PARMVILLE ENTERPRISE FARMVILL* N. C. Published by THE ROUSE PRINTERY , Farmville, N. C. Subscription Price: feu- $2.00—6 Hoe. $1—3 Mo*. 60c Resolutions of Respect, Cards it Thanks and all Notice of En tertainment for profit will be barged for at the rate of 2 cents jer word. Cash to accompany or der. xdvertising rates will be fnanish <i upon request. Published weekly and entered a? jecorid Class Mail Matter at the Post Office at Farmville, N. C., tnder Act of March 3rd, 1878. BAPTIST CIRCLES “Are You on a Diet?” a program dealing with the various diseases one may have in regard to missions, ws^s presented Monday night at the An nie Perkins and Alda Grayson circles. The former met in the church with the chairman, Miss Elvira Tyson, giving the program. Mrs. A. B. Ty son gave a devotional based on Isa1 ah 48. 1 Mis. Robert Joyner was hostes? to the Grayson circle and presented the devotional. Miss Mamie Davis led the program. A Joint meeting of the two circles w ill be held in September with Mrs. T1 mas Rollins and Mrs. Robert Fields as hostesses. NOTICE TO CITIZENS & RESI DENTS OF THE TOWN OF FARM VILLE AND TO THE CITIZENS & RESIDENTS LIVING JUST EAST OF FAKMVILLE IN THE DAVIS SUBDIVISION: Under and pursuant to the power and authority granted in Article 36, Sub-chapter 6 of Chapter 160 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and pursuant to a resolution unanimously adopted by the Board of Commission ers of the Town of Farmville in reg uar session held on Tuesday, August 1, 1950, notice is hereby given to the citizens and residents of the Town of Farmville and to the citizens and res idents living just east of the Farm ville, N. C., city limits and especially to those living in the Davis Subdiv ision ami more specifically living in the territory hereinafter described, that the Board of Commissioners at their regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 5th, 1950, at 8 o’clock P. M. in the court room of the Town Hall in Farmville, N. C., will consider the annexation of the terri tory hereinafter described to the cor porate territory of the Town of Farmville and intend to adopt an or dinance extending its. corporate limits by annexing thereto all of the land and buildings thereon described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeastern intersection of Pine and Pitt Streets on the present city limit line and runs thence along the east side of Pitt Street extended to the eastern side of the right of way on the south side of the Norfolk Southern Railroad and runs thence along said railroad right of away in a southeasterly direction 680 feet; thence N 41-30 E 1625 feet to Grimmersburg Street extended; thence along Grimmersburg Street N 54 West 380 feet to the present city Hihit line; thence in a southwesterly course along the present city limit line, crossing Wilson Street on to Church Street and thence along Church Street in a northwesterly di rection to Pitt Street; thence along Pitt Street in a southwesterly direc tion to the point of beginning, ac , cording to a map made by Jack Mc David in July, I960, and known as Section B of the Hots purposed for annexation to the Town of Farmviire, North Carolina. That no part of said tract of land is embraced within the Corporate lim its of any other municipality. Original or copies of the map and resolution relating hereto may be seen at the office of the Town Clerk upon request. An election may be demanded on the question of annexation, upon pe tition by 15% of the qualified voters in either the town or the territory proooped to be annexed. This the 2nd day of August, 1950. WALTER B. JONES, Mayor of the Town oF Farmville C. M. PAYLOR, \ Clerk of the Town of Farmville ll-4c -- <i Much to the surprise of many people, the governor’s suggestion that the state take over operation and maintenance of city streets haawoa the acclaim of many rural folks. Lots of t)te “brancH-head” boys have writ ten the governor saying they favor the proposal. And the idea has gain ed support of tots of city leaders, too. Oil lobbyists in North Carolina al ready are scowling over the prospect of an added gasoline tax and are packing their carCgt bags with green backs preparatory for a trip to Bar leigh. It is interesting^to note that slight ly less than one-fifth of the second ary roads to be constructed under the $200,000,000 program already has been built. And this despite the fact that in the past three months North Carolina built more roads than at any like period in the history of the state. There’s still a fair-sized amount to go around getting folks out of the mud. Some $170,000,000 to be exact. After the J. R. Moore fiasco, the administration realized that it had to have quite a man as prison director. He had to command the respect of prison department employees, admin istration backers, and opponents. like Caesar’s wife, he had to be above re proach. So they went all out in their hunt. And in Police Chief John Gold of Winston-Salem they think they found their man. Acting Director H. H. Honeycutt had a lot of backers for the post, but his age (73) kept him from being named. Honeycutt will remain with the department, however, and in a high position. Incidentally, he has pledged his support to the new di rector. That pledge was made to “whomsoever was named” and was given prior to the highway commis sion’s selection of Gold! Honeyqptt, in all likelihood, will be second in command. His 47 years of experience in prison work can be very useful. The Gold appointment also seems to be the answer to the feud between Exx-director J. B. Moore and Central Prison’s Warden Joe Crawford. Craw ford was one of the first to pledge his active support and cooperation to the new director. BICYCES, WAGONS, TRICYCLE^, AUTO SCOOTERS, all sizes. A complete line of bike parts and ac cessories. JOYNER AUTO PARTS. Formerly Western Anto Store. TRY OUR TASTY HOME-MADE SAUSAGE. FARMVILLE FREEZ ER LOCKERS. 