VOLUME FORTY-ONE T FARMVILLE, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. r, NOVEMBER IT, 1950 NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN m... »••«*# • • .*-• SKi^y* • • • IN farmvti t^ ♦♦♦♦♦«»»♦ Southern Manor The auxiliary to the Pitt County Medical society held its annual fall meeting at the Southern Manor in Farmville. The meeting opened with the read ing in unison of the auxiliary pledge as members stood at their appointed places around the dining table. Mrs. R. T. Williams, president, pre sented Mrs. E. B. Beasley of Foun tain, who gave the invocation. After a delicious turkey meal was enjoyed, Mrs. Williams presided over the business session. The minutes were read by the -secretary after which the president gave a brief re port on the district meeting which was held in Morehead City. The nom inating committee, composed of Mrs. F. P. Brooks, Mm- w- I- Wooten and Mrs. Fred Harr presented the names of Mrs. Herbert Hadley as president, and Mrs. D. B. Armistead as secre tary and treasurer.-They were unani mously elected. The following committee members gave reports: Mrs. K. B. Pace, chair man of Jhe Tubercular Beds, Student Loan and Cancer Fund; Mrs. J. M. Barrett, chairman of Today's Health; and Mrs. Charles Fitzgerald, legisla tive chairman. The president appointed the fol lowing committees to make plans for the observance of Doctor's Day; "Mrs. Beasley, Mn. urady Uixon oi Ayaen and Mrs. J. L. Winstead of Greenville. The following committee was appoint ed to make $lans for financing the Cooper Bed at the Wilson Sanitorinm: Mrs. A. M. Mumford, Mrs. D. B. Armistead and Mrs. M. T. Frizzelle. ■ Mrs. Leslie Lee of Kinston, who is first vice president of the State Med ical Auxiliary, was a guest. She gave a very interesting and informative talk on organization. Mrs. Williams then presented the guest speaker, Mrs. Ben Royal of Morehead City, district chairman. Mrs. Royal praised the organization for the work it is doing. She spoke of the importance of the cooperation of the Medical auxiliary with that of the Medical society. Mrs. Gordon Smith, a guest from Snow Hill, formerly of London, gave a brief report on how government medicine is administered in England. She stated that the present-form of medicine proved very unsatisfactory to both the profession and the patient. Mrs. W. A. Marlowe of Walston burg was also a guest PERSONAL ITEMS Mrs. A. D. McLawhom and daugh ter, Mrs. Julian Worthington, and Mrs. Gene Cannon of Winterville vis ited Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Norville Sun day. Mrs. John T: Thorne and daughter, Miss Mary Leah'Thorne, spent Thurs day in Magnolia with Mrs. Thome’s sisters, Mrs. J. N. Home and Miss Louise Croorn, and wit$i her brother, John K. uroom. Miss Elsie May, sophomore at Flora Macdonald college in Red Springs, will arrive tomorrow to spend the Thanksgiving holidays at her home. Thurman Joyner of Norfolk, Va., is spending m week’s vacation with his mother, Mrs. Carrie Belle Joyner. Mrs. Grimes Lewis and sons, Bobby and John Reddin, spent the week end in Oriental with Mrs. Lewis’ mother, Mts. J. ©. Robinson. Tech. Sgt. and Mrs. W. S. Russell of Laurinburg and Mrs. Mary Rus sell, who is visiting them after spend ing several months in Florida, spent the week end here. Sgt Russell i$ an Air Force Recruiting officer. J. C .Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Bern ard Parker and children, Eleanor, Joe and Jack, of Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jones during the w«k Farmville Featured The Baltimore American edition of Sunday, Nor. 19, will have an illus trated feature article about Farm ville. Data for the article was com piled by Fred C. Moore, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. The paper will be on sale at Pete’s Soda Shoppe. {MRS. LEONA OWENS Mrs. Leona Bass Owens, 72, widow of Walter D. Owens, died at her home in Fountain Saturday afternoon at 5 o’clock following a long illness. Funeral services were held from, the home Monday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by the Rev. R. L. West, Baptist minister of Fountain. Burial was in Queen Anne cemetery. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Leslie P. Yelverton and Mrs. William W. Walker, both of Fountain; one son, W. L. Owens of Walstonburg; a brother,«{. W. Bass of Farmville, and four grandchildren, among them be ing Mrs. Harold Rouse of Farmville. Pallbearers were Leroy Bass and Lyman Bass, James Wheless, Wyley Yelverton, H. F. Owens, Sr., and H. F. Owens, Jr. REVIVAL AT KINGS CROSS ROAD Rev. L. B. Manning will deliver a series of sermons next week at the Kings Cross Road church. The re vival starts Monday night and will continue through the week, wiDisser vices each evening at 7:30. The public is invited. BIT, HERMAN STUDY CLASS Under the direction of the educa tion chairman, Mis. Leon Eason, the Mount Herman Woman's Society of