^ V ? - ? * 4 - -m The service records of war of the recent war, torn* Farmville High 8ehool, erintendsaft J. H.'Moore, aft the 1 exercise* so?acted with the of dogweod tree* an the gteee* *y the MnmrriD* i< Otab u Mag memorials, an follows: Sgt. James Hubert Andrews, son of' the late Mr. and Mia. Anson Andrews, wna bora la Pitt Orarrty, January 23, l*t. and attended the--?lsi?aviBe schools. He entered the serrice Feb ruary 9, 1940, taking training at Laagley Raid, Va, Scott Field and Catamite Field, 111. InxMay, 1942, he reported ndssing Deesmbor 2, 1942,, after his plane failed to return from a mission. -T.-'Sjo! The War Department presumed him dead as of January 7, 1940. T/4 John Rollins Baldrce Tech. 4th Grade John Rollins Bald roc was born Oct. 28, 1912, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baldree. induction in June, 1942, he trained aft Camp Lee and Camp Pickett, Va* Camp Blandingt Fla., and in Arizona and. Los Angeles, Calif., sa a medical aide. He went overseas in 1944, and was killed in action in France December 10 of the-: year. The Bronze Star for his bravery in leaving security to aid wounded comrades. On tb* third trip for s wounded soldier, he waa shot. His widow is among his survitors. T/Sgt. Herbert Heathy Dnraetle Tech. Sgt. Herbert Hemby Burnetts, son of Mrs. Herbert Bumette, of Greenville, and the late Mr. Bumette, was born July 8, 1914, Inducted into Army, August 7, 1941, and transferr ing to the- Army Air Corps, August 23, he reported for training at Max well Field, Montgomery, Ala. After training at the Army Air Corp* Tech nical School, Scott Field, IIL, he was graduated as a radio operator me chanic, April 20, 1942. From Scott Field, he went to Hariingen Army Gunnery School, Hariingen, Texas, where on May 23, 1942, he was grad uated as an Aerial Gunner. Further training took place at Salt Lake City, Utah, Geiger Field, Wash., Muroc, Calif., Tucson, Ariz., and again at Geiger Field. In October, 1942, after being sent to the Army Air Base at Syracuse, N. ^4 the previous month, he departed for the European Theater, where he was reported miss ing in action north of St. Nassize, France, February 14, 1948, the date which the War Department presumed him dead. Awards of the Purple -Herat and Air Medal were mads to his mother. Pvt. Emerson Whittier Hobgood Pvt. Emerson Whittier (Dick) Hob good, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonah G. Hobgood, entered the Army Decem ber 3, 1942, at Fort Bragg and left December 8, for Camp Clairborne, La., where he joined the 409th Infantry Division. In November, 1943, he sent to Camp Howxie, Texas; Jane 8, 1944, to Fort Meade, Md., and he ar rived in England in July, 1944. | He was on doty hi France from September 1, 1944, antil his death 14 days later in Brittany, France, where he was killed in action, took place in the U. 8. Military Cem BL James, 83 miles nortl of Besses, Frsrni A peethu award of the Purple Heart was i November 24, 1944, to bis. parents for military merit and for [ImaeMan rasslttr Staff. ?gt | I/8gt. Thomas -Brvin Joyner, son of Charlea' Joyner k d the late>M?~_ Joyner, was borto August 22,19 iatb service February I, 1943, __ n June ?,-19tt. Burial fiyvlf AllM fti ML bVOM |"W? ?* L*JB He Jfin IMbI lag CrMe for heroic -JC of Figfating Squadron Hum rtary ?, anTwafe i ?H 4Mhm Serviee -Modal. July 4, IMS, a Destroyer Br T/5 Walter Louis and Mm. R. L. ilirll ? v ? ? i- ?* - i raary l^ilu, aim served in tM i Division. Ho trained at Ft Bragg, Gump Lewis, Wash., tad ip White, Oregon. February 18, 1944, ho loft the States for Haw ft*?, in the a??H. Pacific,. his life November 12, 1944, ahtp w?. fay th, ? anchored for the men to land' Leyte. S' .: He moved here from Walstoatnrx and attended school in Fsnnville in tee sisth through ninth grades. ltesign Pan! A. Parker Ensign Paul Aaron Parker, the'eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cleveland Patency was born in Fountain, September* 14, 1928, end attended Fountain echbdth' except for tee last year or two of high school. He enlieted in the Naval Beater*, June 4, 1942, and on August 7 this rating was changed to