? ,3s4 ? MARKET HAS BELrS SECOND HIGHEST AVERAGE TWO YEARS HI RflWl For the second year in succession, FarmviUe's tobacco market had the second highest average in the East earn North Carolina fine-cured belt. Wilson set the pace with an aver age of $4{L99. Then came Faxm ville, "the steadiest, market in the StatC with an average of $4&5S. Sales an the local market were a million pounds under the 1946 to tal but the reduction is attributed to J the fact that unfavorable weather in the growing months caused tobacco, in this immediate area to be lighter than usual. 1947 sales were 90,468,- j 198 as compared with Sl.d&yfro for 1946. I The season just closed was high lighted by the selling of the largest crop ever grown in the area but for' considerably lower prices than dur ing the previous, year. The United States and North Carolina Depart ments of Agriculture report that gross sales were 488,572,005 pounds at an average of $48.02 per hun dred. Most of the earlier expectations j were exceeded when the volume sur passed the 1946 figure; however, the difference was only around eight and a half minion pounds, a very srflall percentage of increase. Iif contrast to the greater volume, the general average showed a drop of $8.83. Be cause of the large decrease* in the over-all drop, the crop had a smaller value than that of the year before. Practically all prices by grades were much lower than in 1946. De creases ranged from $1 to $12 per hundred but most were bracketed be- j tween $6 and $11, Leaf grades, the chief export type, and smoking leaf reflected the largest percentage of j the greater declines. On the other hand, averages for low quality j grades of lugs and primings held up the best A great deal of interest was mani fested in the Commodity Credit Cor poration price support program through the Flue-cured Tobacco Sta bilization. Corporation. Loans were made available ohly to members of the Corporation who cooperated in the marketing quota program. The much lower prices resulted in almost, IT million pounds of tobacco being delivered to the Corporation in this belt. This poundage represented nearly 10 per cent of gross sales as compared with less than 1 per cent -delivered last year. However, only' one grade averaged below the ad vance price?fine lemon cutters. Sev eral other averages were the same as the advance, nevertheless. The top quality grades made up the largest part of the tobacco turned over to the Corporation. A quality analysis showed very little change in quality when com pared with last year. Principal of ferings were common to good leaf, good smoking leaf, fair cutters, fair and good lugs, and nondescript The 15 markets began auctions Monday, August 25. Light volume prevailed during opening week but the next 10 weeks, which ended No vember 5, saw heavy sales and the selling of the bulk of the crop. The first market closing occurred on No vember 18, when Wallace held .final sales. Only four markets were open the first week in December. Green ville concluded the season December 3, and Rocky Mount, Wilson and Wendell brought the season to an end December ?. - Of paramount interest daring the the removal of British from the marke\ This oc in late October and, as a con prices dropped considerably [-all markets to sqspend salas days. Sales were resum 3, and although a satis ; agreement Was never worked out and this foreign buyer never i turned to the market, prices did not suffer tAo much in comparison with th. M. tt. MM.,. Rev. E. a Costes' J Activities Of Local Church Organizations Baptist Miss Myrtle Nichols was chosen tft head the Y' .W. A. for the coating year at the regular mfisHng of this group Monday evening with. ^rs. H. D. Johnson aa ho sices. The election of other offirejs will take place at a business meeting in January. Miss Elvira Tyson, president, led the watchword and, assisted by Mrs. Herbert Moore, developed the pro gram theme "An Alabaster Box," wh^ch was centered around the tal eptd, positions, personalities and minds of people. .Plans for sending s Christmas box to a girl at the Kennedy home were made and a let ter of appreciation wad read. Adjourruujpt was by prayer. Presents were distributed from under the lighted tree by Miss Westbrook. The adviser, Mrs. H. D. Johnson, was presented a vase by the group end the president wgs remem bered with a piece of bric-a-brac. In the dining