Christian service is holding its mis sion study class this week and next. The sessions are hgld Monday and Friday nights, from T to 9 o’clock. The group is studying “Rural Pros pect” by Mark Rich. Midgets Play Strong ■ Greenville Team Sat The Farmville midget football team will play Greenville midgets at 8 o’clock tomorrow night at ECTC stad ium in' Greenville. The game is spon sored by the Farmville Jaycees and the Greenville Exchange plub, The local midgets have won the hearts of Farmville fans by the fine spirit they have shown and it is ex pected that a big contingent of Farm ville rooters will be on hand for the game. PTA Pays Balance On Stage Curtains The appointment of a committee from the Parent-Teacher association to meet with the local school board was voted at the Novendjet meiRng of th Farmville PTA on Thursday night, Nov, 2, The ITA also approved, the executive committee’s recommen dation that the balance due on cur tains recently purchased for the stage be paid now with profits from the Hallowe en carnival, unaer terms oi the sales contract, the PTA could de fer payment until ?* eoct fall. The appointment of a committee to meet with the school board was done at the request of the board. The president has appointed Mrs. Ted Albritton, George Davis and Mrs. Walter Jones to serve on this com mittee. Mrs. E. R. Smith reported that more than $100 was raised at the Hallowe'en carnival. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. W. A. Allen served as men of the event. Mrs. Prank Allen, president pointed the following for a montirs service Olathe inspection committee: _u— o r> TM.t. Gridders Lose To La Grange In Hard-Fought Game The Farmville high school football term lost to LaGrange last Friday night oh the local gridiron by the heart-breaking score of 19-18% Halfback "Joe Smith sparked the Farmville offense, scoring all three touchdowns, the last one coming with only 8% minutes of play, on a beau tiful 30 yard run off tackle. Failure to convert their extra points cost the Red Devils the victory. Smith, the scampering halfback, scored his first touchdown in the first quarter on a beautiful play. Quarter back Charlie Fitzgerald paSsed to Roy Vick on the 60, and he lateraled to Smith, who ran 66 yards for the Bcore. La Grange also tallied in the Initial period, knotting the count at 6-6. In the second period Smith again put Farmville in the lead when he ran 20 yard for the score. LaG range cli maxed a 60-yard drive with a touch down and then converted the all-im portant extra point, which gave them a 13-12 lead at half-time. LaGrange scored in the third per iod. Both teams displayed beautiful, break away running power, and kept their attacks on the ground. Fullback Bill Oakley showed consistency in picking up yardage for Farmville, a long with Halfback Sigby Dilda who got away on several long runs. Roy. Vick and Tackles Roy Flora and Bob by Fulford were the standouts on de fense for Farmville. -Center Paschal Barrett, also, turned in a good line backing game for the Red Devils. Cox Is New President I Ministerial Association At a reorganizations! meeting of the Earmville Ministerial association Wednesday morning in the Baptist church, Rev. Z. B. T. Cox of the Chris tian church was named president and Rev. H. L. Davis of the Methodist church, secretary-treasurer. Plans were made for Thanksgiving and Christmas services. At The Rotary Club Rev. H, L. Davis, pastor of the Farmville Methodist church, was guest speaker at the Rotary chib on Tuesday night. Rev. Davis, who was introduced by Eli Joyner, chose as his topic for discussion, “Hope of the Early Church.” Said Rev. Davis, “al though we may find ourselves living in a world plagued by turmoil, up heaval and strife, conditions are real ly no different from what they were in years gone by. Christ came in a world of trouble at a time when the Hebrew people were looking for help. The kingdom Jesus came to set up was designed to begin in the hearts of the individual. The same hope, the same plan offered and not accepted 2,000 years ago still applies to VIs to day, and is the only hope of the world at the present time.” t The club agreed to participate in the district project to bring a Japan ese exchangd student into the state. Eleven members were absent and those present were urged to get In touch with the absentees in an effort to have them make up Hie meeting. Edwin Coates received the attend ance prize and Charlie /Rasberry the fellowship prize. Club president, Walter'Jones, pre sided. About Farmville People Mrs. J. A. Gregory spent the week end near Dunn with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Godwin. Mr. Godwin has been critically ill for some time. Mrs. Godwin injured three- ribs jn a fall Saturday. Mrs. L. L. Leary and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Leary and children of More head City spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Joyner. Mrs. Ben Royal and Mrs. John Lashley of Morehead City spent Tues day and Wednesday with Mrs. Ar thur F. Joyner. Mrs. Ethel Thornton continues to improve from a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Eason of Liz zie and Mrs, Alton Clapp of Green ville were guests of Eddie Clark in Lumberton last Thursday night after they attended a Shrine ceremony in Fairmont, Mr, and Mrs. Dewey Fuquay, M. V. