Oglesby Jones Hi ?.itH [ at his home 1 Mia. J. H. Bjrnum and Mra i Greenville Uasle, me the week sga ? ?-? dent at PJi the week end : ? ? ? ard, of Norfolk, 1 with Mr. and' A-a ? * *1 Myrtle Roth Tripp, of Greenv spent tha week end with her brother, | Billy Tripp Briley. e e ? ? Mr. and Mra. G. Vinson, of Wi were weak and guests of Mr. I Mrs. B.' W. Janes. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradham and I I son, P*nutk, spent Sunday in Rocky] | Mount with relatives. y#- e e ? Miss Maijorie Freeman, of Ilocal faculty, apent the week ad in] I Ayden visiting friends. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Dixon were J I business Hakuis in Raleigh and Fu-j quay Springs, Monday. e ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Liles, of] IDurham, visited relatives here the] | first part 'of the week. ? ess Mra. PerneU Burnette and son, of | I Midway Park, Camp Lejeune, were] | visitors here, Saturday. sees Mra. F. G. Dupree, Sr., and Mra.ll jMabrey Pollard visited A. R. Dupree,] | in Plymouth, Wednesday. / Mrs. G. Alex Bouse, Mrs. J. | Wheless and lbs. Lath Monies were | | Raleigh visitors, Monday. ? ? ? ? Friends will hie glad to learn that] I Mrs. W. A. Pollard continues to im-| | prove from a recent illness. ? e 4 ? Mr. and Mra Manly Liles visited I jMra Liles' sister, Mra Guy Stbtt, in | |Wilson, Sunday afternoon. / ? * ? ? - Mra L. ?. Waiston had as her I Iguest, Friday, Mra- A. A. Atkinson.) (of Macclesfield, her sister. ? ? Mr. and Mra James Edwards, of | ?Washington, were guests of Mr. and] |Mrs. G. S. Williams, Sunday. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mra Vernon Cox and] ily^of Winterville, visited Mr. and | |Mra Robert P. Wheless, Sunday, r > ? ? ? ? Brenda Hinson, of Ayden, . lie week end' with her grandparents, j fr. and Mra R. J. Wainwrighf. ? ? ? ? Mra W. A. McAdams and Mra J.l IR. Shearin attended a funeral in | | Rocky Mount, Wednesday morning. ? ? ? ? Mias Grace Whitehurat, a member] the high school faculty, spat the| end at her home in Conetoe. ? see L. 0. fteakosan is "a patient at) IBex Hospital, Raleigh, when he is 3*0 p. ^-x Mrt. E. P. Gsynor. m.?Girt Scouts, Troop J. p. m.?Kiwanis. A/" rS'i 8:00 p. m.?Christian, Group 1, with Vn. Trad Smith. 00 p. m.?Presbyterian Auxiliary meets at the home of Mrs. J. M. bor U 10:30 aT m.?Executive Committee, ?( Baptist Missionary Society, will meet with Mrs. Henry Johnson. 2:80 p. m. ? Seven Pines Home Demonstration Club meets with Mrs. Jasper Morgan. H 6:30 p. m.?Rotary. . A 7 .-00 p. m.?Woodmen of World. 7:30 p. m. ? Christian, Group 4, - meets with Mrs. T. T. Moore. 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scouts. . 8 K)0 p. m.?Community Planning Board. 8KM) p. m. ?Christian, Group 8, meets with Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox. Wednesday, 28 8:00 p. m.?New Dual Qub meets with Mrs. S. A. Roebuck. 8:00 p, m.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Miss Elisabeth Davis. 8:30 p. m.?Brownies. Thursday, 27 2:00 p. m.?P. T> A. 8:80 p. m.?Presbyterian Juniors. 7:80 p. m.?Masons. 8.-00 p. m.?Christian, Group 2. ? Friday, 28 8:16 p. m.?Book Mid Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Frank Allen. 8:80 p. m. ? Altar Guild meets with Mrs. C. a Hotchkiss. v .Saturday, March 1 10:00 a. m.?Bird Club. 8.-00 p. m.?-Dance Club meets at Country Club with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Oglesby, Mr. and Mn.( David Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Alien M. Harris, as hosts. Mm. Lonnie Pierce, Mr*. Ethel Thornton, Mm. Weeley R. Willi* w Robert Pierce were Greenville' visi toM, Monday. *? * ? a ? Mr*. "Paul W. Matheson, of Nor folk, Va., will arrive Friday to spend the week end with her daughter, Mm Eli Joyner, Jr. * ? * ? Miss Nell Beaman, student at Campbell College, Buie's Creek, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. C. L. Beaman. Mm. A. C. Mpnk, Sr., Mrs. J. 0. Pollard, Mrs. T. C. Turuage, Sr., and Mm. John T. 