room, where refresh ments consisting of sandwiches in bell and tree shapes, congo cookies, cheese biscuits, and assorted were served, Christmas were used. Favors were boots filled with lollipops. Christian The piesidemt, Mrs- Aaron Turn age, was hostess to the Loyal Woman's class, which meets quarter ly, Saturday evening. A short dis cussion was held After which Mrs. L. E. Flowers, Mrs. G. W. Windham knd Mrs.'Will Barrett were appointed to' remember shut-ins at .Christmas with cards and gifts. The selection of Mrs. Z. B. T. Cotx and Mrs. Louise Harris as a nomina ting committee was announced. John 3:16 was the basis for the devotiohal presented- by Mro. L. E. Turnage. A program made up of contests, poems and stories'was given by Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Lee Corbett. A collection for the flower fund was taken. Gaily wrapped gifts were exchang ed with Mr*. |* E. and Mrs. Turnage 'distributing them from neath a tree.. The hostess served '.fruit salad molded in the form of a I star topped with cherries. -Aaron i. W ? Cathode Last Sunday, two masses were cel ebrated at St Elizabeth's Catholic Church. Father Michael Giblin of Winston-Salem preached on the "Legion of Decency." This commit tee had done much to raise the stand ards of morality in the motion pic ture industry. Thursday night there was a lively meeting of the discussion dub. A new pamphlet rack has been in stalled in the rear of the church. It is the ^rork of Hap Nicola and fita in well with the woodwork motif in the church. This week Father Loyola CLeary is distributing to the people of Farm ville a religious art calendar for the coining year. All are welcome to one and should any be inadvertency overlooked, they may obtain one by calling at the parish house. Five greet promoters of the Bible were studied under the leadership of Miss Margaret Smith at the Altar Guild meeting Tuesday evening. This topic was taken from "Every Kan's Book." Prayer followed by the creed open ed the meeting which was held in the home of Mrs. Jack Lewis. Reports on the sale of Stanley products and the visit of the photographer were keasd. After the closing prayer, the boetess served refreshments. In a Christmas contest, conducted during the social period, Mrs. T. S. Ryon was the winner and received ear bobs. 4 met with Mrs. C. H. Mo Mrs. E. a from the "The Pit* s story, was read Harper. J Mnr Wort Farm villa's Commerce completed Friday night, yat a Royal Grill, by officers. W. T Emerson Smith dent and spectirely. Both had temporary pletion of the Wtndhani* membership on the board tors: Jimmy Darden, Paul Allen, Jim Htekaday and Marvin Speight. Charter members are Ralph Bass, Jack Darden, Bill Candler, Paul Al len, Jimmy Darden, Allen Drake, Pete Eason, Boh Fields, Vassar Fields, Skiauy Xibbs, Frank Harris. Jim Hockaday, Arthur Joyner, Jr., Joe Joyner, Herbert Moore, Red New ton, Jr., Chester Outland, Warren Palmer, Donate Pierce, Robert Fierce, Charlie Rasberry, Ellis Rabil, Emer son Smith, MsitVtn Speight, Stuart Suggs, Carl Tanner, John Turner Walston, Rom* Webber and J. T. Windham. ' W Guests were Dick Futrelle, presi dent of the Wllaon Jaycees, and Bill First project to be undertaken by the club is'a scrap paper drive on Sunday, December 28. All proceeds from thi% project dill go to some worthy family , in need. The commit tee in charge is composed of Frank Harris, Jack Darden, Vassar Fields and R. R. Newton, Jr. More about this drive will in Thfe Enterprise next week. Next meeting will be held Friday, (December 26. GREAT TURNING TOWARD I SPIRITUAL FAITH SEEN - SjH | ?- ? Progress in human understanding and a "great turning toward God" will accompany advances in the con structive -uses of atomic energy, airplanes, and radar techniques in the next 67 years of human history, according to prophecies sealed in two cornerstones "flasks" of the fit tare" by the Advertising Ctab of New York. Responses to the club's invitation I to fneaiit descriptions of the yearj 2004?its 100th anniversary?can from prominent persons in business, research, advertising, and religion. Microfilm copies fcf the prophecies, other documents, sad some of todays' rarest metals?