,.,v VOLUME a*. ?? AS HOLIDAY WEEKEND ENDS ? ? MUmpi; 37 Of The Number Drowned; 14 live# Lsftt In State According to the Pre?, more then 300 j violent deaths as bra ted its final week-end of the Home bound ists jammed most of the country's highways over the three day Labor Day holiday and traffic fatalities surpassed the estimate mads by the National Safety Council. At least 806 persons we? killed, including 2X7 in tnHk inM?jig The j council had i all?ted 850 persons would die from public accidents over the holiday week-end, including 810 in traffic ac The 306 toted compared with 861 violent deaths for 1945 Labor Day holiday ami 845 'or Labor Day week end in 1944. In addition to the 217 traffic fatal ities, there were 62 violent from miscellaneous cans?, while 37 persons drowned. Only one state?North Dakota? reported no violent deaths. California led the states in violent deaths with 29, Including 26 traffic fatalities. New York State ranked second with 24, including 19 traffic deaths. The Cudfans Lose Twenty-three The toll of violent deaths In the Carolines over the long Labor Day week-end rose to 2S Tuesday. Fourteen of these were in North Carolina and nine in South Carolina. The majority of the deaths from traffic accidents. At The Kiwanis Club The Rev. Earl Holmes was in charge of the program at the Kiwanis Club, Monday evening, having as guest entertainer his charming daughter, Miss Rosemary, who sang several delightful selections in her own inimitable way. The attention and applause given were evidence that Miss Holmes will be welcomed by the Kiwahians at any time. Her father, afterwards, led the club in the singing of favorite Kiwanis songs, which rang with the real spirit of the occasion. President Charlie Hotchkiss, Frank Allen and John Parker were elected aa delegates to the Carolina* Dis trict Convention, which will meet in Greensboro, in October, and Ben Lewis, Rev. Z. B. T. Cox and Lewis Allen were named as alternates. Gratifying reports were made by various committee-chairmen relating to plans underway for the annual Scholarship Carnival. A special note was made favoring some action to be takes in appreciation for the splendid cooperation given the club in this project by the all ovyr town. Hengr Johnson will be in charge of the program next week. Poor Picking Bring* Heavy Cotton Looses . Aboet 84,000 bales of cotton from but year's crop In North Carolina ifere damaged thru rough pre pan tion and this meant large losses to the farmer, In some cases flO a kale. The losses may be stall heavier this year hiraase of the great differen tial in grades. Agricultural engineers of the Ex tension Service at Stats College as that there are six principal points to remember in preventing this damage from s lie i Hal lug standpoint 1. Pick cotton as dry as possible. 2. Keep out trash. 3. Pick the crop before Keep good cotton separate from cotton, fjffi Don't carry cotton to the gin unless it is dry and in gogd condition. 4. Don't ginner to spaed up the ginning of yonr cotton or to gin it too eloeely. North Carolina ginnfcrs have in called more than *400,000 worth of aew equipment this year; major repairs and impro' in place. The to do a good Job of i m QttMb la it possible for a to complete his elementary tion under the G. L BB1? Ana. Yes. _? Ques. Are there any charges for Wwtaeang a loan to a v Ana. No. Commission, or similar charges may not be kigally against a vsteeaftfor , i?K a government-guaranteed loan. Of course, appraisal, title examina tion fees and other costs ml ex panses incident to them may be charged against the veteran by the % the same as against all Ques. Is there any restriction on the nss of the money a tains from a loan? Ans. Yes. The proceeds of the loan most be used for the specific purpose for which it wss Lou* may be obtained for purchase of homes, and for ordinary business and farming purposes. Ques. How long can I wait w ifore I take advantage of^the eduea tional benefits at the G. I. BiU of Righto? Ans. A veteran must begfewhisj course not later than four years' after either the -datoef his discharge or the termination of the war, which ever is the later, and no such edu cation or training will be given be- l fyond nine years after the termina-l tion of the war. Ques. I am going to school under the G. I. Bill. Can I get special medical care in case I get sick? Aas. Veterans pursuing a course I of education or training under Pub-1 he Law 846 (G. I. Bill) are entitled only to such medical treatment as they wioutd otherwise be entitled to I by virtue of their military service on through- the regulations of the insti tution or establishment where en rolled. 