the town of Farmville. Appointment of Mr. Flanagan t the position, which may become in croemsgiy important unless the wa clouds can he brushed away, w& made, by Mayor Waiter B. Jones am approved by the Board of Commis sioners at the board’s regular meet ing Tuesday night The board also adopted ordinance giving Utjembers of the civil defense committee police powers in event o a real emergency or in any kind « practices or “black-outs” that migh take place during- the period «3f na tional emergency. . Other civil defease chairmen ap pointed .by Mayor Jones and approv edhy tM board were: Legal, John B Lewis; public information, J. B. Hqck tion, Doctors R. T. Williams, Charles Fitsgerald and John M. Mewfoom utilities and public works, W; A* Me tisfcs, Gilbert Whitley, Bed Styers ant Adams and J. B. Taylor; communka R. L. Spivey; ambulance, Charles S Edwards. - \ > t t rden Breaks Falls At State Bruce Darden, senior id State col lege, broke his right leg Mondaj night when he fell into a bole on th« campus. Bruce, Jay Flanagan and a friend had returned to the college earlier in the day and were on theii way to supper. Bruce suddenly dis appeared. He had fallen into a deej hole, which" was unmarked. The hole is a part of excavations being made for a new building. Darden is a patient at Rex hospital in Raleigh. His family learned of the accident Tuesday ^ftemoon when his roommate, Maynard Thorne, called Bob Darden. Watch Those Air Rifles, Says Lucas Police Chief L. T. Lucas is warning owners of air rifles to be careful with their “shooting irons” or they might find themselves involved with^_ such filings as laws and courts. Chief Lucas, who states that many street lights have been Iwoken by air rifles- in the hands of youngsters, calls on parents to urge their children to handle the rifles carefully and not wantonly destroy property or kill birds. Lucas stated that he bed received several reports that birds were being slain by boyB. He reminds that there are city laws prohibiting the shooting of birds ha city limits.. ' Then, too, there is tile ever-present danger of stray shots hitting some one in fiie eye, resulting in blind* ness, or inflicting other Beriops per sonal injuries. area from which it draws customers and tobacco growers. TKS», too, the REA has plans for erecting in Farm-1 ville a permanent office that'-will be an asset to the town. Statements by Mr. McAdams and the board that the town will do every thing in its power to help the REA echo, we believe, the Bentiments of* a majority of Farmville citizens and should go far toward erasing any doubts about hbw the town feds to ward the cooperative and its work. Difficulties experienced L by the REA to secure an adequate source of power'also throw a shadow of doubt on the assertion of those who claim the state has an abundance of power. - At a recent Kiwanis supper, one segment of the club was discussing the fine maimer in which the program chairman for the evening had pro nounced the invocation. The conver sation then drifted into other Unas: related to prayer and brought from Rev. H. L. Davis, the Methodist par son, ah account Of an experience he had during the early days of his ministry. With * welfare worker, Mr. Davis was visiting in the. home of an, under-privileged family and was asked to offer a prayer. One of the youngsters persisted in taUtingr aloud. The mother's attempts to “shush’’ the little, finally, she fcas heard to say: “Be quiet; look at the preacher.” Equafly audible was the youngster’s reply, after a brief pause: “Ain’t he ugly.” i Mrs. C. P. Baucom, chairman of file Christmas card committee, turfled in a check for 136.56. Over *90 was rea lised from sponsoring photographers during the fall, the chairman report* ed. , ; ; Mrs. Baucom, program leader, as serted that Japan has become the greatest missionary Opportunity of this generation. An able and a proud people brought to file depths of na tional humiliation, but having their hope and faith restored by a gener 4ML.^victor, are now open to #H preaching of tKe'Gbspel as they never would have been otherwise.' •':M$\ Mr#. Easley reviewed the BiWe study add dosed with pmyer. Kfteeh members enjoyed lemon bisque* coffee and toasted nuts dur ina the social hour. ■■■fi-t.: Mrs. Frank Baucom eptortoii&K* Circle 8 Monday night in the borne of Mrs. C. F, Baucom. Mrs. Allen Drake, chairman, led the Bible study and Mrs. Joe FJake had charge of the program. ' ; Mrs, James Bennett, who was wel comed as a new member,won file I cake, potato chips, pea-^ were passed during thw father ***•*****************?* peared to betfcat legislation to thi effect i* dealwble. 5|Nto» seefcUu such a Jaw,'however, thetown autho litiea will *«Ik» the shatter up with th North Caroina League of Munfcipali ties. :-v'T Mayor Walter B. Jones presided a the session, Commissioners attendin) were John M. Stansill, Claude Joyne and Ft# Moore, . .' . . -1: Three Farmville college student hare'temporarily given up the! quell tor academic, degrees in favej of Uncle Sam’s Air Poree. The three Dan Morgan, Jpcfc Willis dud Bol Morgan—enlisted in the JH* Porci test Thursday aria were assigned |i a base in Tnap.' f‘. t* Dap, the son of Mrs. D. R. Moergai and the late Sfe.‘M«^ga^ was 9 sec ond-year student at the jPeonsytoanii State college of Optometry in Ehila delphia. He attended the Universitj of North Carolina two years. . Jack is the son of Dr. and Mrs. W M. WiSis and was a .senior at Waks Forest. Boh, who is the son of Mrs. J. f Horten and the late Mr. Morgan, was a. sophpmqre it Duke university. *K* October.* - , ' Arrangement# wen incom five children: Mrs. D. S. Avery, Mrs. |P Upebdrch, L, W. and W. E. ^*W» of Canton, and aeven grand Allen of Raleigh "mid Mrs. WllHi children. Jfre. Allen was the daughter oi W. C. and Atfeta Cozart Peade. if> ; --— DOGS, RATHER THAN DEER, 1 GET HUNTERS' ATTENTION hunting About FarmviUt Peo mained for »:;**w days with her daughter, Mr* Jerome Parkins, f Rev. and Mr*. R. b" Davis. and daughter, Jean, are spending a few days with Mr. bavis* mother, Mr*. H. M. Davis, is Robbins, $ Pvt. Ottis PMe, Jr., of Lackland Field, Texas, spent Christmas day with his sent, Mrs. B.. D. Bowie, 8k. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jones and daughter, Jennifer Bath, have retain* ed from Meredian, Miss., where ihey spent the holidayswith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Blakeley. They also visited Mrs. ’ Jones’ siBter, Mrs. l* w. (jaerryi m oirnungnam, Ap. Mr, and Mrs. E. N. Petteway and sons.spent Sunday In Lake View, S. ■ i „ * Ait, W Ai~a.^n mJTtm Tfc W— Vi| Wltfl Htao* FftEwWpy 8 P&FcllISf mat and Mire. JK J Pt Bayes. >V . Misseg Mary Leah'Chome and Ag nes Quinertye liford and Be boro Tuesday they resumed in DaVis of «.J„w»athe