^thgrium, zireonku and molybdenum?were sealed h llx 6x6 inch glaamcontainers for the oor nerstowe'of the club's new five-story While many prophecies stressed the Jules Verne possibilities of hu man invention, numerous others not ed that tiie finest advances would be scored in human relations. Some of "the comments fellow: ? Frank 1L Chapman, president of the Sen Francisco Advertising Club and Assistant Manager and Pnomoy tion Director of Shell Oil Company, said: "There will be a* great taming toward God, a rebirth of faith?both from the standpoint of the all-seeing eye' as well-as man's feeling toward Mr. Chapman expects the arts to gain in significance, atomic energy to do "all kinds of jobs," providing jk Vk -day work week, democracy to be' the accepted "world forum," women's gains in important positions to be significant, less divorce, ai "as ever, .man's hearts will reach up ward." ' * Ernest L Pugmire, United States Commander of the- Salvation Army, expects that "men will draw more and more strength, from faith in God" and that there will be pea and-abundance In the year 2004, be-! cause "the greed and lust of the 20th Century have been brought into the open where they can be seen and de stroyed." ; - r~hki | Dr. Norman Vincent Peale," pastor of the Marble Collegiate Church of York see lares that "God will a the throne of the uni he moral principles of the still be unshaken. Honesty, it, ? ' i" f m Mi 11 ' mm - DM ? *\. - ?w;-,- ? ? IISSPWS ty&W&i "MH Henry D. Mw the local mi oil day NICE DECORATING JOB >$& Tk?] bo Job ?# arranging tho which Friday aftBWMOB 'drew ? street-fall of Mks an*Mi to wel Saata Clans. Former Farmrill? Boy ?Student of Week' At Alabama College By Jon Holatun AUBURN, Ala., Dec. 18?Student of the Week at Auburn has "gone to the dogs" and lore, it!. fie* Billy ^%;fburth medical student cocker spaniels, his Ufa. | food in 600-pound Donoy. "Quantity rations are necessary." Especially since Rod, their gave birth to five sons and one daugh ter just four weoks ago. Yes, there ,ase lots of ltUlo'' canine mouths to feed at their home. Their backyard pen now holds If dogs, although they have had as many as 22 at one time. A litter of nine bird dogs is their record in canine "blessed events" thus fayi" A largd boat wanned by a floor lamp is an improvised foster mother for their new cocker puppies. Mama Red is of the opinion that small dogs should take care of themselves. She completely ignores bar Urge fami lies. All of the mffpies, both cocker spaniel and bird dog, are sold to Au burn students with no trouble. Once seen, they cent be resisted. But Billy keeps the best, hunters of the bird dogs for the quail setbQfc Fawn late November on, quail i* standard fare on the Ogtesby* table. "I cock them," says Doney, "but Billy them." Once Billy receives his DVM year, he plans to go bade to North Carolina and specialize in canine aches and pains. Since dogs are both hobby and profession for tho "doc tor," we're betting no puppy ailment will mystify him. The dogs wttThnve met their match in Billy Ogleaby. Mr. Ogleaby ' U a former Farm resident. ville resident Mrs. Oglesby, the former Qoney Jones, in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper R. Janes of near Farnprilla- > At The Rotary Club John Lewis had charge of the pro gram Tuesday evaninng *t the lunch eon meeting of the Earmville Rotary dub and read the humorous story of "Eneas' Afnonius". ' Eneas was an old Georgia slave who was intrusted with a highly prized family heirloom, The Bride's Cup. The year was 1864, and he was figen verbal instructions by his master about the way to travel, j Arid travel Eneas did! After wander- j ing through seven states and travel ing soihe 3860 miles, he finally found his way back to his master's borne. You guessed it! Eneas still bad the. priceless "Brides Cup." - - Robe Ml Rouse drew the attendance prise. Eddie Bam was a visitor. ; j For of Greene county vet 'ore the Board of the firrt Mon day In January and tusk for an ap propriation of $65,000 for the strocticri of Vocational buildings to be used aa headquarters in the farm training program sponsored by the government. He program Will be discussed and explained tonight (Friday) at 7:80 at a mass meeting hi the Court house at ?h*# Hill. All veterans interested In the training project are requested to attend. The executives and members of the Board of Bdueaiti# will be asked to construct new buildings at Maury and Watetqnburg, to renovate the agri culture building at Hookerton and to expand' the buildings at Show Hill and Greene County