Tjw i5$— s City will belong leader. J. R. She* la of Farmville wiU be the pianist. O the New ? , "If .Vii j,iT # si^^ais Wi flip af-ftr Wlfcfairi in f*ni imlln ■ im-IHl Ilf’ sail 1- Q^A jjfawflw £e«* vil, wtemkk -tape.- a,*aM VyJ ip ' . r • " Pvt Shelby A. Roebuck, 26530016, (try. % 690th. f. A. Bit (N. G.) Sort Campbell,"JSy. •'“••I. •'•'>•;• r-; Pvt Wilbur I. Bennett, AF14381660 702 TS FTight 874, Lackland A. H San Antonio, Texas, DtsuwttJ d» lived & Earmville before moving » Washington with bis$|zenta, Bik lad Mrs. L.B. Bewtteartla a tgi^ t Washington high: e >ined tfae Air ^roe^hjinliaiy."^ Pvt Daniel 1078876, Go. M, S. C. The address m Is AP440H I, Brooks AJ TO BE schools,;H*I tothi oflasiteeefe Floweri of the Easter season w W. - „ ' ’ tan >^r' s%fek . ^ «■■ .-■•■=.• • • *8 V •Ijl^ ft* P* sp$ HnHHHHMMPl . :.■. on &*• Tmmm, ■ Mar-Hips ©ougles Kemp and Braes Otwdefc, deniors at Slate cotkse. soent their spring holidays on tour. Douglas, j£ «*w»or is electrical engineering, went with W» class to New York. Julia Satterthwaite, student at iHao college, spent th« holidays vis iting in Asheville. ^ ^ : f? At ^ipIlSliiid coDane, Elsie, bio, iil» many firm fiuui ■t take trips, went ts Wto i the week end of liavcli 'lip. to their MB* Bobext. and w£*jP)PR|PIM* «etr auijtt'iue returned Swafey night and