The FarmviUe band committee ' t*T*"*g ml appeal for ftwi t rib*1 ,4 large or amaii, to assist the band in taking a trip to-ttte Shennandoah Ap 1 pie BSosaom festival in Winchester, Va., May 3 and 4. The committee has raised $166.72 by three paper drives hot, since the drive butt week netted only $15.22, it is extremely doubtful that the ' "'S# Parents of bind members agreed to contribute $180 of the $452.76 rent on the taw bases which will carry the band. $174 of that amount is already band, f The invitation for «h? local band to participate in the festival is an honor. The top-notch Elizabeth City band was the indy other North Caro lina hand selected for the festival which invites bands from as far away as California. ‘ At a caaea meeting of the PXa I to pro vide $125 for overnight the 46 members at a motel b Front Boyal, V*. Previously, bands have ased cots loaned by the government. The Front Boyal Chamber of Com merce sad town officials have asked the band mailed to Bead M of v? ' Up* -^Sr About TarmvHk People Mr*, fifibeit Dixon attended an alomni banquet at East Carolina eol 4Qas Bosa Williams has returned from Norfolk,, Va., where she spent a few days with her water, Mre. B. Ia. Woods, who is critically ilL Mr. and Mng.«9ubertDixon and sons, Louis of Witan, and .Robert of Erwin, visited friends in Hdrnett and Cumberland counties Sunday. ■; Mrs. fSteeca Bason of Norfolk, Va, spent Sunday with her son, John Eason, m Easons and their guest visited Mrs. (||dt Core of Selma.a patient in a Wilson hospital, in the l&s. T. B. Hedges of Washington »|M»t Him Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Royster spent the week end in Richmond, Va. Mis. B. G. Barrett returned Suar day from a visit to her daugther, Mat Wood, in Darlington, Vt. Mr. and Mr*. Theodore Moore, R. G. Barrett and Miss Hasel Barrett met her in Washington, Josh Dixon spent Sundayin mingtonwith his sister„ Mrs. Wallace. , *■* namuy and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. ht Portsmouth ~ and Norfott^Va. S«ude May Davis, who has been ill for several months, re-entered Park View hospital, Rocky Mount, Friday7 Barrett of Dunn and student at East Ca „ HP aitwt: Hie week., end their mother, Mbs. John S. "Bmr Prt. James Earl Corbett, who ip stationedat Camp Breckenridge, 8&, has quaiaied for leadership trainhtg. Thesottof Mr. and Hn. Lee Corbett, he entered the Army in September. - His address is US 68009951, Co. F, x&rBiL, 63rd Aha. Inf. Eegt., 201st Aim. Dir. “ g CpL and Mrs, Marvin Cobb of Port Campbell, Ky., will spend the week Pgltafe. : ’<* " - .4’ ; ’ ' ' •$ ,'levend National Guardsmen, fo doling 8ft Willie Graj Allen, Jr., CMjr Harris, Pfc. ChaHes Hinson and Pvt. Mack Mills, whoare alsost fbfrt Campbell, speed the w»ekendheie.Mm. AHen and son, Daryl, aooompanier %t Al len and are remaining lorn long v* Pvt.. Roland Wooten spent fee Week end withhisparent* Mr. and Mrs. W!. C, Wooten. Pvt George pooten was the week end gaeef^ghis'patv ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. AlWootem. Pvt ftjgt'Holloman visited his parents, Mr. sad Mrs. J. A0 Holloman of hear Maury, during the week end. All are stationed at Fort Jackson; & C. . WPk- Sherrodd B. Mnrphrey, son oi Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Murphrey.fUrate 1, Farmville, has been stationed Newfoundland for the past seven weeks. He wta drafted fit September and took his basic training at C*mp rrmat FINALS r- Vila ® *■•** MMs HHW banquet at the DAB chan ■i# #i ftuwnrflk and nill end fatf J$ with an addwae by fir. ay Uacttar,' mMent ofAtla hrirfaa edilagh, -WflWL .,;r The program follow#* idMj la the second dcraitmapt of theyoar on the Norfolk- Soatlierai railroad, 11 frebtt cars tumbled find the tricks one end a half miles we* of Furm ▼01* Wedasaday afternoon about 12^0. TO® trades were cleared by :«Vctodc ycstwdhy morefaqr-flad the first train passed as hoar later. It wan last Afifi that 20 ears woe badly damaged tn a derailment three miles easts#Jfcmville. fof ChfttiOtte. left FarmviHe at 12:86. ifc* 29th ear from file engine mm the firetto au^fthfc6ader£^;*ttBd ■ aS*W»e; ■ WniaalfilaylC . yfatr which caused the trade 'tehuddc. No ops was hurt, none of the cam broke Mi& and there was very little damatfo to the contents, lit a serious accident near Wsshingt January, 14 cars were damaged. A wiemag crew amved from «* leigh about 2 o’clock Wednesday night and another came from Norfolk at 4 o’dodt Thursday mondn*. Ironically, a repair crew was work ing a little west of the scene of die program a sauxm, and an air mm-imbtmtMta m j WW** »■* »**' certain to cttr largo number of viaitor*. Date *? ****** givm i