Former Farmrille Contractor Dies At His Sister’s Home An Parker, 74, fonnerFermville resident, died Wednesday, January 24, at 12:30, after an extended illness, at As home of his sister, Mis. Sam & McNeely, at 2120 East Seventh street, Charlotte, where he had made his tone for the last tear yens. Funeral services were conducted Thursday morning-at the chapel of Z. A. Hovis and Son. Bev. W. Chest er Seller, pastor of tee Tenth Avenue Presbyterian church, officiated. Interment m in Willow Valley cemetery, MooresvOle. Mr. Parker was bom September 24, 1877, in Freestone county, Texas, the son of the late Wade A. and Martha Edwards Parker. He was a retired contractor and-moved to Charlotte from Farmville. He was married to fhefonner Lil lian Hynn at Fhrmville who died sev eral yean ago. Survivor* indude his sister, Mrs. McNeely; two aunts, Mrs. Belle Hous ton of Mooresvflle and lbs. Charles Kimbell of Ennis, Texas; two nieces and three nephews. . MRS. GREGORY AND SON EN ROUTE FROM GERMANY INDUCTED Sharp of Elm City mud Mrs. R. T. NorviUe weekend. ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert N children, Bobby aRd Vfckj it. L. Matthews. Mrs. O. D. Stroud and Jean Stroud visited Mrs. Carlyle Oakley last week. Rev. H. L. Davis will spend Mon day and Tuesday in Wanentan at tending a ministers’ retreat for the ®iJSI f'zsti-ir &' ■ -ssSsSS ' Mrs. Frad Sjprithlia* bees QL Her daughter,.Mrs. Tom Herring of JKI son, spent Thursday and Friday with her. , Mrs. Corinne Stilley of Elisabeth City and Mr*. Elizabeth Griffin of Swan Quarter will spend the week end with Miss Lula Forbes. Mrs. C. R. Townsend spent two days last week in Chapel Hill with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Riley. Misses Babe Williford, Betty Mor risa, Dora Mae Barrett and Dot Hath away, students at WCUNC, Greene boo, spent between-semiester holidays at their homes here. » Miss Ethel Bynum of Wilson was the dinner guest Sunday of her annt, Mrs. W. C. Holston. - .* Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lewie will spend Sunday and Monday to Ashe, ville with Mrs. Lewis’ sister, -Mrs. William a CoridlL -- Zeb Whitehurst spent tile Week end in Gredmtooro with relatives. Billy McAdams of Kinston has been ill for the past two weeks withmeas les at tim home of Ms grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Pollard return ed Tuesday from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pollard in Athens, Gs. *» Otis Taylor returned Tuesday Cram Duke hospital where hehas been a pa • . H ' *> - % ' • fc MM • a visH G. ft • mmmi girlsseem to tinive on Jhoee elose games and their fighting spirit has saved more than one game for then. Reye Hathaway led theFsnnville girls,scoring 22 points. Ha Wooten had 11 to her credit '4? At The RataryClub Tuesday night at tike Rotary dub, Sam Bandy presented a running com* mentary entitled, “Ihst Qwti fur North Carolinians about tl» Schools.” Prepared by the United Forces for Education, the program pointed out of oar local problems, now is tin time* to make our widths known. “ f Plato Bass introduced Mr. Bundy in the absence of Elbert Moye, the pro gram chairman. jfe •, Whiter Jones had as his guests Russell Foster and Jack Horne of the] Kinston club. Mr. foster discussed the matter of having Fhrmvill# as the host city in tile inter-city meeting to be held the latter part of Mfrii people the amendment would also place all personnel of the executive branch below depai der a merit system. LAWS ef the State Board of Elections were introduced in the Senate this week to mmove all on the expenditure of funds in for election, to abolish use paign literature, to bear the name of the author and piint^. ~ +i :.'/r h'.' .1 _.. to be waived in provided written consent of both de HB 120* is of an illegal search without' a war^. rant HR 115 proposes a to study the advisability of setting uniform cost bills in traffic ‘ " ‘ !5 , . LEGISLATION a^ninimura wage of state business, on February * 78 cents anhonr i* ^ iS*