FRIDAY, FBB&UARY U, .195$^ ;; Miss Mamie Davis .. Guest Speaker At ' Leg-ion Auxiliary Dr. Robert Holt, director of re ligious activities at ECTC, will apeak at the Laymen’s Day service Sunday morning at 11 o’clock in the Method ist church. David Starting, chairman of the board of stewards at Monk Memorial, teacher of the young people’s class mid MYF counsellor, will addtess Ma church Sunday evening oiy“When a Layman Worships.” The service wilT be at7:80. Mr. Starling is agriculture teacher in Walstonburg school and has madea great contribution to rural life through his vocation aid his church work. Meeting Thursday afternoon with Mrs, JLjr. Kemp, the American Leg ion auxiliary received from Mila J. H. Bynum a report stating that the atove and hot water heater, purchased by the auxiliary, had been installed in the Legion home on West Church st. Serving with Mrs, Bynum on the furnishings committee were Mrs, J. P. Jones, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Fred Thomas and the president, Mrs. W. M. Willis. Each member was requested to bring a piece of silver to the next meeting. : Mrs. Edward May, Mrs. O. <*. Spell and Mrs. J. Frank Harper were ap pointed members of the committee which will select one high school girl as a delegate to Girls state. Instead of sending two representatives as heretofore, the group will have only delegate at the 1951 session. In toe chaplain’s absence, Mrs. Har. per conducted a devotional on “Sup plies of God’s Grace,” concluding with the Lord’s prayer. Mrs. R_LeRoy Rollins, program chairman, presented Miss Mamie Dav is, who apoke on Americanism and national defense. hourbananap* cake, ice cream, nuts and coffee were served. A corsage was preaentcd to ' each ntenjher by the hostesses, Mrs. Kemp, lb*. J. L. Creedi and Mrs. J. B. Taylor. Arrangements of pink and blue hyacinths and buttercups deco rated the home. Member ACC Staff Addresses Annual Fellowship Dinn ttev. Arthur Wenger, assistant to the president of Atlantic Christian college, addressed' members of the Christian church who attended tie Brotherhood supper Wednesday night in the church social hall. His topic was “The Love ofGod Beaching to the Various ^pis of the World” Several incidents which occurred during War work with- displaced persons in Ger lany as .a chaplain; were reiatod : About 126 attended the covered dish ipper, held annually a»a phrt of the deration of the week of compas oo. The Womens fellowship Served ie supper under the direction Of the Not to Visit the •of-tewn guests h ;■ Milton, student at Wtitt VwH(, «n two of his dassn&tes, BflTHooi* ^*T Charlie Williams. - Mrs. E. W. Holmes ‘will leave Sun day for Burlington whe» She wffl teach the intermedtateclassin a Bible clinic there next week. ~ Mrs. John B. Wright. Jr., aid Mm. R. T. Williams spent Wednesday in Rocky Mount with friends and rela tives. _ ' : i Mr. and Mrs. Cedi'JehBStoa ate spending this .week in Florida. While away they planned to visit Mr. John ston’s aunt, Mm. P. P. Pferee. at St.. Augiutine. . ■''-TT '■ Mrs. John T. Thorne and Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., attended^ luncheon given Fridayin Greenvilleby Mrs. Julian White in honor of Mrs. Larry, James, Jr., the former r|$**y Thome. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Thome and Mrs. A. C, Monk, Sr, at tended a tea complimeating Mm James arid Miss lone Bradsher, with Mm. Karl Pace and Mn. Knott Proc tor = as hostesses in the latter’s home, - John) Banks Yelverton of Fremont was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis. / C. A. Mozingo will spend the week end In Charlotte. and Mrs. Cfecil ModMn, JrM and (hiaghteM of Petersteug, Va^ were with rdatives.. i | ’■«£ tad student a% State eoAeV. at Rex hospital in Raleigh, and Jane Kittrell of , Washington, D. C., are fcancy KittrMi spent and Mm Q^B. ^ntRh and Mr.had Mr*. W. $. /ones, a* UtCnm$i ta, .n Mr. and Mra. George h. Cooke, Mrs. George W. Toll and Mrs. Ruby Ter of F«J*H?4«m were RUMt8 Sun day of Mr. and Mm. James Hockaday. With Servicemen IM. Ndson Brook. Osllsy is Ma tioned with the 101st Airborne divis ion at Ceng* Breckenridge, Ky. Mis address is US 53009950, T>fc M, SOS A.