NUJSBKSt tion. Cash prizes, large enough to: attract many contestants, are being offered. The winner is to receive flOO in eahh; the runner-up gets $50 and third-place winner $25. - || cauii u. oujjuy, cuairman of tne steering committee, anticipates tmu several oahos from iugn scnoois in nearoy communities wui participate in the parade and musical programs tnafc have been scheduled. The tentative outline of the after noon's program follows: 1:30 p. m.—-Parade (ends at Monks Wantionse). 2:30—Float Awards. 8:00—.Band (music interlude). \ ' 8:1$—-Address by Agrioulure Com missioner BaHentine. : 8:46—Band Concert. 4:15—gtage show and entertain ment. r.m—tfand concert, announcements 7:3ft—Entertainment (hill billy mu sic, comedy). * 8:15—Beauty contest and awards. 8:46—General prises. ftilft-^Bound and square dancing at Monks Warehouse ’tU midnight. All of the events will be held in Monks Warehouse. And all program e> are free to the public. In fact, spon aors will be disappointed if the place is not packed. i'reswent Eli Joyner, Jr, of (he SUPERIOR COURT J orENSMONUAl penor Court Monday morning. rV' The 'week’s work will be devoted to hearing criminal cases. Only one <*8© is stated to go before the grand jury, it involves an auto larceny charge agate* Ernest Moore. Cases calendared for trial follow: Monday, April 16 :V; C. A. Underwood and George HiH, perjury; William Andrews, Van Page, Irvin Brady and Jim Jenkins, lar ceny; James Jputher Ridley and Ef fie Brown, breaking, entering and laraphy; Walter Moore, drunken driv ing. •' ;* ■ SlJ^C -Tnesday . ' Mrs. R. LeRey Rollins at Mr. and Mrs. Marvin B, Mewbom and children spent last week end with •Mr. and Mia. Joe l>. Mewboro in xxewport News, Vty Mr. and Mil iifoest Petteway and children spent Sunday in’Sear Bern with Mr. and Mrs. M. L, Skjnner. Mrs. Hubert Pate at Kinston, Mrs, & X*, Petteway and M». J. M. Mew bom attended an alumnae meeting or the Nursing scnooip* James Wauter Memorial hospital in Wilmington Sat urday. ,, Mrs.' W. L. Blalock of <3oldaWro is spending aeverap days with her' da^hter, ifinL Layne Koberts» P Mrs, Harry Harper, Mr. and Mr# Jack Gates of Greenville and Mr*. R A. Fields visited Carl Joyner, who has been seriously ill, in CUnton, Sun day. Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. B, R. and children of. Greenville were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones, who had as their week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. David Jones of Pinetops. > Dr. Marguerite Kersey and children, Marguerite and 'Bill, , Pvt Roland Wooten of Port Jack* son, ^S. C, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Wo j