IN RE: WILLIAM FRED YYNDALL, District < Np. 784 Under and pursuant to an order issued by Hon. Cheshire, Jr.; U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy, the Trustee will on _ ^ - ( ? Beginning at 10:00 o'clock A. M. offer for sale to the loftiest bidder or bidders for cash, on the vacant lot just West of ? J. Edwards' Store, Fountain, N. C., all of the following described real and personal property: ? REAL PROPERTY ? -? Three Houses and Lots the lots being -50 feet by 100 feet, situated on Smith Street, in excellent residential district of the Town of Fountain/ N. C., all of which houses were completed in the year of 1947; Appraised value $6,500.00 ? ? PERSONAL PROPERTY ? One Wilson Saw and attachments; One 15 inch Band Saw and Attachments; one rip saw and attachments; one sander and attachments; 100 cement blocks; 50 cement brick; 80 gallons paint (va rious kinds); 12 screen doors; about 2,000 feet of new lum ber; about 10,000 feet of second hand lumber; various other items of building materials, including: metal weather strip* ping, metal laths, window frames, window panes, paint brushes, sand paper, locks, screen, wire, plywood, shelf brackets, door braces, sash <Jord, hinges,- putty, masonite, lime, cement, plastering and other small items. Also office furniture and fixtures, including a desk, table, counter, partition wall, etc. J"y Appraised value of all personal property $2,825.75. Accounts receivable will be offered for sale at the same time and place. A deposit of 20 per cent of the bid will be required'of all high .bidders to show good faith pending con firmation of the sale by the court. This the 14th day of November, 1947. JOHN B. LEWIS. Trustee ? STATEMENT '.. 1 BIRMINGHAM FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Pittsburgh 3, Pa. Condition December SI, IMS. U shown bjr statement filed. Amount of .Capital paid in cash ? ? Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 31st previous yeax * 2*28,650.73 Income?from Policyholders, $350,608.71; Miscellaneous $183,813.08; Total . ??- 634,321.79 Disbursements?To Policyholders, $127,414.46; Miscellaneous $247,636.67; Total 375,061.03 Fire Premiums?Written or renewed during yeas, $1,539,339.02 . . -In Force 2*40,386.14 All Other Premiums?Written or renewed during year, $843,368.'44 In Force ? : 1,077,072.80 ASffltrs N .? ?d'v ? . -JtA Value of Real Estate 1? ? $ 18*76.86 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ? ? 166*89.40 Value of Bonds and Stocks : -t 2*84*46.02 Cash in Company's Office ?? 800.00 Deposited in Trusfc^Companies and Banks not on interest. 311*66.62 Agents'dbalances, presenting business written subseqotot to October 1, 1946 *3 42*16.63 Agents' balanced, representing business written prior to> Deduct Ceded" Reinsurance Balances Payable 613.66 Interest and Rente, due and accrued ! 16*92.81 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 1.?s r -91,639.05 ia ?r=rmmm Total admitted Assets 1?$2,744,868.48 1 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims _????-__f 74,468.00 ? Unearned DTemiuniB . ? - ; 400,217.97 Salaries, rents, expenses, bilfi, accounts, fees, due or accrued? 2,603-70 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, coqnty and municipal taxes due or accrued 64,160-64 Contingent comrnissions, or other eharges doe AU other liabilities, as detailed in statement .. ?2,718.74 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital 1 686*68*6 Capital actually paid up in cash $1*00,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities ??, $1*08,309,68 . . Surplus as regards Policyholders ??, ? g,208,800.58 Total Liabilities 82.744*68 48 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1046 ^ Prwdums reoeiveA $1*46; losses incurred?Fire,$8,410. Paid, $8*74 President?A. Q. Kauffmapn; Secretary, Kenneth F, May; treasurer, W, 4... A. Straus*?Home Office. 1812 East Carecrn St, Pittsburgh 8, f WBXI? S alljdp iASHnunh ETHET HETH ETH E TT Attorney for service; * o* . t xr P-..H0IyE8> Commissioner of Insurance, Raleigh, N. C State of North Carolina?Insurance Department, Raleigh, N. C., July 28, If ~~ I, WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance, So'hereby certS t, the above is a tree and correct abstract of the statement of the RjcniafT Eire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh 8, Pa., filed with this ftepartm showing the condition or said Company, on the 81st day of December, 11 Witness, my hand and official seaT^e day and year above written. WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance, 7 STATEMENT CONSOLIDATED UNDERWRITERS ;;-"ivA Kantes City. Mo. _> Condition Dwembcr 31, 1943, as shewn by statement Wed Amount Ledger Aseets, Dec. 31st previous year. 36,226,058.88 Income?Prom Policyholders, Miscellaneous, Total 4,714,675.38 Disbursements?To Pol icyho lders,~,|l ,931,92o7<W; Miscellaneous 7,17; Total SSH . 81,617,17; Total 4,218*46.77 All Other Premiums?Written oV renewed during , yew, 34,254,026.41; In Fmog- 4,189,806.38 Value ol Bonds and Stocks 1 L 32,798,972.87 Deposited in Trust Companies and Bands not on interest 2,284,590.24 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 1,078,125.00 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1946 676,388.57 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to - Interest ars.k due andaccrued ? I 18383,00 All other Assets as detailed in statement 39349.83 Total 86,785316-27 -Less Assets not admitted TMai mhsf ill! asseU UABI?ITIEg - *6,U Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 126,981.93 Unearned premiums ? 