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Fiser and children spent the week end at Greenco camp on the Phmlico river. Mrs. W, Ale* Alien left yesterday by plane for New Orleans, La„ where she will join Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Clark and Mrs. Wiinfred Clark Lang of Douglas, Ga., and attend the home coming football game between Tulane and Virginia on Saturday. Mrs. Allen will return home Sunday. Mrs. Horace Allen of Jacksonville spent last week with Mrs. J. W. Mill er. also visueu omer ineuua and relatives while here. Mrs. J. B. Koon of Portsmouth, Va., returned hqme Saturday after visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Johnnie Al len. Guy Rhodes and Atwood Hemby oi Greenville and Mrs. W. G. Allen, Sr., spent the week end in Charlotte with Mrs. W. D. Rhodes and Mrs, H, 0 Hudson. Mrs. Rhodes returned witl them for a visit to her son, Mr Rhodes, and daughter, Mrs, Allen. John Barrett of Greensboro, wh< works with the State Highway com miafluin enonf woolr toMdt haro Wlf> brother, Van Player. Mrs. Oscar L. Erwin entered a Richmond hospital Friday and under went an operation Monday. Mr. Er win accompanied her. Mrs.-Sam W. Erwin continues ser iously ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis and Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Mewbora attended the Maryland-Carolina football game in Chapel Hill Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Oglesby and son, Dean, at tended the Cardiina-Maryland game Saturday. - Friends of Mrs. Juanita Redick Circle of E. Mount st., Spring field, Ohio, formerly of Walstonburg, will be glad to know that She is sat isfactorily recovering from a recent minor operation. Mrs. Dick Hart and son, Dicky, of Snow Hill, Miss Elizabeth Moore and Mrs. Lucille B. Quinn and son, Da vid, attended the Maryland-Carolina football game in Chapel Hill Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood E, Jones of Mingo spent last week end with Mr. JoneB' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Roebuck of Ham ilton and Mrs. Ruel Tyre of Falkland visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jones last Sunday. Kirs. J-l. UUIICS UOD iCMMUWI a visit to her son, C. L. Jozies, Jr-, in Hopewell, Va. Julie R?id Jones left Wednesday to spend a few days in Rocky Mount with her grandparents, Mr. and Z. T. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sunday in Raleigh Plaqie Will Be Dedicated To Late Christian Pastor In memory of the late Rot. Qeo phas Bowen Mashbum, who faithful ly served the F&rmville Christian church for 20 years before his death on November 28, 1946, a plaque will be dedicated at the church Sunday, November 26, at the 11 o’clock serv ice. > / Dr. H. S. Bliley of Black Moun tain, executive secretary of South eastern Assembly, Inc., and pastor of the Black Mountain church, win de liver the sermon. Dr. Hilley was pres ident of Atlantic Christian college in Wilson at the time Mr. Mashburn was a member of the school’s board of trustees. Miss Barbara Shytle of Silver Spring, Md., granddaughter of the late minister, will sing “The Holy City.” She is tC member of the choir and soloist at Colonial Heights Chris tian church in Washington, D. C. Rev. C. C. Ware of Wilson, state secretary of the North Carolina Christian Missionary society and 0 close friend of the late Mr. Mashburn, will give the challenge to, the church, George and Jennie Farr qf Ashville, grandchildren of Mr- Mwhbum, will unveil “the plaque, erected by the church membership. Rev. Z. B. T. Cox, present pastor, If. ww- ----- .Jl_ his retirement In the spring of 1946, will have charge of the service. At The Kiwanis Club Rev .H. L. Davis, in charge of the program at the Kiwanis program Monday night, called on a fellow minister, Rev. E. S. Coates of the Presbyterian church, who delivered an excellent, thought-provoking talk on the Golden Rule. He held it up os the one rule which would bring peace and happiness into the world. John Council Parker, a former president of the club, was welcomed as a guest. John is now a member of the Laurinburg club. WESLEYAN GUILD HOLDS PRAYER SERVICE MONDAY Several chapters of "Meditations anil Plans for the Quiet Hour” were reviewed Monday night by members of the Wesleyan Service guild of the Methodist church. Miss Lula Hardy was hostess in the home of Mrs. Louise Harris with Mrs. G. M. Holden presiding. Mrs. B. R. Fields discussed the ob servance of the quiet hour. Mrs, Hold en reviewed a