mm •■'. fA. '4%: IS|Si|i| m . js«^ - -w* • w*' I 1 • • * ' safe's - ssg ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦» g IN , „ i&LaM [ VOLUME FORTY -*■—■ HFT - Interesting N«*ws Items From Ballard's Mr*. C. C. Harris wy hostess at her home to the August meeting of the Presbyterian Women of the Church. Hie meeting opened by the group standing for a short period of silent prayer closed by Mrs. Josie McArthur. This was followed by a song, “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross.” * The Bible study, taken from the 7 and 8 chapters of John, was led by Mrs. Gilmer Nichols, assisted by mem bers of the group. Mrs. J. D. Jones was program lead er and the topic for discussion was “Negro Work in .Our Assembly. Mesdames Bay Crawford, P. J. Elks, Annie Flanagan and Josie McArthur presented articles taken from the Presbyterian Survey on the topic. , Mrs. W. B. Crawfobd presided over the business meeting and plans were made for entertaining the group meeting which will be held with the Ballards church in October. It was voted that the women would sell Christmas and greeting cards to raise some money. At the close of the benediction, the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Norman Wooten, served a de licious iced drink and assorted cakes. - Twenty members were present at the Presbyterian Youth Fellowship on Friday evening. Mrs. Roy Smith, as sisted by others of the group, gave a program on “Different Races.” At the business session presided over by Henry Dunn, it was voted to extend an invitation to Charles Williams, president of PYF in Albe marle Presbytery, to visit the PYF at Ballards. After a two week*' vacation, Rev. E. S. Coates, pastor of Ballards church, will resume services Sunday night at 8 o’clock. A cordial invita tion is extended the public to attend the service. Mrs. E. H. Robertson and sons, Earl and Bennte, are spending two weeks with Mrs. Robertson’s sister, Mrs. Annie Flanagan. Mrs. Herbert Causey of Greenville was a recent guest of Mrs. Mamie R. Holloway. Mrs. Jake Tripp of Greenville was a visitor Sunday in the .home of her brother, J. T. O’Neal. Misses Jean Crawford, Virginia Crawford, Jo Ann Tyson, Virginia Dunn, Louise Tyson. Vina Crawford, Frances Crawford, Durward Tyson, and Henry Dunn attended a weiner roast Saturday evening at the home of Miss Peggy Heath. After the weiner roast, Hie hostess and guests enjoyed t trip to Whichards Beach. Mina Betty Joyner and Henry Flake were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Buchanan in Raleigh Sunday. Mrs. Buchanan is a former school mate of Miss Joyner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Tyson of Trenton, N. J., Miss-Thelma Flatia • gan of Lancaster, Mass., Mrs. Rober ta Tyson and Mrs. E. M. TyBon, Jr., attended the showing of The Lost Col ony at Manteo last week. John Flanagpn is spending a few days this week in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. David Williford and son, Max, of Washington, D. C., were recent guests of relatives at Bal lards. - Mr. and Mrs. Pittman Wayne and daughters, Shirley' and Shelby, and Jalene Nichols attended a presenta tion of The Lost Colony at Manteo on Wednesday evening. Ernest Whitley of Wilson was a guest of Miss Edith Tyson Sunday. Mrs. Sue Roberson visited her sis ter-in-law, Mrs. Hagans, in Craven county lhst week. Mrs. Hagans is critically Bl. 1 '' Mrs. W. B. Tripp, Jr., of Belvoir spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Tyson. * Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Holmes and their daughter, Mrs. Bernice Turaage, have returned from a Wait to rela tives in Montgomery, Ala. While there Mrs. Tnmage broadcast over Station WJJJ[, singing the following numbers: "The Star,” Rogers; “Mor ning” mid “Sylvia,” (Hey Speaks; and “The Lord’s'Prayer,” Malotte. Rev. Holmes supplied the pulpit of the First Baptist church in Auburn, where he was pastor 23 years ago, Mrs. Tnmage, as guest soloist, sang “I Talked with God,” Guioa. In Au burn they were guests of JHas Letaad Cooper. She and Mrs. Harm' Mli mm Local Fans Asked To Insure Continuance Of Baseball Here In recent weeks the Farmville base ball club has improved the talent of players to a considerable degree and, as a result, has been winning games against the best teams in the Bright Belt League. At the present time the Farmville team stands third in percentage in the league with only Macclesfield and Pinetops ahead. Walstonburg is close behind in fourth place. The addition of new and .tal ented players has brought about a corresponding increase in the cost of operating the team, for it must be remembered that the receipts of one game here must go to. pay the expen ses