1 Qus* Will transportation paid byl s veteran to effect admission for I hospital treatment be refunded? If s relative transports the veteran, will he be reimbursed for travel ex psnsse? Ans. Yes, reimbursement may be i made for actual travel expenses, If travel was authorized by the Vet erans Administration in advance of the beginning of travel. * JJuss. How soon after discharge should I send my premium on my National Service Life Insurance and where shoiold I send payments? Ans. Hake remittance to Collec tion Division, Veterans Administra tion, 846 Brpadway, New York 18, New York, within 81 days from dis charge, if allotment for premiums ;cancelled prior to dischjuf^ | Ques. I have converted my Na tional, Service Life kisurance policy to straight life. Key I get a loan on this policy? Yes. After the first year you may 8?t a loan for as much as 94 par * ^ ?ush value of your policy, of interest on such a Ioata Najr I train on the job, You can do this in ess ^ ie education is related to tJ of work you are doing and tl room work in rojmtian wil your on-the-job train**- is reeon of the establishment6 ? MELTON MOTOR NhwBKJBS.MiWif ws sM ? The Melton Motor Service wishes to announce its pleasure in having secured the addition of Howard Whitman, of Wilmington, to He tore*, this wedfe. Mr. Whitman, who is experienced in body, fender and fin ishing, has been engaged in this type of work for the past 18 years and has been connected with a well known Wilmington body shop.for some time. The family of Mr. Whitman is ex pected to arrive seen and will reside st 165 N; Waverly strept, iirthe home formerly occupied by Johnny Blalack. Wt SOCWT At a special meeting, held Wednes day evening, In tHe sdjool gym, Rob ert Everette Roebuck, Bob Smith, Howard Pope Mnrphy and Lynn An d?" rttsrfc'?3s"c Yarious public stunts brought the candidates to Main street for their performance, much to the delight of the accompanying scouts of Troop 25, and to the amusement of passer by. ' * Scoutmaster Ed Nash Warren sted that the Troop had been mee* tag with good attendance noted Wmm and the Pall 'ashington, of ttfmm held I. ?< Elliot Quotes Father As New To A, ?r, y . B T the afar wee suit If the did not give up President', eon ^*"Dont think fer a minute thai Am??ans would be dying i? the .,TT.,.u it It K.rf?t I and the Bnnjw ?*"* *** *?" : ' , quoted hi* tether as saying on to archaic, medieval empire I ?j..? w j, Elliott described the talks ^ his father and Winston Churchill, then British Prime Minister, at their after the invasion of North Africa. The' article, a condensation for the younger Roosevelt's book, "As He Saw IV to be published in October, appeared in Lobk 7" |B^ Should Be Breed. Hang The backward colonial areas of the world should be given economic and social assistance and eventually be fteed through an international be iwa 7* ?7 """ organisation led by the great powere, Mr. Rooeevelt told his son. "If this Isnt done, we might as, well agree that we're in for another war," be said. ___ Elliott said it was during the con ference, in January, IMS, that he first heard of the United Nstioi^ "The Big Four?onrnewea, Britain, China, the Soviet Union-will re sponsible for the peace of when we've won the war, Ma<>*"*1 told him. Th?e powers will haws to assume the task of bringing edu cation, raising the standards ofllv ing, improving the health conditions ?of all the backward, dep?^ col onial areas of the world. And when these areas have Had the <*snceje mature, they mart have *?< op ~rtuniW extended to dependence?after the United Na tions as a whole have decided thasb .M ? ?? if - ?" ? lioins bb ? ? ] they are prepared for it. it-* . . Military D1? Churchill and his military advto 3* ask that United States landing craft > ii virol* til oak tnat unitw ? be diverted from the Pacific w ar to stage an attaci on Buim^ a Britii^ Stage tan - TT0 colony captured by the said the British also wanted the Al lied attack oh Europe tovbe aimed at the,Balkans to extend'Ae British influence as far east The Amerfeans, he, said, piannea to land in Western Burope to IMS, but were forced to eompromtoe urt? the British and stage the attack on Sicily instead.? V ? Elliott also disclosed that} ? j 1. His father virtually J***** Churchill to summon Gen. Charles De Gaulle, Free French bmder.^om London to meet his rival, Gen. Henri Giraud. The President had _Uttle Wi tog for Giraud, but he brought aboui some cooperation between ijhe two French leaden. . .. 