YOUR BUSINESS WANTED! MARE FARMVILLE TOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS a mm 1^H i 1 m &r' Tounn rorrMwrn -* - BB "?" - ?? ? EXPERT TOBACCONISTS HANDLE SALES ON FARMVILLE MARKET Warehousemen And Forces Prepare To Welcome Farmers As Market Opens; Favorable Prices fit Prospect For The Season STooW. ?d *?*. their leaf crop, began tneu-' the tiny plants, care in cuttwatioi^ ?_?. and handling for the numerous grades wnen 1 |nate friendliness, together mth a cok ordinated effort to obtain the highest prices, that have won. foritoa firm the high esteem and good will of | thousands of farmer out the years. ?e friends to this many new patrons each season, and the firm's pride in its as a constant incentive to member .nd their assomat^ coi the floor and in the office on their ^ toe. throughout the ^ their sales up to a satisfying through the closing day. For the ninth year the Monk JBm 1 will operate a second house, whic enables them to satisfy **"?' ^ patronage and ?. Monk's warehouse No. 1, i" ^ ? warehouse -on the s?ne site whew 'J. X " launched out in the_'e*f "j}' tag industry 40 ymn ago, ^d Monk a Z 2. is juat across the houses are modem in aauAraOMn and equipment and have ity that insures a good showing ? the leaf and ummrp?aed service to its handling and selling. - Farmers Wi Assuring farmers at prompt and efficient service, by reason at their many years at experience to the warehouse business and the desire to personally render the greatest ser vice possible to patrohs, who sell their leaf to the two huge warehouses of the Farmers^ Warehouse firm, for merly Knott's, are Graver H. Webb, John N. Fountain and Jack Moye. All are widely known in the sales in Half Holiday Over The half holiday period, observ- - ed here , by business firms on Wednesdays, during the eummer mouths for several years, has come to a close and doors will he open with "business as 00081" next Wednesday afternoon. Business will doubtless be better than usual as Wednesday, August 21, is the Wednesday following the Market Opening on Moshj, and everybody will be shopping. , I a space. Always on the alert for any new feature or force that will attract patronage and increase the volume of sales, the Farmers warehouse firm has employed an even larger corps of assistants this year and will offer on opening day a combination of service ^and selling facilities that are unexcelled. Bell's Warehouse Bell's, Farmville's hew leaf sales house, built this summer, will give to the Farmville market a much needed expansion of warehouse space and service due to 'the continued growth of the market. The return of L. R. Bell, a former successful Farmville warehouseman, (who has become prominently iden tified with the Goldsboro market in the past few years) to engage in the tobacco leaf sales business here again, is hailed with enthusiasm, and the construction of this modern, mam moth warehouse, on the corner of Belcher and Turnage streets, near the Fountain highway, and equipped with the newest of facilities, is regarded is an "aluminum"'testimonial of the faith of Mr. Bell and his associates, faith of Mr. Bell and members of the firm, his sons, and C. C. and Robert Ivey, in the future of Farm ville as a tobacco center. These men will bfe constantly on the floor and in the Held and will be able to keep in contact with their thousands of friends throughout the Bright Leaf Belt. This new warehouse, under the Bell and Ivey steering, will doubtless bring many new customers to the Farmville market and be a means pf producing a greater volume in poundage also, interest will be stimulated through their efforts and the friendly compe tition will further serve as an avenue of progress. Bell's Warehouse will doubtless have {he liberal support and confidence of citizens of this vicinity and of farmers throughout Eastern Carolina. Each member of the Bell firm can count years of experience both in growing and selling the weed, and active connection with auction soles on warehouse floors. The firm has not advanced a single unfounded claim, but instead, is re questing tobacco growers to pot a load of tobacco on their floor and watch their sale and to give the members an opportunity to rend the service they came to Farmville to provide, in order that they may cash in* their guarantee of service, satisfaction and the highest market prices. - > - kJ /'U< Well organized office and floor forces will render efficient service in their individual niches and the entire warehouse personnel has pledged it self to a cooperative service that will make selling at Bell's Warehouse a pleasant and profitable experience for every