PABMYILLE - MSMYILL& H C a A. Room, Editor, Owner ft Hp. ? 27 THE ROUS* Farmvilie, K. C YMr fLOO?? Mas.'$1?8 Resolutions of Respect, Cards of Thsnks sad aQ Notice of En tertainment for profit will be charged for at the mte of 2 cents per word. Cash to accompany- or der. Advertising rates will be furnish ed upon request. - PnMisbsd weeMy and entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office at Farmvilk, N. C.. under Act of March 8rd, 1878. Activities Of Local Church Organizations Baptist , The Womaa'a Missionary Society met Monday afternoon in the Church with Mrs. A. B. Moore presiding. Singing of "We've a Story to Tell the Nations" opened the meeting. The devotional topic was developed by Mrs. C. L. Beaman from Isaiah 54:1-5, Matthew 6:19-21 and Acts 13:1-3. "World Investments of Southern Baptists" was the mission ary theme given by Mrs. W. H. Fisher and Mrs. Manly Liles. After the reading of quarterly re ports, the president ?nnmniwd that Mrs. E. W. Holmes, Mrs. C, L. Bea man and Mrs. W. J. RaSberry com pose the nominating committee. On October 17 the asacciational meeting will be held at New Bern. Welcomed visitors were Mrs. Dam eron Fields and Mrs. J. A. Wheeler. The Y.W.A. met with Mrs. Marvin Speight, Monday evening, with Acts' 1:7-8 being used as the devotional. Miss Myrtle Nichols developed the study on "World of our Witness." Homemade chocolate cake and ice cream were served by the hostess. Arrangements of fall flowers were on tables and the mantel. Miss Annie Perkins was' elected chairman of the Baptist Circle which bears her name and Mrs. George W. Davis, sponsor, at the regular month ly meeting held in the Church, Tues day evening, with Mrs. A. J. Melton, as hostess. After the opening hymn, "We've a Story to Tell the Nations," Mrs. J. W. Miller, chairman, announced that efforts are being made to secure Ml? Elisabeth Hales, a former missionary, to China, to teach the mission study class to be held in the near future. Mrs. Robert Joyner gave the de votional using verses from Isaiah, Acts and Matthew. The program topic centering around "World Invest ments of Southern Baptists" was presented by Mrs. C. L. Langley and Mrs. Joseph Batehelor. "I Gave My life for Thee" was used as the closing hymn. Mrs. Melton served ice cream and cake in the social hour. -1 Christian Mrs. Ted Albritton presiding over the Christian Woman's Council, Mon day afternoon, opened the meeting with the LoWi Prayer. "Jesus Is All the World to Me? was sung fol lowed by group and treasurers' ports. Misses Elizabeth and Ruth Moore were in charge of the devotional .for Group 4. "Pure in My Hbart, O God" was sung before the devotional and afterwards "Stand Up for Jesus." Rev. Z. B. T. Cox gave some in teresting remarks on how the Church will appear after the proposed re modeling, illustrating Ms talk with drawings and pictures. The meeting was adjourned with the Council Benedict " ' i Mrs. L. L. aaedbf artistic arran#wnents as toc wstioa, t Mrs. J. W. Joyner, who ?t the Episcopal Auxiliary held in Km. J. H. Darden's home on Monday based on Mark carrying oat the R. C. Copenhaver read the of the nominatii which resulted'in the elec tion of the following officers: Miss Helen Smith, president; Mrs. R. S. Scott, vice pinoidonl; Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, secretary; Mrs. G. Alex Souse, treasurer; Mrs. C. S. Hoteh Idaa, educational secretary; Mrs. John D. Dixon, box work; Mrs. J. H. Dar den. united thank offering and Mrs.. Will Jones, Jr., public relations. An interesting report en the Trien nial held in Philadelphia, In Septem ber, was gtvenby Mrs. J. E. Wajren, of Battteboro, a former member of the local group. Mrs. C. H. Joyner, Mrs. J. W. Jby ner and Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver we appointed to make plans for the Sa ndal church get-together to be held in the home of Mrs. E. CI Beam&n in November. The study of Winifred Bryce's new book, "India at the Threshold," was begun at this time with s sketch of the life of the teacher-missionary by Mrs. G. Alex Rouse, who also re viewed the first two chapters, I Am Proud of India .and The Man with the Wooden Plow, which dealt with the andent and modern culture of India and the problems of her rural people. Ice cream and cake were served by the hostess assisted by her sister, Miss Ida Cowan, following adjourn ment. The auxiliary remembered with a ? ? ^Spedal guest. wemffci? Cowan, of Dutktm, and Mn. J. Warren, of BatUeboro. ??