BOOST PARMVILLE EVERY DAY! VOLUME THIRTY-EIGHT FABMVILLE, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1*47 ! GROWERS URGED ASSESSMENT ASMS Of WINNING ADDITIONAL SUPPORT M WASHINGTON I -< '? ? ?? " ? .... j ? ? *sjt |H Funds Will Be Used By Tobacco Associates To Bolster Exports Every flue-cured tobacco grower in thi? section whether landlord, tenant or share-cropper?has been urged to vote in Saturday's referendum. Famville growers may cast their ballots at Carl Tyson's office on East Wilson street. - c i. ? J Depending on foreign markets for 40 cents out of every dollar they eam from their leaf crop, North Carolina flue-cured tobacco growers will go to the polls tomorrow (Saturday, July 12) to decide wheth er or not to assess themselves ^10 cents an acre for the nest three years to promote export sales. The assessment referendum was authorised by the 1M7 General As sembly, and farm leaden throughout the State are urging growers to make it their business to vote in this significantly important election. At least a two-thirds majority of those voting must favor the assess ment before the money can be col lected annually for the yearn 194". 1948, and 1949. It is estimated Oat the cost to the average farmer will be only 45 cents a year. The money will be administered by Tobacco Associates, Inc., a non-profit organization made up of farmers and allied interests. Funds collected will be used to maintain, promote, and] develop foreign markets for flue-j cured tobacco. Unless the export market can be held, North Carolina growers will produce far more tobacco than can be used in the United States. The re sulting surplus would drive prices down, resulting m a serious disrup tion of the agricultural economy of uie onie. I "North Carolina growers have much at stake is the coming refer endum," Dr. I. 0. Schaub, director of the N. C. State College Agricultural Extension Service, said. "We pro duce annually more than two-thirds of the entire flue-cured crop. Of the $456,000,000 our leaf growers receiv ed, last year, $182,000,000 came from export sales." A large vote in the flue-atred to bacco referendum Saturday, Jhly 12, '"will show all tobaeeo interests that we really mean business in working out better living conditions for the farmers and their families," says J. H. Vaughn, Route S, Elm CSty, chair man of the board of directors of To bacco Associates, a non-profit organi zation formed to protect and expend exports of "The Golden Leaf-" - The referendum will give all flue cured growers in North and South Carolina a chance to veto on the question of assessing themselves ID cents per acre to maintain and en large acreage. Last year American flpe-cured tobacco bought by foreign countries meant a return of $900 par acre, or a total of about $1',000, to the. average farmer. "We have no doubt as to the out come of the referendum," Vaughn sap*. "We only hope every flue outed producer who possibly can-will get out and vote." Vaughn is s widely-known Mesh county official and spends all the time he can spare from his 160-acre farm on the Tobacco Associates pro . WHITFIELD w- r'i. ? ?abrvicaa for Jo* Whitfield, known farmer of Farmville at Kin home about 10 p. m Tuesday night, July 1, after being fa held hvta the Seren Springe Metho diat Church Thunder at 4 p. m. Tlw ? Kev. R. N. FKU, aeetsta* hf Tomorrow Is The IMPORTANT Day J. H. Vaughn of Elm City, route 8, points to the day when flue-cdred tobacco growers will decide whether they are willing to asseBs themselves 10 cents an acre to promote export markets. A big; vote will convince national authorities that the growers are in earnest about meeting and solving the crisis. Farmville School Faculty Completed; Classes Begin Aug. 27 John Lewis Johnson Of Raleigh, Brother Of BCTC Coach. Will Teach Social Science And Direct Athletic Program Members of the Farmville school hung out the "no vacancy" sign sev eral days agtrms they completed the list of appointments to the local fa culty by naming John Lewis Johnson of Raleigh to the position of athletic director and instructor of nwciyi sciences, and elected Miss Margaret I^wis of Betvoir as a member of the primary school faculty. Miss Lewis was appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resigna tion of Mrs. Berkley Rutledge of Ay den, whose resignation was tendered a few weeks ago. . A graduate of E. C. T. C. in the class of 1947, Lewis this summer is directijig a re creation program for primary-age children at the Free Will Baptist Or phanage at Middlesex. Mr. Johnson, whose brother, James Johnson, is