n. a Prim |1?3 Mot. 60c of Respect, Card, of Thanks and all Notice of En tertainment for 'profit will be charted for at the rate of t eenta per word. Cash to awwinpaiiy or der. Advertising rates will be fnrniah ed upon Published Second CUaa Mall Matter at the Poet Office at FbrmrilK N. C.. trader Act of March 3rd, 1378. HAPPY KNDING Washington has witnessed, during the last few days, a little drama I which epitomized some of the wont and some of the best of the America! | of 1947. The worst showed up in the Ameri can Anti-Communist Association's, effort to deny Henry A. Wallace, byl court injunction, the right to voice I his views on public questions in si public park. The best appeared in| the Justice Department's champion ing that right. I This newspaper has differed with! Mr. Wallace!* current views on! I foreign policy, and has questioned! the wisdom of a former Vice-Presi-I I dent debating the issue beyond the! I water's edge. But the Association's! claim that Mr. Wallace has attempt-! I ^ to "incite human emotion toward! riot and insurrection" is ridiculous onl | the face of it Nor have we seen convincing proof] I that the Southern Conference for! I Human Welfare which sponsored Mr.l Wallace's speech at the Water Gate! (theater is either "Communist" orl "Communist-front" What of it? Weeding out Com-I onanists and fellow travelers from! I Government positions of trust is one! I thing. Denying even the real radi-l | cals?let alone Henry Wallace?the! I right of peaceabla free sppech is a| | very dangerous somebiing else. But, we rejoice to say, the best in! I this drama outweighs the worst As! long as American citizens can behold! J their Attorney General defending be-| | fore a Federal court the right of al J speaker to attack in public the poli-| cies of the very Administration ofl I which that Attorney General is al I member, and can witness the court! I upholding that right, then democracy! in these United States is still pretty] healthy. Car Manufacturers Planning Changes For 1948 Model Most 1948 model automobiles still I are six months away, but specula-1 tion regarding their features already! is well under Way. The projected new Ford has! aroused more interest than other! makes, chiefly because Henry Ford! II recently declared it will be "<hf-| ferent from any Ford ever made." I Moat frequently heard forecai. about the Ford is that it will' be I completely different in "styling,"! with roomier interior, coil springs! in front and left springs in the rear.! It also has been predicted is some! sources that, in pressing the battle | with Chevrolet for top place in out-l put and sales, Ford will put greater! emphasis on the six cylinder engine,! although retaining the eight. I This speculation has brought no! confirmation or denial from the Ford| offices, which insist details will not is rr ^ **** ?truck " wffl be M indicate The new heating deviee, designea to kwp the en*ine *mb even whoa idle, still is reported to be under de velopment for several manufacturers but it may aot be ready for pas senger-car adaptation on the 1948 models. Heavier duty generators to meet increasing demands on the elec trical system and more convenience accessories are indicated. So far as new business is concern ed the car industry docs not need radically different new models to stimulate order accumulation. It hasj been said in some quarters that even if only another "face-lifting" opera tion were performed on the next I models, the manufacturers couldyseUJ all the cars they are likely to make | in IMS. .WM Republicans Finally Delving Into Causes Of Current Prices The Republican leadership in Con , gross is conducting hearings on an I issue lsden with political dynamite? [that of high prices. I ]t is an issue which- already has j |t< iched off sparks in an exchange I between Senator Robert A. Taft and [President Truman. , It is one with which Republican leaders have been chided as slow in I coming to grips. Some hint of the political issues involved in any discussion of prices came with the taunt of Senator] Francis J. Myers (D) of Pennsyl vania that Congress has done noth ing about prices while "endeavoring I to lower taxes for the rich and raise rents for the poor." Earlier in the month, Senator Taft had charged the Administration with abandoning efforts to keep prices down in favor of "heavy spending I abroad that will keep them up." The President retorted in an offi cial statement labeling Taft's "boom and bust" price doctrine as "falla cious and dangerous." He charged I that the Republican leader, in effect, I I was