" ita R X sptWV spwit'tK^S end ltl Norfolk, Va. . a ? ? .. ^ E. a Carr and son, Charles, we Wilson visitors, Thursday. a a ? ? Ralph Allen, of Clayton, was H? truest of friends here, Sunday, a a a a Billy Burke, Jr., is confined to home this week with chicken pox. a a a a Kiss Mariah Thompson will the Easter holidays in a a a a Mrs. Sadie Moore, of Kinston, visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary E. Russell. a a a a ' ' Miss Marjorie Freeman will spent the Easter holidays at her home in Kinston. a.e a a Mrs. Jasper R. Jones and Mrs. L. R Jones were Greenville visitors, Tuesday. a a a a Mrs. Lena Gurganus has returnet from a visit to her son. Howell, Snow Hill. a a a a. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Harrell and son, Bill, spent the week end in Norfolk, Va. a ? a a Mrs. Virginia Howerton spent sev ers days of last week visiting friends in Greenville. a a a a Mrs. E. L. Roebuck, of Hamilton, was the overnight guest of Mrs. Myrtle Roebuck, Tuesday. a a a a * Edward Lee Russell and "Skipper" Hall, of Jacksonville, Fla., are visit ing Mrs. Mary H. Russell. a a a a Mrs. G. R. Smith and Mrs. Allen Drake and daughter, Nancy Etta, were Kinston visitors, Monday, a a a a Mr. and Mrs. Bill Forbes and daughter spent Sunday in "Greenville with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Forbes, a a a a Mrs. C. W. Rogers, of Chattanoo ga, Tenn., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes, last week. a a a a Miss Geneva McCachern, of Wil mington and Linwood, is visiting Mrs. Ed Nash Warren this week. t 1 ? ? Miss Lizzie' Clegg, of Pittsboro, is the'guest of her brother, Rev. E. R. Clegg, and Mrs. Clegg, this week, a a a a Miss Agnes Quinerly, student at Salem College, arrived Wednesday to spend the spring holidays at her home here. a a a a Miss Emma Dupree is spending three days of this week visiting friends in Fountain. a a a t H. H. Bradham is spending several days in Boston, Mass., with his fath er, H. H. Bradham, Sr. a a a a Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight, of Tarboro, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper R Jones, Sunday, a a a a Elmer Louis Roebuck underwent a knee operation in the Veterans' hos pital, Fayetteville, Wednesday. Mrs. Ed Owens, Mrs. Jack Wilii ford and Mrs. Frank A. Williams were Raleigh visitors, Wednesday. ? ? ? e Mr. and Mrs. T. Eli Joyner, Jr. will spend the Easter holidays in Myrtle Beach and Charleston, S. C. ? ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tumage, of Richmond, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron C. Tur jnagte. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Sadie Vernelson, of Ports month, Va., is visiting Mrs. Florence Phillips and Mrs. Virginia Hower ton this week. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Lamm Dozier, of Fountain, were guests of Mrs. Vir ginia Howerton and Mrs. Florence Phillips, Sunday. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wellons, of Charleston, S. C., were the over night guests of Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Clegg, Friday. I Mr.' and Mrs. R. D. Rouse, Sr., have returned from New Orleans, La., after visiting Mrs. Rouse's sis ter, Mrs. R. F. Eastman. e see V Bobby Smith, student at P. J. C, Maxton, arrives today to spend the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Smith. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith and son, Jimmy, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith. . :V'"> Mrs. R. L. Spivey, Mrs. Myrtle Roebuck and Mrs. Lum Wooten visit ed friends in Hamilton, evening. "fv ' - ? ? ? ? George Putaaft, of Rocky Mount, I with his grand e ? e I ' mwwn-mmwwn w w >-r-? ? ? - - ' ? . i i1 ?? ?CALENDARO S ,. ''umtor, April 7 -.*? RASTER MONDAY 3:00 p. m. ? Episcopal Auxiliary | meets with Mrs. Jack Lewis. 1 3:00 p. m.?Woman's Council the Christian Csureh. ? M p. m.-WW m-to~r| 8:30 p. m.?Woman's Society of Christian Service, Methodist 7:00 ic m.?Kiwants Club. Tuesday, 8 8:45 p. m,?Merry Matrons with Mrs. L. E. Walston. 7 .-00 p. m.?Rotary Club. 7.-00 p. m.?Lang's 4-H Club. 7.-00 p. m.?Woodmen of World. 8:00 p. m.?>Boy Scouts. 8:00 p. m.?Annie Perkins Circle, Baptist meets in the Church with Mrs. Paul Vaaghan and Mr?. M. G. Thome as hurtsssss 8:00 p. m.?Junior Woman's Chsb meets at the home of Mrs. Sara Lr.