'Thome were Raleigh viators, Monday. ? ? ? ? Mm. Layne Dail left' Thursday for a visit to her daughters, Miss Jane Dail, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Marvin Hurst, of Durham. ? * ? ? Mr. and Mm. Allen Drake and daughter, Nancy Etta, returned from the tobacco market in Hartsville, TemL, Tuesday night. R. T. Norville visited Mr, and Mrs. A. B. McLawhom, in Greenville, and Mr. and Mr* Lewis Speight, in Win tervBle, Wednesday. ? ? ? ? Mm. T. E. Joyper, Sr., Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Sr.,' and Mm. Irvin Morgan, Jr., were Richmond, Va., visitors, Mrs. J. W. Parker left Wednesday for Nashville, Tenn., where she will visit her daughter, Mm. Jack Me David and Mr. McDavid. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Robert to is JUS Tjlu lljlu I joyner i SsH of the fbe department held in the Hick* Hotel on Wednesday night of this meek. Mr. Bandy m the F%: r? Sg? | e e en ? ? Mr. end Mm Sam D. Bandy end OH, S. D., Jr., end Jemee Henry, the poet week end in i Miee Peer) Spe3|fn. Bandy's sister, retained with them to two weaks here. >'!? :>;' ? 0 0 0 " Mrs. H. W. Kemp visited her ether, Mm. W. a Holes, in Middle S daring the week end. Mrs. Eppie w end daughters, Barbara Ann end Pstsy, of Baltimore, Md? who were sdeo visiting in Middlesex, tamed for e few Ays may with Mm. Kmnp. ; '1 ? ? ? ? Mix Max McLeod, who has been living with her parents, Mr. end Mm. J. W. Bess for some time pending the of a home in Dann by her h unbend, left Wednesday to them. Mm Bess accompanied to Damn for ? stay of sev eral Ats. 0.0 ? ? Mr. end Mm Cecil Johnston spent Sunday night with Mm Lacy Ram ley in Washington, D. C. Monday, they attended the graduation of Miss Janie Morrill Johnston at Johns Hqp* kins School of "Nursing, Baltimore. Mm Cecil Johnston left for Orange, Vs., to visit relatives after the grad uation exercises ynH lf the weekly aeries of radio programs sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary will be given over WGTC, Greenville, Wed nesday afternoon at 8:4ft o'clock. The subject will be "Child Welfare." ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE The Rev. J. R. Rountree held Ash Wednesday service in the Epiaoopal Church,' Wednesday evening, Febru ary 19, at 7:80 o'clock and will con duct Lenten services each Wednes day evening throughout the season. A cordial invitation to attend is ex tended the community. LKAVR SATURDAY ON TOUR Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Sr., Mrs. R. H. Knott, Mrs. J. O. Pollard, Mrs. Wea ley R. Willis and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Bhr., an leaving Saturday from Ral righ for a Hotee aqd Garden Tour of Mobile, Notches, and New' Orleans, to be conducted by Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilbur Bonn, of Raleigh. VALENTINE PARTY Mrs. Cherry Eaaley graciously .en tertained the members of the Presby terian Youth Fellowship, of which the la counsellor, and special guasta, mrty, Friday kf p . 1'Xi to fundamental principle* is i to the preservation of the of a free people," he took hie i to the year 1090 when euppoeodly the United SUtes wee in a state of total em. Celling upon eeeh per ?eat to become more aware end wide awake aa.to what the gov t is doing, be noted thi tea continue to per "Kb Wtle J attention, they mey weke up to flnd| their country under such a rule. A book published during the war, "Diplomacy and God," written by |George Glasglow, en Englishman, was discussed and used in bringing out these four fundamental principles j upon which citizenship is based; 1. God is sovereign and reigns 2. Righteousness alone exalts a na tion; 8. Man ia worth saving; 4. We pass through trigedy to triumph. An Interesting illustration, proving that God is sovereign and reigns supreme the incident of the English being ?aved from the Spanish Armada by the storm that destroyed a great part at Spain's fleet, which was recounted ky Dr. Dudley. Miss Tabitha DeVisconti, president, presided and presented Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes who was in charge of the musical program. Miaa Rosemary Bobnes, Mrs. R. O, Lang, Jr., aad Elbert C. Holmes rendered- voeal ae actions, duet and trio numbers with I Bra. E. W. Holmes, Mrs. Hobgood| ind Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes as aocom Mtniste. The dining room table, from which supper was served buffet style, was covered with a white cloth and mtc a centerpiece of red and white arndles, red and white ribbon bows md a figurine, which was surround sd by camellias and placed on a large ?d heart with a frilly white edging, fecorations on the buffet also ear-| ?ied effectively the Valentine idea. Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr., and Mrs. fSam D. Bundy acted aa hostesses and indvidual white iced cakes opped with, red deoerations. Miss dsrgsnt Smith presided ever the offee service, Hawthorn, fems and daffodils - baed in artistic arrangement in the| pviing roomp. Mrs. Dudley and the mnister* of the [own shared honors with the mem* of the Junior Woman's Club as guests, .-/-I Junior Woman's Clnb : Mrs. Melton Altai was a gracious fortes* to the Junior Woman's Club, Wdsy afternoon, with Mrs. j. T. [total, presiding over the business don. The meeting was opened frith the Pledge. The members voted to "buy the flrowniee m flog end to have a train ing school for member*. Mrs. W. Jesse Moye reported that [ehool supplies had been purchased frith the money collected for that pose and had been tamed over to J.N.R.RA. to be sort to needy chools overseas. Mrs. Frank K. lUea gave a resume of an article, Russian Women as I Saw Them," bitten by Mrs. Lafall Dickinson, na tional president. > ? f The parilmentarian, Mrs. Henry D. iohnson, gave a five minute talk Lfter which the meeting closed with he repenting of the Collect. pro talk op A. B. - ^ em. of Hi daughter, Jeanette Rodger*, to Carl L. Ivey, Jr., Thursday, February 18, in Selma with Rev. W. H. F. Iwy, grandfather of the bridegroom offi ciating. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey axe at making their home with the bride groom's parenta, Mr. and Mr*. C. L. Ivey, Sr., at 418 East Wilson street, Farm villa. -r. Farmville Howe Demonstrstien (Sid _ - Mrs. J. R. Lewis presided ?t the club meeting, Thursday afternoon, opening with the singing ef "The Star-Spangled Banner" followed by the Collect Reports from the treas urer and several committees ? we given after which Mrs. Fred T. Lang ford, home agent, interestingly bee her program on the subject, "Wetor for Better Health," Carrying out the club's -plan to study a foreign country each month In order to promote better untie standing between the nations, Mrs. B. R. Fields gave a short talk ? "Russia." Mrs. 1. R. Levis reviewed the book, "Claudia," by Rose Franke \ Valentine contest was won by Mrs. 1, L. Ngpney. The hostesses, M?- Rteh?rd Tvw well gnd Mrs. J. L. Nanney, served ? :onge#le4 Mind god individual toad sakee decorated in the Valentine m tif followed by hot coffee. At the Rotary Club Cut Blackwood, as it the Rotary Club, >ad arranged for three minute talks m the future of the Church and > resent trend and future n the business world, as viewed by various local representatives. These ncluded George Davis, who talked >n the Church; T. Eli Joyner, Jr? he furniture business; Lynn Eaaon, into mobile; Levi Walston, banking; abor, Paul Ewell; income tax and axatkm in general, Manly LUea; the tdvieehility of establishing a medical chool at Chapel Hill, Dr. Chas. E. fitsgerald; college basketball in N. 1, James Monk. The judges, Jehn ,ewis, Irvin Morgan and the Rev. E. I. Coates found it impoaribie to pick he winner in the speaking content, ind eo prises were given to oil par icipants, Charles Hotohkiss and Graydon J lea, of Durham, were special guests it this tima, An announcement was **H* rela* iveto the benefit Kiwanls-Rotary asketbaU gams, to he held February 8, in the school gym. 