfaet, of Lakeland, FBl, is F- G. Dupree, Sr., and Misa Minnie Overstreet Miss Elfamfaetk May has returned from a visit to relatives in Newark, N. J., and Lake Hopnteong, N. J. Miss Brightato Savage, of Rattle boro, was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mm. Ed Nash Warren, Friday. Mrs. R. N. Freeman and infant daughter, Mary Harper, returned Wednesday from a Wilson hospital. Rufus Butner, of Kinston, and Thad Nobles, of Greenville, were guests of Jack Paylor Monday night. Mr. and Mm. LaVenm Greene, of Newport News, Vs., spent the week end with Mr. and Mm. A. Ji Greene. Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver will leave during the week end for a visit to Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr., in Ra leigh Mr, and Mm. B. S. Mm. T. W. Lang, and ? CALENDAR ? IO.06 A. 1L?Mrs C. Hubert Joy mt will be boston at bridge in compliment to Mn dmnnL 8 AO P. M.?Miss Mm Knott 1 Mrs. Jobs C, Porker will tain at dessert-bridge, in honor of Miss Frances Howard, bride nlnnf '"Ml www 8:00 P. M.?Mrs. ft. Q. Copen haver will be boaten at des sert-bridge, honoring Miss TT .,1 kalJ, alanf nowara, Dnuc-oirci. 8:00 P. Mj?Mrs. & G. Tyson, of Saratoga, will entertain at des sert-bridge, honoring Miss Etta Frances Harper and Miss Mary G. Hales, of It 4:00 P. M ?Circle 4, Methodisit Society, masts with?Mrs. Mel ton Allan. 4*00 P. M.?Circle 1, Presbyto rian Auxiliary, meets with Mrs. G. P. Bergeron. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwani* Club. 8:00 P. M.?-Circle t, Presbyte rian Auxiliary, meets with Mrs. ft?M Jones. 8.-00 P. Me-The Wesleyan Guild meets with Mrs. Stuart Sugg. Tuesday, 18 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 P. M.?Woodmen of the World. 8:00 P. M.?Miss Aime Jom will entertain at bridge in com pliment to Mi? Frances How ard and Jans Greene, brides elect. WcAnaday, 14 8.-00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:80 P. M.?Episcopal Altar Guild meets with Mrs. W. R. Bur netts. 1:00 P. M.?Mrs. W. Jeese Moye will entertain at a tancheon for all Club Presidents hi 16th Dis trict, N. C. F. W. C. Thursday, 15 10:00 A. Me?Bird Club. Thomas C. "Rollins, of Wilson, re cently discharged from the Merchant Marine, went the week end with | relatives hen. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis N. Hatem and iildren, who resided on Home Avenue, left Tuesday to make their borne in Boston . Miss Aim Turnage, who is attend ing the summer sessions at A. C. C., Wilson, will spend the week end at j her home here. Mrs. H. N. Howard and mother,; Mrs. H. L. Holden, of Wilson, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives, in Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lewis and family returned Tuesday to Reseda, California, after' several weeks visit to relatives here. Miss Jen Easley, who is in summer school at Wake Forest, spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. William P. Easley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Baucom and eon, Donald, and Robert Pollard left Wednesday for several days visit to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. J. T,. Bandy and Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Bundy and eons spent Sunday, in Greenville, with the W. J. Bundy family. Jimmie Morrison, of Durham, who the McDavid-Parker wed ding, Tutoday, was the guest of James H. and Jack C. Deaden. Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proctor, and daughter, Hannah, and eon, Knott, Jr., of Greenville, were guests of Mrs. Louise Harris, Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Burge, of Fay etteville, spent Fifday with Mr. and Mrs. George B. Moore. Mrs. J. W. Burge returned with thenu Mr. and Mm. M. L. Eaaou, My. and Mrs. Alton Trapp, and Miss 3a tha Mr. and Mrs. Douglas WUkerson, of Charleston, S. C., mw the week end guests of their sister, Mrs. T. Eli Joynar, Jr., and Mr. Joyner. Mrs. L. T. Pierce and a Mrs. ft C.' 4 ,.v< ^ ^?"fSHPfPI .W Mr.. Nooto Barrett haa i a visit to her ho, Mac A, Mi*. K. H. Jonas, who baa boon " sva-eUa; (Mr. and Mn. L. E. jfor[ | hi. marriage to jwIB be sole ftting, August 