2. The President wanted to visit the fighting front to North Africa, and was disappointed when Genu Dwight Eisenhower toto him ^his transport plane with ftehter escort would draw German attack pianee "like, flies to honey." >j , 3. Mr. Roosevelt at the conference mined the phraSe "Unconditional thought the phase over and ftoaiiy T"Perfect 1 I can just hear Goebbels and the rest of 'em squeal." ?r? ' A Final Rites Held For m m wi:i$ Pali j^aervioe, for -Peyton Ran dolph Thomas, Sr., a prominent Greene county citixen, were cpnduct ed, Monday afternoon, at 3:80 o%loclc, from his late home near Lizsie, by the Re*. A. D. Leon Gray, pastor of Mt Hermon Methodist Church. A choir of mixed1 voices sang favo rite hymns, and as a special request, a quartet, from Snow Hill, rendered "Lead Me Gently Home, father.!* Jss&szt*" Active "pallbearers were Edgar, Uwfa, William "'Mr' Thomas Is survived by Ma wife, the for of the home; a sister, Mrs. , Leila Eason; five brothers, J, E,. Jr., Fmf L., Roy H., Ben E. and Raymond "< Sept 8. ?The State Gen. Douglas MacArthnr ing to basic United States policy in the Far East when be warned that Japan might be ricthnbed by pro of teSjfcilosophy of the ex treme radical left." ' ^ " Allied Supreme Com ln Japan, said in ? statement to rating the first anniver sary of Japan's surrender that the may* become Sir "powerful bulwark for peaeaior a dangerous springboard for war." No where did he" refer Soviet The State Department made its position known after the Mew York Herald - Tribune published reports that officials were taken completely by surprise by the outspoken gen eral's Comments and that contrary to policy directives by President Trtunan. Lincoln White, department press secretary, stated the official postiion at an Informal proas conference. He made these comments: 1. MacArthur ia fully acquainted with United States policy ia the Far East and is not required to dear his public statements with the de partment. r'~ ' -'J--.' ? | 2. The country's policy in the oc cupation of Japan was set forth in the Potsdam agreement, the Japan terms, policy decisions of the Far Eastern Commission, and in a White House statement issued a. year ago. - :. Vy S. MacArthur has complete knowl edge of the contents of these docu ments, and titan was nothing in his statement contrary to them. 4. The general'# comments appar ently could be Interpreted IS differ ent ways by 15 different people, but insofar as the department is con cerned, reports that they violated established policy aro without foun dation. Acting Secretary of State William L. Clayton; who conferred with the President this morning, was not mentioned in connection with the MacArthnr controversy, but presum ably White's announcement had top clearance before ft was issued. '.'il ? MacArthur's comments did not appear to some observers to be much out of line with recently-announced State Department policy toward Ko rea, where this country has been seeking an agreement- with Husste to unify the two occupation sones under * four-power trusteeship plan. Last ftiday, the department, in a formal statement, said that thi* government believes in the right of the Korean people to determine the kind of "democratic political organi sations" they want, "and that the United States is **pposdd to estab lishing any minority group in The statement was Intel. widely as haying been directed against Communistic influences. Don't Cut Alfalfa Alfalfa- should be aHowed to into winter quarters with about six inches of growth, so as to protect it against severe winter weather - loss of stand. Pf& It is difficult to give an exact date as to- when but cutting should be made, and"every farmer will have to determine this point for himself. Agronomists of the Extension Set vice st State College say that under no condition should the crop be cut later thaw the last weak in Septeto ? i w? % -- ? - ? w r ? -? pj . M ? i ber, and under some condifioiis this is a dangerous procedure. The alfalfa plants need to produce, relatively good growth after the last cutting and to store up plenty of food to carry the crop through the" winter months in good condition, without Sis. plants- being by the cold. No one can tell ? rainfall will be during the fall just how soon the first frost will. - f i ? ?? $-?' > " the same principle applies to the eding of alfalfa. It should be iwd as Quickly as rosirihla now in the Piedmont and eastern sections of the State, according to the plants should be allowed T A ' "" as. A some i A I M EH Joyner, Sr., conducted the Bo tary program, Tuesday evening, pso itis eon, Eli, Jr., 'f Levi Walston, viewing the bank ing trend, said it was his belief that there would be more women workers in this field in the future; that this institution would offer an bond and income taxes as well as in life insurance and trust; that the ids* of the bank being regarded as a kindly guardian wag on the way out and that banks would soon begin photographing and fingerprinting