coach at K.C. T. C., also attended the Greenville institution and graduated in .1946. Last year he taught at Central high schoolin Cumberland county and this summer is taking work on his master's degree f in Greenville. Next summer, he willl direct the town's recreation program,I funds for which were recently voted! by the Board of Commissioners as a I supplement for the coach's salary. I Sam D. Bvndy, superintendent ofl the school, hopes that Mr. Johnson's! stpdies at E. C. T. C. will be com-1 Pleted in time for him to .report herel one week .before the regular school f term begins August 27. E. P. Bass has already assumed his| unties as instructor of vocational i riculture. Mr. a native Wayne county, attended Roeewoodl high school and was graduated froml StSte college in 1980. He taught fori three yean at Floyd's high school South Carolina and then put in yean at Fair Blftff, in this For the past two fears he ?erving as conservationist in teret county with the soil conserve tion service. His wife is the Mas Haliie Covington of B_? They have two. sens, Eddie, 10, , Bobbie, 2. Local school officials ?eeking to secure permission for family to move into the Bell Arthur until Alb., Due to Committees Named For Rotary Club By President Monk James l. &umic, who last week took over as president of the Farnf ville Rotary club, has announced the following committee appointments: (the first-named on each commitee is the chairman) ; r, __ dub Service?T. E. Joyner, Jr., P. E. Janes, A. J. Flanagan, J. B. Lewis, E. N. Warren. Vocational Service?P. K. Ewell, C. E. Fitzgerald, W. C. Wootesn, Geo. Creekmur, T. E. Joyner, Sr. Community Service ? George W. Davis, C. H. Flanagan, M. V. Jones, M. L. Eason. International Service ? Manly Liles, W. J. Moye, CfM. Paylor, T. R. Mizelle. Classification*?P. E. Jones, C. J. Rasberry, R. D. Rouse. ^ ' Youth Service?J. M. Mewborn, W. M. Willis, G. W. Diavis, P. K. Ewell. Public Information?C. L. Lang ley, L? E. Walston, G. A. Rouse. Fellowship and Attendance?A. - J. Flanagan, W. H. Fisher, R. N. Free Student Loan?W. B. Jones, R. L. Rollins, John StansilL Sergeant at arms?Joe Joyner, C. L. Eason, Dewey Fuquay. Program?E. it. Warren, M. W. Rollins, F. G. Dupree. v Induction?J I. .Morgan, Jr., W^gp McAdams, R. A. Joyner. Flood?W. J. Rasberry, F. A. Wil liams, p.G-Spbll. , . FAMILY REUNION 1 Mr. and Mm. Roy Bowling honor ed members of their families at' a reunion dinner held at their home Sunday. Barbecue, sla^r, ham, chicken salad, potato salad, pickles, bread, cake aqd tea were served pic nic style outdoors. Those attending included Mrs. J/E. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ross and children, Durham; Miss Iillie Bowling and Tom- WHlis Bowling, Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Alton Woot ena, Stantonsburg; Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bowling, Elm City; Mrs. Ben Pitt and son, Billy, Anetops; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Baker and children, Mar Ben Bundy and Earl EHis, Fountain; Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy New ton and daughter, Ann, &oldsborv; Mrs. Raymond Emory an?*bhildren, Phoenixville, Pa.; Mr. and Mis. Mack Bowling,' Charleston, S. C.; Mr. and ? 'Mrs. B. O. Taylor, Mrs. W. A. "Hob ood, Mr. and Mrs George Robert >'Mucks and children. Craig Harris 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy BowKng and mm, Roy Thomas, Farmvilie. . CHRISTIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL ,, WILL HAVE PICNIC .TODAY of mm mpmm ? Pitt County Board of ^ Monday voted tit J ?lection for citizens of the county to decide the fate of a proposal to fe rae 1861,000 in bond* for the con struction of a $900,000 hospital. The remainder -of the funds will be fur nished J?y State and Federal agencies under recent appropriation bills. No date hasbeen eet for the efecttem ?*1 An effort will be made, if the bond election id passed, to haws the hospital located in or near Fammile. Activities Of Local Church Organizations Bap t is t Mrs. LeRoy Rollins and Kn. John B. Joyner spoke about the Chjtaeae at the Woman's Missionary society which mpt Monday afternoon in- the. church assembly room. In giving an account of her trip to San Francis co's Chinatown, Mrs.. Rollins describ ed the Jon house in which is located a Chinese temple where the life his tory o^ Confucius is portrayed. There is evidence that superstitution pre vails in the temple. One of the Chin ese oddities, which the speaker view ed is the telephone exchange where' the listings are by name only; no numbers are