491,558.85 Estimated amount paya" * * " i municipal t All other liabilities, as i 6,74645431 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued abilities, as detailed in statement Total amount of all liabilities surplus funds?Subscribers' * (surpluajSg Total liabilities BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA Tyson of Takom D. C, spent last end with Mr. and Mm E. M. " tnnie Flanagan, Wil liam Gillette, Gilmer NiJtola, Joaie McArthor and Miss Jo Ann Tyson the Tyson-May iwnrion in Farmville lost Friday. ' ?' | ~ Misses Betty Pearl Joyner and Juanita Sugg and Grigg Tyson Henry Flake were Witaom visitors Mr. and Mrs. William Gillette of Richmond, Vs., ware guests of Mis. Annie Flanagan last week. Miss Lillian Harris attended the football game in Chapel Hill last Mr. and Mn. L. F. Bartlett sod Me and Mre. Charles Nichols of Charlotte and Mary Elisabeth Nich ols of East Carolina Teachers col guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Nichols Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. William Gillette, lbs. Annie Flanagan and John Flan agan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ImbAmIiMMIH and Mr.. Hercchel Tynon an the birth of a son at Caro lina Genaral hospital to Wilaon Saturday, Ncv. 29. v3|| pMtoT1V?? was the former Miss Rntfc Hawes of Fiwft DUKE k! has the regional chairman for the Angier Dote Scholarship prises. The six new scholarships, provided by the Angler B. Duke Memorial, Inc., will he- awarded annually to four boys and two girl* who are aenior high students in thie state. The an valued at $750 each. A committee chairman hap been appointed to head each of the six districts, divided on the basis of high school population. The districts and their chairmen for the year 1M7-48 an: J. D. Johnson, Clinton, eastern region for men; B. L. Smith, Greens boro, must central region for men; B. W. Barnard, Charlotte, west An tral region for men j;. Shrank Weaver, AsheviHe, western region for men; Mrs. J. Henry HighsmKh, Raleigh, region for women; and Mrs. clw. of Trinity 1? of . feginwr Woman's College in tht? The dsMUlno for the s applications is Smith Family Reunion Held At Arthur Thurs. The family reunion of relatives of the late Itr. and Mrs. F. M. Smith was held at the old home place am Belle Arthur on Thanksgiving day. Made, Ned and Set Smith were hosts. The families .gathered early in the morning la order to reminisce with each other. At' 1 .,o'dock they assembled in the large dining room where e four course luncheon was ssmnfr hoffet style. Mack Sarith welcomed the group after which Jack Smith gftve a brief talk on blessings of today and how to appreciate them. At the close of his-speech, he invit ed the group to mast with him next ThaokagiTing.;;;prv:-* -;i The following families and friends TAB HEEL TEACHERS AID Teachers at North rally to the aid of ?ea, so stated Etl tive secretary of the North Education Association in dug that the NOKA Boand of Mm* ton has unanimously endowed tits Orel1?as Teacher Belief Fond cam paign launched by the National Edu cation Association in Washington. Because the teacher* in mar devas tated countries an the htiy peoplAih the vital program of educational re const huction, said Mi? oar Board of Directors urges the hearty cooperation of North Caroline teach er* in this Thmiksgiving to Chriet vipt campaign. Bash teacher will give* the opportunity to make a o tribfctaon. One hundxod and ninety local unit presidents of the NCSA ha? been notified and many, of the units are. already collecting IN Director! of the Fit t eoonty health department have ernwi unced thdFSe monthly orthoMfc clinic will not be held in December but that the ache dale will be r?nni next month, with Dr. Hugh A." lb ompeon of Ba leijfh presiding over the clink en to ik! especially the counties ot pe? if nit. CartMdjL Pan lico, Pitt sad Tyrell, the clinic ia held in the health da partmenPa of ftcea at the eoEner of Thind and Greene street*, Greenville. v " NOTE OF THANES . The Gtbbs family wishes to express its deepest appreciation for the many of kindness shown end flowers US by the church end individuals the Alness hf our father sad 33S1 ? ?'& ? 'Beautiful Spreads in Pastel tufting.. , a pasW ?*>rs to ehw8e 300 PAIRS CURTAINS < 8W I ? New Christinas Curtains in straight and ruffled marquisette, also lace styles . <. 2% and 2% yards long... See these today! ?i. * v " "Farmville'a Shopping Center" ? ? I Tbc&'i ctHCsX-C-'i- UtttO < iO< UKltli **Wtl (fi C hii'U++u+A- > ARKER <?v - ?*3 It'? baen.a lami. ion4 Km . . . but r. sow, art Lut, <n ban aw Paubar '51* pan. | ... but Mill not notatfb (wmipiiM*bobu?ttt?L , Tbi* Cbriatmaa you may Mtiffj L tbaix bain to onTba TgtU't . - w >-3i 8??y T?rms If You W?tfc N. C. - :' ' A Horn Makw'i Drum of Unary I HK rwc ' ? ' 2 ' ;i|;.-. j|p| * fhe new tjgfe-epeed ew^taf nH> pi*M eeren durerei Mgft broiler. There's n six-quart "Deep Well* cooker nt erer? lee 111I1I1 feel or slims* imps tm |||i"t*fii,tw|*e|||i end even timer. WHy guaranteed ... come in and eee t?a juperrange. Waadvhl Gift fer tU Hondymat hi ?!? la hihiaii NCWSCASTIR m Uv AtUS A HAND POW1R TOOL si lm WE HAVE GIFT ITEMS FOR EVERY MEMBER FAMILY 29*95 V. A ^ ? w FARfcVILLE, N. C

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