BOOST FARMVILLE EVERY DAY1 T BOOST FARMYELLE EVERY DAY! VOLUMJS PARWJLIjK, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1947 NUMBER THIRTY TYSON-MAY DESCENDANTS GATHERED HERE FRIDAY (By Eva Horton Boom) The holiday spirit and ultimate purpose of Thanksgiving Day, the reunion of families for Thanksgiving to God, was extended in Farmville as usual this year, and Friday, Novem ber 28, was included in its obser vance by scores of descend ants of the pioneer families of the Tysons and Mays, Who came here from all over North Carolina and from other states to join kindred here for their annual meetihg, held in the D. A. R. chapter house, which featured the younger generation in the keynote speech of the occasion delivered in an impres sive manner by Dr. Harold J.-Dud ley, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Wilson, end s youth lender, subject was "Our Descend Dr. Dudley stated that he had giv en a great deal of .time and thought to' the subject assigned him, due to the fact that he wanted to be able to advise, the parents in his audience of the most important thing, "the best thing," as he said, "in the whole universe that you can give to your children." Taking the oft quoted expression of parents, "I do not want my chil dren to have to work as hard as I have," the speaker warned that "leisure time is fraught with the gravest of dangers," and pleaded for the provision of proper occupation and recreation for the physical arid mental development of youth. With the quotation, "The love of money is the root of evil," the speak er proved that while financial inde pendence may be desired by parents for their children, it does not bring happiness in its wake. ' Searching diligently in his quest for something of real value for par ents to bequeath to their descend ants, Dr. Dudley discovered it in a story, "The Tenth Generation" by a Southern writer, Harry Stillwell Ed wards, which is ah account of an in terview between an elderly lawyer and a multi-millionaire, sought by the latter, who wished to be advised as to what he could do to protect his heirs coming ten years hence from the viaaaitudee of life and to spare them the hardships he had under gone. A sketch of his life -revealed he was himself the product of for 250 years or ten had 1024 ancestors. In calling attention to this feet, the lawyer pointed out to the multimil lionaire that his unborn heir of .2127 A. D. would have the blood of the of ancestors flowing in Telling his inquirer the story of a young man on death row, Billy, the Rat. who was descended from several generations of degea rates, the barrister declared that Christian Education, which elevates each generation' as it rises, would be the one chance he would have to en dow his heir with happiness, elimi nate the possibility of reproducing a! Billy the Rat, sad as s means of liilnilac J?>us back to earth. Comparing Christian Education with Education in a general sense, the speaker pointed out that the lat ter east be had in a heathen country be used to train up clever as exemplified by the Nazis ader Hitler's regime. He dosed with en appeal for the twee of Christian Education aa the best investment, s de pagan philosophy and of democracy. "As an in ," Dr. Dudley declared, "it tsthod of produe and the only solu of the world to . This atom will AhH kindle our friendship, tov tor the gsnerosity __j Mrs I ily in this eansetwn. Mr.?d Mrs A. G Monk, Ss, were presented at | this time by the reunion Pr*^*lt" The Alabama U&awotnen, together with a companion, Mi* Bell, were warmly received?Mrs. Harris, aa the speaker who narrated the story of her grandfather's change ofreai dence from Pitt county ^ Alabama after the War between the States, and Mrs. Martin, as the historian of the Tyson family. The reunion pledged ita cooperation m this con nection. Mrs. Martin, who had traveled from Birmingham to New York, to Williamsburg, Va., to Ra leigh and on to Farmville to attend the reunion, was recipient ofthe cor sage offered by the FWrmrille Flower Shop in a distance contest Mrs. G. Ale* Rouse introduce*! toe Alabama guests. ^ Adding a delightful variety tcNhe program were original poems read by Mrs. Jsnie Tyson Hall, of Green ville, and musical selections by