uaed. "f - . The devotional taken from Psalm 96 was given by Mrs. Gordon Lee; Mm. E. W. Holmes led tfee opening prayer. "Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling," the theme hymn, was sung. The president, Mrs. J. R. Shearin,-ex tended a cordial welcome to a new member, Mrs. Walter Jones. After the business session a social hour-was held with Mrs. Dameron Fields, Miss Mamie Davis and Mrs. C. L. Beaman as hostesses. A 'fruit .drink, cookies, crax and ritz were served. A round table dicussion about the Kkdgecrest conference was led by the members who attended at the Y. W. A. meeting, Monday evening. Mrs. Herbert Moore was- the devotional leader. Mrs. Marvin _ Speight, hostess, served a frozen fcait salad ami crackers to 12 members' and a guest, Mrs, Beasley Bailey. ~ " Using Psalm 19, Mrs. Floyd Rouse gave the devotional at the Annie Per kins circle held in the Baptist church Tuesday evening. Mrs. Robert Joy ner presided- in the absence of the chairman, Miss Ajwie Perkins. Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins, who was presented by ths program leader, Mrs. Joseph Bctchelsr, talked about Chinatown in Ran Francisco. A sweet course was sewed by the hostesses, Mrs. J H. Moore and Mrs. R. I* Manning, in the social period. Christian I "Come Thou AlndghJy King" was used as the opening Hymn at the Woman's Council which waa presided over by Mrs. Ted Albritton who an nounced that the local council made the hohor rpll for the past year and who explained the chart showing the source of the missionary dollar and how it Is divided. The' program was made up of the reading of a letter from Lois Anna Eli by Mrs. Jack Smith, and a talk on evangelism in Bible times by Mrs. Lee Corbett and another talk about unevangelized areas by Mrs. L. E. Turnage. , "Wells of Living Water" was the devotional theme presented by Mrs. L. E. Turnage and Mrs. Flave Dard The Episcopal auxiliary held its July meeting with Mrs. R. S Scott Monday afternoon. Miss Helen Smith, president, read a scriptural reference dealing with lepers, which is the summer study for the grotlp. Mrs. G. Alex Bouse reported that a box of clothing had been shipped overseas rid she, lira. John D Dixon hnd lira. R. C. Copenhaver westf appoint ed to pack mother box. Miss Smith, read a note from Mrs, C.'S. Hetchkias, and gave a report on the adult conference at 'Gamp Leach Milch she recently attended. The program chairman, Mrs Jack Lewis, presented Mrs. W. Jesse Moye, who reviewed the^lpok, "Who Walk Alone" by Perry Bugen, Joe It 1 'M Register ot ty, will relinquish office July IK take over the Jab pervisor and collector. Frlendi of My.- Jdywr throughout the county are pleaeo* that the Board >f Commissioners singled him out Mr the appointment They fident that he will fill the position with credit to himself and the coun mm A veteran of four years' service in the Marine Corps, ?d the Tfeivenrity of North Carolina and went an active doty June 21, He wan..wieeesd in " ber, 1246, ami appointed Register of Deeds one year later, k Succeeding Mr. Joyner ae of Deeds will be Charles P. GnsUns of Greenville, sell of the lata Claude GaskinS, who served for several years in the office to- which his son has been annotated. L The foiling excerpt was taken from the minntea of the board's meeting Monday: ?%egi*faitiflM baring, been held with Mr. JL D. Joyner, in which tion having been.made of the fine work done by Ha ter of Deeds, and hi which the Board felt the need of the type eervicea ta the Tax Department of Pitt County such as Mr. Joyner has rendered ss Register of Deado, Mr. Joyner was offend the position as Tex Super visor and Collector of Pitt-County, and after due consideration decided to accept the reme and "offered his resignation an Register of Deads sf fetive July 16, 1*47, so that he might enter into his new duties. The Board specifically commended theft done by Mr. Joyner and feele warp] fortunate in securing hie services in the 'tax "Motion was therefore made by G. H. PSttman, and secowdsd by J. Vance Perkins, that J. D. Joyner be ap* printed Tax Supervisor and Collector of Pitt County. The motion carried unanimously." f: ; . '11 i i At The Kiwanis Club . 