s m . Check these important features l ! t M ipn ?rt Ulta. 4. Sanforised cloths to m 1. bMtatd center pleat. ?. Waited i " %. Vat Time to replenish your supply for spring and summer! Choose Xrchdale Shirts in white [ poplin, prints and woven materials in stripes, j figures and solid colors. Sizes 14 to 17; sleeve lengths 32 to 35 inches. t m ? "FARMVELLE'S SHOPPING CENTER" r" " ' ; -V FARMVILLE, N. C. il Br fe ci J. CI Gardner, and Mrs# gMPmw - ??? ? an Corbett, Carl McKeel and Mr. Mrs Isnnc (Rouse. jone? returned to his horns hare mmmIm after spending aMM^i H w, a Wilson hospital. Mr and Mm. H. T. Herring, Mr. and Mrs. 3am Jenkins, Miss Class ins, "Bingo" Jenkins, Dr. and W A. Marlowe, Jimmy Mar and Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Fields the special MatherV day ee and parade at Oak Ridge, Sunday. , c. T. Hicta and son, Tommy, vi Sited Mr. Hicks^S^r, Mrs. D. T. flicks, during the week end. Mr. dad Mrs. J. ?? Pseler and Mr* Henrietta TOwnsen < were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. w x. Marlowe, Thursday evsmng. Miss Jocelyn Moore and Miss Ray onell Bailey, of E. G. T. C, spent the week end with Miss Bailey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey. Miss Ruth Taylor and Miss Ba mona Rouse, of Greewboro college, spent the week end with Miss Rouse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac RouSt. Mrs. Emma B. Jenkins, of Fsir-| mont, is spending this week with Mr. 'and Mrs. Sam Jenkins. Wake Forest Bean Delivers Sermon At W Walstonkurg School I Dr. and Mrs. Sankey L. Blanton of Wake Forest and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Davis and son, Bobby, were dinner of Mr. and MrsN A. J. Craft, Dr. Blanton, '-head of the School of Religion at Wake Forest College, de livered the baccalaureate sermon 'to the seniors of Walstonburg high school in the auditorium, Sunday night. He used as his subject, "He that putteth his hand to the plow and looketh back is not worthy to enter | the kingdom of heaven." ATHLETES FOOT GERM t HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR If not pleased, your 86c back. Ask my toS^fo/this SrntONG fung jSdeTTC-OL. Made with 90 per cent alcohol, it penetrates. Beschm and kills more germs faster. Today at j CITY DRUG COMPANY M 104 W. 6th St.?At Five Pointt Greenville, N. C. r w' ? ?'MM xmauaBmtLi 1 ik; B*. 1 I ?n -lii'1 late Mr*. Ne^VT^^iea May 10 a* the home of " " A. D.. bride, officiated, uamg . ^ mony. V* ?*??with lvy'^t^^The mantelpiece and eut fl#w , _ted with candlee piano were decorated flanked with iyy* . . uv nanaw marriage Vf\ The bi?e. gW? Vj. ^ of "" IXZ'ZZ UC~~' aflaa blue crepe nechl?ce of pearl? ries. She wow ? ??*?*" ^ and a corsa*e of white ros^.yw valfty li)i?8- -,unrv of Greenville, Mrs. Jinx Haddoca w ;s5i5iS^?S wood, late-.'rf.1^ V525/'U pen S. - of the Estate Deceawd. . John B. Lewis, Atty. LOST, FOUND, ETC. FOR SALE, WANTS, FOR SALE: 19$7 Chevrolet coach, radio, kwtor, sealed beam lights, toad tires and paint. Privately owned. This ear has had exeeUeut car*. Call Saaw HtU 272-8 from 9 ta 5 or FarmviBe 268-7 after ? and ask for J. T. Nolen. ' v 16-lp FOR SALE: One all metal lee i frigerator, 10? lb- capacity. Needs painting. $20. One large tricycle used nine months. $10. Call 2897, Mrs. J. T. Nolen. l?-lp HELP WANTED?Yoong lady with business ability to manage our new bottle Gas and Appliance Store in Farmville. Contact Mr. Harry Ad ler, Tarboro Furniture Co, Tarboro, N. C. l?-le ) WANTED?Refined lady, 21 to 85 'years of age, short hours. Interest hit work. Earn $80 to $75 weekly. No canvassing. Car necessary. Write Mrs. Elisabeth McDaniel, 212 ' K. Washington Ave, Kinston, N. C. 16-2p FOR SALE: 00 yard tobacco bed. Geld Dollar plants. Price, $50. Starling Gorham, 520 George St. 16-lp FOR SALE: Good Claude Allen, Kenchin Cobb farm Farmville. 