? ? General Twin Bilk To Levy Raleigh, March IS.?The General Aaeembly yesterfey received tide farmer* of Worth whether to law* an manual to he ?mI for the development, and expansion of the fine-cured tobacco export trade. ? Sponsored by the recently charter go before the town board to ascertain on what grounds tile Chamber of Commerce could offer new industry to locate here. At the present time an indus try that promises a yearly payroll of 1*0,000 to 0100,00 wants to locate hers, if suitable inducements can be offered. ' **?>''... r*. The Chamber of Commerce wel comes the Caroline Telephone and Telegraph Company aa a ber. -KC fKJSjg Washington, March 12.?The Corn Department he* advised busi to get busy right away on ?is on the verge of period of tense competition and new men should begin now to seek ways of reducing their coots and' tow ering their prices," the department advised in a statement. "There are now more retailers in] business than then were before the war and the implication is that the competition for the consumers' dollar will be greater than -ever. "Unless businessmen start review ing thfeir prleing policies now with a vfaw towards meeting this competi tion they may find themselves faced' with making drastic price changes. "The old wartime formula of price of goods plus operating costs plus desired profit is no longer sufficient directed toward** 'reasonable net| ptwRt "If a businessman finds that he cannot meet onmytftton, the Quality of his merchandise, pay ell of his tests and make a reasonable profit, then he must either tower his seats, or qjsock, or manofhpture some thing else." The Departmentadnwwledged that "in some cases an increase in price Li might not materially reduce the num ber of units- told." It eald in these be raised and to help offset a N. n? ?t u 1Mb: all ships in the area out for the lost Chard said there was scant bility he could have survived the long falL ' rZZFr Officials of Loekheed Aircraft Co^fi manufacturers of the Constellation plane, and their service man at Gan der advised them the 21 passengers.) "hardly knew anything had until the plane i^?a?ii at ? The Lockheed officials said parts of the plastic bubble, or astrodome, which rises about 18 fetches above the top of the plane over the forward flight deck, were still in Its frame. Thrown Upward The flight deck is separate from the pasaengen' compartment. Reports received here did not state whether other members of the man crew saw naVigator Hart leave the plane, or what had caused the plastic dome to break and the navi gator to be thrown upward through the opening. , ?- i\ The arrangement of the navigator's. section of the flight deck permits]1 him either to stand or sit under the dome white sighting on stars with his instruments. Breaking of the dome released the air preesurs within the plane, her metically sealed so that the atm? phdre inside' can be maintained at comfortable pressures at high alti tudes. After the accident, the pilot re duced his altitude at the rate of 700 feet per minute ? not an abnormal rate ? until he reached a level of 10,000 feet for the return to Gander. The Star of Hollywood, bound for Geneva, Switzerland, left New York with IS passengers at 1048 A. M. (EOT) Monday. It arrived at Gander st 5:13 P. IjL and left there at 5:18 F. KL after picking up three addi bound for Shannon, Eire, its next) > ?top. - CHANGE MANAGERS 1& 1 1 ( i Emily Carolyn Stephenson t been named manager of the Caro-1? i Trallways bus station of Farm e, succeeding Mrs. Franca veland, it was announced Mi Marshall E. Newton, superir of stations for Carolina Truil Sor to coming to Farmville Miss sphenson was associated with the npany at its Camp ' CONTROLLING BLUE MOLD] S3*; > ?? - : By S. J. WEEKS, Afwt. v The coat of producing tobacco can be greatly jutting the plant bad ?nd controlling Bin* ? - ^ ? v?5 4~* CW5f ' Mtanw V H| t>v sample* of materials which Lie from wood. Mr. Creekmurl pointed out that, contrary to belief,! he lumber in this country Mis bMa? the attend-1 for the ' good. March 13.?Top Ameri s saM Thursday thatl State George C. Mar determined to pub United policy ob the offen it there?a decision vital implications for the Big Four's cur- j development of this Turkey played a art (The President,urged before a n cf Congress that the as send >400,000,000 to Turkey, asserting that) were leadiqCfjBffi activities" in Greece.) Await Bed Reaction. While Soviet reaction to the Presi nt's Speech was awaited wfth keen] Busrian en from London ac i the subject of mu ue seemed to be u that the conduct of foreign af under the new American Sec-j i many yean, wit of the Oouncil of the firet, teeting g There can no longer be any doubt ; the highest American officials? ng on their declared t^Jntise est of the world?are now moving I o pit American power and prestige j gainst Russian power and prestige ? an effort to check that expansion. The tat under North through BWPPjlW-T-?- ? Public Housing Authority in . (4) Removal of the mouth, Va., and a ? _ ^ ty oa which it was located, by Veteran, or his contractor. Other facte revealed to the at the meeting were qui* ing. Fifteen prefabricated already been "earmarked" __ ville by the F. P. IL A. fa in case they are are for sale on a caab bade to Va erans only, (or servicemen) of War II, and are to. be for homes by h 1948, aold, rented, or Veteran to i _ are to be removed as of A Veteran can purchase c "duplex" unite and rent L half to a Veteran, or if he to rent to a Veteran fa thi , then the half-unit can be rented to by which to locate, aad ; ST"