portion of the study. Mrs. C. H. Flanagan, secretary, based her thoughts on the chapter, “Look ing unto Jesus”—who is set down at the right , hand of God. During the business hour the guild planned to place flowers in the church for the community Thanksgiving ser vice. The group win also provide 95 for a child at Hie Methodist orphan nsrp ® * During the social hour the hostess served hot coffee, cookies, sandwich es, cheese straws and pickles. EDGAR PUKE IS NEW THEATRE Edgar Curtis Duke of Union, 8. (X, arrived Friday to become manager of the Paramount theater, succeeding Keith Nickalson, who has been faith* ferred to Salisbury. His family will join him here fa soon as a house is available. I Be Formed In Those interested in the organiza tion of a Pitt County Historical Asso ciation are invited to meet tonight (Friday) at 7:80 in Sheppard Memo rial library, Greenville. Purpose of the organization will be to oollect and preserve history of the county. 1 Varsity Football Team Ends Season Tonight Coach Elbert Mope’s Farmville high school football team will dose the 1080 season tonight by meeting the South Edgecombe gridders in the local stadium at 8 o’clock. The Red Devils will be seeking their Erst win of the season. The team showed more spirit and fight in toe gome Friday night with La Grange than at any previous time this year. The hand will be on hand to enliven toe occasion. There will be drills and exhibitions at half-time. ATTEND YOUTH RALLY Herschel Tyson s»d Miss Trilby Smith of Bell Arthur Christian church and -Miss Edna Boone, rural worker for the Walstonburg group of Methodist churches, attended the Christian Youth rally of Eastern Ca rolina at Christ Episcopal church in Raleigh on Sunday. The rally wah sponsored ' by the recently-formed Christian Youth Council of' N. C., which is affiliated with toe United Christian Youth movement. NEGRO SCHOOL GRID TEAM WINS HOMECOMING GAME The Farmville Negro high school football team celebrated homecoming by defeating Winton, 24-21, in a very exciting game. It was the first win of the season for the team. On Thursday afternoon of this week, the locals play La Grange and again on next Wednesday the two teams play at La Grange. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. and Mrs. G, J, Wheeler pf Burlington anounce the birth of a son,’ Grady Joseph Wheeler, Jr„ in Stern-, berger Clinie, Greensboro, on Octo ber 28. Mrs. Wheeler is the former Miss Lina Edwards of Fountain. Members of .the families <wlU assent ly reunion Friday, C f\|nn§iiiA v UllliillCd At Meeting Here . The semi-annual meeting of the Quinn-County lone, Woman’s Society of Christian service, was held Wed nesday, Nov. 8, in the Pannville Methodist church. Mrs. J. Roy Wilk erson of tire Buckhom church near Kenly, rone leader, opened with a meditation. Mrs. Robert Lane of the Lebanon society responded to the welcome giv en by Mrs. B, R. fields of Earmville. Mrs. F. T. Banks of Ev&nsdale, sec retary, called the roll for reports of individual societies. Mrs. Ed Nash Warren spoke for the local group. Accompanied at the piano' by Mrs. M. V. Jones, Mrs. Bernice Turnage sang “How Beautiful upon the Moun tains,” by Barker. ' - Mrs. H, N. Howard, vice president of the Farmville society, presented baby life membership certificates to Margaret Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roderick Harris, Jimmie Har ris, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Harris, Whit Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Parker, and Rusty Liles, , son of Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Liles. It was announced that a mem bership hrs also been given for Cor delia Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis, Jr. The Stantonsburg society also announced several spe cial memberships. The presentation of promotional worn was made by Mr*. D. u Wheel er of Roanoke Rapids, who is a dis trict officer. Mrs. T. M. Maxwell of Rocky Mount, district secretary of children's work, gave suggestions for additional session studies for children. Rev. Robert W. Bradshaw of Wil son addressed the group on “Our Youth 7- Mutuisl Needs and Mutual Benefits.” At noon a brunswick stew luncheon was served in the recreation room of the church. The afternoon session .centered a round the theme, "Comef ftarry and Go.” Rev. BL L. Davis, pastor of the local church, led the worship service. The World Federation of Methodist women was presented by the Stan tonsburg society in the form of a skit. Miss Edna Boone, rural worker for the Walstonburg charge, was recog nised and spoke briefly. The report of the courtesy commit tee was given by Mrs. Ed Taylor. Rev. Davis pronounced the benedic tion. The Quima-County zone includes so. defies at Buckhorn, Elm City, Evans dale, Farmville, Horne, Kenly, Leba non, Lucama, Sandy Cross, Stantons burg, Wilson and Winstead. These

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