10-lp WANTED: At once, man or to service customers for fi Wotkins Products in FarmviBe, Es tablished business brings $45 week ly Sverate> starting immediately. No investment. Write J. R. Wat kins Co, Dept. S-S, Richmond, Vs. ' ? . Mp RADIO BATTERIES?We have a goad stock?Coase in sad get one today. WESTERN AUTO AS SOCIATE STORE. FREE?$189 display at GARNER'S will be given away by Seven Pines Ho stration Club, May 17. Yon do not have to he present to win. 9-lp WANTED: CORN! $1.60 per bushel in shuck or shelled. Price subject to change without notice. ? B. L. Long, Farmville, N. C, JUST RECEIVED ? Shipment of Boys' and Girls' BICYCLES ? Western Auto Associate Store. 410-1. (M?7-tf) JUST RECEIVED ? Big Order of VIGORO, Pruning Shears ft Hadge Shears. ? Western Auto Associate Store, Farmville, N. C. .. ? WANTED?Tb buy clean fertiliser bags. Any quantity. R. L. Lang, Farmville, N. C. M2-t! JUST RECEIVED NICK LOT OP SEAT COVERS ? Can fit, m*d WESTERN AUTO ASSO. A Big Shipment of DAVIS IT*Guarantee faT 18* months. Get mmmm WMg,TO AUTO ASSO. STORE. BE SURKTOTUNE IN ON W-P-T-F ?that i a tAXAtlVE? as matron of lonor, wore a suit of gold gabardine in black, anil a corsage of l The beat man was Arthur cousin of the groom. i's mother wore an ogL _ d dress, and a corsage of white Immediately after the ceremony the bride's parents entertained at a After a wedding trip the couple will make their home near Walston aur?- SSsgfb"1-". V.' }'4&k Tht 0*t*m lift's sg? Tki Lrft forth with AVI-JOH * T* K?tp Me fret I nam Mm* prvwtnp cfclt^wi m p* m *? It'iMayto mm A VI-TON?and ; PrnfitnhU fhlflrilllj tiM Da on ln(| with AVI-TON The 97 Store Phone 4491 FARMVILLE SEPARATE PULLETS AND MALES EARLY When chicks are 5 to 6 weeks old, remove the male birds and place them in a separate enclosure, finish ing them off as broilers. Retain only those .cockerels needed for breeding purposes. Removal of the males gives pullets additional room and elimi nates crowding at the feed troughs. They will do better and the poultry raiser realises a saving in feed costs. Keep in your flocks of medium and heavy breeds only one male to every 15 females. For Leghorns and other light breeds the ratio should be about one rooster-to every 20 hena. Keep the best cockerels for breed ing. Here are some guide rules to follow: 1. High quality chicks are cheapest in the long run. 2. Look for good feathering. Mark all chicks which have long pin feath ers in their wipgs at hatching tune tail feathers at 10 days of i or tail feathers at 10 days of age. 3. Keep for later selection the lar gest cockerels at 8 to 12 weeks old. 4. Retain all cockerels that are free of standard disqualifications and have no body deformities. Look for points on the aides of comb and feath srs on shanks, toes and bdtvireen the toes. Get rid of any with these dias qualifications. Eliminate the runts and slow-feathering birds. When your pullet flock begins lay ing, do not house males and females together until the production of hatching eggs is started. It is best to^preduce market eggs which are in Adv. of The 97 Store. by Elder 'Creak Primitive which decaaaad waa a ?BWar Flyb aasirting. Burial we hia Mm. Ed Zdweids, of Edwards, Did you erer lhre in m oity thnn there were people,to be geeded T Well, we ondenUad then is each s iadodihg fo/< It of ^ m w f 1 k, .j ^ bowvmhcou j BMfcJ DBev PARAMOUNT THEATRE FARM?HXE. N. C. ? SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY # Added: Latest Newgh^Movietone Adventure HOURS PGR EYE EXAMINATION D>ily Wednesday 8:80 to 4:80 Until Noon DR. KENNESH L. WIGGINS OPTOMETRIST 109 H W. 4th Stwet, Gwxwrille, N. C. Upstairs > v Fhoaa 87T9 Eyes Examined -r- ? Glasses Fitted KkiiVui liiuH#n Ik m:* :?'? ? . $ PP0H -? ? i I .? ait - The welcome mat la oat::: ITS! The mm is a good one. Today's Ford bee iome new ftaturee,? , to seel V For one, a choice of ten I For another, a newly i