Alton Shirley tofevend en ig songs. Peeler, primal introduced til, who was one of the edu : . w " , . -_ snd to submit improvements. Mr. Booth emphasised the fact that their main purpose in going to Japan was to try to get the Japanese to think deeply and in a democratic way. He Mao stated that we need to better understand' other people and their problems. His ex periences in Japan were related in a very Interesting and sincere manner, and Us remarks were very worth while. At the conclusion of ids talk, Mr. March expressed Ms appreciation for a most enjoyable program. The next regular meeting of the PTA will be held on February 1 at 7:30 p. m. Recruit Dewey Hathaway, who en listed in the Air Force in November, has compelled his basic training - at Wichita*Falls, Texas, and will remain there for 28 weeks attending, the and E. Mechanics school. . ' He hi the son of Mr. and Mrs. G D. Hathaway. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Sgt. and Mrs. John A. Butte of Fort Sfll, Okla., announce the birth of a atm, Jeffery Kent, January 15, at the Fort Sill hospital. Mrs. Butte is the former Edna Taylor of'Columbia, S. C. Sgt. Butte is the son of Mrs. John Mitts of Farmrffle. lean LegMft- •• • “ - He served as co-chairman of the Red Cross drive here Iasi year. i President Waiter Jones of the Bo ary dob, President Charles Edwards >f the Kiwania dub, Commander Jack ryson of the VFW, Cmmander W. D. ureekmnr of the American Legion md Jaycee President Rouse had been seelcted by Jaycee Chairman Joe D. Foyner to take the nominations and select the recipient of the award. When Rouse and Credmrar found rat they had been nominated, they accused themselves. Sam Bandy and 2ug£s Flanagan took theirj>laces/on the committee. ' The award will be presented early in February, possibly at a Joint meet ing of all civic dobs. Manager J. L. Creech of the Coun try dob announces that the dub will to open Sunday afternoon for mem tors and their guests. Lewis, Ben Lewis and George Allen. WiMS H O NOR S ] Tom Dail Lucky to Get Out of Korea Alive ' J-I-— ■ -- - ly returns him to duty but he son to believe th*t he will be 1 to a unit, in the continental States, whose Job be t« emits. who is spending two weeki Ith his pother, Mrs, Doris 111 return to Fort Bragg hos I the end of his furlough for ie was wounded to t i refuses a medical d! be restored to duty 1 tedics say so. big in the Amy on |8, shortly after his I Farmville high Seh I to Japan in Se island maS^l IWttt wanting to «Q Wm gathers flat 1 Bked duty in the k allies. Fights tween Orisese who had been herded together aft« being taken u prisoner* ofwar. After the Chinese swarmed in and held Uw upper hand in the fighting, the North Koreans i^TfwWjaj mmA joined them ^ Dail did not oome in dwt eentaet way ttie America! was for the men theirwayback. ‘ 1 an organized wit > dseapartlyto lad to oum It is compose< u cirUam and ft twi fcttflB WM J* It > again thi*' year, i at least $1,171.64 S ahara of Pitt’* " gpw 1 ggJpijiJW L § M || | Install New Officers Officers for the new yew were in stalled by toe Usury Ruritan club at its first meeting of 1961. Newly elected officer* are: Loys May, presi dent; Bari McLawhorn, Tice presi dent; Jessie Tripp, secretary; F. J, Hemby, Jr., treasurer; W, fl. HoCrell, reporter;$£ Wooten, chaplain and song leader; tod R. T. "Bud” Forrest, w '-<>*■ - '$ v£ Sf totsnws ■ In accepting the office of presi dent ,Mr. May wpreesed hie desire to make the club even better then it has Iii i ,f |k J. P. Jo*« «nd Mj*. W Leadership conference in J^:- . ■p '■ ■" . ..W?1-,.--. j. I'.v - ■ r -- ' ;-,V - -'tf'.f > j JIlP I - in. ’ BWWtU'Al ■ L vr'f-v i-Vr?.•j'iSt'tyS':-.' •_m f-Xi i «.';•*>' li. Mr; Lw- ' Soldier Reported i. as® Cpi. tat Lee Foreman, 27-yaa*K>ld Negro soldier whose motheir, Octavia Bryant, Ins been mahiwfrber home in Farmville, has bear reported by the Army department as missing in aet, ion in Korea since December 1. Foreman's famfly mo*# to Farm ville from Greene eoontp a few weeks 50*ii>v had • letter- - .from 'Ub W0 • flwBtefo weei*bef6i®|pfistaiafc:,.i;^p;|^ Foreman, before enlisting fan Che | ' Army, Attended Show Bill school awl.-.;'•• farmed. Be served a three-year toor i» the Amy and then re-enlisted. : P[,- Mto> p^p>cal adored # ' soldlw lntoSing in action or killed in the Korean conflict. Bemdms Joyner ;#|r j was killed on Sept ?$,« " Spi&i mm lar meeting this week. Officers in stalled were aa follows; Joe D. Joy. nar, master; C. L. |Vey, senior ward en; Claude Joyner, junior warden; Joe PTake, senior deacon; Ed Nadi War* reJvBWor^con; 0. 0. Spell, secre tary; L. P. Thomas, treasurer; J. B, Briley, senior steward; Gordon Lee, junior steward; Bona# Nichols, titer; Sam D. Bandy,-d>a#aiaif ' T ' ^ W. E. Joyner, a past master of the ; lodge and ptesentte a certified testa rer for the Grand Lolge, installed the officers; retiring master, Shun Bonly, Acted as marshall. Reports given for the year's work showed an increase in membership, an increase in financial «**to8> and increase In interest, and 11 gwhter eontribotlbh tejthe Oaford; -mm: mms [iJm