10. *f~ Mn. G. L. Gilchrist, Society ! is spending this week with re m Edan$on. Dr. mi Mn. Gilchrist and a party of friends attended the {presentation of "The Lost Colony," at J Man too, during the weak cb<L Mr and Mrs. Carol D. Ogleeby, Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ogieeby, Jr., Mn. a G. Gardner, Mn. J. B. Joyner , Mies I [ Elisabeth Lang, Mn Lionel Jones, and Mn. A. Q. Roebuck attended the I Harvey-Ogiesby wedding: In Kineton, | Tuesday, July 27. Mn. A. C. Turnage returned The _ | day from a plane trip to Great Lakes, UL, where she wis called to the bed I ride of her son, A. O, Jr., of the U. & I Mary, whose headquarter, are at the Naval Crater there. Mn Tkuuage I reports that A. C. is recuperating: || rapidly. Mn. Lillian Parker, who has been | ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. J I J. H. Payior, for several weein, has [ ] returned to her home cm N. Church | Street. Mn Parker is still rWI.^ j I to her bed. She wishes to express, I through these columns, her appre ciation for the many hindniwrea ex-1 I tended her during her Illness. | Mrs. Herman Rouse and children,) | Mr. and Mrs. John a Lewis, and ran, Jade, Mr. rad Mn a M. Lewis, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. a L. I Lang, and daughter, Mn Mary Lew lis Lang, Mr. and Mn P. K. Ewell, \ land Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lewis, md I children, of Reseda, Chllf., attended) I a family dinner at the home of Mr. land Mn. a a Brake near Rocky Mount, Sunday. I Mn. W. A. a Hearneamd eon. Cell | I Hearne, of Greenville, Lt. Comman der G. B. Williams, and MnkHeane'. daughter, Mn Williams, of Austin, I Texas, were guests of Mr. and Mn I Edward May and family, Thursday j f-afternoon. Lt. Commander Williams, I who i. on terminal leave, is interested 1 in the cultivation and hmwing of to I bacco and took several movie films of | housing scenes in this vicinity while || | here. I Mn B. E. Mcdure and sister, Mrs. | Roy Cochran, who came tp attend the I McDayid-Parker wedding, on Toes- j I day, and remained for a visit to Mn j J .W. Parker, will return to Mays | ville, Ky., Sunday. Mm. Mcdune, is j | well remembered here, having been a I member hi former yean of Farm I ville'. Tobacco Colony, and has many I friends, who were glad of the oppor- [ 11unity to extend her a cordial wel-j I come to Farmyille, upon the occasion J of her first visit here in 12 yean. - I Mn Parker, Mn McCiure and Mn j I Cochran visited friends in Washing | ton, Thursday and Friday. FIRST VISIT TO PRINTERT . Bail Dixon Harris, daughter | I of Mr. and Mn. Richard D. Harris, paid her grandfather, Editor G. A. | Rouse, and The Rouse Printery her first visit on Tuesday afternoon of this week. She was accompanied by her mother, an editor on thTfinter | prise staff. MISS HARPER HONORED Miss Etta nances Harpof? bride elect of the month, $as honored at| a lovely morning party, Saturday, by her s*nt, Mn. Ray Harper, of Snow wee Miss Mary bride-elect of were in effective throughout the home. I cdokies, mints, the dining of | and astern. I given china in ^Anio re MRS. JOHN JACKSON McDAVID, JR. Of widespread interest is the mar riage of Viae Alice Harper Parker, of Farmville, aad John Jackson McDavid, Jr., of Birmingham, Ala., which was solemnised in a formed ceremony performed at the Farmville Methodist Church, on Tuesday even ing, August 6, at 8:80 o'clock. The vows were spoken before the Bar. Marvin T. Self, of Mt Olive, a for mer pastor of the' Church, and the Rev. E. R. CI egg, pastor, who assist ed in fte double v ring ceremony. Attended by a large .assemblage of relatives end friends from several states, the wedding united prominent familee of North Carolina and Ala bama. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Joseph Warren Parker, of Farm ville, and the late Mr. Parker. Mr. McDavid is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson McDavid, Sr., of Birm ingham, Ala. Cibodium fern was arranged aa a chancel background for tall baskets of lilies, white gladioli, stephanotis and feverfew, aad for the cathedral candles in floor candelabra. Myriads of cathedral candles, outlining the altar rail and placed in die side win dows, illumined and enhanced the set ting for die wedding tableaux. Re served pews were marked by glad ioli, feverfew, and tulle arrange ments. A preludq of wedding music was played by Mrs. Haywood Smith, or gpaist Selections included Lullaby from "Jocelyn" by Godard, Melody from . "Unfinished Symphony", by Schubert, Sakit D* Amour by Elgar, themes .from Romeo and Juliet, An dante Gantible and Pathetique, by Tschaikowsky, Romance, by-^-JRubin stein, Nocturne from "Midsummer Night's Dream" by Mendelssohn, Dreams, by Bizet, and Meiodie, by Tschaikowsky. Miss Edla Early, of Norfolk, Vs., sang How Do I Love Thee, by Lippe, Miss Mary Henri* Wolfe, of Shelby, eang Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms, and the soloists rendered The Want Of ]?ou, by Vanderpool, as a duet. The traditional wedding marches were need and Clair de Lune, -by Debussy, waa softly played dur ing the ceremony. After the bridal couple, kneeling on the satin prieu den, had received the blessitag of the Church, O, Perfect Love, by flarnby, [waa played a a muted echo on the earillonie bells. \, The bride entered the Church with her mother, by whom she was given in marriage. Her gown, a lovely creation of ivory Skinner's satin, w?s in the fitted basque mode and waa fashioned with dropped shoulders bertha of self material, em broidered with seed pearls in double design. The hoop skirt ?x imto a court tain. Her mitts made of the ivory satin. Her veil, of Brussels roeepoint French illusion, fell from was caught gf eith with mange blossoms, and beyond the train of the heirloom, ring-, of Snow Hill, a cousin of the bride; Mies Mary Leak Thome end Miss Mary Anne Towtaaend, Farm viHe; Miss Gloria Owes*, of Moul trie, Ga.; Miss Jane Ferree, of High Foint; asid Miss Martha Brady, of Siler City. They wore gowns identical to that of ike maid of honor, with similar headdresses and strands of pearis, and carried pink roses on aqua net and taffeta fans. Prince McDsrid, of Birmingham, Ala.,- elder brother of the bridegroom, was beat man. Ushers were Charles McDavid, brother of the bridegroom, Lonnie Hunger, Jr., at Birmingham; James R. Morris, Jr., of Greensboro; James H. Harden, of Durham^ John D. Dixon and Jack C Pardon, of Farmville. The mother of the bridegroom choee a dress of heavenly blue marquisette with a blade net overskirt and wore white orchids. ivecopuoa j Immediately following . the cere mony, the bride's mother entertained at a formal reception at her home, 201 W. Church street. "The house was decorated in the traditional bridal colore of white and green with lilies, gladioli end roaee being need in the arrangement* Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dixon greet ed guests and introduced the receiv ing ,line composed of the bride's mother, the parents of the bride groom, the bride and bridegroom, the maid of honor end the brides maids. "yij Receiving at the dining room door were Mr. and Mrs. John C. Parker. The table was spread with ah im ported cloth, embroidered and lace trimmed, and centered with an ar-~ rangement of bridds roses in a silver bowl flanked by^ white' tapers in sil ver candelabra: Mrs. L. P. Mupger, Sr., of Birmingham, aunt of the bridegroom, and Mrs. B, E. Med ore, of May8ville, Ky., served bridal ices, and cakes from either end of the table. Assisting in serving mints and nuts were Mies Johnsie Moore, Miss Jane Tunage, Miss Jape Greene, Mrs. -Alien Drakd and Miss Mary Ella Currin, of Oxford. Miss Etta Frances Harper and Warren Palmer directed the way to the stair and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith the way to the register, which was presided /over by Miss Agnes Virginia Quinerly and Miss Frances Howard. Receiving in. the gift room wrere In land Mrs. Osrol W. Mod&w . Mi88 Mse Knott and Howard Har ris introduced the second receiving line composed of the Rev. end Mrs. Marvin Y. Self, of Mi. Olive, the Rev. and Mrs. E. R, CI egg, Mrs. Haywood Smith, Miss EHla Early, Miss Mary Henri Wolfe, Mrs. C. R. Tbwnsaad and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howell, of OceJjL, FUl) Goodbyes were said to Misa Anne Jo . Mr. and ? trip daa far ?