Rosemary Holmes, soloist, ^Donald Bauctmi, pianist Mrs. E. W. Hefass was accompanist for her daughter and for the songs sung by the as *Tte1tov. B. W. Holnys conducted | the impressive memorial service. In a business session, held priorto adjournment, Miss Mary Thome Ty son was reelected secretary tfeor surer. The 1st vice president, C. v. Cannon, of Ayden, who will preside next year, and Mrp. C. H. Mozingo, who succeeds him, were presented and spoke briefly A' large number of teen-agers ac cepted the invitation to attend this meeting and were honored as guests. Misses EJsie May and Sally Tyson, Jack Tnraage and Preston Murphrey, Jr., served as pages. In the heirloom exhibit, of which Miss Elisabeth May was in charge, the bar pin, of antique design, offer ed as a prise by Robert's Jewelry for the most unusual piece of jewelry* ( was "won by Mrs. Preston Murphrjl who had on display a hair Watch chain made for her gmnd^nother, Mrs. Sarah Hoor Carr, prior to 186", by a German jeweler in Baltimore, Md. The silver bod vase, offered by I). R. Morgan's Jewelry Store for the most unusual piece of china or glass, was awarded Donald Baucom by the judges for his amber thousand eye hobnail glass water set, a wedding gift of his grandmother, Mrs. W. A. Pollard, Sr. . t . . A basket dinner was enjoyed at in the banquet room of the chapter house of the Daughters of the American Revolution, which hears the name of an ilhjstrioua an cestor, Major Benjamin May. Deco rations for this occasion were pyra canthia berries, forest greens, ? chry santhemums and scarlet sage. The building, "of a chaste beauty, as aptly described by a gnspt, is situ ated on lands originally held by the Major and given for this purpose by his descendants. The sits proper sad the building fund, to gether with the recently erected wrought iron fence and the gateway marker was s gift of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Sr. Mrs. Monk, the former Miss Lady Tornage, ber ant, as are other donors of grounds, Mrs, Travis Hooter, of | Greenville, formerly Miss lean. May, and Miss Tsbitha M. groat great granddaughters of Major | Major May married _Mary Tyson, daughter of Cornelius Tyson, and it was on the occasion of the celebrs^ lion of the l?7th anniversary of toe union of these two pkmeeT that the descendants ^Jogethw "? Junior Chamber Of .Commerce Here day Night of This Wo* with Election of Directors and Vfco President Started several weeks ago when 'a group from Wilson met with several Farmville young J. T. Windham, the. i ganide a Junior where the ing growing pair sponsor projects the community. Meeting last Tuesday night in the town hall, approximately 15 men, who formed the nucelous of the unit, elected temporary officers sad made plans to complete the roster at a; meeting held Thursday night ef this week at the same place. All of the officers elected so fa?-are temporary.. They are: pieeldent, W. T. (Bill) Gaudier; secretary and treasurer, D. Emerson Smith. A temporary vice president and four members of the board of directors are dated for elec tion this week. ^ Attending the organisational matt ing from Wilson were Leslie Futreil, president of the Wilson club, and Bill Redding, executive vice president of the Eastern North Carolina Jun ior Chamber. Activities Of Local Church Organisations ? ~ Catholic Sunday at St Elizabeth's Church the mass of the-first Sunday of Ad vent was celebrated. It was the be ginning of a new church year. Father Loyola CLeery spoke on the histori cal background of these four weeks. Last Wednesday evening the monthly meeting of St Elizabeth's Altar Guild was held In the rectory with Miss Aim Nichola, hostess. The preparing of the altar for Christmas was discussfd. This year the mid night mass "cum Jubilo" will be sung by the young'ladies of the parish un der the direction of Miss Helen Rouse. Mza. J. W. Hardy has pre sented to the church s beautifully woven altar cloth, which will be used for the first time on Christmas. Thursday evening the monthly Novena in honor of the 3acrad Heart aas held. The weekly instructions for the young people of the parish were re sumed this week following Thanks giving holiday. Mrs. L. P. Thomas and lbs. Sam Lewis were hostesses to the Work er's