farmer who carrips his offering there. Their only request? an opportunity to serve. Tobacco Farmers ^J| Promised Relief with the prices leaf have been say MAYOR J. W. JOYNER FannviUe's new Mayor had served the town faithfully aa Alderman and Mayor Pro-tem for 12 years prior to his election last year aa head official. A Favorable Prices h Prospect For 1946 Tob. Crop The picture presented to the Amer ican toacco farmer by the present consumption and demand for his product has put new heart in him and he will bring the 1946 crop of flue-cured tobacco to market with high hopes of reaping a fair compen sation for the arduous labor he has invested in growing this commodity. Economists and statistical and busi ness experts have asserted that to bacco, since its increased consumption began, has brought farmers more money than any other crop. Tobacconists in this section believe the crop in Eastern North Carolina to be very good, with curings de clared excellent, and a brighter oolor than usual, giving rise to an optimis tic outlook for better prices. They have been in the fields at intervals since housing began and have visited the packhouses* and grading rooms to give their friendly advice and counsel to the farmers regarding spe cial care in grading and handling, which always counts heavily in dol lars and cents when it is placed on the warehouse floor, and makes it possible for the warehousemen to de mand and get a better price for itx on the sale. The hundreds of .thousands of dol lars to be loosed here among tobacco growers within the next few weeks will stimulate the entire section and the increase in trade and collections will put new spirit into all classes. Sam D. Bundy Is Sales Supervisor Sara D. Bundy, employed recently by the FarmviUe Tobacco Board of Trade aa Sales Supervisor and Pub licity Director of the FarmviUe to bacco market, and sleeted aa secre tary and treasurer of thsr Board, is s FarmviUe tobacco market enthu siagtrfho is proving ambitious in his thought and untiring in his efforts for its continued improvement, and lean be counted upon to take advan tage of every opportunity afforded him to win patrons to this mart. Mr. Bundy, who succeeds R. A. Fields, the former faithful and ef ficient Supervisor, whose retirement due to failing health, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bandy, . of FarmviUe. His father held the Posi tion of Sales Supervisor here him self for several years. The new Supervisor was graduat ed as a youth from FarmvUle's high school and from Duke University in the Clasj of "27, with an AB degree. He served MaxweU School in Dup lin county for a year as principal; the Speed and Leggetts Schools in Edgecombe for.'Cfilf year periods re spective^ in this capacity, and was principal of Williamston high school md" is a member of the local Kiwsrus Club and the immedk past governor of" the Carolines dis trict and the present chairman at tka TiitftpfifttWiB-1 * Kiwanig Commit anm-inni , tee of Achievement Reports. . .J ' " and and a Past Master of the 1 ? T-* GREETINGS FROI*|mAYORJ. W. JOYNER ,> TOWN OP FARMVILLE ~S**M OFFICE OF MAYOR J. W. JOYNER, ^ Mayor ' , 121 North Main Street Fsmvffl* North CaroBna V , August 16, 1846 ..^ Dear Mr. and Mrs. Farmer: In behalf of the citizens of Ftaaville, I wiah to take ad-. v vantage of the opportunity offered me, by the Editors of The Enterprise, to bid yon welcome to the opening of the Farmville Tobacco Market, on Monday, August 19, and to aaaure yon that that welcome will be extended not only throughout the season but for all time to come. ? ,l v "*?*?<'.' ? Vv' **' '' . " ; ? Farmville has been making a mighty effort to pot. every thing in readiness for your visits this fall and it offers you unlimited advantages and benefits in trade and barter, recrear tional facilities of park and theatre and a friendly atmosphere. OUR TOWN is a business center, where merchants are cooperative and satisfaction is a guaranteed part -of transac tions, and our Tobacco Market has established itself in record and reputation as among the leading markets of the New . Bright Leaf Belt. ~ . No better tobacco is grown in the world than you grow right around the FARMVILLE Tobacco Market. -After selling, we invite you also to "bank and buy in Farmville." "We expect Tobacco prices to be good again this season and that 1946 will be the greatest year iri the history of the market. We, therefore, invite you to be among the thousands of patrons who will take advantage of the service and satisfaction offered by the tobacconists and merchants here. The Town of Farmville Welcomes You. Cordially yours, < J. W. JOYNER, Mayor. ? WHAT, NO