1' i Rev. C. W. Riggs, pastor of the Goldsboro Christian Church, called on the people of America to think "before it is too late" as 1m toM the Flrmville Kiwanis club Monday night that this is an age of optimism, opportunity and oppression. The guest of Ted: Albrit&on, Rev. Riggs declared that .the conditions of Ger many, Japan and Spain is a~ result of sot thinking on the part of the people. He pcefaoed his address with the statement duct he had a deep re spect for the spirit of such civic ch*a as Kiwahis, evidenced by the fact that he had a perfect attendance re cord for 15 years in Rotary. The pastor's talk showed that he was well versed, had traveled widely and wad deeply concerned ever conditieM which face America today.. Two visiting Kiwaniens were pres ent: Dr. John Barrett of Greenville and Roland Modlin of - Washington. Ernest Petteway had as his guest a brother-in-law, Ralph Stone of San Bernardino, Calif. BUI Candler of the Fannville Auto Saba Co., Inc., was the guest of Larry Taylor, and E. P. Bmp, new agriculture teacher, was. the guest of Sam Bandy. LeRoy Rollins, program 1 siribed some of the cities be visited on his wpy to and from the Rotary International convention in Loe An geles and gave a brief report on Mm convention at the Rotary club meet Tuesday Marvin Jo, I BBt RolfirriAM ' fM was |j)n Baltimore, no., wm wb of Marrin Jones and Dr. Paul ?. .1" Wffl Vote Issw Lewia, TWwn ?M. Osxaty Bl^Ogas A request that Tarmville sehool district be allowed to hold a specikl election this fill on the issuance of HtXMWO in bonds f&r educational pur poses was approved Mbndsy bp the Pitt I ? Board ?? John B. Lewis, chairman ef the loeal executives and mkter whicK tk^ petition for li|j| ? Wi? - nHRIB. - thit th? election be heW Saturday, October 1A llifi aaiiia dste thai votes* in the Aatrfet will paee- o? i> propoe al to 1wy-. a 16 ewet tax for the tovy ire besHjr here and a major part of the 6Mp| i been ^ear-mashed far project. needed for the ~L"~ "?*' R?T Vdemnn. t liTfcfT'imh ""li ii xbmI juBwlB vOrni Wm- DOtPQ that, in his. opinion, an iarao of the he financed by ? by <? dm beginning in 1961, by whieh time the-diatriet will have cleared fcself of other indebtedness. Town Pay F<w AH Workers Effective July If A flat 10 per oust for all workers of the teem employed en weekly or monthly basis was grofted by the Board of Commiaaionen Monday night, The increases become affec tive July 1?,. The iacraaae will cost the town about 63,900. To hare granted the iaesaaae.fer the entire 12 months would have cost $8,090. The increases were provided for in the tentative budget which called for a tax rate of $1.3$. The badgpt hah not yet been ap F&mt Trwningr Agriculture Teacher ma .?? ??? ?&*. -. enm ii being plaunsi for ParoviUe high- school bet it wili to January 1 before the program can actually get underway, according to went by E. P. Baas, teacher of w rational mrrimltnT#,* rr v cational agriculture. V This will to the same type of pro gram that ia now being, carried on at other schools and is one phase of the "GIH training program support ed by the Vetemns Aduunistratfcnin cooperation with the State Dbpart meat of Vocational Education, Mr. Baas added. - - V ^ PPIVmI ml{ pSlTVQ'M te rested in tion shook] get in touch with to Base at Ms office in the Agricultu ral Building, Ffcrmville. Office g Monday, Wednesday Mid i T'n jp i i .11 i. BLACK SHANK REPORTED , 1 ON SEVEN GREENE FARMS 101 oa seem foass ia On and year that the has been found in Jtooa with black shank infoe W. S. Stroud, route 4; C. Darden, h a. a John I* .itM' A of the Bpsnl ' tiw ^ *&&&*' *? *-*$} > . ^'.- ? ? . tod against th? cornet, Tehta GtoA Cleveland M. Payior to tki#?MkMftw to ?n ?-i Inftil egeluali each tract. Maw 4m, will pfr pa>a01e at mMl* ? of NX per cant. It haa tod 1*1* moat of ?SH twM paying interest and teffl settle with the town Mow tto inwreM wjfiM. Jtropwry (mflm, ur terest in not lea than 10 anmud wilt | of 1 in properties to ?f woA required 1m ? block, Prepeaty Pitt stneta, where the fpot is SI .8108. hit Will be the c Pine street, rett, whan the coat ' M, " 4? decimal ptoses to The coato pes font levied property owners on ead Ptee From George to Barrett to FieMe, "fe.40WOO; MM AM- M?v fcr. 4 to May, I2.8H6M; Kay to $&41*100. ' - n|44 W? ^ fei!5 '?#?? oRW |2.1lSu?fa!^toTra^n, 9M1 . .:.i *?!???? to"? , ..?; From Church to Witaon, $181; From kato to Walnut, $2J0881; Walnut to George, $U*W6. $2.26; Lang IMP; B? to k to $ltti; RaBmalfto "? >??"? v ,"e ?M ? a 1 >^e 1 wet r* ? -: ?? ' From Home to GximaembuK, $U?j Grimmeraburg to WUeon. $2.16; Ouftch to jpjjfcon, $2.21; Pine to Ohuidb $?$* ? ? ? - -1 iwi r_ ??? " ? ? qimgi From Pine to Church, $2.18; Ghneh to Wilaon; $120; Wflerni to richer, $2JO; Belabor to Home, Prom Greene to ' Weverly to Pitt, f3M. CI A A. ?PVHIHIHIP MBMMWrrV ?& From GrimmenbniY to" *2M} Borne to! end of street, * ElillllflH

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