Q. w, Windham, Mrs. Florence Thorne and Mrs. Hannah Shirley, who, together, have been loyal work ers in the Sunday School for more than a hundred years, were honored by the Farmville Christian Church at the regular services Sunday morning. i Gifts were presented and remarks appropriate for the occasion were made by Rev. Z. B. T. Cox, pastor, and Sam B. Bundy, superintendent of the Sunday School. Mm Thorne was bom Florence Leona Moore on November 15, 1870, in Greene county. Before coming to Farmville she taught school in Foun tain and Pinetops. Mrs. Thome has cheerfully given 40 years of service to tefehing little children in the church. Mrs. Shirley,* who has taught Sun day School here for 26 years, was bora in Greene county in 1879. As a young girl she attended school in Tar boro. Later she taught school. Mrs. Shirley is very dear to the hearts of many people who were her pupils when they first went to Sunday School. Mr. Windham has hem faithful treasurer of the Sunday School for 35 yean. He was bom August 28, 1884, in Wilson county. He has lived in Farmville most of his life. On May 3, 1908, he married Miss Sola Case of Pitt county. Mr. Windham has been a member of the Christian church for 40 years and will be re membered for his untiring service to the church. In honor of these faithful three, the Christians had a special bulletin for their Sunday morning - service, on the front of which appeared pic tures, of Mr. Windham, Mrs. Thome and Mrs. Shirley. V. P. W. AUXILIARY IS FORMED, OFFICERS ELECTED The charter was presented and officers were elected and installed at the first regular meeting of the Bur nette-Rouse Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, Friday night at the clubhouse. Mrs. Carrie West of the Greenville auxiliary, who was present with sev eral members from Greenville, pre sented the charter which bears the names of 18 members, and installed the officers. They are: president, Mrg, Mary V. Allen; senior vice pres ident, Mrs. Frances Mashbum; junior vice president, Mrs. Minnie Mae Hinson; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Rosa Humphrey; chaplain, Mrs. Ber tie D. Go wans; conductress, Mrs. Bee die Dolly; guard, Mrs. Ruth Ainsley; first trustee, Miiw Joyce Wood; .sec ond trustee, Mrs. Dolly Ballard; third trustee, Mrs. Ruth Tyson; first color bearer, Mrs. Edith Willoughby; sec ond color bearer, Mrs. Ida Newton; third color Wrer, Mrs. Ethleen Woo ten; fourth color bearer, Mrs. Eliza beth Eason; patriotic instructor, Miss Hazel Barrett; historian, Miss Alice Crawford and musician, Mrs. Ruth Tyson. Refreshments were served by the post to Hie 26 ladies present Meet ings will be held the second Thursday in each month at 8 o'clock. An organizational meeting was held Mrs. Hantaah Shirley Farmville MYF Host To Meeting John Russell Joyner Re-elected Pub licity Chairman; Picnic Supper Served Eighty-two Methodist Youth fel lowship members in the Wilson sub district met in the Farmville church Sunday night at 7 o'clock for their monthly meeting. Bob Morgan, local president, led recreation after which picnic suppers were spread and served. Acting as hostesses for the local church were Mrs. Bennett R. Fields, secretary of youth work in the Woman’s society, and Mrs. Edgar Barrett Bob Morgan presided at the busi ness session, in which the following officers were elected. Audrey White of Elm City charge, president; Jo retta Barnes of Jtenly charge, vice president; Edna Stokes of Pinetops, secretary; John R. Joyner, Farmville, publicity chairman; Miss Edna Boone, Farmville, counsellor. The Farmville group had charge of the worship service with Paschall Barrett John Russell Joyner, Julia Satterthwaite, Donald Baucom, Bob Morgan, Jackie Williford, Willa Rae Harper and Carolyn Roebuck taking part ’ Churches represented were Wilson, Elm City, Buckhorn, Lucama and Pfoetops. -v ___r- .. ■ TUBERCULOSIS CLINIC WILL BE HELD HERE, FRIDAY, MAY 20 Dr. Thomas G. Baaaght, Ml time acting health officer for the county, announces that a free tuberculosis' clinic will be held in Farmville on Friday, May 20, from 2 to 4 o’clock, hi the office of Dr. Charles E. Fits* gerald. The clinic will be conducted by Dr. Fitzgerald. White and colored patients -from all parts of the county are eligi ble to attend. BOB FISER, WITH 74, LEADS ; GOLFERS IN LOSING CA Farmville golfer* pi at Smithfield last W< At The Rotary Club Manly Liles had charge of the pro gram at Tuesday’s meeting of the Rotary club and made a talk on good will. _ George W. Davis drew, the attend ance prize. Harold Thomas of Greenville was a visitation. CARRAWAY’S CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS. JOHN BUNDY Hie Carraway’s Chapel circle met Saturday afternoon at' the home of Mrs. John Bundy, Jr., with the chair* man, Mrs. Oscar Holloman, presiding. The meeting was opened with sen tence prayers. The Bible study, “The Preparation Days,” was given by Mrs. James Holloman.. Mrs. C. F. Baucom presented the program, “Presbyteri anism—Our Challenge” To increase the treasury funds, the members vot ed to order and sell vanilla and mas ter hangers. Seventeen members were present and were served cookies, salted nuts and coca colas. Mrs. Edward Brock was welcomed into the group. APRIL BUILDING PERMITS PASS THE $25,000-MARK April .was a successful month for Town Clerk Cleveland Paylor’s of fice, insofar as the issuance of build ing permits was concerned. Permits for the month were in excess of $25, 000, and included the following: J. B. Joyner, repairs to residence, $5,500^ H. H. Bradham, Jr., residence with garage, $10,000; C. M. Suggs, residence, $9,000; J. B. Taylor, addi tion to residence, $1,000; R.- LeRoy Rollins, alteration of kitchen, $760; Ed McGee, addition to residence, $200; and Joseph Batchelor, addition of porch roof, $200. BELL ARTHUR W. S. C. S. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS In an .election of officers for the Bethlehem Woman’s Society of Chris tum service of the Methodist church at Bell Arthur, Mrs. Charles F. Sut ton was named president. The meet ing was held April 29 -in the church. Other officers are Mrs. O. L. Er win, vice president; Mrs. Lawrence White, recording secretary; Mbs. Mack Erwin, treasurer; Mrs. W A. White, promotion secretary. The Vacation Bible school and re vival which will be held the second Week in June were discussed. „ J After adjournment, Mrs. Sutton, hostess, served coca Colas, salted nuts and crackers. GREENE COUNTY FARM NEWS E. E. Batts of Hookerton is build ing two poultry mage -shelters tc house young pullets out ion clover and grass grazing. This houses are built in two sections and can be mov&L eas ily. He plans to change the location of the range shelters several times during the summer to keep down parasite infection. Tobacco varieties resistant to, root knot have been planted on, the farm