Training School. He program' is designed to aid both white and colored veterans. Sufficient agriculture teachers an not new available to teach the farm classes but those backing the drive for funds- say instructors ean be ob tained if the building program is computed. ?.. ; U TPA Has Meeting-; Plan For Banquet Members of Post TT, - Travelers Protective Association, held their matting at the Royal Grilll Friday night. Turkey was ssrvedr and im mediately thereafter the Meeting was to order by President OL *v v Plans for increasing membership and attendance at ?meetings were discussed and plena tor the annual banquet are under way. Members are urged to be present so a suit able date and place tor this affair can be named. I JERRY & SEAMAN I Funeral services for S/Sgt. Jerry S. Seaman were held in Wilson Sun day afternoon at 2:8$ from the Hunt Funeral Home, conducted by Dr. H. G. Honey. Christian minister of Greenville., The AmVets had charge of the impressive services at the grave. He was buried with full mili tary honors in Maplewood cemetery. Beaman was a member of the Na tional Guard and then joined Com pany M and went from Wilson to Fort Jackson in 1940, reserving his training at Gamp Forest, Caitfp Blending, Florida, and Camp Atter bury, Indiana. He was sent to Eng land where he served with the 120th Infantry, the Old Hickory Division. He was in the invasion of France and Belgium and yas killed in action on October 6, 1944, and waa interred in Belgium. His remains readied Amer ica two weeks ago m the Robert Burns. Beaman was born May 21,1921. He was a pupil of Miss Annie Perkins and graduated from Fannville High School. After graduation his mother moved to Wilaoe where he lived un til entering service. ..Surviving are his another, Mrs. Reggie A. Beaman of Gastonia; two brothers, Harold of Wilson and Garb ton of Gastonia, and four sisters, Mrs. W. H.' Murphy of *X$PiAt Fred Sutton of Greenville, Ml*. Wayne A. Loftin Of Greensboro and Mrs. Melvin Godnell of Gastonia. m GIRL SCOUTS W ':C:- V ' Sugar phnn trees, cardboard trees on which cards were bung and wreaths were made by members of Troop 4 Tuesday afternoon to be uied at their Christmas party next week. After drawing names, the' girls SENIOR CLASS ? PICKS MASCOTS SSsSaE. Wa Asks To Be It wai reported from Washington early this week that North Caro lina's famous fighting Marine lead er, Lieutenant General Allen Hal Turnage, has asked to be retired from active service on Jan. 1, 1948.. A native ?f Parmville, add a form er student at the University oT North Carolina, General Turnage woo wide spread acclaim in World War II cam paigns at Bougainville and Guam. He became known aa a general who fought in and close to the front lines with his man. / , ? \ r Turnage is only 66 yean old, as oral years under the automatic re tirement age in the Marine Corps and Navy. He is eligible for retire ment, however as are all other offi cers in .the armed services?after SO years'of active duty. While Tumage himself has not tot made My statement about his desire for retirement, reliable autho rities ip Washington believe his ac tion was prompted by the fact that an officer junior to him in point of years of Service recently was natro " commandant _ of the Marine Corps by President Truman. r ' %4 ? Major General Clifton B. Gates who was made' commandant, was se lected by President Truman over Jected by the President over Turnage knd two other Heutamnt generals Harry Schmidt, and Keller E. Hoc key-?and gve major generals hav ing seniority over Gates. General Turnage Mid that after .his anticipated retirement on Janu ary 1?his request, has to.be ap proved by the Secretfry of tae Navy ?he will remain "temporarily" at his home at Wide Water, Virginia, near Quantico. Beyond that, he said he had no further plana at this time. The Christmas Program at the Baptist Church last Sunday night was a festival of music, song and pictures. The program opened with a processional, "Angels from the Realms of Glory," with the Senior Choir occupying the main choir posi tion, and the Junior Choir, robed for the fin* time in white, inarched down the aiales to the vestibule, to their position in the bal H *;?