and salaries of players for two games because when Farmville plays here, it has to return the game with out receiving any of the gate re ceipts. Also, Manager Bonnie Allen has paid some of the other teams to play their home'games here, thereby giving Farmville fans the opportuni ty to see good baseball at home rath er than ride out of town to do so. A call now goes out to baseball minded fans in this, town and com munity to come to Manager Allen’s assistance by helping out with a lit tle cash. The club is running behind to the tune of several hundred dol lars and, if loeal fans want to keep a ball club and to have one next year ,it behooves them to send a cash contribution to Manager Bonnie Allen. ' Everyone will agree that Manager Allen has done his part to see that Farmville has had as good a team as possible this summer. He has given his time mid effort plus a little of his cold cadi to produce a team of which the town could be proud. Now is the time for those who like and want baseball here to make it known by helping to get the baseball club out of the red. Mail your contribu tion to Mr. Bonnie Allen, Manager, Farmville Baseball Club, or give it to hint personally. The point is clem’ —if you want baseball to stay here, now is the time to show it. Mr. Allen states that he is willing to show to any person what is it cost ing to operate the team* and to show what the income has been so far so that there can be no misunderstand ing. Simply stated ft bofls down to the fact that operating a team of a bout 15 men has cost considerably more than the income has been. Farmville fans should not want one man to suffer all the loss. Mail your contribution today or give it to Manager Bonnie Allan in person. ANNIE PERKINS CIRCLE Mrs. A. J. Melton and Mrs. Marvin Cobb were hostesses in the Baptist church Monday.night, fAugust 8, to the. Annie Perkins circle Mrs. Robert Joyner read the devotional, reading from Luke and Hebrews. After pray er by Mrs. Melton, the program, “Christ the Answer for Errors ol Catholicism,” was'presented by Mjs« Elvira Tyson and Miss Annie Perkins. Concluding the program was a solo, “Satisfied with Jesus,” by Miss Nell Beaman. . . . * j Mrs. Joseph Batchelor presided over the business session when interesting reports from Mrs. Melton and Mrs. Batchelor on their trip to the Busi at Seaside Tyson also Womi MONDAY Curtis H. Flanagan, who hagfboen an outstanding figure for several years in the work M 1he state fire men’s association, was named vice president of the association Wednes day afternoon at the annual conven tion at Carolina Beach. Flanagan, who serves as assistant fire chief 'in Farmville, is president of the Eastern Carolina Firemen’s Association and served on the legisla tive committee, of the state associa tion during the past year. Flanagan has been extremely inter ested in getting counties to help pur chase fire fighting equipment for use in rural sections. Farmville has furnished other out standing leaders of the state ^associa tion. R. A. Joyner is a former pres ident and has been serving on the state executive committee. Farmville was represented at the convention by Flanagan, Joyner, Ed Nash Warren, W. C. (Lum) Wooten and Chief Haywood Smith. At The Rotary Club J. Y. Monk was in charge of the program at the Rotary meeting Tues day night. He mad^ the program very interesting and entertaining with a quiz sjame. If a Rotarian were asked a question and could not answer it correctly, he had to drop a dime in a box. But if he answered it correctly, J. Y. had to drop a dime in the box. The most interesting part was watch ing J. Y. drop in the most dimes. The proceeds went into the Student Loan Fund. ' .... The attendance prize was given by George Davis and won by ' Robert -Bouse. Fellowship prize was won by Manly Liles. - the out whistle FIRE DESTROYS HOME IN ''WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Fire, which swept through a tenant house in Washington Heights Mon day morning, destroyed the house an^ its contents, with the exception of a chair and chest of drawers. Elbert Holmes owned the dwelling -! Mrs. Melvin Gay honor ter, Miss Lewis, and her 'f_, ton Wilkerson, at ^luncfyeon Sunday at noon. " v: Tomato juice cocktail, hiked chick en, dressing, gravy, i com, butte beans, peas, candied yams, potato sal ad, sliced tomatoes on lettuce, relishes, iced tea and pineapple' eak were served to the bridal couple, Mi ’Tww —-of asters centered the tab Which was covered with « white la dotlu Mixed summer .Fs part if this week at Mrs. Annie Sawyer and daugKti Betty Aim^and Betsy B last week at Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ofey Fields and dren, Mary Ellen and Henry Grey, and Miss Joyce Rouse left, Sunday for Roanoke, Va», to visit Mr. and Mr" Fenner fields. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brooks and Ivey Smith were Raleigh Sunday, spending the day with Gr ham Smith and family. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Garter Smith of Fountain, and -{fra. T. A. Murphy and children of Stantonsburg. Bobby and Billy Bounds, who have spent the summer with their unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Fields, left Thursday for their home la Richmond, Via. , Miss' Ethel Winstead of Enfield is visiting friends in and near town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bailey spent several days last week in Baltimore. Mrs. Horace Bunn of Snow Hill spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. AL bert Bundy. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Lang spent Sun day and Monday at Atlantic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yelverton at Hagarstown, Md., were Friday night guests of Mr. Ydverton’s sister, Mrs. W. E. Lahg, Sr. Additional guests for' dinner Friday night with Mrs. Lang were Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Yel verton and Mr., and Mrs. F. L. Eagles of Fountain and Mrs. Ivey F. Smith. Miss Sara Griffin of Lynchburg, S. C., has arrived in Wafetonburg to as sume her position as supervisor of elementary education in the Greene cpunty schools. Dr. sad Mrs. Henderson Irwin, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martin of Eureka visited near Walstonburg Sunday. J|r. and Mrs. Bud Go in spent the week end with friends from Green ville at their cabin near Core Point. W. V. Redick and daughter, Jeanne, went to Springfield, Ohio, Wednesday to viBit Mrs. E. W. Circle. They re turned home Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Redick, who had been visiting Mrs. Circle. ' Stewart McKeel has returned from Carfip Elliott,,where he has been, an athletic instructor at the YMCA camp during the summer. ~ Sam Craft and Arthur Gay are at tending a fireman’s convention at Carolina Beach this week. 'Smaie Wheeler of Norfolk, Va., visited his. mpther, Mrs. Henry Wheel er, Sunday. 1 Leonard" Mann spent the week mid in Mt. Ottye visiting Simon <$uinn. Mesdames Tryphehia McKeel and Clarence Jones were Kinston visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Fields ttft Wednesday to visit relatives in Laur ens, S. C. ®®y'' of Portsmouth, Ohio, has returned to her home after visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Dail. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Dail and they will visit another sister, Mrs. C. J. Baker, in Indianapolis, Ind., (before returning home. • Mr. and Mrs. Olin Mewbom, Mrs. Melvin Gay and Mrs. Carl -Cobb are spending this week in the.mountains of North^ Carolina.! - T Mr. ajid Mrs. Earl O’Neal of Gads deh,' Aid:, spent Friday with Mrs. Ed tori, . ’ Clara Jenkins spent Sunday in Mann's Harbor. Miss jegn Hicks of Charlotte and Miss Betty Hicks of Rockir.rham have feturned1 fo their homes after visit ing relives in town. . Mrs. C, K). Durant of Snow Hill and Mr. and. Mrs Fred Durant of Kins ton visjted relatives near town Sun S. Ta; 'Mil day. i IriltTi, Jenkins and Mus Clara re Goldsboro shoppers The GW had a joint business and recreational meeting: at the Christian chtirch recently. Following the busi ftdd^itessioh, they roasted weiners and marshmallows on the church grounds. Ajfll&p enjoyable time was had by all. Vwftonr are^always welcome and are setings, held each it the church. A. Marlowe were isday night to the £ Mrs. William Eagles of Richmond. Mrs. Eric Cope laud, of Purhamt. ?.Mrs. Leslie New invited to Sunday ai man of Buckner, Ya., and Mr. and Mrs. HoraceRaglettof Erie, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parker returned to their hftme in Charlotte Saturday after visiting Mrs. Parker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey. Macclesfieli Saturday .Night In Local Park Norman Clarke Fairmville hurier who pitched a non-hit, no-run master piece Sunday against Elm City, will pitch tomorrow (Saturday) night when Managpr Bonnie v Allen’s team meets Macclesfield in the local par* at 8 o’clock. ' Macclesfield is leading the Bright and Fannville, now in Place, would like nothing hotter than to tike the measure of the lead ers. . -f f t- ' The teams meet Sunday at Mac clesfield. ; ■ >;| Farmville, which has been steadily improving in recent weeks, is assured of a play-off in the title series and the local team is capable of defeat ing any of the other outfits in the league. MISS JOHNSIE MAE MOORE MARRIES IN GREENSBORO Miss Johnsie Mae Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Horace Moore of Elizabeth City, became the bride of Cone Franklin Dickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude F. Dickson of John son City, Tenn., in a quiet ceremony in the Grace Methodist church, Greensboro, August 10. Thq, Rev. Paul W. Townsend, pas tor, officiated at the double-ring ce remony. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harney Sills who were married in June. Mrs. Sills is the former Miss Dorothy Sisk of Bessemer City. The bride, who lived most of her life in Farmville, where her father tw8 years ago closed a 12-year tenn as head of theFarmville schools, wore a toast brown iace dress over toast taffeta, neutral picture hat and other accessories, and an orchid. Immediately following the cere mony, Mr. laid Mrs. Dickson left for a wedding trip, after which they will be at home in Montrose Courts, John son City, 'Tennessee. For travling the bride wore a. blue Palm Beach tailored suit, with black accessories and an orchid. Mrs. Dickson, who. has been in Elizabeth City two years with her parents, is a 1949 graduate 'of the Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina where she received her degree in secretarial admfiBIhtd tion. Mr. Dickson, who had army duty, attended Milligan college at Milligan College, Tenn. nr’-.,M.r ; ■ . ’ if? .COMMITTEES APPOINTED . FOR VFW AUXILIARY Mrs. Mary B. Allen appointed the following committees at the V. F. W. auxiliary meeting; Thursday night at the clubhouse: card and gift—-Mrs. Frances Mashbum and Miss Ida Westbrooks; poppy —- Mrs. Mae T. Smith, chairman; program — Mrs. Mashburn, chairman; dance —. Mrs. Smith; chairman. The auxiliary voted to send $6 .‘to the VFW home at Oteen to be used fo# furniture in the guest room and to send $2 to the veterans hospital in Fayetteville. Two birthday gifts for patients at the Fayetteville hospital were also voted. . J f " Members will serve dinner to the VFW on August 26. The hostesses, Mrs. Beedie G. Dolly and Mrs. Edith Willoughby, served sundaes. • . „ BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hardison an nounce the birth of a daughter, Elea nor Cherry, July 28, at home. Mrs. Hardison is the former Jjfiss Eleanor Gray Cherry of Everettes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Joyner an nounce the birth of a son, Charles Augustus, Jr., August 17, at-home. Mtb. Joyner is the former Miss Ja nie Elisabeth Barnette of Rocky Mount. ? -> ?ti' r ssjCfe Siftt SPEAKS TO LABOR GROUPS . - , . .. ■ ,JV v-' rw At The Kiwanis Club ' Miss Haze! Garris was guest speak er for Carol Medlin, program chair man, &>id gave a very interesting re sume of the 4-9 club convention in Washington, D. C., where all states and Hawaii were represented. Very impressive pictures on slides of the most interesting highlights of the convention were shown and comment ed upon by Miss Garris. She was as sisted with the picture slides by Miss Shearin, assistant home agent Farmville Kiwanians as well as other citizens of the community are proud of the progress Hazel has made in her 4-H work, Which was.climaxed recently with her election as presi dent of the state organization. * J Softball Teams Will Hold Play-offs; Series WiO Begin Tuesday The Sunday School softball league begins a double elimination series among all four teams next Tuesday night for the championship, after the Christians won the regular season’s play with a percentage of .777 oyer the Presbyterians who had a won-lost percentage of .688. The regular scheduled games end ed Tuesday night with the Christians winning oyer the Baptists 13 to 2 in the second game of the night. In the first game the Presbyterians and MFCs played to a 13-13 tie in their exhibition game—-neither the Presby terians nor the BfECs could muster full teams so players were recruited from the other two teams in the league for this exhibition game. .FINAL LEAGUE STANDINGS Team * W L Pet. Christians ..— 14 4 .777 Presbyterians . 10 7 .688 MECs .. 8 9 .470 Baptists ..;._ 3 16 .187 After Tuesday mbit’s games, draw ings from a hat were made for the championship series, and the schedule follows. Tuesday Night Presbyterians vs. Christians (8 p. m.) MECs vs Baptists. Thursday Night Two losers of Tuesday’s games play each other; two winners of Tuesday’s games meet. In the elimination series, a team is eliminated whan two games are lost. Tuesday night of next week will pro duce two winners and two losers. Thursday night Will find one team eliminated when the losers play the first game and the winners the second game. The following week will bring together in -the first game the two teams that have lost one game each, then the winner of the first game plays the undefeated team for the