_ hrtjf the rehearsal, Monday Mr. and Mi*. John D. Dixon entertained at a cake cutting at their home, which was decorated with quantities of rosea and The bride's table was with the tiered wedding' cake, topped by a miniature bride and groom, and illumined by taB white tapers in silver holders, arranged in a semi circular effect The mother at the [bride and the mother at the bride groom served bridal icea and cokes from either end of the table and the hoetees was assisted by her slates* Mrs. Charles Howell, of Ocala, Fla., in serving mints and nuts. SUnoe announcement of her engage ment hi May, Miss Parker has been the recipient of numerous prenuptial [courtesies. Ota Saturday, prior to the wedding, the bride-elect was honored at a coffee hour by Mies Jane Herring, of Snow Hill ; on Monday, the bride elect entertained her maid of .honor and bridesmaids at a luncheon, at the same hour, the bridegroom-elect was host to his beat mini and the ushers at a stag party, held at Green Wreath Park; on Tuesday, the bdtlcwnaida and maid of honor en tertained at a luncheon for the' bride-elect at the home of Mrs. L. E. Flowers. , Out of Town Guests Out of town guests attending the wedding were: ? ^ Mr. and Mm J. J., Prince, and Charles McDavid, Mrs. Lorade Mun ger and Loonie Munger, Jr., of Birmingham, Ala.; Mrs. Lea and Leonard G. Herring, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harper, M. H. Potter, Jr? Mrs. Em mette Harper, Miss Sallie K. and Walker Sugg, Snow Hill; Mrs. Sterl ing and Miss Nancy Gates, Mrs. Claude Barrett and Claude, Jr., Mm. Maude B. and Miss Maude Foy, Kin ston; Mr. gnd Mm. Fred and Miss Adelaide Pardon, Ayden; Mm. Clyde Fitsgerald -and Miss Ami Pool, Ra leigh; Mrs. Mary C. Weatherly, Rich Square; Mm. B. W. and Baa croft Moadey, and Mias Martha Goody, Greenville; Rev. and Mm M. Y. Self, Mt (Hive; Mm. H. S. Tay lor, Mm. F. W. Carroll and Mrs. Ernest Hardy, Hookertou; Mr. and Mm. H. R. Moair, Mr. and Mm- J. R. Morris and J. R. Morris, Jr., Greensboro; Dr. and Mm. J. H. Brown, Tarboro; Mr. and Mm. Hardy aiyl Miss Esther Lou Albrittan, Maury; Mrs. Sydney Eagles and George Patterson, Saratoga; k m. J. a Fleming, Martinsville, Va*Afn. B. E. McChrre and Mm. Boy Cochran, Maysville, Ky.; Mrs. Quentin Gr gory, Halifax; Miss Mary. Ella Cur rin, Oxford; Mr. and Mrs, R. Fountain, Sr., Fountain; and John T. Harris, St. Louis, Mo. _..N CHURCH E. S. Coates, pastor ? * A hi Wi A. ? IE" eight o'clock in th Ctamh, WumWii A reception will bo held at the of the bride, following- the MRS. JOYN& HOSTESS 9 Mi*. W. E. Joyaer Monday morning, at an enjoyable coca cola party in compliment to bar sister and kouaegueet, Mr*. J. C. Kerning, of Martinsville, Va.? V-. Gueats enjoying the delightful social hoar were: Mm. Fleming' Mm. J. H. Moore, Mm. J. W., Mm. Arthur F. and Mm. J!*B. Joy Mr*. Stephen Gardner, Mm. M. Y. Horton, Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., Mm. R. D. and Mr*. G. Alan OBSERVES FIRST.BIRTHDAY Margaret Loniae Speight, winsome little daughter at Mr. md Mrs. Archie L. Speight, celebrated her first an niversary, on Thursday, August 1, with a birthday party, which was at tended by 10 of her HfcUe friends and their mother*. Poking for picture* waa the main feature of the entertain ment of the tiny tots and their moth Ice cream was eorred with the birthday cake, which held a single lighted candle. BOOK AND BRIDGE The Book and Bridge C3uh met. Friday, with Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss as the gracious hostess. Lovely mari golds and sntnias were used in de corating the home. Prior to the games, peach short cake was served and coca colas and salted nuts were passed during play. Mm. R. C, Copenhaver waa winner of the. high score award for the afternoon. The hostess and Mrs. Ir vin Morgan, Jr., were announced as having compiled high mora for the month and received the book Buy "Sarinfa Bonds" Havel H*M! OLD Mr*? BOSTON MINT GIN %t% JO ft? %ps 70 PUOOf

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