- B. N. Inf. Reg., lOlst Ahhorne Division, Cainp Breckenridge; Ky, 4tt■;vf/vt f? in Korea since September with the Third division, spent a five-day leave early this month with his wife, .Mrs. Rosa MMMiyii#: jtvi Bill Ci$ekm«r, X|il] Candler and the president, Bobby Bouse, will investi gate the possibilities of sponsoring a hea»ty contest, the winner of which .would compete f«i the title of Miss ftm^dibUna. to tht Coastal from five high mission will be 25 and 60 cents. Since the teams do not compete their conference schedules until .to n!*H',tfc« pairings cannot be made ■■ w'fSb sixth of a series of weekly summrnrias of the warifof the lfSt General Assembly. Prepared by the Institute of Government, it Is ooft fined to discussion* ofmlatters of gen oral interest and major importance.) . i Ilespitea marked inereaee^Jn acti vity in eaCh house, the progress of $n~0eM0|| Assembly etui act 7 bo' fatwwa ' I^ta ■ v* W --IT ■ . J 1 I** * ■ ■s than 20% ©faliMls introduced ksm hwW Wtf ud MMlt one could be termed-significant legis lotion. While legislative hostility te wa*d the ,g*Te**°r’» program has beenasaumedby mast observer*, only SenjMp' action on state aid for efty^ streets could bo tamed revealing. Whether ^governor's radio appeal to the people will strengthen legisla tive support for Ido program manias to be determined. ' STATE AID FOB CITY SHUtHTf Governor Scott's radio Address on Friday night left no doubt that he favors state aid for dtjT streets if financed by new revenues as recom mended by the ^tate-Xwdcapai Roads Commission, but be i* opposed to #* version of existing highway revenues for this purpose. The Senate has passed Senate Sill 120 which, as a mendedf would give the cities We of the present gas tax and place streets forming links in the. state primary and secondary road systems under the Highway Commission. This action, the governor charges, is false economy,: will weaken the primary highway sys tem, might undermine the rating of North Carolina securities, and wilt not provide a permanent solution el the street problem. While the governor does not advocate submitting a tax In crease to the people, with the MH secondary road bond issue as a prece dent, he has said he is not afMd to carry it to the people. -' 1*1 With SB 120 on its Wap; to the House, the strength of the governor's position hTdue for a positive test. The House finance committee has aheady.fl voted to xep&rt unfavorably House BiU 262 which would place exclusive reaponafhiQty for all city streets in the Highway Commission if a lc gat, tax increase were approved by Hie votetB. ;ItnoW^as bpfors-1t HB 331 «rf WiiWW t«K» to citieh would increase the gas tax by f wSOs, and would give the Highway Com mission , responsibility tor all' afrrsrta forminsr links in the nrimarv and secondsiyroed systems, all InnfciB There are reports that the smaller I Activities Of Local Church Organization* B liijttlHM i||T' Si *•' IBff? pHrffHWftMigfPF iwl theoitia L %Ljk«^:4 ifWTK * •':'- • . ‘ #*** jg.ll.-i. .. l.' &s$ ’.£: • ■ 5-: \.: ■■ ^7» # : .■ ft . ■■ -n . - ^£4;-/>yi.65ii.)&■, ■p th ■■ . .>:%;. .:• r :' ■ ■ . An Evangelistic Youth FeUowship 7:80 in tha Walatoetan **rtfcCont-| O ** ~y*' The theme fat the, meeting will 1m “The Kingdom of God la at Hand.” Thai* will bo a geepel eing»a drama Itiodwolrahlp woke and a period of BatU taaoie rendered lit a'- Math? - ■ -;Jf ifii ■ " J ><' *** ’ .•''/■ ’'■-.^ f‘ .: ' ^ . /yr UC.'; W« •w!0BH®y Witt' D® MfKtYt I ;^:rlp Dewey Tjedn* a 1 ■-. l ' Mi The ktOadUp was Hold oa Deetmber SMewt wndii wfll >Hmd the outdo* W» non-denomin*. - tioaa, inteiseoimmtni^r eoterprim to ffi I help meet tfeaapfeitaal needs of jooHfc^ um am £ ?cJ hr &ndted to attend and Ohara W of Christen Fellowdilp.