4-7tf WE RENT HOUSE JACK BY DAY. JOYNER AUTO PARTS WE CAN GET YOUR LOCKER A HOME UNIT VERY CHOICE BEEF AT WHOLESALE PRICES. GIVE US A TRY. FARMVILLE FREEZ ER LOCKERS. 4-7tf NICE LINE MODEL AIRPLANES A ACCESSORIES — JOYNER AUTO PARTS. PAINT — PAINT — PAINT Folly guaranteed Dixie Paint, inside white and colon; Porch mad Floor ootdde white, $3.45 per gaBon; aluminum, $3.45 per gallon. Limited supply surplus paint, now $MS per gallon. ARMY A NAVY SUBPLUS STORE, Farmvilie, N. C. Little known fact: Prisons Super visor J. G. Sawyer (asked to resign) and Maintenance Foreman A. W. Liv FOR SALE, WANTS, LOST, FOUND, ETC. WANTED: Local news editor. For right person, this can be made part time work or arrangements can be made for articles to be written in at home and sent to office. The Enterprise. FOR SALE: Dry type Kelvinator drink box. A-l condition. New re finish job. EASDN MOTORS. ll-2c HAVE YOU SEEN THE 1950 MAR TIN OUTBOARD MOTOR? It’s on display now. Joyner Anto Parts. EXPERT REPAIR WORK on radios and electrical appliances. Take ad vantage of our service department. Farmville Furniture Co. 4tt engood (fired) both were associated with J. B. Moore in WPA days. And both were brought into the prison de partment when he took over as di rector. Well-known fact: All three are gone. It was learned this week that nu merous prison camp employees an under the watchful eye of the State Bureau of Investigation. If reports reaching Raleigh prove correct, the “ex-prison department employee” po pulation is due for a nice increase. Incidentally, this probe was launch ed by the administration prior to the time that various groups began mak ing a political football out of the Moore case. A group of veterans from Piedmont North Carolina are preparing to cir culate petitions throughout the state asking for a state war bonus. They will suggest a special tax on beer to pay for it They are operating un der the name of “Veterans’ Associa tions” and are seeking the active sup port of all vet organizations. Hie plan calls for presentation oi the petition—signed by 300,000 vet erans, they hope—to the 1951 Gen •eral Assembly. Young, handsome, energetic Gover nor Sid McMath of Arkansas will be the speaker when the Young Demo crats meet September 16-16 in Ashe ville. McMath, 38, is a former na tional YDC president, ami incidental ly just got himself reelected to Ar kansas’ number one job. Regarding the YDC confab, the postponed fight between Bob Wil liams of Asheville and Bedford Black of Kannapolis is slated for the Ashe ville session. Both will seek the YDC presidency. The two almost met in a brawl over the national committee man’s seat last year at New Bern, but some sharp, last-minute horse trading deftrfed the showdown—put ting Gene Gordon in as committee man. Gordon beat out Black, aftei Williams pulled down in Gordon’s fa vor. Speaking of fights,, watch for the 1961 House speakership race to be one of the most closely contested in the history of the house. Friends of Anti-Administration Frank Taylor oi Wayne and Sometimes-Scott Support er Fred Royster of Vance both are claiming substantial leads for theix boys. But unbiased viewers of the scene see it pretty close, with numer ous legislators pledged to neither. Look for a battle to the finish. And whichever wins, it’s a sure thing the J From the massive Chrysler Spitfire engine with America's foremost-high compression power ... to the rugged double-strength, double safe frame . . . there's built-in value all fhe way through this car, the like of which you've never seen before! Chrysler workmanship ... Chrysler construction .., and the quality of Chrysler materials are the best investment you can make today! Before you make' v^' ‘any decision come look beyond and beneath the long, low, lovely lines of-the beautiful Chrysler. Compare! Drivel Get the inside story of today's best buy—<md we’re confident you’ll want to drive Chryslers- for the rest of your life! See It—drive It... there’s built-in value all die way through! r’» Automatic 9mmr Shifting—wrftfc full control of your carl Setter fraction—refer on tllppory roach. The Beautiful ilor perking. Slower Engine Speed*—reduced noise, wear, while othera drive in low in traffic. (falling in rain or high water! Chemically Treated Cylindmr ing Power—help* eliminate vibration. Supetfinishod ier. Exhaucf Valve Seat hurt*—reduce need for r— d Drfie de livery of a {boatload of cement to a North Carolina port to be US40 «s a stockpile in the event the Supply becomes more critical. Purchase will be made in % move to protect the roadbuilding program against a complete shutoff of cement supplies from other sources. It also will assure completion of State build ings already construction. If Washington rumors—that Sena tor Graham may