their Frank Dupraa, expressing his views on the future of the store business, stateB^Wbi^JgW^ there seems to .be a tread buying direct from a manufacturer instead of a jobber, to meet compe tition, and prophesied the of the jobber from the picture. ' Tracing the religious trend, George Davis forsaw a better world, if and when representatives of nations, gath ered around the peace table, would give the Frisco at Peace a place and follow His principles, and spoke of the grave responsibility resting upon the United States, as the largest Christian nation, in this connection. George was optimistic in the matter of cooperation being displayed among the virions denominations and In the increased interest of young people in church activities. Johnny Mewbora spoke of the re markable advance in the field of medicine especially in the chemical and anti-bacterial fields. The physi cian spoke of the jphenominal develop ment of the sulpha drugs, and in re lation to bacteria ps working for the good of mankind, referred to penicil lin. "We can look' forward to even greater advancement in medicine within the next ten years," he clared. - George Davis wow the prima Joe Kagtes, of the Tarboro club, and Martin Swarts, of Green ville, wore visiting Roterians, and Josh Munden, of Elisabeth City, a former member of .the local group, and was attended > C.. Stote^ College. Good Ifr: from , nil tore. Eveir "boiled" coffee is a dated phrgpe that no longer means quite what it says. The finest fkvor in coffee is achieved by. having the water just boiling, brewing tests have show*. The^c^mo^us^^^dled" for 000 (piefc . Much used and much abused?thi is the story of scissors and ah sars in Ell ''Mil' !? oth; Hi '4* SB - .- .- v ?* 3to?f : U l ??pi i hi IM Eastern Belt Experien ces Heavy Sales Fol lowing HoHdfcP-^? Incline To An Ui ?l.i ui Sales of fina-euied tobaceo on all marketing behi, holiday declared by the Ftue-Guml Marketing-Committee on AagnSt 24 'in order to relieve congested condi tions in the redrying plants doe to heavy buying and labor shortage. Capacity sglee -were reported on the Farmville Market with offerings running as high in total poundage aa on opening (fey, with -prices declared by warehousemen to be equally aa good, if not better then before the holiday. ? The cool, dry weather since the closing of the warehouses has been favorable to growers, tending es it has to keep offerings from damaging. Fred S. Royster of Henderson, chairman of the Marketing Commit tee and president of tlie Bright Belt Warehouse Association, stated upon the resumption of sales that 100 per cent cooperation had been given by all concerned during the holiday and that he had had no report of criticism from any warehouseman or grower to date. The grading service is enforcing uniform regulations on all markets, each of which is allowed to sell only 2,000 piles per day, per set of buyers. Most of the tobacco offered on floors, Thursday, was tips. Offer ings before the holiday, were tags. Good to common grades have been placed on sales also, but the com mon grades continue to predominate. Supervisor of Sales Sam D. Bundy was unahle to give us official, figures prior to our going to press Thursday afternoon. Stemming and redrying plants here took advantage of the holiday and are practically cleared; only a small surplus is on hand in the'majority of the phuats. . ' "?v FORMER FARMVILLIAN\ ACCEPTS RALEIGH POST ri. ? ' John D. Holmes, son of J. W., Holmes, of Farifmlle, and the late Mrs. Emily Brttt Holmes, accepted the position of minister of music and leader of young people of the Ral eigh Tabernacle Baptist Church of fered him some time ago, and has already assumed his new duties. &>?" Mr. Holmes has a Bachelor of Sacred Music degree from Southwest ern Theological Seminary, Port .Worth, Texas, and did a 'yeSi- of graduate work with the'North Texas State'Teachers College. He spent the summer with the Westminster Choir College, at Princeton; N. J. |_j Holmes took supplements in theology and religious while at, Southwestern, as special courses in dramatics and young people's work. *? "Jkp^ffolmes, the former Miss .Leh man: Butler, of Milledgeville, Ga., and son, Dyks,- have Joined Mr. Holmes in Raleigh. Mrs. Holmes, a aontralto singer,, well known in this section, where she resided for several years, toqp special courses in music at Southwestern also while her husband was a student there. She and small pen visited Mr. and Mrs. Eibert C. Holmes and ber sister, Mrs. Rl ft 'JUukg, Jr., during the summer. 7 | p . i ? JAMES, B. OWENS sK": his home near Fountain at 7 o'clock Tuesdar" morning. > Funeral services were conducted from the home Wednesday vfterwo* aid o'clock by th