- ej \ *! Tfce day's program will be ciimtut ad witb a dance. Then* will be round dancingaad square dancing. ..While an explanation of Fanners D*y plans constituted an important part of the dinner meeting, it was far from being the whole show. President Joyner introduced font high school stndenta — Jackie WiUh ford, Wiila Rae Harper, Carolyn Roe buck and Robert Everette Roebuck— who presented musical numbers and Ernest Petteway supervised the pro sentation of several prises. Secretary Prod Moore summarized the work of the group during the year and oatHaed some of the trade pro motion events that had been carried oat Special guests were Badges John son and W. TV Kiser, president and manager, respectively, of the; Green ville Chamber of Commerce. * Horton Rountree had an his guest his father-in-law, Ralph Lets of Ohio, and Charlie ■ Baucom was Hie guest of hauy Jobaaea. % Prank Allen introduced Mr. Bundy. town primary on Tuesday, May 1. Joyner and Spell are com|$ettag their first terms on the board. Stanaiil has served in that for more than a dozen years. Commissioner Boland hang, J*»'S definitely will not be a The fifth member of the board, Fred C. Moore, i# still straddle the fence, as to which course he will Friends of,Moore are trytaf persuade him to miter the race, Itojmanot yet stated that he -f„ .——r