arguing that "the only way to I bring prices down is to reduce the j demand for goods." I Any investigation into the question of high prices opens the way for loud I I-told-you-so's from Administration I leaders who warned that premature lending of price controls would bring high prices. - j Prices have risen sharply since the ending of controls and the over-all I [ cost of living has climbed from a level of 133.3 in June, 1930, to 156.3 in March, 1947. Prices have remained high, al-1 though supplies <? in nearly all lines I today are plentiful. This is parti-1 cularly true in food. The wholesale food index moved up for the fourth consecutive week, ac cording to Dun and Brudstreet re cords. * , Meat, which is exceptionally high in price, is reported in plentiful sup-1 ply today, with 153 pounds per per-j son aval lab e this year. Doubtless those who wish to em barrass the Republican leadership will miss no opportunity to recall the assurances of a year ago from Re publican congressmen and industry that once meat and other products were in normal sufficiency, supply I and demand quickly would adjust! prices downward. Republican Senator Raymond A. Pa?dmln of Connecticut chided his party for not taking more vigorous action to dig into the causes of the continued high cost of living, said there was "little point in political recriminations at this time," and re minded Congress .that Republicans after witnessing the failure- of pries control and the necessity for a free eonomy had asured the people that decontrol would bring relief and nor mal conditions. "Now it is up to us," he said, "to NOTIO OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to ths provisions of (Jen em Statutes 180-87, tlie Board of Commssioners of the Tewn/of^rm ville, North Carolina, do herewith no tify ail -interested parties that the assessment roll for the paving im provements made within the City Limits of Farmville, North Carolina, during the years 1948 and 1947, has been completed and has been deposit ed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Farmville, North Cfcroilna, ajgn sad wltl do to pnoduce lower 17 on the necessities ourl ople now find it so difficult to | Fuel .Shortage Forecast si ifi. ' The mention on s day in Jane off such heat-producing items ss toalj and oil may have a cool reception. J But it's well to remembhr that June 1 doesn't last all year and that winter! lis ooming, however slowly. Spokes-1 men for the Coal and oil industries | Isay shortages of all kinds of fuel can j |be expected come cold weather. They urge householders to assure I their own comfort netft winter and at I I the same time aid the over-all supply I lby laying in stocks now. Besides I these good reasons for buying fuel] I early, another is the saving involved. ] ? Prices are expected to increase | I month by month as winter approach s. ? ' Even Miss Atlantic City in her] Iwildest dreams never imagined she] |could attract attention two miles] I away. But with the aid of gantron,] |a new, brigher-than-bright fabric,! I she and many others are sure tor do [ |just this. Straight fhom service in] lthe Signal Corps during the war) I when it was used for signaling and [ | direction markings, the fabric comes |in red, orange, yellow, blue and] | green. It is two to ten times as bril- ] | liant as ordinary textiles and has | I been made up in three .weaves^-taf-1 | feta, satin, and sharkskin. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Adminstra- [ | trix of the Estate of W. G. Gay, Jr., I late of Pitt County, North ' Carolina, f Jthis is to notify all persons having] ] claims against the Estate of the de- ] | ceased to exhibit -them to the under signed at Farmville, North Carolina,] on or before the 26th day of June,] ] 1948, or this notice will be pleaded | ] in bar of their recovery. All persons | | indebted to said Estate will please | | make -immediate settlement. This the 26 day of June, 1947. MRS. RUBY S. GAY, Administratrix of the Estate of | W. G. Gay, Jr., deceased | John B. Lewis, Atty. 27-61 ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL. IN ONE HOUR, I If not pleased, your 36c back at any | I drug store. TE-OL a STRONG fung licide, contains 90% alcohol. It pene Itrates . Reaches more germs to kill lthe itch. Today at /? CITY DRUG COMPANY | FOR SALE, WANTS," LOST, FOUND, ETC.1 | HOT- WEATHER IS HERE?Haw I your refrigerator checked and oil- [ ed. A stitch, in time saves nine. We] do it the expert way. GARNER 1 FURNITURE COMPANY. | WANTED?Fertiliser bags. We pay 10c egeh for burlap fertiliser bags and 6c each for white fertiliser bags. B. L. Lang, Farmville, N. C. ? \ . " :<?'