& ..}**? J the S: WomanV Society of Chrls tian Service held In the Church Mon day afternoon, with Mn. Alton W. 1 -- ...? It Bobbin, preMdtngkv . i.. "V; "Peace, The Caft of God" ai tike opening hymn with Mn. A. Q. Fnebnck u anee of the gin with a October 27,.: Monday afternoon. Mn. Bobbitt gam a report on the fall seminar held recently in Elm City with several ladies from this Church attending. FarariBe will en tertain the none meeting to be held on October -U, with Mrs. E. R. Clegg, recently elected preaidd|k*|ijtiiniding. Appointment of the following to serve on the flower committee for the month of November was made: Mrs. Bennett fle'ds, chairman; Mrs. Lynn Bason,- Sfc*. J. Frank Harper, Mrs. J. H. Harris and Mn. R D. Harris. Sjj "-V.- -ife:,; ? Mrs. Roebuck, who is secretary of Youth Fellowship, told of the ramark Able work bring carried on by this group. Mrs. A. CI Monk, Sr., Mrs. W. JL Willis and Mn. Ben Lang were appointed as a nominating com mittee.' ? ? J : The leaflet topic, "Preparing In dian Leaden for the Postwar World," was presented by Mrs. Bennett Fields. The gathering was adjourned with prayer by Mrs. E. R Clegg. * A. V Let the seme of * rmt man ,he io?tinnnrt and the first thin* that pom into the noodle of everybody i? the one, If any, discreditable incident of h{? cat*** f The State Hospital Farm at Golds boro will renovate a Dal lig-Bermuda pasture by fertilising, liming, and seeding. Ladino clovers, orchard grass, and leepedeia will be added in late FUbruary, following ' Mb ' LOOT-GoM-rimmod Glaeese. Wod needay. Reward. See J. T. Bandy, or call 498-4, FanuTille. dtp) GIRLS WANTED FOR EBOULAR WORK. CHANDLER'S 5c to $1.00 STORK Farmrille, N. C. dtp) WANTED BY A FAMILY OF SIX i crop near Farmville for thoopm *? year X?108, The Enter (10-4-Jtp) 2V; WANTED!?A small house or three - at ?ce. Fat ouajr, Fanarille, N. C. - Dial 498-1. (8-27-dtp) radio BATTERIES ?We hare a today. WESTERN AUTO A8 SOCIATE STORE. . FOUN'D ? Strayed Hogs. Owner can,got same by describing, paytag crop damage ad for care of bogs. See or write Jim Jordan. B.. ?.JJ. Ho. L Farmville, N. C. ?? TS located - E. Pine street. If tn tereeted, write F-888, ears The En-1 terprise, Farmville, N. C. tfj HAVE YOU LOOKED OVER OUR! SPORTING GOODS? WE CAR RY NJ5ARLY A COMPLETE LllOfc I WESTERN AUTOASSO. STORK ] FLOOR SANDING and FINISHING, Can Williams, Phone ? gM D.) Ooaway, Phene 1218 Reads St, GreenrUle, N. C. . (9-27-Stp) j TIRES?TIRES?JUST A Big Shipm-t of DAVIS aei they still carry an anee al Guarantee for 18 m? dition; two Hot Water Tanks, 29 Sd 40 taL capacity. S- or write B. F. Tagwell, farmrffls, !^ ! & (9-27-4tp) FOR SALE- Immediate delivery? j 2,000 sqaare feet V-Crlmp Alumi num Roofing. See C. S. Hotchkiss, F flmllh ITrmf1*'" office, Farmville, j 1 N. C. Phone office 2S2-S, ltd ! 484-1. Sftn; $5F52S mAN mmwi I without! 1 PARALLEL!' IN HIS MOST DARING, MS MOST WONDBnd ROUE ROBERT ALDA fr^zI^ng KNUIIftl ?V ?UVT MU1I 0> W? UINHL ? UlUlllifc HW? If IW H ? SUNDAY and MONDAY e aw>?d-laTEST news of the day i HSS. - ^ Vv,- ' v-1 P .. vS' dream TABBY THE CAT The Pied Piper., singing in fcfcrattffd harmony. Capitol Record ? ______ Price 65c CUDDLE DP A LITTLE CLOSER , the Trolley song ?'?% The Pied Piper., a rendition -yea #fH Want. . Capitol Record ? Price 65c Wy&t. ? ? ?iri PS SORRY NOW , ^ FOUND A NEW BABY I Bing Crosby-?singing in the old WHO'S SORRY NOW . I'VE FOUND A NEW BABY ? ?-if- ?. ?. ? 4- ? mtm- Price 55c Played by Beb g Played by W Wc *d his Orchestra ^ CALL YOU SWEETHEART ?? KpSSfSSptf,;-: ?? ?'^-j.J^iWB|EiaB^b?g?a ^ALTZ TIME M Bta- " JgS|S| WM OF LILAC I TENTHS isl I It FIFTHS RETAIL - ?? The aura of glamour ?;i - Hp ' which surrounds the bride, is given added v.. brilliance by her per sonal and home gifts Silverware f , .i.-vf" ? TEA AND COPFEE SERVICE ? In Sterling and Henry SRver Plate ? STERLING FLAT SILVER ? in the lovely patterns - "Margaret Rose" and "Over^ire" ?created by ?? The National Silver Company Place setting for four $70.68 Robert's Jewelers MBS. J. M. CABEAWAt. ???" FBmriUo, It C. . _ North 1W? Stmt - Phone 479-7 - Bi5.., :,.Tv 1=-&: ,'?<'. :=? . '.V .? ? *. ^r--. ?? -?? ps ~ "?'??' 1 *-?':. iJ 1*' /I ?E J J feK, " N ^>rjji ": " 5 - - .:? 4? ^ .;& .. ^ u-" -*w" I ? I j|_j^_g|||^E of tWi Week ssiv'W ssb&s