TOBACCO EDITION! ? Due to the current shortage of newsprint, wldch is apparently mere serious than during the war period, and to conditions which leave us short of two assistants in our plant, we are forced this year, to deviate from oar usual custom of publishing a special Tobacco Edition, prior to tbe Opening of the Bright Leaf Belt and the Farm ville Tdbacco Market. We regret this exceedfcgly and wish to assure our warehouse friends that the local merchants arc as fully, behind them as ever la their effort to support the market, and to reassure farmer friends that they have large and varied stocks of merchandise on hand, that they extend them a cordial invitation to make Farmville their selling and buybig headquarters and are ready to give them a warm and sincere welcome upon a visit to their establishments. We earnestly hope that conditions will change by another Dill and that - we will be able, with the assistance of our Farmville bqahuad men, to put out aa in previous years, this special edition, which serves as concrete evidence of the progress of Farmville, and of a concerted effort to bring the Farmville Tobacco Market, its achieve ments before the people, and to give notice aa well of special values, which tbe merchants have to offer as market opening Local Buyer Heads Tob. Board Trade Market Activities Well Regulated By Organi zation of The Buying Interests 2 Seeking render all possible as sistance' to its individual members and striving Constantly to improve the Farmville market and promote its development is the Tobacco Board of Trade, of which H. H. Bradham, a local buyer for the Farmville Leaf Tobacco Co.* is president. |p?j?j|g J. Y. Monk, Jr., local warehouse man, is vice president, and Sam D. Bundy is secretary-treasurer, sales supervisor and publicity director. The board coordinates and regu lates the market and its functions tend towards a more effective hand ling of the sales and provides a medi um through which the warehousemen collectively work for the betterment of the market Cooperative efforts of the business interests with those of the Tobacco Board of Trade are being renewed this season to further the interest of the Farmville Market with a view of increasing the volume of sales ai improving the Service the market of fers Its patrons. - -feJaSN Marvin Horton Wins Nat A.A.U. News to the ?Union BusinessMen United Giving Farmville business firms an avenue for a unified program and providing the town with an additional assurance of permanent progress, is the Farmville Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association, Since its organization the Associa tion has moved along rapidly and satisfactorily having been fortunate in its leadership. This year Lewis W. Allen, an efficient young business who is a partner and manager at the Centre Hardware, is president and being interested In the promo - "mi id I woruiwmiQ n Hon 6f any worthwhile movement for the town, will doubtless head tin n towards an advance in activiUe8. i.';> At the annual meeting of this group in April, Allen was elected to suc ceed Hal Winders, whose administra tion was effective and successful. Other officers elpcted at this time were: "W. H. Duke, vice president; Sam D. Bundy, secretary-treasurer. The Board of Directors is compos ed of the officers, Hal L. Winders, R. D. Rouse, J. N. Fountain, L. R. Bell, Joe Melton, George Thomas, T. E. Joyner, Jr., Ertaest Pettaway, R. Q. Lang, Jr. and C. L. Essen. Offices of the organisation are on the second floor of the JPttt County Insurance Agency office building, as open to Farmville citizens and visi tor* from other towns, who will al ways find the genial secretary in terested in their inquiries add anxi ous to be of service. The dial num ber is 490-0. the sponsoring Mercury Club. "The Us of N. C., outclt thing else in the field, f Three More Days ? Two man days tar at the Bright Leaf Bring ravr tabace* to the TiBe Market, where the highest always prerail, of the Farmville Schools To Open Aug. 28 Registration Day Set For Friday, Aug. 23 Two events that are of much con cern and interest to citizens of this community occur this month; the opening of the FaimVille tobacco market on Monday, August 19, and the opening of the Fannvflle Graded Schools an Wednesday, AugusL 28. The past session of the Farmville School is considered one of the most successful in its history. Supt. John H. Moore, who has been the efficient head of the school for the past eleven yean will continue in this position, but the faculty has experienced many changes from last year. AIL ninth grade pupils an request ed by Supt. Moore to register Friday, August 23, from 9:00-10:30 a. m.; tenth grade, from 10:30-12:00 a. m.; eleventh grade, from 1:00-2:30 p. m.; twelfth grade, from 2:30-4:00 p. m. Pupils from the first through the eighth grades will report to their home rooms on Wednesday, August 28, at 8:40 o'clock. All boys and girls, who do not have a bus driver's certificate and are interested in qualifying for bus driving, are requested to report at the office of the . Farmville High School, Wednesday, August 21, at 8:00 o'clock. From there, applicants will be sent to Winterville for ex amination, which will be held at 9.