^is with Mrs. J. M. Mew bom as joint hostess. Wedncsdsy. 9 3:00 p. m.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. L. E. Walston. 3:00 p. m.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. James Y. Monk, Jr. 3:%) p. m.?Brownies. Thursday, 10 2:30 p. m.?Farmvilie Home Dem onstration Club meets with Mrs. J. W. Baker and Mrs. W. R. Hin son as hostesses in the club house. 8-50 p. m.?Gir" Scouts, Troop 2. 7:30 p. m.?Masons. Friday, 11 3:15 p. m.?Book and Bridge Club meets with Mrs. CL S. Hotchldsa. 3:30 p. m.?Woman's Club meets at the home of Mies Mamie Davis with Mrs. R. W. Rader as joint hostess. Saturday, 12 10.00 a. m.?Bird Club. 3:00 p. m.?Major Benjamin May Chapter, D. A. R., meets with Mrs. T. E. Hooker and Miss Eunice McGee. of Greenville, as hostesses at the Chapterhouse. TODAY 12 noon?Mrs. Richard L. Welsh honors Miss Frances Bivins Smith, bride-elect, at a coffee hour. 6:30 p. m.?Miss -Dorothy Smith gives a buffet supper for out-of totvn guests here to attend the Rector-Smith wedding. 8:30 p. m.?Rector-Smith wedding rehearsal at Methodist Church. Mflj. Curtis H. and Mrs. Arch J. Flanagan give an after- rehear . sal party at the home of the latter. TOMORROW 12:80 p. m.?Mrs. and Mrs. Hay wood Smith entertain at a lunch eon at the D. A. R. Chapter house for the Rector-Smith wed ding party and out-of-town guests. 4:30 p. m.?Rector-Smith wedding to be solemnised at the Metho dist Church. Max Melton, of Baltimore, McL, a' >rmer resident of Farmville, is pending: his spring vacation with [lends here and in Spring: Hope. . ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Max E. McLeod and hildren, Maxine and Mike, of Dunn, nil spend the Easter holidays with Irs. MeLeod's parents, Mr. and Mrs. . W. Baas. ? . ' Mrs. R. G. Barrett and Mrs. J. B. 'aylor returned Tuesday night from visit to Mrs. Barrett's daughter, Ira. R. E. Duncan, at Miami Beach, la. ? >' : ? ? ? e .Mr. and Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes, nd daughter, Martha, attended the Mo Pinza concert at Memorial kuditorium, Raleigh, Monday even ly. e e e e C. E. Modlin visited his wife, Mis. L E. Modlin, who is a patient at a ?etereburg, Vs., hospital, Wednes ay. He reports that she is improv W- ? ," ; e ? ? e Mrs. John T. Thome, Mrs. M. V. ones, Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs. A. V. Bobbitt tad Mrs. H. N. Howard rare Goldsboro and Kinstoa visitors, londay. e e ? e J. A. Gregory returned Tuesday rem a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Com Webber, who has been receiv og treatment in a Richmond, Va, oepitaL sees Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cayton and Ir. and Mrs. Mac Abrams will via Walter G. Gay, Jr., who is a patient t the Veterans' hospital, Fayette today." by cakes mmI coffee Kie i were passed daring the social period. Coca colas were served daring play, gnest was given an Easter Mis* Mariah Thompson had aa ar dinner guests, Thursday evening, It. and Mm W. M. Maiming and t, R. Parsons, of Battajr. a ? a a Commander and Mrs. R. H. Maury, of Annapolis, M<L, will spend the : and with the'latter's sister, Mrs. H. H. Bradharr, and Mr. Bradfaam. a- a a_a Walter G. Gay, Jr., patient at the Veterans' hospital, Fayetteville, is quite seriously 11L Mr. and Mrs. Mac Abimma and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cayton visited him last Thursday, a a a a Miss Dot?Jones and Douglas Jones, s&dents at E. CL T. C., Greenville, spent the week and with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Jones. Miss Wilms Stancill and Miss Johnsi Moore, students at W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro, are spending the spring holidays at their homes hen. ? a a a Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bouse, Jr., and son, "Robin", of Chapel Hill, and Harold Rouse, student at O, R. M. I, Oak RMge, will spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Rouse, Sr. a a a a Mrs. Ella Middleton has returned from Capon Bridge, W. Vs., where she visited her sister, Mrs. W. C. Muse, and ia now visiting her pa* rents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Hob good. a a a a " Miss Aim Turnage, student at Flora MacDonald College, will ar rive today to sperlci the spring -holf da^s here. She will hi ve as her guest, Miss Jo Pierce, of Texas, a class mate. a a ? a Friends will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Caudle, mother of Mrs. Bert Taylor, of Ayden, in Duke hospital, Wednesday. Funeral ser vices will be conducted this after noon with burial in Asheboro. CL A. Tyson and Jake Joyner were Greensboro visitors, Wednesday. They were accompanied home by Miss Margaret Tyson, student at W. C. U. N. C., who will spend the spring holidays at her home here. -? a a ? a ? Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Royster left Thursday morning for a visit to Dur ham. From Durham they will go to New York City, Aabury Park, N. J, and Hartford, Conn. They will be gone about two weeks. , a a a a Mrs. Madeline Rountree left last Sunday for her home in St Peters burg, 71a., after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel. She was accompanied by Mrs. G. Alex Rouse, who is spending several days with her. Roland Bailey, of Bassett, Va? student at Man Hill College, a tin week end guest of Miss Janie Kemp. He, Mies* Kemp and Miss Edna Earie Hollo man, of. Wglston burg. returned to Man Hill, Mon day. - * ? ? ? Miss Mary Ellen Yelverton, of Nor folk, Va., will arrive Friday to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis and family. She will leave Sunday for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Crawford, in Hot Springs, Ark. ? *?ee Dr. and Mrs. G. Aahby Winstead arrived Saturday from Atlanta, Ga., to reside in the home of Dr. Win stead's mother, Mr). J. W. Holmes d Mr. Holmes. Dr. Winstead will be associated with Dr. R. T. Williams at the Williams-Winstead clinic, e e e e Mr. and Mn. Jaaper S. Jones are visiting their daughter, Mn. Billie Ogleeby, and Mr. Oglesby, in Au burn, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will attend the wedding of their son, James, to Miss Hazel Ruth Blakley, in Meridian, Miss., before returning ? ? ? ? Rev. Z. B. T. Cos nailing of the oi uuiiiitn ?Mircnee m rantego, Wednesday, and had a part on the program. The mala speaker for the meet was Dr. Hsssel T. Bo wen, Ksmra. - coltegs of *r- immm e e e en I I"? votionrJ. After dismissal by the bene diction, the hostess served nut sun daes to the nine present. Mrs. Ted Albrittan presided in the absence of Mrs. E. L. Russell at the meeting of Group Four, held in > home of Mm. R. V. Kser. Mrs. Howard Moye had the devotional and Mrs. Albritton led the Hidden Answers. Individual |emon pies, was straws, Easter eandies and coffee were served to 17 members. The last in a series of ? Lenten Study Classes was held Monday afternoon in the home of Mm. J. H. Darden, Sr., with Mm. R. 8. Scott presiding in the absence of the president, Miss Helen Smith. The de votional, given by Mrs. Scott, was taken from a book, "Forward Day by Day." Mm. Darden concluded, the study of the book, "Doctrine of the Holy," by discussing things to do in the church. The leader adjourned the meeting with prayer. ? BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Honoring Miss Frances Bivins Smith,, April bride-elect, Miss Mary Thome Tyson was a charming hos tess for three tables of bridge, Sa turday afternoon, in her home which was lovely with arrangements of jonquils and other spring flowers. Upon arrival the honoree was pre sented a corsage of red roses. Chocolate tarts and coffee were served prior to play. Each plate bore a pansy. During the games coca colas and nuts were enjoyed. A pink bowl was given to Mrs. Allen Darden, high scorer, and the low prize, a nest of ash trays, went to Miss Dorothy Smith. The hostess remembered Miss Smith with china in her pattern and a handmade linen tea towel. Guests included the honoree. Miss Dorothy Smith, of Wilson, Mrs. Dar den, Mrs. Allen M. Harris, Miss Mary Ann Townsend, Miss Anne Jones, Mrs. Joseph D. Joyner, Mrs. Allen Drake, Mrs. Alfred H. Lewis, Mrs. Robert P. Wheless, Mrs. Emer son Smith and Mis. Carol Modlin. MERRY MATRONS Mrs. Marvin Junes was a gracious hostess to the Merry Matrons and special guests, Mrs. R. O. Lang, Sr., Mrs. Cherry Easley and Miss Rose-, mary Holmes, Tuesday afternoon, March 26. After the business session, which was presided over by Mrs. J. M. Hob' good, in the absence of MrS. G. M. Holden, president, Mrs. Cherry Eas ley was presented by the program leader, Mrs. R. A. Fields. Mrs. Eas ley gave a review of the life of Carrie Jacobs Bond, noted composer, who died recently. At the close of the talk, Miss Rosemary Holmes sang two of