Council of the Sunday School at the home of lbs. Lewis Monday R. A. Joyner was in charge of the devotional. The teachers and department heads decided to have the annual Christmas party December 22 from 7 to 8 o'clock in the basement of the church. Plans wen made to bold a whits' Christmas service to which the community is invited Dec. 21 at 5 o'clock in the church. A spe cial program is planned for theum- ' Strawberry short cake, cheese straws and coffee wen served by the hostesses. GIRL SCOUTS Jane Joyner opened the Brownies' meeting with the ceremony after which Mrs. H. D. Johnson, leader, asked each member to bring cloth ing to the- next meeting for a friend ship kit which will be assembled at that time. ^ Names were drawn and plans were made for a Christmas party which will be held December 17. At the Close of the meeting the hostesses, Brenda Barrett, Betsy Ana King and Marion Pickett, serred pep si colas and RamAV* uClllvft . p-ra (Frou Norfolk Virginian-Pilot) The Norfolk Southern Railway comP*n5r *? preparing aa application to- the North Carolina Utilities Com mission tor authority to PMaangar eerrice on its Norfolk ? 'HZ.0** 1 ?ad *>' wWA? I mntod, will remove the road's last ??stigs of personal travel accommo dations for the public. Tfcs announcement, which came from the company's executive de partment here, emphasised that tire application is - m?d? w.?.. ?? the tremendous jk^aea being incurred in providing paremgi i service, but pointed out that the regular sche dules of the two train* would not be iMfdy disturbed, so far as the hand Hug of mail and express is concern ed. A movement looking toward aban donment of the two train*?includ ing not only passssger, but mail and express service?was initiated last spring, but waa abandoned when the new management took over and an nounced that the projects would be considered further. The posting of notices of the road's proposal brought forth protests from the com munities and railway unions in volved. A spokesman for the road said the application also seaka authority to discontinue the operation of the two train* on Sunday, and pointed out thiifc it his not "been customary to handle express on that day . As for the movement of mall on Sunday, he added, adequate arrangements wiQ be made by the Post Office Depart ment It was also aanouneed that the nec essary procedure through the Vir ginia Stats Corporation Commission for discontinuing passenger " service to Virginia oommunities on the Nor folk-Southern run wiH be undertaken shortly. I Company officials have posted no tices in the North Cksolina communi ties affected as to the road's appli eatioh to the ntilitiee commission. Under North Carolina statutes, audi notices must bepreSe^lO dayg^ before called if snjr concerted protest is made to the commission. "Our final derision," a road com pany spokesman said, "was that it would be economically ' impractical to continue this last passenger ser vice considering that such trevel has declined almost to the vanishing point and is continuing to fall off. Local passenger trains, so far as our road is concerned, have served their day. Buses, private automobiles and airplanes have put them out of buSi ?s." rhe two schedules Slow include 24 pilar and IS "flag" stops in each notion. Their abandonment, se tting to the company spokesman, 111 not only result in a consider le saving but will make available r the commercial- market quite a mber of properties used exchnvely r passenger stations." The dis tet between the two terminals is ) miles, and the run, in each direc n, is made in approximately eight ore. it was pointed out that all the nniTmltias served have auxiliary ? or other passenger facilities, and few are touched by commercial air (Editor's note: It is not expected st the application will be protested ' local interests, since the proposal ill in so way affect the handling t sprees or mail, except on 8un y. Farmville citizens last spring otested the original application for itbority to remove the trains alto ither.) Meet In Ayden Next FinviDe Men Choeen As Pres ident and Vice President for Another Year; Mrs. Craft ~ 3BH I ?h3is Approximately ' 160 represented SO of the 26 churches la Hookerton Union met in the Farm vffle Christian