?- 6-12t f | MRS. OPPIE L. WEST announces her temporary headquarters for ] NnBone corsets is Eureka, N. C.L Phone number soon. 27-1 p.l | SAVE YOUR BACK! Rent our Johnson's electric waxer and del do your own floors. $1.00 for the first day?50 cento each additional day- We have plenty of Johnson's Paste and Liquid in stock. GARNER FURNITURE CO. PANTED?Man or- woman to take cars of established customers in | Farmville and Greenville, average $45 weekly incomer No investment. Write J. R. Watkins Co, Dept, S S,| Richmond, Va. 6-4pl | JUST RECEIVED?Shipment of Duj pont and Trojan dusting powder' for roses. WESTERN AUTO ASSO CIATE STORE Farmville, N. C. | RADK) BATTERERS-We b^~*\ foday. WESTERN AUTO* A?| SOCIATK STORE. CORN! $1.60 per bushel *0 ?L..Vets To Terminal Leave The Pitt Veterans Service Officer, Arthur B. Corey, gives the informa tion that the Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946 gives the honorably dis charged veterans of the armed forces the right to apply for terminal leave pay for unused enlisted service pro viding he applies before September 1, 1947, the deadline for filing appli cations. 14,267,000 men and women are eligible to apply but approximately five million have not yet done 30. The right to file claim will be for feited unless these delinquents take Greenville,; I vice Officer at 200 Blount building in Greenville or from the poet office. ??? -? "I wish I had enough money to buy three ckjphantB.M ' ~ : "What do you want with three elephants ?" ?' "I don't; I just want Ufa' mmmm... - Canyon to where the mighty Colo rado River flowed. The guide told him it wa? a mile straight down. That nightie penned a card back home to his dad: "I spit a mile to day!" Farmville, N. C, June 25, 1947 Dear Dog Lovers: I have three beautiful Hack cocker spaniels puppies for sate. If in a dog you like expressive eyes, dependability of personality, an even disposition, a dog with pep, joyous response to con^nands, stamina, beauty externally and de votion internally, see them today. PricOd' reasonably. Sincerely, C. R. TOWNSEND ? No traipsing around to stores and offices when you pay bills by check the safe, systematic and sensible way to do business. PAY ALL YOUR BILLS WITH OHE TRIP TO THE NEAREST MAIL BOX INVEST IN . - Our friendly service in all financial matters will meet with your com plete satisfaction "SAVE TODAY for the things yon will want Tomorrow! SAVINGS BONDS 4 armvi ? . *'-h . ? ? ? ?"r * r; , ' VI Wkv bring it to us today for fcGi RELIABLE QUALITY Merchandise carefully selected to meet the exacting demands . FARMVILLE FUNERAL HOME - ..X. *" i? Pay Phone 888-1 ? Mr. Edwards 405-8 ? Night Phones ? Mr. Joyner 898-1 AMBULANCE SERVICE. VAN n If JUNE Van la a saw and different role with the screen's most lovabie girl! M-G-M'c ?draohu* fay tb* "Mutiny on th* Bounty". HSGH - A r (What* e*ecy tow"* draua ooSSTSS^" MITCHELL ? ^ MAXWELL HENIY HULL ? CLAUDE lAIMAN, Ir. Screen Play by Anne Maniaon ChapAn, Wbriftnld C end Cyril Hnme?Beeed on the novel by CherieeMordhi end lieee Norman Hell ? An M-G-H Plctnre Produced by EVERETT RISKIN ? n^b, JACK CONWAY PARAMOUNT THEATRE FARMVILLE. N. C. ? SUNDAY and MONDAY v ? Subscribe to THE ENTERPRISE and receive it Regularly ? The price is only $2.00 a year. RECORDS AND ALBUMS THAT WILL LAST FOREVER l /" SMOKE RINGS These Things Remind Me Of You?Benny Goodman My Reverie?Larry Clinton Once In A While ? Tommy Domey Moon Love?Sammy Kaye kitermezfco?Freddy Martin Ail Toe Things Ton Are? Artie ShAW - I Got It Bad Arid That Aint Good?Duke Ellington hat j'A Black Magic?Glenn Miller ' . .,WR Album $3.25 At* Maria Aafenthact -? . Marian Anderson ' Victor Record 12" Red Seal Price .. $1.08 Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life Indian Lore Call Jeanette Macdonald and Nel son Eddy Victor Recoit) 10" Red Seal Price , 82c Polonaise In A Flat, Op. M, No. 6 by Jose Iturbi Victor Record 12" Red Seal gjPriee : ...._ fl.Oe Melody Of Lore None Bat The Wayne Kin* ?* by Fraiddyn Victor Record ? AH My Love Keep SaiUni At Trouble A1 Jolson * 83c Tke Spaniard That Blighted My Life , A1 Jolson and Bing Crosby Dacca Specialty Record?$L88 ARTIE SHAW Frensi Begin The Star Dust Back Bay Shuffle /A Dancing In .The Dark Traffic Jam Moonglow Serenade To A Savage VICTOR Albup MJS RUSS GOLUMBO Call Me Darting Save The Last Dance For Me Sweet And Lovely Prisoner Of Love Paradise Goodnight Sweetheart Auf Wiedersehn, My Dear jS-j* ~ The Blue Of The -Night ii K?y?

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