title. Results of games played Thursday night, August 11 Baptists 6, MECs 14. Christians 17, Presbyterians 14. .. GREENVILLE HOSTESSES ENTERTAIN MISS LEWIS Mrs. Jack Edwards was hostess at a three-course barbecue luncheon at. her home in., Greenville compliment ing Miss Dorothy Lewis, who Was married Sunday to Wilton Wilkerson. The honoree’s place was marked by an apron trimmed with appliqued flowers folded to give the appearance of a corsage. The hostess presented Bliss Lewis with a floral china bowl. Summer flowers were used through out the heme. < . Wednesday evening Mrs. E. R, Browning was hostess for four tables of bridge as a courtesy to Mil* Lewis. Molded bridal ices* cakes and mixed nuts were served before play. Each table was centered with a miniature bride and groom. ~ Mrs. L. E- Walston scored high; Mrs. Herman Baker, second high; and Mrs. George Wilkerson of Greenville received the floating raize. The honoree received two dinner plates in her pattern and a corsage of tube ri*es and asters from the hos tess. , ; Attending from Farmville were the honoree, Mrs. Walston, Miss Eliza beth Lang, MrS. Alton Darden add three sisters of the, honoree, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Archie Speight and Mrs. John Price, Jr., the latter being from Jackson. The chant of the tobacco auctioneer and the jingle of cash—the sweetest duet folks in this section hear during the yean—will be heart! again this morning as the 1949 selling season gets underway. Officials of the warehousemen's as sociation, at a meeting fast Friday night in Florence, S. C., voted to postpone the opening one day in order to allow sufficient time to complete the Georgia season! the opening was supposed to have been yesterday. Farmers in this section, hard-hit last year by an inferior crop, have the finest crop they have had in many seasons. They are optimistic over the outlook for high prices. Warehouses were filled fbr the sales today. ~ FarmviDe has two sets of buyers, giving the town 11 hours of «e>Wft»g time a day. Tim town has seven big warehouses, operated by four toms of outstanding ability. OUT-OP-TOWN GUESTS The following out-of-town,, guests attended the Wilkerson-Lewis wed ding Sunday in the Methodist church: Rocky Mount—Mrs. J. C. Bush, Miss Mamie Proctor, T. H. LeCroy, Tom Harriss, Mr. and Mr* Fred 0’ Keef,' - c ~ Elizabeth City—Mr. and Mr* An-; drew Winslow, Mack Sawyer. Hillsboro — Mrs. Melba Compton, Ollie Wilkerson. Jackson—-Mr. and Mr* John W. Price. ■ 1 Snow Hill—Miss Garaldine Albritton, Miss Louise Suggs, Mr* Rosa Belle Chestnut, Misses Winnie ECarper Jane Albritton and Grace Sugg, j 'Kenly—Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Bostic, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Wilkerson and Miss Polly Wilkerson, Mr. and lb* David Manghue and Mias Martha Manghue. Williamston—Mrs. Estelle Thigpen, Raleigh—Mr. and Mrs. Irvin C^ Young, Sam StricWand, Mr. and Mr* George Upchurch, Mr. and Mr*' J. It Whitfield. Wilmington—Miss Elizabeth Mont? gomery, Miss Clarine Johnston, Mias Frances Formey Duval;- Elon College —Mr. and.Mfa. W. C, Council; Green ville—Dr. and Mr* B? R. Browning, Mr. and Mrs, Fred T. Langfotd, Dr. and Mrs. Allen Hulburt, Miss Ruth Garner, Miss Ruth White, Miss Eliz abeth Walker, Bliss Margaret Lie* man. Miss Camille Clark, Mrs. L. L. Rives, J. L. Russell, Mr.and Mr* Astor Richardson, lb. and Mrs. Fsn| Murray, Mr. and lb* Fred Owen* Mr. arid Mrs. Ernest Connelly, Mr. and Mrs. Aldace James, Mr* George Wilkerson; Colerain — Misses Mar; Kimsey Perry and Annie S|ue Perry; Portsmouth — Mr. and Mr* Leo Walsh, Mr. and Mro. E. E. Modlfa and Miss Barbara Eari Modlin; burg—Mrs. Doris Newton, •jJtihiislfciiNfoiL _ S. B. Mercer, Mrs. Bonnie Peele, Guy Cox, Mr. and Mr* John D. Hobgood; Mrs. W. B. Pitt ( Pinetops; Mr. and Mr* 1 Tarboro; Miss Hazel Spell, Durham; Mrs. Clifton Bullock, Belvoir; Miss Elizabeth Spam, Pactoluaj Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Rouse, Bailey; Misses Katie Grey Shackleford- and Estelle Gay, Mr. and lbs. Siam Chandler, Mrs. Robert Moore, Mrs. Emily 'Si, Walston, Miss Sara Griffin, Mro. Ly dia Walston, Mrs. Qllie Mewborn and Mrs." Carl Cobb. H * . Mr. and Mrs. G. 1*. Dail of near Fountain entertained a host of friends at the tobacco bams Friday evening and' served barbecue, slaw, drink% sandwiches, and mixed cookies. An enjoyable time was had by everyone. The Executive Board of the man’s Society of Christian service of the Methodist church will ineet to night (Friday) at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. W. M. WiHis, president, BIRD NOTES Bird club meeting Saturday morning. The male red-tailed hawk is 22 inches irssarsessrrt