&"*" H Then followed the call & worehip, "Glory to God," with an echo effect by Junior Geneva Braxton in the fr-'" balcony,* After the singh*-feC Christmas carols tion, prayer, offering, the Senior Choir sang aa anthem. "Christmas Bells." The feature part of the program was the showing of 23 slide pictures on the Christmas story, under the title, "Christ Is Born." Three hymn slides were projected on the screen, two of which were song by -vthe congregation, and the other used as a solo. Soloists for the picture program were. Martha Holmes, riho sang. "Away in a Manger"; Gerieva Bnuc ton, who sang, "Silent Night;" and Seleta Tucker, who sang, "O Hoty Night" Mrs. Arthur Joyner opened the program with a medley of Christmas music on the organ, and was at the organ console through the anthem by the Choir, and was then pianist foe" the pictures. Both organ and piano were used for the carol singing, with Mrs. 45. W. Holmes at Hie. piano. Carl Baamon was the prejeefionist in the showing of the pictures. Rev. E. W. Holmes, pastor of the Baptist Church, announces as his sermon subject for next Sunday morning, "The Crowded Out Christ." Special music for the morning ser vicer- will be: Call to Worship, "Glory to God" (repeated by sphdal request); Anthem, "0 Stary Night of Long Ago,' by the Senior Choir; sad Vh>, "Sweet little Jesus," by Seleta -Tucker. < ? JL ' ? ? .There will ba no sight service. i Tuberculosis Seal Ste*?" - fe:?"'--' ?-1 ??Jfifit. Sale I Thrtragh Wefineed# of this week the tuberculosis returns for Farm vflle totaled $496. County-wide tarns for the 41st annual Christmas sale amounted to $4616, which is over half of the 1947 goal for Pitt coun ty, $8,000. Those who received seals or bonds hie urged to return the n*oney for them at once as the drive for funds ends December 24. Purchasers of the colorful stamps can use them on [Christmas cards, packages, letters, and in other ways. the designer's of this year's seal, Raymond LufVin, a Salem, Mass,, native, started his career at the age of nine when the "Boston Herald" published a pen and ink sketch for which he was awarded a one dollar prise. TjF Many chilnm's books have been il lustrated by this artist whose favo rite medium is black and white. Luf kir has made an outstanding contri bution to American history With a series of sketches dealing 'with the symbolic happenings on the 12 prin cipal rivers of the UattsMfctas. gl In addition to producing downs of maps during the war tof- military purposes, his bond posters wpn a special citation from the Treasury department. He lives is Tenafly, N. J., where he is president of the' Citizens association. Teamwork between all people and agencies is suggested by the 1947 seal en which are pictured oxen pull ing together. . . i BROWNIES ' mm entertained Wednesday afternoon a Christmas party by the troop mittee composed of Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins, Dr. R. T. Williams and Mia. J. M. Mewborn. The Christmas' tree from which giffli were distributed ~ with trimmings which brought A talk on carols many of tism came to be Kn. Rollins, in' At the morning worship hoar, Iter. Z. B. T. Cox will use the "Prince at Peace" as his sermon topic. At 8 o'clock Sunday evening a program of Christmas music will he given under the direction of Mm. W. A. Pollard, Jr. The program is bas ed on scriptural references. Christmas carols will be played on the organ aa the congregation ar- ' rives, Following the processional, "0 Come, O Come, Tftnmarmot," Rev. Cox will offer a prayer. Mrs. Charles ' lltlNE*"'1"1 will sing as a solo, "He His nock;" from K; del's "Messiah." &/. . PW- ?> ' - li.v. . "Lo, How a Rose E er Blooming" will be rendered by the women's chorus. Jfinuheis the choir will sing "0 Come AH Ye Faithful," "While Shepherds Watched Their "Cherubim Song," "Angels We Have Heard on' High," and "Silent Night" . A soprano solo, "Come Unto Him," from the "Messiah" will be given t Miss Ruth Moore. Another which the women's chorus will is "Slumber Song of the "esus." "Joy to the World" will be used as the receesional. Organists taking part aje Mrs. J. M. Hobgood and Mrs. Henrietta M. niuumnn. A cordial invitation Is attended to members of other church and other interested people to worship with the Christian church members evening. by Rev. J. R. Rountree and appropriate music by the choir will he heard at the Episco pal church Sundiy morning. Wednes- -f I lay night, Christmas Eve, a night service will be held at -1 ,t|l it,. a. _ ? v* ' ; church with the rector aeiiveniy? message and the choir music.