soon resign to take a special assignment—are true, Gov. Scott again win be squarely on the spot. , ' • Supporters of Willis Smith already are clamoring lor the Raleigh man to be named to serve out Senator Gra-. ham’s term so that he may gain the Personal seniority which would 'as sure him of betfer committee assign ments. These appointments, as you know, are based on length of service. The additional few months would put Smith ahead of Senators elected this vear for full and regular terms. On the other hand, the governor faces pressure from other large groups—still, bitter over the type of campaign which brought about the Democratic party’s nomination for Smith—who want the governor to ap point anyone but Sipith if Graham should resign. BIRTHDAY SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. ,0. L. Erwin enter tained their son, Bill, last Friday evening at a dinner party. The table was beautifully decorated with a white cake, topped with 19 lighted candles. Everybody gathered around the table before being seated and sang “Happy Birthday” to Bill. Those present for supper were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Erwin and Jimmie Ward of Hookerton, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Erwin, Mrs. S. W. Erwin, Mrs. J. t>. Jones and Miss Bette Johnson. Bill received many useful gifts, NOTICE TO CITIZENS AND RESI DENTS OF THE TOWN OF FARM VILLE AND TO THE CITIZENS & RESIDENTS LIVING JUST NORTH Of farmville on fountain HIGHWAY AND N. MAIN STREET Under and pursuant to the power and authority granted in Article 36, Sub-chapter 6 of Chapter 160 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and pursuant to a resolution unanimous ly adopted by the Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Farmville in regular session held on Tuesday, Aug ust 1 ,1960, notice is hereby-given to the citizens and residents of the Town of Farmville and to the citizens and residents living just north of the Farmville, N. C., city limits and es pecially to those living on the Foun tain highway and North Main Street territory corporate enitory of the Town of Fu&e ind intend to adopt an ordinance ex ending- its corporate limits by an lexing thereto all of the land and niildinga thereon described as fol ows: BEGINNING at a stake on the >ast side of Main Street, opposite the present city limit sign on the west side of Main Street and along the present city limit line in a north westerly* direction to Horne Avenue; thence along Home Avenue and be ing the present city limit line to the Fountain Highway and continuing a long the same course as the Horae Avenue extended and along the pres ent city limits to the edge of the East Carolina Railroad right of way on the east side thereof; thence along the East Carolina Railroad right of way on the east side of the said rail road in a northerly direction to a stake; thence N 64-46 E crossing U S Highway No. 268, 466 feet to a stake; thence S 23-16 E 1635 feet; thence S 6-46 W 230 feet to Horton Street extended; thence S 46-30 East 200' feet to U. S. Highway No. 268 right of way; thence along the U. S. Highway No. 268 right of away in an easterly direction 40.6 feet; thence along Horton street extended N 46 30 E 172 feet; thence S 74-15-E 160 feet; thence S? 64-20 East 106 feet; thence N 22-46 East 60 feet; thence S 63 East 417 feet; thencfe S 66-30 East 74 feet; thence S 44 East 491 feet; thence S 64-30 East 1875 feet to the east side of Main Street, to a point on the present city limit line; thence along the east side of Main Street along the present city limit line 215 feet to the point of begin ning, according to a map made by Jack McDavid, C. E., in July, 1960, and being proposed Extension A of Quality Remembered Long After Price Forgotten We Build to a Standard— Not To A PRICE Smith Concrete Products, lie. KINSTON, N. C. Plume 3412 / Farmville Dealer: THE TURNAGE COMPANY to f Farmville, ] That no part of said tract of land s embraced within the i ts of any other mu orate lim Original or copies of the map resolution relating hereto may be and seen at the office of the Town Clerk apon request. ' An election may be demanded on he question of annexation, upon pe tition by 16% of the qualified voters in either the town or thje territory proposed to be annexed. This the 2nd day of August, 1960. WATER B. JONES, Mayor of the Town of Farmville. , C. M. PAYLOR, Cleric of the Town of Farmville 11-4 NOTICE TO CKKDiTORS ’2 NORTH CAROLINA PITT COUNTY. The undersigned, having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Will Ar nold, deceased, late of Pitt County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment to the undersigned. , This the 26th day of June, 1950. HATTIE LEE ARNOLD, 30-6c , Executrix Lewis & Rouse, A ttys. Yes... Famous off u.s w WONSOVER Is The Best Flat Oil Paint For YOU! ★ DRIES FASTI * IS WASHABUI if COVERS WALLPAPER AND OLD PAINT! For lovelier rooms — in a day! — get “Dutch Boy” wonsover today! It’s the wonder paint with real oil base, that goes on your walls with creamy smoothness — leaves no brush marks! Makes it a cinch to do your own inside painting! In whites, in colors. At Tstore name) now! AND ALL KINDS Building Supplies Farmville Retail Lumber Yard , PHONE 302-1 Next to Norfolk-Southern Depot — Fatmville, N. C.

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