'AEMISS EN JOT A ?;g SUPPER AND FILM Two hundred farmers of this area njoyed a barbecue supper and the hewing of intereeting filmsat the loan try Club, Wednesday evening, ?y inviththm of the Farmville Im ilement Co., and the Thxas Company, aint hosts at the event, which was resided over by Frank K. Allan, as raster of ceremonies. Films included the Army-Navy ;ame, the IMS World Series base all end one shown in connection with tie lufirication pud care of farm im A* number of representatives of the 'exes Company throughout thfa sec Ion were in J-SATURDAT ? ?WEEK OF FEB. 22, A new and Brilliant Comet: Acroee the Weetern aky, intro during George Houataet in "THE LONE RIDER "W J June pM mony la ? setting of fern, fit white flowers, and banting white | candles in ? the ceremony- a pro of wedding music was pre by Mia. Bart Cunningham, organist, who played "I Lore Thee" by Gregg, '^Serenade" by Schubert and "Are Maria" by Bach-Gounod. Ban C. Thazton, soloist, sang, "Be cause by - dHardelot, "Calm as the Night" by Bohm and "O ' Perfect Love" by BqaWgh. The bridd was escorted by her father, by whom she was given in marriage. fibs won a wedding gown fit ivory satin with brocaded wedding bells. A fhort veil of illusion fell from a coronet edged With bugle beads, fe. She oar ried S shower bouquet of gardenias, bouvardia, and white orchids. Mrs. Everett I. ^agg, Jr., of Dur ham was matron of honor aad only attendant for her sister. She wore a dress of ke blue crepe and carried a bouquet of red roses. - John G Darden, of Fsrrovijle, served as hast man for his brother Ushers wen Guy Mitchell of Dur ham, A1 Whitaker of Kinaton, Jamas L. Newsom and Stewart 1 Atezander, Jr., of Durham. Mrs. Newsom choe* for her daugh ter's wedding a drew of brown traps trimmed with bronse banded net, At ooraage was of brown spray orchids. The mother of the bridegroom won a black crepe drew trimmed with shell pink lace, with which she used a corsage . of . I Immediately following -the cere mony Dr. and lbs. Everett I. Bugg, Jr., and Mr. - and Mis. James L. Newsom entertained at the Forest Hills Club for the bride and bride groom, a few clow friends, if the two families and out-of-town | After the reception Mr. and Mrs. I left for a wedding trip. Upon their return they will be at iome in FarmriUefl The bride won For travel, an aqua wool drew and laehet ensemble with black acces sories and Jtha white orchid lifted torn her bridal bouquet Mrs. Darden graduated from Dur ham High School, and took a sec retarial course afterward*. For the last several year* she Las been a nedical secretary in Dmharn. Mr. Darden attended Darlington School, Rome, Ga., and the University of north Carolina, Chapel HilL During he war be was a major in'the Unit id States Amy Air .Corps, serving n the China-India Theatre. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. John a Darden, Mrs. 3, W. Parker, X. L. Eason, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C Darden and Misa Adelaide Darden, ill of Farmville; Miss Sara Me Dearmtn of Memphis, Tenn.; A1 Whitaker, Miss Neva Whitaker, Mir. kfitctefll, Jr., al ofl Kinston; Miss Virginia Pou of Raleigh; Dr. and Xrs. Joe Thompson of Cresdmoor; Sdgar Long, Mr .and Mrs. Joe A. jong, Jr, J. A. Lang, Sr., and Mrs. R. r. Teegue, ell of HL-iboro; Lt Comdr. md Mrs. Richard J. Raid, Jr., of| N. Um stead and Mr. and Mrs. Frank tire home. The an artistic In alitor i'a guests ben of the bridal partjr, the tvrp families and a few eloee Academy Nominations Announced By P Washington, Feb. bort C. Bonner of the First of North Carolina has m the following nominations for vacancy at the U. S. Naval Annapolis, Md., beginning with next term: rnncipai?inaaaeus X*. Ji-o Of Bsth^N.^C.; J^jgiate C.; second alternate?Irving William Gewsr, of Greenville, N. CJ-, thiM alternate?Hugh K. MeGlanghon, of Ahoskie, N. C Competitive examinations are to be held in ApriL STUDENTS HONORED Greenville, Feb. 20. ?. E. C. T. C? who have i In scholarship in were honored at a tea given day afternoon by the Beta Kappa chapter of Pi Omega Pi, national honorary business education fraterni ty. Approxima tely 80 Vhen and worn sn students invited to attend. Joseph r. CA>gory of Farmville, a Freshman ai the college, was he honored guests. [yfe ?; ? When I was young I had'no idea that old people acted the way mygj contemporaries do today. ? h?*S ... Chops? 1 uf**n ? Full Course ? TURKEY DINNER ' uMI Regular Dinners # ? ? ? EAT.GOOD POO te ?