-00 o'clock. Bora, who are interested in foot ball, are requested to meet Mr. Har rell from 3.-00 to 5:00 o'clock each afternoon, beginning Thursday, Au gust }5. The first faculty meeting will be held Tueeday, August 27, at 10:00 a. m. Members of the faculty for this term will be: J. H. Moore. Farmville, Superin tendent; W. C. Hawaii, Farmville, History nd Athletics; Mrs. J. B. Joyner, Farmville, ^igliah; Mrs. James Whe leas, Jr., Farmville, Science and French; Spanish, Commerce. Mathe teachers. to be announced are. W. C. HarreO, Farmville Vo tl Home Economics; Vocation al Agriculture, to be announced Eighth grades Miss Ruth Speir, Tarboro, Miss Jessie M. Morgan, in. T>. P. Thomas and Mrs. J. E. Bynum, Farmville; hoe, other later; Joeepb Batchelor, Miss Marjorie Freeman, J. H. Moore, Farm , Miss Msriah Thompson, Stan W. B. Carraway, Virginia Uraelle. Citizenship Is Welded Together In Support of FarmviDe's Chief Asset Pioneer settler, of Farmville dioee to honor the great agricultural hi dustry, when in 1872, they selected a ,.*ne^for chartered town, to?n the sue of a city block, and re guested the North Carolina Assembly to Hterally pot It on the map by the act ?f incorporation. Eight yean, later the census gave *?mville a population of 111. The Mat census report revealed a total Population of 3,000, a gain of 46 per ??* over that of the previous ten roar period. Although Fmnville is surromded by many of the finest farms in the land and its business, ?ti???in| religious and social life is on a pj with other towns twice its size in the State, every citizen of the town knows that its growth and develop ment has been due in large measure to the Tobacco Market. Forty-two years have passed sine* a group of enterprising and ener getic farmer-business men ho?d a meeting to discuss the p~-tkilitiwi of a tobacco sales market for Farm villa. They talked about the great quantity of tobacco raised in this vicinity, of its superior quality and of the immediate need for leaf ? facilities right here in Farmville. "Hie idea was broadcast and grew in favor by leaps and bounds until a few weeks later a company of local people ?m formed, the contract for two frame warehouses was let wd foundations were laid on the opposite comers of Wilson and Fields streets. The market has grown steadily from the very first season and when the frame buildings burned some 88 Fears ago, the present group of gigantic brick structures rose from their ashes to bring into a modern tobacco town, which is a model of compactness, convenience and efficiency. From the beginning, four factors constituted a guarantee of adequate support of the Farmville market; warehousemen of great vision and *eal; a Tobacco tioard of Trade, or ganised in 1807 with representatives from every firm, corporation and Parson identified with the sole of tobacco on the floors, which has functioned like a fraternity; buy ers, a majority of whom or return for have consistently interest and pride in the high standard set forXHJrkat, and a citizenship that has welded it self together in unflagging loyalty and the carrying forward of pfams tor its progress. A separate tribute to each of the outstanding pioneer warehousemen, tobacconists and business men. ot Farnmlle, who laid the foundations for the growth of the market and for its rapid development and ?uw? would be in order. Most of the Farraville citizens know or knew them personally, they are held in highest; esteem and posterity will re cord their signal achievements and honor their memory. The early thirties saw the Farm ville market pruning the crises of devastating prices, of closed markets, controlled production and a long siege of -panic, palsy and poverty, when business in general was threatened with collapse, but dti aens have been privileged to see it rise to new heights since the back bone at depression was broken. Following the pattern set by the government, and with the entire co operative strength of the behind it, the FarmviUe n vived that critical period made gnat I of the in oral V ? V ' ? , ?