Aviation OdBrt. His promotion to Ensign occuhsB [July 19, 1948. I Receiving his training at the Naval Air Stations at Pens* aonvilie, Fla., and San Diego, .C j he left tee States, December 14, es a member of FightingI i June n, .1944, when his ptepe faihtf to return from an attack _ I enemy on Saipan, in tee Marianasf he was officially reported missing'' ;ih ! action. Lt Com. a H. Force said he Mid more than hie duty. Even though eta?a -only five months, ha awarded the Air Medal. Gold Star in lieu of a second Air Medal, the PuSpte Heart, the American Campaign Med al, the Asiatic Pacific ribbon with two Bronze Stars mid the World W*r Vic tory Campaign Medal. 7 Pfc. Thomas Herman Rouse, If. Pfe. Thomas Herman Rouse, Jr., son of Mr. aad:Mra. Tfcamss Herman Rouse, enlisted in the United States arine Corps Reserve, November 19, 1948, and received his training > at Paris Island, & C? Camp Lejeune to* Gamp Pendleton, Calif. He left IfcV bates, July 80^ 1944, for Hawaii ending on Zwo Jima, Februar 1944, with the ?th Marines, his ion was Utterly opposed by the Jipe tram the mountain top. As he over the top of the ridgwhe 1 telly wounded and died instantly i was buried in tfce fitfc Mai ry along with 1876 officers, a latter from Chaplain March 1945. The Purple Heart and Asiatic Pa Ufic Campaign Medals1' M years old January 5, B 5 Aaron Tysen, Jr. Pfc. John Aaton^TVsor^fa, ') born April 8J1921, the a<p> of 1 ?nine talk on'"Agriculture And It* Part Fifty ???!?? by W? son. Dr . |Vank lUrrK gram leader at the evening. The speaker compared agriculture to of? the latter ^of tba-other." mw.. ? SS of Napoteoi* It-tos* *0 man, engaged Ik agslMtttnrs, to feed one man; it took 04 heera at labor to grow 1 acre a# -wheat, whereas today, it only tdke* B% hour*; eon 'yield per arte waa ip btabehr, white -today thr average is better than 88; cotton wa* 264 lbs. lint cotton, per mere, today tfafc record yield, msde last fall, la 3 bales .C * sa-ingsigra not been for the progress that has ^^hT^^to.the J the. Mute -nadr-speke e?~4ho poaafr* i store, was the HNSI County, VA, where she |? two months in the public | June, ? mr people.may be Mat with an arrancwMMit of ?Uta|Mia? Mp} by wfcte can dim la silver candelabra. At one ?M| of <the b>ble effectively of white aai gieen, and frbm the other, Mrs. 4k. O. Las cut bp tfca>atata lapfciraail Inn with homemade ice cream. Following bbethudieoa^ iCia. T. C? . m recallei also for her 21 yean of in the D. A. R. Miss Canaway out in the growth and society and- reviewed the * * ?'?iM^'i fltia ? - ? a*? . woTKin ^preserving records and* in ia taipMoeids inspiration to tip present goners tionapd to give to generations y* to come. In this S of a room | as an-example of Mt' of thtnast as a " future.' ?w? "? *? paid tribute to Clara Barton as a member of the organisation in tbb .camps and the ? k ????tig II ? ? ^ K ' , the state the bet :iog) ties, tathe fields sf health. full-scale dOH varies of begin in May, 1M7, and that deliver til all onto* have <beeM W- (# Sam D. Bupdy) mtr1 on Toaaday. The folk)win# few yaan and ?Taai#k> Wil Nfc tbi'lit6 for tM . MBBf tor FridiM April )8th. ? 13 _ _ - .. -T.-r ,r?T n!. m ^^TK9fWBr^'3 |,?^^s bp la /* jobalkwnl I U>mjM0 per j?*b a. p* ????? -*?.? -,- rf*-*. ? ? vJtA 1,-W - r.5t *. ? ? T_ And oh the spot 2SSSJTS1 fleets of BraPIWflBj In answer to this i ?Med, GWRA ha* set up in strategically located stockpil $12.76 lbod package?, which coat aujc^swt- . aenrcry. daily cabled Snrles' for delivery. "I beard of the desperate need of millions of Greeks through the GWIIA* M#S Suites. 1 couldnt rest easy knowing of the sorrow in I had to help." the -Jfoodstuffs that make op packages on a highly with calorie content the first con sideration. Each 86-pound package gMfeid' an average family of six to bSth asking the American public for $?, 000,000 to hritiate and conclude a jpflpnn of perniff in Greece. During 1W7, t? t over 876^0 war ? At Tfcptotary Ctab " Rotarian W. C. Wooten wm chair of the program ftt the letary Club's supper meeting, Tuesday eve m mm.ti Va., associated with the : r

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