Mrs. Bond's songs, "A Perfect Day," and "Just A-wearying for You." Miss Holmes also delighted the group by singing "Sunset" by Dudley Buck. A chicken salad plate followed by individual coconut cakes and black eeffee was served in the social hour. The Jones home was attractively decorated with spring flowers. MISS MORRISS ENTERTAINS Miss Betsy Morriss entertained the cast of the senior play and the members of the first "string" of the basketball team, Friday evening. Spring flowers were used in pleasing arrangements. ? -f i Poach, ice cream and cake, and note were enjoyed. Dancing .was the chief entertain ment Half the troth is often more dan Billy Nichols, "What j ffis Stomach;" James Brown, "fa a Pioneer's CaHn;" Buck Joyner, "An imal Fuss." ?' Sam Nanney, tkint grader, "Open the Door, Richard," and "S caty George W. Davis presided. The report of the nominating committee waa given by lira. Irvin Morgan, Jr., the-chairman, as follows: president, Mrs. Harry Harper; vice president, Mrs. R. if; Williams; secretary, Mrs. Will Moore, Jr. Mrs. L. P. Thomas made the treasurer's report. "..' I Psalm 19 was read by Mrs. E. S. Coates, who concluded the devotion al exercises with a prayer. Miss Mariah Thompson's third grade won the room roll call which was conducted by Misses Anne L. Jones and Marjorie Freeman. DANCE CLUB The Dance Club met Saturday eve ning at the Country Club with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Sauls, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carraway ahd Charlie Rasberry as hosts. The mafttles of the club were made attractive by the use of large pink bunnies with yellow Batia neck bows, tapers in pastel shades and large colored egg cutouts, used in nests of golden excelsior. The walls of the club also were decorated with the bunny and egg cutouts. The individual tables were covered uk -W g3su jrr;|r Out-of-' pleasures of the evening wen: Ides Margaret Fountain, of Bocky Mount, Mr. and Mn. Frank T. Clifton, of Kins ton, and Dawson Jefferson, of Fountain. -v LITERART CLUB Mrs. J. W. Parker graciously tertained the Literary (3ub on We* nesday afternoon at he* home i Church street Arrangements of spring flowers wore used hi artistic After a brief business period the meeting was turned werto Mrs. J. I. Morgan, program chairman for the afternoon.' Mrs. Morgan gave a most interesting and enlightening talk on Russia, its gaogniphicaf ^petting in the universe, its populace, R? present rebuilding program, its jpotttical atti tudes under Communist regime, and briefly remarked on the events lead ing to the Russian Revolution and the rise of the Communist Party. Following adjournment the hostess, assisted by Mrs. J. H. Darden, Mrs. W. M. Willi, and Mrs. J. L Morgan, served frozen salad, ritz and coffee. Nuts and picklee were passed. Miss Frances Bivens Smith, bride-elect, was a special guest and was present ed with silver in her chosen pattern by the IPs never too late, if you are alive, bo be careful on the highways. | BIRTH ANNOl Mr. and Mm. Clyde S. Cleveland, announce the eon, Clyde, Jr., Monday, In a Salisbury hospital, is the former Mis Evelyn of Farmvirie. Maternal are Mr. and Mm. 1 ' Turnage. Mr. and Mrs. William Graham Me Adams, of Washington, D. C., an nounce the birth at a son, William Graham, Jr., Monday, March SI, at the Williams-Wlnstead clinic. . Mm. MeAdams is the former Miss Helen Easen, of Farmville. Jwi ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mm J. C. Brown, of Home Cave, Ky.. announce the en gagement of their daughter, Ruth Claypool, to Mr. Jarhes Matthew Gibbs, at Farmville. The wedding will take: place May 4, at the Home Cave Baptist Church. r NOTE OF APPRECIATION We wish to express our deepest appreciation for the many kindness es and expressions of sympathy shown as during the sadden death of our mother. The family of Mrs. Giles Komegaj. Sailor: "Drinking makes you look beautiful." - & She: "But I haven't been drink ing." Sailor: "I have." Place Your Order Now For -'Iv Corsarges Cat Flowers Potted Floats FarmviUe Flower Shop Sirs. Frances K. Allen, Mgr. ^ Phone 4S7-1 Farmvffle, N. C. ry - OUR DEMONSTRATION! THE HNMX DO THE WKSHING All IV ITSElll SSSPPS HOW THE BINDiX SAVES ClOTHES 4 s: .,L.,w 4 HOW THE BENDIX SAVES WATER-SOAP s, ? . :. , - -*?v"' ENDIX END HOISTING , i

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