Church last Saturday for their regular'quarterly session. Rev. Z. B. T. Cox, pastor of the fo cal church, was re-elected as presi of the union and Sam D. Bundy, it of Urn local Sunday School, was picked to term as vice president. Mrs. A. J. Craft of WalstonburK was elected secretary. The union embraces all Christian in Pitt Greene and Lenoir It will hold its next meet ing, Feb. 29, in Ayden. At The Rotary Qnb The Rotary Club was fortunate to have Lieut-Gov. "Stag" Rallentine of Raleigh aa guest speaker. He was presented by Robert Rcmse, who was In charge of the program. , Lt-Gov.' Ballentine spoke on load, state, national and international af fairs and the part all civic _ Lions play in national affairs. He pointed out we are now in a period of time when boys and girls have to specialize in a chosen pro He also stated that the fisnnen of Easternffoith Carolina, by diversi fying their crops and raising more pain, cattle-end hogs for sale, would not have to depend so much on to bacco end cotton as money crops. ? J. T. Monk drew the attendance irish. H Visitors besides Lt-Gov, Ballentine vera Eddie Bess, Alonso Edwards, Rookertod, Harry Montgomery, Ra leigh, Sheriff Ruel Tyson and Doc Borne, Greenville. FUTURE HOMEMAKBRS ? Hie first meeting of the -Future Romemakers of America was called to order by the local chairman, Miss Ruth Parker, who is teacher in the home economics department She presided over the meetinr until the election of the president - Officers elected were as follows: president, Susie Moseley; vice preai ient, Grace Brock; secretary, Jean Flora; reporter, Jennie Murphy; and long leader, Sally Tyson. A committee to draw up . a consti tution for the club was appointed by die president. It is composed of Marie Tyndall, Elisabeth Nanney and Basel Pierce, the latter being chair nan. . ? - : ? V i.i 4-H CORN CHAMPION Carson Harrison, a member of the Snow Hill 4-H Club in Creese co-rn ty, has produced 181 burfheb of corn an acre to become the 4-H corn champion for North Carolina. For his outstanding work, Carson has received a trip to the National 4-H dub Congress in Chicago. "He is attending the congress this week a long with 25 other 4-H winners from North Carolina. His expense free trip is sponsored by the Plant Food Institute of North Carolina. " ' PITT FARMERS ELECT SOIL CONSERVATION I SUPERVISORS Tins WEEK , Supervisors of the Coastal Plains Soil Conservation district, of which Pitt county is s part, are being elect ed this week by fanners voting by secret ballots at pwiling pieces in all sections of the county- Tomorrow is the final day farmers will be allow ed to vote. County Agent S. C. Winchester explains that in ^years past each county in the soil conservation dis trict has had one supervisor but the 1947 General Assembly increased the number to three county.. The chairman of 1 supervisors will serve on the District Soil Conservation Supervisors Com mittee. Pulling places have been designat ed as follows: The Ttfrnage Company?Farmville. K. R. Woo ten's store?Falkland. J-B Electric company, Fountain. FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. John L. Price, Jr., entertained at a four course turkey dinner at their home in Jackson Thanksgiving day honoring Mrs. Price's family. Mrs. Price is the former Miss Effie Lewis of ftpn ville. . .'%M %, > Quests present were Mr. and Mrs. ikpbie Speight and daugther, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gay and family, Mr. and lbs. Earl Bagtey and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis and daughter, Lou Taylor, Mrs. Bay Smith and Mrs. Etta Mewborn, all of Farmville; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Modlin and family of Portsmouth, Va., and Miss Dorothy Lewis of Wilmington. Parade at 5 O'clock in Afternoon Wffl Feature Op ?dag; Stores Stocked With Santa Clsus, the jolly old l'ellow toward whom most of the world to now turning its attention, will vtoit Farmville next Wednesday afternoon and will be the moot important per sonage in the parade which will for mally usher in the 1947 Christmas season. * jc Plans for the event were discussed Tuesday afternoon at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cham ber of Commerce. Enough laurel to decorate Main and Wilson streets has been ordered and should be ready for the .occasion. Most of the merchants have dressed their storm and win dows in anticipation of the vtoit. Local stores are making a bid this year for trade wlBch, tofore, for no reason at all, going to other towns. The report that'they have good stocks of new merchandise ready for the thrifty Christmas shopper. Many items are on display for the first time since before the war. v Santa is scheduled to make his ap pearance- on Farmville streets at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. He probably will be ushered into town on the fire truck or some other Suitable convey anice for a man of hie importance. Merchants are azudous to have as many people as possible, old as well as young, view* the parade and help give the good fellow the kind of welcome he deservm. - Unices plans are changed, atone will continue to operate on their reg ular schedules' until Saturday, Dee. 20, at which time they will go on a schedule keeping them open even ings during the remaining shopping days. They will be open evenings on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday before Christmas. Storm will observe two days for Christmas holidays?Dec. 25 and 96. Holidays are set forth in by-laWe of the merchants association. FARMVILLE TEAMS WIN TWICE FROM BELL ARTHUR The FarnrviUe girts played their first game of the season here Teas day night, defeating the Arthur girls by the narrow margin of 20 to 18, with Arthur trailing all the way. High scorers were Faye Corbett and Jean Baker, with seven points each. Jean Bynum with four points and Joyce Corbett with two trailed them. Outstanding for Farmvilie guards were Grace Brock, Jennie. Murphy and Gaye Pippin. Hie girts are fielding an entirely new team with the exception of Faye Corbett Coach of the team is John Dunn. High scorers for Arthur were Ann Crawford with 10 points and Jean Crawford with six points. The re mainder of the line-up is Bills Johnson, Lola Grey Keshp, Dot Hath away, Pat Corbett and Connie Rol lins. -A The Farmville boys defeated Ar thur boys Tuesday night in their first game of the season. Hie Arth ur team lead with a score of 11 to * at the half. Although the scores were close, Farmville made great progress to defeat the opposing team in the last quarter and won with a final score of 81 to 22. High scorers were Sidney Germway with 12, Ed ward Allen with 10, Johnnie Barrett with seven and Dewey Hathaway, two. The remainder of the Farmville line up was: Dan Satterthwaite, Wil bur Bewsstt, Alan Parker, George Stroud, Ernest Ifqejon, Frank Du pree, Carson Wipdlnm and Pari and Windham. Coach of the boys' team is John L. Johnson. On the Arthur Karl Sutton with W. M. Stocks with five were the high MBS. NANCY A. EVANS Mrm. Nancy Aim Evana, M, vidow of John Ever# Evana; diod at tha home of ? granddaughter In Wilaon itiXHSKD THE SCENES with Howard Lindsay V HOLD THESE TRUTHS SUNW^ D*C8A&?R.7,| WE R01&TWJI TWIIlS" | L B( MA*t> OVf R Delightful Christmas Dinner Edmund Harding of Washington, H become almost as permau it part of Fannvilla civic clubs' Nights as Mm. Flowers' e dinners, delighted Kiwaniaas tad their ladies Wednesday night at the dub's annual celebration. Mr. Harding, one of North Caro ina's better known humorists, 3nought ware after wave of laugh ter from bis listeners as he used wmerourf Jokes inni Anecdotes to un* phssise the important things to gain from Christmas. The gayness of the occasion wm marred somewhat by the feet that Preeident Alex Allen had been call ed away on account of the sesious IHtiess of a relative and that Mrs. J. W. Joyiur, the club's "sweetheart" " " " ni at Duke hospital. From President Alas, randum pad, all with the Kiwaois emblem, to the ladles. Group singing was led by Bar. Holmes. Miss Selita Tucker sang three solos as she aided the Kiwaais in making the evening a successful one. GIRL SCOUTS Ann Morgan was chosen troop leader in the quarterly election held by Tnxjp 4 Tuesday afternoon. Other new officers include Sybil Grumpier, Secretary; fint? Flanapm treasurer; Jane Russell, deer patrol leader; Ana Murphy, dogwood patrol leader, and Mary Ellen Dsdl, clover leader.

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